(2007/09) September 2007 MTBs

Hi mommies

Can someone advice how much milk should a 6 wks old b taking, cos my baby is taking 100 - 110 ml. When should i increase the vol. and hw do i know shes not taking enuf.

My take for yao lan ... it may be easy for you now but when it's time to wean him/her off, it's hard! And you probably might have a hard time coaxing him/her to sleep in the cot/bed next time. I had the same experience with my gal though she only sleep in yao lan at my in-laws' place from Mon-Wed and not everyday.
rxsti, my baby is 6 weeks also (born on 5 Sep) and I just realised he's drinking 160ml every 3 hours (all the while I thought it's 130-140ml cos the Avent small bottle only has markings up to 125ml ... went to "test" and realise to the brim is actually 160ml).

Think ideally should be about 130-140ml ... mine drink too much I think.
bena.. ur boy is gainin weight well!!

my gal is almost 7 weeks.. lookin forward to the 3rd mth where she can sleep thru....

the other day when my hb was feedin our bb.. she pushed the bottle away with her hand when she had enuf.. we are so surprised!! ahahah..

peapod, on the cryin and struggling part.. i think they are sleepy and hungry but yet they wan to drink.. hahha.. my gal also like tat.. when she do tat i'll take her off the bottle or my breast and burp her.. sometimes it can be gas also.. sometimes aft burpin she'll sleep.. if she's still cranky at the bottle or the breast.. then its jus plain crankiness..
crying without a reason could be due to colic. apparently some bbs get it (between 3wks to 3mths).

They just cry without a reason then suddenly at the end of 3 mths, this prob just goes away.
Hi <font color="0000ff">Pillow</font>..

My boy is taking 100ml/feed. During the day, he needs to be feed every 2.5hr to 3hr. At night, its about 3hr to 4hr. Total 8 feedings per day (estimated 800ml per day)..

What abt ur baby? My baby is about 4.5kg now (5 weeks old)..
Hi <font color="0000ff">Bena</font> & <font color="0000ff">Peapod</font>..

I resisted to use 'yao lan'... I know that its the easiest way to bring baby to sleep.. but the con is your baby will have difficulty sleeping without it in future.. When you travel, you have to bring the 'yao lan' along... My main concern is that the infant care doesnt use 'yao lan', so my baby will definitely run into problem when I send him there next month..
Hi <font color="0000ff">Bena</font>..
You r really a great mum! Having been through so much from pregnancy to motherhood, you are still as tough and able to TBF your baby.

I feel that I am lucky bcos my pregnancy was smooth & my delivery was rather painless.. Thank God!

But at the same time, I feel that I am not doing a great job cos not able to BF longer. At the 3rd week, my boy suddenly resisted my BM. He vomitted each time he drank BM. I tried mixing just 1oz into FM, and he also vomit. I rather 'heart-pain' to see him vomitting, so I just stopped giving him BM.
Emily - u sending your bb to infant care? Me too.

Which infant care you sending to? Mine's at harbourfront.
Dear mummies..

I did a price comparison between various kind of diapers (see table below)..


I have tried the following brands:

1. Pampers New Baby: Very good! Cottony soft, no leakage and baby seems comfy with it. But it is costly.

2. Drypers: Cheap. Leaks when use overnight. Baby developed nappy rash after using it. Feels hard esp on the thigh area.

3. Fitti: Cheap too. Feels soft, no leakage. A bit heavy after a few urine.

4. Mamy Poko: Just started using it. Quality is as good as Pampers. Soft, no leakage. Will consider to continue using it if no rashes observed within the next few days.

What kind of diapers are you using for your baby? care to share?
I'm always for Mamy Poko!

During my elder gal's time, I've also tried many brands. Recommend NTUC brand for day use and Mamy Poko for night use! NTUC is cheap and good ... can last 4-6 hours in the day! For night, sometimes it may leak so better use Mamy Poko.
Actually he's still skinny looking. You'll see when we meet
By then Faith would probably be double his size

How heavy is your baby? Maybe she's larger than average and requires more? Funny thing is my baby is small yet eats alot. A little "Jia Liao Bi".

Thank you. Actually I'm really blessed by some forum mummies here who gave me great emotional support when I was really down. I hope that when any mummies feel down due to any big or small set backs, they can look at me and be assured that things will somehow improve over time.. just persevere and trust God.

