(2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

wow the kids are pretty affectionate to each other, alicia not like that leh..even she go childcare she don wana socialise with other kids. keep sticking with the adults or teachers..ask for hug hug she can say bu yao and shake her head.

nining i tt u $15 liao
Transaction Reference 2391552762
Same as Nining, I usually do not intefere unless the kids get rough with my little petite girl.. other than that just leave them to play hehehe
Is TMC still restrict the no. of visitor now? Did rouxi get to see u in the hospital? Any visiting hr for hb?
on that day we will paste labels on ourself ya so others can identify us.. just to make sure no unwanted situation when outsider join the party or something like that.. who knows..

ok I received.. thanks
<font color="ff0088">so can I ask for the daddies..
wat they write huh?
e.g. Tricia's daddy or zhuzhu dh..?

ya, still restricted, but for hb and parents, can visit anytime, kids can also and wont count to the no of visitors.

for outsider visitors at most 2 each time from 12 to 2:30pm and 6 to 8:30pm.

thanks for the advise, today went to check up at TMC, PD advise the same thing, try to put her in the brightest room at day time and night time put her in dark room. he said 90% of nb has this prob and need 1 month to adjust. lucky last time she's not that bad, at least let me sleep 2 hours then wake up.

I saw another you again yesterday at Science Canteen!


Time: tentatively 9th Aug lunch time 11 am - 12.30pm
Venue: MAc D - King Albert Park
Cost: TBA (cake &amp; Mac D party pack S$9 / kid - 12 kids min)
issit? how come u neverr call me? Call me lah. i blur blur one. Cos meeting client mah. I look v stone hor? Cos been throu meetings after meetings in mornings.
Nolar, the one i saw is not the real you la, the pirated one.
U meant u were in Sci Centeen yesterday for lunch as well?
Got to buy a gift for exchange hor, price $10-12. Pay to nining
happy birthday to all aug kiddos, enjoy your party!!

apuppy: we bring the kiddos downstairs to play more often lah, then alicia will open up more! Sam needs a playmate too...
Hi Nining,

Trf done!!
To Account POSB Savings
109-32411-6 Nining
Amount S$42.30
Transaction Reference 2392877410

thanks for informing me
Sunbloom here is the detail. Pls read everything cos got detail on bday gift exchange also..

$2 / cupcake x how many pax (incl kiddos)
+ $9 Mc D package kids meal
+ 27.27 if you're taking photographer share..

Later I will recalculate and reimburse balance but now can follow this calc better hahaha.. I blurr oredi..


Time: 9th Aug lunch time 11 am - 12.30pm
Venue: MAc D - King Albert Park
Cost: TBA (cake &amp; Mac D party pack S$9 / kid - 12 kids min)

Kiddy meal - can choose on that day
party hat
2 x games
goodie bags for kids
1x gift for the birthday child --> not exchangeable so we will draw it and the winner will take it..

CAKE - cupcakes from MY CREATIONS www.debyprabawa.blogspot.com - currently ordering 50 pcs with fondant figurines

* buy a unisex gift, value $10-12
* please write mommy's SMH nick and kid's name on the back.

According to presents received on that day then Jete will arrange the exchange. Don't want to assign who buy present for who now, if not if one kid doesn't show up that day, then another kid will go home empty handed.

Party Sign Up

1. Nining (2)+ 1
2. Jete (2)+ 1
3. Mel -- (2)+1 - edd 16 Sept
4. Loh - (2)+1 - edd 27 aug
5. COla (3) + 1
6. Jang (2)+ 1
7. Ivy (2) + 1
8. Chatty (2)+1
9. Muddypie (2)+1
10. Choco (1)+1
11. Zhuzhu (2)+1
12. Selvi bundle_of_joy (2)+1
13. Cin Cen (2)+1
14. puppygal (2) +1
15. jessel (2) + 1
16. Glee (2) + 1
17. Lilyn (2) + 1

Bday Bash Photography:
Deposit paid. Wai Peng from foto u will be the photographer. S$300 for photography service and softcopy. Cost will be shared by mommies who signed up below.

1) Nining
2) jete
3) Loh
4) rc_cola
5) Chattypheyling
6) Muddypie
7) choco
8) Selvi BUndle_of_joy
9)Cin Cen
11) Glee
2nd floor got the party room..

re cup cake I ordered many many characters.. so each characters only on 4-5 cuppies.. therefore pls let the kiddos choose their cuppies first yaaa.. hahaha.. cos I ordered 50 cuppies and the seller will give us 54 cuppies, just enough, no extra..
nining, yur pricing chim lah - so + photo pay how much ah? blur already.

i got back from jakata abt 2-3 weeks ago. it was 3 days after bomb then i fly there... Hb say lightning will not strike 2x at same place...

loh - ya - i was there in science canteen. really! Met client for case there. these days i'll be in and out of NUS and SP. I FA lah, so run around

just add lah :
(S$2 x pax) + $9 + 27.27

pax = parents+ kids who r coming..

if just u and Luke then $4+9+27.27 = $40.27
if u, hubby, luke + gorgor = $8 + 9 + 27.27 = 44.27

let me know if u coming more than 3 pax cos I gotta order extra cuppies tomorrow.. cos so far I order 54 pcs only..
me too heheh..

u can pass me the $$ tomorrow. If u take photograph share tmr I will use your $ to refund the rest of mommies $2 (eerrr.. tough to give mommies exact S$2.27, maybe just $2 and 0.27 x 11 I will order extra french fries to be shared among the kids? let me know.. )
finally got chance to com online liao...heh.
having a CL really makes a diff hor. the 1st time i did not have one..now feel much more relaxed.

a ques abt bf...anyone still remember if pump all the way can increase supply? how long before the ss will increase huh? my gal considered premature so she keeps sleeping on the job and feeds super long...thinking like not efficient leh.

aiyah. tricia is frenly. tat is good mah. my boy sometimes oso like tat one. they really hit it off well...haha.

the party is tmr hor...enjoy mummies.
Hi nining
Thanks for organising the party.. we all enjoy ourselves a lot.

Thanks Jete for arranging the photo session and the gift exchange ;) no chance to talk to you earlier
our pleasures! Glad everykids seems to enjoy themselves. I liek that the chairs are all kiddy chairs not much of hazards for them.. Next year we do again, sure easier cos then they will be able to enjoy the game better hahaha.. not blur blur like today!!

ur idea with photographer was brilliant.. I was too lazy to run around taking pcis and hubby was enjoying the party too much he can't be bothered with camera hahhaah...
It was a great idea to have a photographer and the party was great. my hb enjoyed watching all the kids(or should i say he enjoyed the kiddy meal).
I enjoyed seeing all u girls at last.
great to see you too finally! We should do this again next year!

ya loooorrrrrrrr... I was so distracted hahahaha.. sorries yaaa.. this EO is really kanchiong type lah.. Next year!!
since there's no additional members came to the party, there's no balance to be refunded re- photographer fee.. I got 7 cuppies extras tho here.. the baker gave us 7 extras just in case, and I got all of them with me, no mommies wanna take extra cuppies leeeh..

Oh yes i am looking forward to next yr. And maybe should have a casual gathering sometime.
Then the kids can spend more time playing together.
