(2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

Happy Birthday to Doren !!!! enjoy ur celebration plans hor

you know why i remember you giving birth? first cos we both under dr wong. 2nd dr wong told me a few weeks already can pack my bag, just in case. hubby and i didn't listen, every day eat sleep and watched tv. lol then suddenly you were in the hospital and i told hubby your edd later and you are giving birth already. wah, we ran out to buy the things needed and packed the bag. heehee

so many mummies still awake at midnight to wish melcolm and doren happy birthday.


enjoy birthday with yr darling..

can PM me yr home address?I forgot yr home address though last time u send me the cream for rashes but I throw away the envelop so cant remember liao.

haha, u spot me PM hart ah?at the end I didnt sign the package with hart, too exp, $188 only can get 5 pc photo, if want all the soft copy need extra $150. My hubby say we go to sentosa and take ourselves, though not that professional but nature lah.keke.

I dont have plan to make it big for ruoxi's birthday, just going out to sentosa take pic and then have meals at outside, that's all.

shake hands,seems u also will hv a simple birthday for chloe.

ya, my friend comment that ruoxi like lin2 dai4 yu4, so much tears. my friend's son no tear one, only scream even when fall down from bed and head black and blue also no tear, my friend at first tot maybe blocked tear ducts, then one time her son hv poo problem and got tear come out.so she knew her son no problem but just tough.
morning ladies!
absolutely no time to read thru all the thread..just a quick browse and hello before running off to see my cases!

looks like neogarden has lots of good reviews..will get it for yee heng's party then!
thanks for all the help!

re:spanking. i haven't spanked yet, and i think i prefer the time out method, cuz i believe children learn by example. also i think when angry we may hit harder than we realise, so i've told hubby that he cannot hit, cuz he may be more heavy-handed..i also think with time-out, it gives the parent a time out to cool down too, which helps...now what i do is i tell yee heng very firmly, "NO" and then stop him from doing whatever it is he is going...i.e. if he bite me, i say NO and then i put him down so he got no chance to bite..

re:night latch-on..
yee heng has been semi-trained over the last 2 weeks or so that at night he'll get the bottle if he wakes up and i realise he's not hungry..previously he'd wake at 10, 2, 5am and latch, but now he'll wake at 10 and 5 (for 2 out of last 3 nights) and i'll latch him on at 5...will try to wean him off that latch-on at 5am this weekend..targetting to only BF him once a day at night before he sleeps at 8.30pm...
U r right, man normally are heavy-handed. I also told my hb cannot hit.

Continue go back early, anyway is easier for mummy 2 get close 2 own child than MIL.

Wow, smart idea for Serene.
Hi mommies,
My girl already almost 11 mth, she still like 2 put thing in her mouth. Anything in her hand, she'll put in her mouth, really terrible n danergous cos now she's able 2 reach certain thing & get them.
Anyone got any solution ?
Good Morning Mummies!
Thank you so much for all the birthday well-wishes!!!

Happy Birthday to Melcolm too!
time flies... imagine we were lying on the hospital bed at this time/day of last year!
recalling the huge relief and touching moments when baby was out of my womb. though i was sedated, can still remember a bit lah hehe...
i have the same problem. We tried to stop her by saying "NO NO" or "Yee yee" or "STOP!".. sometimes she may really stop putting that thing in her mouth.. but most of the time, she will jus pause for awhile and continue to put it into her mouth. Haiz.. have to really keep an eye on her or have her pacifier on..
Exactly ! She'll pause a while, then continue put in her mouth. I've tried pacifier, she don't like, she never like pacifier since birth.
Somemore v unhygenic, I got 2 wash all toys once a wk or keep washing cos her saliva is all around the toys. Aiyo.... at 1st, I thot she's hungry, hahaha.
Hungry la.. haha..
I think its the itchy gums.. or they are curious abt the taste?
Once, she bit the playpen so hard that she hurt her gums and cried so loudly.. so silly..
i so heartpained yet tot its funny
Ya, sometimes feel she so silly, bit the toys so hard, sometimes poke her own gum, then cried.

