(2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

Mathias is unwell..he probably got it from me..I was done with a blocked nose and slight fever on Fri night..then by sat..I was having a terrible running nose...and SUnday morning..Mathias started having running nose and sunday evening he had high fever! Brought him to Kidslink yesterday and his temperature was 38.8deg! I feel so bad that I passed my sickness to him..poor hubs..it was his bday yday and both of us took leave to go out..but in the end all 3 of us stayed home and he was bz taking care of me and Mathias...but I still baked him his annual cheescake so he was happy...
garfield,i know a mummy who is selling her barney balloons, you want? i email her and connect you both together?

rc_cola, i have already emailed you leh. waiting for your reply...haha

monday will be on leave - any SAHM have programmes? Then i can bring my boy, provided he is well.

Mel - hope Mathias get well soon.

My boy's birthday is celebrated like 2 weeks earlier, now i think think, a bit too early hor..haha, then maybe on the actual day will do again...
hiya mommies...
I am now getting headache prepping for Ike's bday kekekeke.. since his grandma will be here I thot might as well do a proper celebration.. planned to order indonesian snacks but then just found out the shop closed down due to high rent.. alamak..
and working for a company that has the biggest helium plant in Spore but can't get hold of FOC helium gas kakakakaka...

off the topic of bday, I am now adventuring parenting style.. I have no opinions for or against either parenting styles cos I think most parents choose either path with the child's well being in mind.. I wanna do a little survey, how many of us believe in non physical punishment parenting i.e. like spanking?
I am now wondering I should implement spanking or not kekekeke...
Most parents would try not 2 use physical punishment, but it's all depend on the kids behaviour. Some kids behaviour really untolerable, too soft they take 4 granted, can try physical punishment.
U experiencing this ?
I am into spanking hahaha coz sometimes Meg couldnt get what I said, a little bit of spanking wouldn't hurt. Like if she kept taking something despite my repetitive warnings, then she will get the spank on her hands! If she is naughty ie let her porridge flow out from her mouth by keeping her mouth open, the she will get little spanking on her cheek. I agree with goldpiggy,spare the rod and you will spoil the child hahaha
Perhaps I am just impatient haha

read up some articles on this. summary of what idea i got: spanking ok but only after we tried reasoning and naming other consequences. or "time out". It's more like "if you still...., Mama will spank you". Never to spank in immediate reaction to their misbehaviour otherwise might teach them violence. Then we are the ones with anger mismanagement.Also, not spank until there's bruises. Then it might become physical abuse. Spanking recommended only for between 15months to 6 yrs. Minimal till 10 yrs old.
Sigh, I'm struggling with not spanking immediately cos it's just reaction on my part. But i have started to smack her hand. "If you touch the fan, Mama will smack your hand". Sometimes it works, sometimes she purposely touch so I will smack. Sometimes she thinks it's fun and smile back. khek sim ah! But i think they understand already. so can use it as a warnings, esp for things that might hurt them.
Same as my girl ler.. normally I will give her stern warnings up to 3 times like "MAMA SAID NO", if she is like blur blur (maybe our vocab too chim bb dun get it), then I will spank! Another way to teach is thru experiential learning, i.e touch fan, what we normally do is that, we will demo to her by using a plastic spoon we put into the working fan, then there was such a loud KREEKKK KREEKKKK sound whenever the spoon touches the fan rite? at the same time we told her, "you see if you touch it will krek your fingers" then we try to pull her fingers to touch the fan hor, she immediately withdrawed her fingers.

Same thing as telling her it's hot and not to touch, demo to her some warm things, and tell her IT'S HOT next time when you tell her, hot hot hot, they won't even think twice to back out :p it works!!! so far my girl never clings onto the fan, never go near fan, never touch things that we said it's hot, etc

Falling from bed is another experiential learning, nowadays whenever we told her "You will fall down, don't go there" she will quickly crawl to the middle of the bed :p
I'm also impatient type. Tat y my son get spanking v often. He's too terrible until I can sometimes go crazy. I've a cane specially 4 him. For my girl, I just hit her hand if she keep touching.

When handling 2 kids, can sometime lose control easily, temper will go up easily. And if we say we'll punish, we've 2 really punish if they do it again. If not, they thot we just try 2 scared them.