As for FM or BM, I don't think not giving baby BM makes anyone a lesser mum at all. I guess 3-6 months down the road when baby starts taking solids, BM or FM doesn't matter so much anymore
You've done what you know is best for baby

I use Mamy Poko NB and S for my baby. I've tried Drypers but disliked it as it leaks and cuts my son's and my skin. I've tried Pampers NB too and find it soft and lightweight.

Yaolan - I think I'll stick with it.. can't cope with baby at home alone
I just wonder if it helps talking to baby in a soothing way when you nurse him in the day? I tried it today and it seemed to work a little. Sometimes I feel that baby is a little tense when nursing and hearing our voice calms him down. Hey don't you think you need some privacy when nursing baby? MIL actually chiong into the room?!!

I know what you mean when you say you wish you can express like the rest. I was telling blueskye I am deciding on whether I should switch to total EBM but am also worried I can't express out enough for baby. No doubt latching on is really a great experience, but it really takes a toil on my body and I dunno if I can endure much further with almost total latch on.

You know I read somewhere that if you express 2 Oz, baby is actually taking 3-4 Oz cuz baby is a much more efficient extractor of milk. Wah if that's true those mummies who can extract alot really must have alot of supply!
Wow.. Emily...

Thanks for sharing the comparison.

JTS my testing of diapers

Pampers New Baby- Last thru the nite but too ex.
Mamy Poko- Last thru the nite and think will be using for nite time
Nepia- Last around 6 hrs but cannot last thru the nite for my baby but its comfy and soft.
Pampers Baby Dry- Last around 4-6 hours. Soft but Exp a few encounters of leak.
Pureen- Baby got rashes
Drypers- 2 hrs my baby have to change diaper liao
Huggies Dry- Last 4 hrs. A bit tight at the front.

Wana try Pet Pet and NTUC. Any furthur comments?
BTW anyone using Friso?

Got 1 can free from the supplier and she's offering me buy 5 get 1 free. Not sure if its good.

Any comments?
Bena, my baby is a "he" lah ... got an older gal who's 3 years old.

He's not very big actually ... last PD visit at 1 month was 4.67 kg. But compared to his birth weight of 3.015 kg, PD said he gained alot lah.
Puppygal, NTUC is not bad for its price. I recommend for day use if you all not using cloth diapers. But think NTUC don't have small size. Have to wait for your babies to grow bigger than start. Pet Pet last time my gal also got try before ... that was before they changed the packaging. Many people commented the new packaging one not as absorbent as before, and recommended NTUC instead. That time upon hearing that, I went to switch ... true enough, NTUC one proved to be better and it's cheaper!
Hi Mommies...,

I'm back at my mum's place after taking care of bb all by myself for 2 days at my place...only 2 days and i'm oredi like a zombie...
Luckily my PIL went overseas for holidays....if not, i dun think i can "seek refuge" at my mum's place...
Haiz...i feel so bad...i can't even handle my own baby by myself...and my BM supply is turning from bad to worst...my boobs r so tender now...can only pumped 90ml to 120ml a day... =(
which is only sufficient for one feed a day.., the rest is all FM...

As for my hubby, things r also turning from bad to worst...i'm feeling more and more "cold" towards him...suddenly there's like this huge gap between us...he's always busy in his work and i'm always busy wif the baby...i even feel tat he's dispensable...,tat my baby and i dun need him at all... =(

Your baby is born on the same day as mine,rite? 15sept? I have been using Mamypoko NB...coz my sis's bf working as a distributor for Mamypoko..he's able to get it at S$20 for 75pieces!
Re: diapers,

i use fitti and petpet and mamy poko pull-ups for my older boy. Am very satisfied with these 3 brands so will prob use these 3 for my bb when's be bigger also.

Bb is currently using Pampers NB.

Tired quite a few. For me, huggies was quite chiak lat - gave my older boy abrasion along his thigh (the stick-on portion). The cutting of the huggies diaper not very good - but also not sure if its becos my older got big thighs! N this is not due to using a smaller diaper cos we actually tried across various sizes.
Eh BeBeNg, since you got cheap Mamy Poko diapers lobang, you can organise a Bulk Purchase for us? Heeee ... then all of us can save $$$!

Yoz gal... hope you are feeling ok. Maybe you could try toking to your hubby and voice your unhappiness. It may help.

Felt very down when i had my 1st kid also. And i literally drag HB out of bed (cos he complain he was tired after a hard day's wk) to sit down and tok. and after toking, i felt much better.