Sometimes really thot she's hungry cos she's quite big size, I thot not enough 4 her, hehehe.
Sometimes I called her little piglet, somemore in the yr of PIG.
Good Morning Mummies... thanks for all the wishes.. Melcolm return *flying kissesssssssss*

hahhaa u n ur hubby so funi leh.. u 2 not gan cheong ah.. 2 b frank, i oso last min leh.. pack the 2nd half of my hosp bag after my waterbag leak then cheong 2 hosp, who knows Melcolm 1 2 com out so early ! we are all unprepared !

yeah... tis morn at 1am+, i ask hubby y didnt wish Melcolm happy bday.. then he say his bday started at 4.45pm.. the time wen he's out last yr hahaha he will wish him happy bday after 4.45pm, faintz
i am leaving house soon for photoshoot at 1pm, wish me gd luck and Melcolm cooperate later.. will post some pics if i have time 2 online 2 9 at Sentosa
Mummies, thanks for your comments. I actually consulted PD on Nic's blocked tear ducts and was referred to eye specialist at Glenagles. Banquez, your baby's condition bad? His is both eyes and it's always very watery. Esp when he wakes up after a long nap, his eyes will be glued together by the discharge. According to the doc, it's not life threatening but the longer we delay, the op may be more complex. I'm thinking to wait till at least his 1st bday or maybe 2nd....now only concerned of infection coz he is always rubbing his eyes.
u can try for a 2nd opinion at another specialist? just to see what they think? always better to have more than one option i think, cuz diff doctors have diff ideas..at least more options that way since this is our precious lil ones, must try to be sure what we decide is the right thing...
i use a lil breastmilk on eye duct area & use warm compress to massage twice a day. its only 1 eye with block duct & i prefer to try out all conservative mtd 1st b4 considering Op. eye specialist we see is at Mt E. we will prob do massaging until abt 18mths-24mths then gauge if Op nec or not but now its improving & i m keepin fingers cross. btw, i totally understd wat u mean by so muc discharge eyes glued tog. some morns, tere is so muc discharge i gotta help to clean up eye or e eye cant even open up! its beta now tho'
hpe my experience helps u
A thought just came to my mind..hehe! U didnt want sesame st for Doren's bday cake right? But PG decorated with sesame st...can u sell me the figurines if u dont want? then i can use for Mathias' cake
Let me know k? Cos I really trying v hard to search for figurines but it seems impossible to find sesame st/ mickey mouse ones!! Arrrgh!!!
thanks for the receipe!

Happy 1st Birthday to Doren and Melcolm!

Happy belated Birthday!

Re: teething
any babies experience many teeth coming out at the same time? i spotted my boy's another FIVE coming out soon, all at the SAME time! No wonder he was super cranky these few days!

I have bought sesame street cake topper & table cloth, all are brand new, never use before. If u want, i can sell to u.
I oso bought scene setters & other decos too but too lazy & tired liao, so end up all throw away!

Today im on PM leave, if u interested, pls sms me

i would like to keep the figurines along with other party favours as rememberance
Hope you dun mind

I guess since PG is the one providing the Sesame Streets and balloons figurines,
these should be available at PG upon request and PG would probably factor into the cost of the cake.
Quickly call them up to check if they are still available and ask to reserve!
But if you want Pooh and Friends, I dun think they have cos I've asked that before.
Hello mummies!
Thanks for all the birthday wishes!
hmmm.... the plate tastes good...

I thought Melcolm was born in the morning also.
Doren was born at 10am plus. so he is "gor gor" to Melcolm!
hi morning mummies,

Anyone can share how to cook egg for babies, beside hardboiled? Intro egg yolk first ar?

you mentioned steamed egg? issit like chawamushi? whole egg including eggwhite? wat type of stock do u use?
Hi morning

glee, can give egg toast? beat the yolk and mix with bread then fry? i saw from book one...