Dont be "cold" k? Communication is the key.
BebeNg, why don't you try the reverse method? When baby cry...you pretend never hear...and let your hubby pick and sooth baby, see if it works.
You must sit down and have a talk with hubby and drill into his brain that baby belongs to both of you and not just you and he has a responsibility to care for baby too.
Hi <font color="0000ff">blueskye</font>..

I m indeed quite satisfied with Mamy Poko. No leakage found last night.

Regarding NTUC brand, its my HB's fave brand! He loves stuff from NTUC simply bcos they r cheaper. I read a lot of bad reviews in forum abt NTUC diapers though.
hey bebe, same here.. my breasts are so tender and soft too.. at least u still can pump out tat amt.. sometimes i can only managed to pump out only 60mls aft a whole day...
ya... try to communicate with ur hb.. let him noe how u're feelin.. vent it out instead of keepin it to urself..
vicki is rite.. communication is the key..
i'm using mamy poko in the day and pampers new baby(both size s) at nite.. tried pet pet, huggies and drypers and i hate it... these 3 brands are so heavy aft a few urine and bb seems uncomfy in it..
Emily, no leh ... I'm a happy customer for NTUC diapers. My gal's been using it since 1 year+ till now 3 years old still using it for afternoon naps (cos I scared she pee in her sleep) ... haha.
Hi <font color="0000ff">BeBeNg</font>..
My son was born on 11 Sept

Hi <font color="0000ff">puppygal</font>..
I agree, Drypers sucks.. I have a pack of 64pcs, I used less than 10pcs, dunno what to do with the balance.. Feels like very uncomfortable, dunno whether want to continue using it on my son..

I have 3 months supply of diapers now (Pampers, Drypers & MamyPoko).. gifts from family & friends..
Hi <font color="0000ff">blueskye</font>..
If I convey yr message to my HB, he will be super delighted.. he keep asking me to buy the NTUC diapers, but I told him no NB and S size, so kenot buy... hee...
emily, yalor.. drypers sucks!!! and i have 2 new packs of 64 pcs at home!! got it durin the full mth.. i've put it online to sell though... hhaaha..
Hi <font color="0000ff">pinkyj</font>..
Yeah, I dun like it also.. Since yours r unopened, you can try to sell them online..
Hi <font color="0000ff">BeBeNg</font>..
Dun let yr imagination runs wild.. I used to be 'cold' towards my HB too... Then we had a big quarrel and sort things out... I used to think that I can live without him, and I rather have my baby.... I even thought of bringing baby to my hometown in Msia for 2 months until I start work again..

Try to calm down and sort out yr thinkings... Let him take some of the responsibilities from you..... I m sure he would love it, as he loves ur baby as much as u....
hey em, me currently using drypers leh, initially find it ok, no leakage on bb but now found that there are some red marks on his thighs and i told hubby better to switch to another brand soon. He is the one who bought drypers and then hor, my sis bought another pkge of drypers for us! Am also using Nepia as well.

As for Mammy Poko, i find that the back of the diaper is very sexy(low cut) and i always scare will leak, cos' i change diaper every 4-5hrly only, after feeds, sometimes 8hrs then change(night time)...lazy mummy..heeheee!
voice, hahah... so far no leakage from mamy poko.. but suprisingly pampers is the wan tat leaked a few times.. my hb kenna from it.. twice is the sai.. then once is the pee.. whahaha
BeBeNg, sometimes men take longer time to "get used to" and be close to the new member ... afterall, baby's in our tummy for 9 months so of cos we will feel more towards him/her. Give your hubby more time ... and of cos, voice out to him your unhappiness so that he knows.

Last time my hubby also don't like kids one ... but slowly, he becomes closer and closer to my gal liao. Now with the younger one, he's also not yet established that close relations to him yet ... cos maybe now baby still can't really play. My hubby still seems to pay more attention to my elder one.

Give him more time ... next time your baby can play already I'm sure your hubby will be closer.

I am using MammyPoko currently. Find it quite good. Can last the night for my baby. Also tried Nepia which is ok also but i find it bigger than MummyPoko so I kept the package for use later.

Hi BebeNg, I also had a melt-down yesterday. I was feeling so 'out-of-control' with my baby, like such a useless mother. Whenever he cries, i will feel helpless and frustrated. And I felt that all the books that I read is useless cos' I can't put the knowledge to use at all. Reason being my MIL is the main caretaker while I am only responsible for feeding. And the worst thing is that with his crying and screaming during every feed, I can't even do that role properly. Very sad.

So last night I was very upset with hubby over the yaolan business. It is as if it is another evidence of my 'no control'. I am forced to use it even though I am really reluctant.