PG cakes - mine is also Sesame street theme - PG doing for me and I think Shihui is a good worker..

My son very funny. He's sick, gave him medicine, those he like, he drink down. Those he don't like, he reject and push away. So this morning, i went to put the medicine which he don't like onto a piece of bread, he saw that the bread color is different so he never bite down the whole bread ( as what he normally will do ) but use his tongue to taste and then he push away..haha
Hey thanks. Your boy v funny leh, cheeky hor
Btw have Samuel tried eggs already?
I intend to let Charlize try some this weekends..

Ur boy very funny leh!
Y not u try mixed all the medicine together in a small cup & feed him? Like that he cant choose but on the other hand, scare he reject all lah.. hehe
how's ur celebration? everything went well? got pictures to show us?

FIVE at the same time..cool! two at the same time, bb oreadi very cranky, cant imagine itz FIVE! muz be tough for u and ur baby.
How 2 make chawamushi ?

I've only let my girl take hard boiled cook with her porridge. (Kampong eggs is easier 2 mashed)

Gold piggy,
Maybe use syringe the smell is not strong & when plunge in, he can swallow faster without keep in his mouth which he taste horrible. I do that 2 my son.

Everything went smoothly except during cutting cake & photoshooting time, he's kind of cranky cos its warm & he's tired too cos he only nap once on that day, else everything is good!

Good comments from my guests for neo garden, a few dishes all wipe out by my guests ah!!!

No pics cos im super busy till no time to take pics with my own camera! All pics now will my photographer, gotta wait for 2weeks!
so your gal tried egg whites too?
I may try egg yolk omelette with cheese first.
Chawamushi the next week, can use the ikan bilis stock?
Btw my nanny is also at cck crescent
Angeline & Glee, ya, i also think he very funny and hor, he like to see funny faces and i think that explains why every morning, he automatically will look for the father and smile at him first cos afterthat my hubby will make funny face and he'll giggle - very playful and cheeky boy! But he really make my hubby happy cos even if he were to wake him at 7plus on a weekend, my hubby won't scream at him one, and he'll say, 'let's go for breakfast'

Glee - samuel tried egg yolk and PD said he is allergic to it because he had rashes so am trying again next month..

Angeline - good idea, i will try, hopefully he'll be tricked..haha

Sarah - if i use syringe, he'll cry big time..cos its like by force, i tried the 1st time and he cried buckets. So after that i use spoon and this morning, he still told me 'mum mum' then me and my hubby laugh.
gold piggy,
ur boi so funny.
Ya, baby does make us happy if kwai kwai and cute. Heheh.

U sing Nan Ha right? Just introduced a few days. Ivan got laosai since the first feed of Nan Ha. If He got 3 poo poo a day, 1st and 2nd poo not tt watery, 3rd poo will be watery. Yesterday night he poo at home, the poo was greenish. Is tt normal?
My girl start taking Nan Ha since 2mth old, her poo also greenish. Around 3mth old, I tried mixing with Similac, also greenish. Till now she still taking mixture. I think shd b ok lei, cos she's eating n playing happily so far.

Ya, half of the egg white, not all, slowly I'll increase, I scared she's allegry.
Some Ikan bilis stock isn't it too salty 4 baby ?

O....., ur nanny also at cck cres, my nanny same blk as me. But now I got 2 wait for abt 3 mths later then let her take care again cos she need 2 go operation, haiz.... headache now.
Oh, I found the greenish poo poo is so smelly compared to other brands of fm. So, do i need to give more meat to my boi? Since Nan Ha reduced the protein contents. Ur gal poo is hard or watery?
Ya, it's really smelly. My girl poo is normal, only sometimes a bit hard. Have u thot of mixing with other formula? At least, some protein from other formula.
I'm not sure of more meat 2 increase protein.