Sigh, but I forced myself to calm down. I told myself that babyhood is only a phase and will pass whereas my relationship with hubby is permanent and nothing is worth damaging it. Next time my baby will grow up and we will be left with each other again.
may i check with u mommies.. wat time does ur bb sleep at nite and wat time they wake up in the morning? mine will start to make some noise at abt 5 plus or 6 plus then will be fully awake by 7.30 or 8...
Hi <font color="0000ff">Voice</font>..
Yeah, I saw the red marks on my baby's thigh too after using Drypers.. i think the edges r rather stiff, thus causing the red marks.. furthermore, he got nappy rashes too.. so i stopped drypers on him...

During the day, I change nappy every 4-5 hours. Before he sleep, I will change his nappy (8pm).. During the night, I also never change his nappy leh.. cos he fall to sleep after feed, i dun wan to wake him to change nappy... so the next change will be the 6am/7am feed...

I tried MamyPoko last night, no leakage
Hi <font color="0000ff">pinkyj</font>..

My boy sleeps at 8pm.. he oso make some noise at abt 6am after the morning feed, but goes back to sleep after we ignore him... then fully wake up between 7am - 8am..
Atinarin, ok lah ... buy those 0.5 litres one can already. Like wiselyn mentioned, if you find bulky, you can always get hot water from restaurants but one thing you need to be prepared ... you can't be sure if their water is "clean".
hi emily, my bb was 4.75kg, when last weighed on Monday. he takes around 110ml per feed. in the day, usually 2 hours interval, at nite can stretch till 3 hours. but these days, i latch more, so not sure abt his total qty per day.
My boy's feeding pattern in the night quite stablised now. Will feed him between 11.30 pm - 12.30 am before I sleep (depending on what time I sleep). Then he usually wakes up around 4 - 4.30 am for another feed and then around 7 - 7.30 am for the next feed.
Hi <font color="0000ff">peapod</font>..

Why dun you be the main caretaker of ur baby, and let ur MIL be the helper instead? Then, you can make the decisions for ur baby, i.e. whether to use yaolan or not etc...

During the first 2 weeks of my confinement, my mum is the main person taking care of baby. I cant soothe my baby when he is crying. I feel useless cos I need my mum's help to pacify him. After the 2 weeks, I slowly take over and be the main caretaker... now I gained some confidence and are able to handle my baby's crankiness...

Actually, our baby can recognise our voice & smell.. being the one closest to him now, he will stop crying whenever I hold him, caress him and talk to him...

The other day, he was crying when my PIL r around... My MIL carried him, but he still cry.. when she passed him to me, he stopped crying... its miracle though!
emily, mine will whimper and cry abit.. then when nobody goes to her.. then she will start to cry loudly... like this mornin, she started to ek ek ek at 5 plus.. then we have to keep wakin up to pat her and carry her... tired man...

atinarin, ya.. jus get a small wan will do.. i bot one from metro at $28.. think its 0.35L cos hot water u need only a bit to make the milk..
blueskye, did u put ur boy through a routine? my gal's routine is also roughly stabilze lah.. she will normally sleep abt 8 plus then wakes up for a feed at 11 or 12 plus then will wake up again in 2 to 3 hour for a feed...
hi peapod, like you i also cried buckets yesterday...so tired and also fed up with the crying and don't know what he wants. I hope this phase of 'dont' know cry for what' will pass soon! My hubby always assure me, 'me first, baby second' cos' baby is an extension of the 2 of us. I'm also to be reminded that baby is a blessing to us and not a curse cos' sometimes i will look at baby and feels so hopeless and sad that i don't have freedom anymore and that why in the first place want to have a baby eh! No point regretting, just have to look forward.
Hi <font color="0000ff">Voice</font>..
For me, baby first, hubby second.. hee

I love my baby so much... my HB sometimes get quite jealous too... haha!

voice, i understand the feelin... the first 2 weeks without the cl was a nitemare.. i'll always call my hb to take half day and come home.. then there was one nite when i was jus sittin down to take my dinner my gal started cryin.. i tried all ways to pacify her but she jus cannot stop cryin.. ended up i cry and feed her at the same time.. then when she finally sleep i went to the kitchen and sat on a stool and cry.. thinkin.."wat on earth did i want a baby for??" then by then my appetite for dinner also die liao.. i sat down there and cry till my hb came back... now its better.. though she still have the dunno cry for wat crying... i always try my best and ask God to help me through... there are still time when i also feel very frustrated lah.. all part and parcel of motherhood...