Hubby and I do believe in spanking to a certain extent. only do it when it is necessary.

a colleague advised me before that spank or hit the child using a cane but never use our hands cos they are meant for loving or "sayanging" them

i do intend to get a cane soon.
hope my PILs will follow our style of disciplining.
Then who is talking care of your kids?

You wanna employ a maid so that she could help to keep an eye on charlize is it?
I am also thinking ler.. but just wonder, what is the best age to leave the kids at home with maid?
Some of my colleagues told me when they could talk then it is safer to leave them with maid, coz they could tell you things already.
My mum taking care of my 3 yr old son, my 11 mth girl taking care by nanny

Yo......., leaving kid with maid better have some elderly at home too. To me, is v dangerous, cos we don't understand the maid well, we may not know what they are thinking.

Now, who's taking care of your baby?
My Meg is currently being taken care by my FIL, MIL will switch with FIL after a period of time :p

True, but sometimes leaving baby with nanny, is it equally safe?
The gap between both your kids are 2 yrs old, that means after the first one is about 1+, you plan for the second one rite?
So far do you think the gap is okay? Need some advice :p

Saw your email, do you mind dropping me an sms? easier to sms ler, i seldom check on my email one.
Ya, doctors also advise 2 yrs gap b4 u give birth another. It's good period for mother to recover fm 1st birth.
For kids, at least my son know how 2 eat on his own, help 2 do some simple thing, instead of handling both of them with 1 yr gap.
It's v tiring.
I feel leaving 2 local nanny at least much better than to maid, cos maid has diff culture fm us, their thinking really diff fm us.
cant help but read yr qn bec i had de same qn too. then checked with many of my frens whom r moms & apparently 2-3yrs gap is best. time is for mother's womb to recover & also body to replenish on nutrients. u thkin of havin another one alrdy? mine is 1 yr old & i m also kind of thkin abt it
no regrets. it was hard work but i'm glad paige has ebm until 1yo. my hubby told me it is very good for me to tahan for 10m, exclusively pumping, take care of paige on my own without any help.
paige gets spanking when she is pai ge. i see no harm in a little spanking here and there. i do tell her firmly (even multiple times) first before spanking. she usually will listen but at times can see she is really testing her limits then she gets spanking from me. :p
May, Sarah,

Planning for one once Meg reaches 1 yr old. Now she is coming to 11 months soon.

I salute you! good job!! can tahan til 1 yr old.
i will try to tell my boy to stop first before i resort to spanking him. but like most bbs, he will always try the limits. if i find that he is doing it deliberately to test the limit, i will remove him from the place, if he still repeats doing it, then i will spank him on his buttocks or his hands.

i think spanking is fine but shd be limited to buttocks or hands and we muz explain to him why he got the spank becoz dangerous or bad or...so that he will understand wat went wrong.
sarah, i agree with you. better not to leave baby with maid alone. its better to have a relative with the maid. you cant really tell what's in maid's mind may do sometime bad to baby.

rc_cola, i think its better if the kid can talk if you want to leave with maid so they can tell what maid does with him, but then again some maid may scare kid so as not to talk...im so not trusting...for me i only leave my baby to my mom or pil. if we have maid, maid only does household work and assist my mom but not 1st hand with my kid. that my opinion only.

mel, hope mathias get well soon. just last week steve got the virus from me as well =( drink lots of water and take more rest.

garfield, can still join spree? or time too tight for your baby's party?

glee, my son's pedia recommended prune juice when he was constipating...so might really work, yah?
nining, re : spanking
i'm against it, for me it is better to talk to your child and let him understand what he has done wrong. but im bad mummy, just few days ago i nearly-spank my baby, well, hit his lips when he bite me. it was so painful caused wound =( but after doing such i said sorry to him. i dont want to spank, but i think there are times emotions carry you. really need to have more self control.
Hi jus came back from appointment.. gonna rain soon..

Ya i agree that local nanny is better than maid.
For me, the maid is not to replace the nanny.
i intend to let my gal go to childcare instead to the nanny's next year.
The maid is to help me with the housework and cooking,
really have no time and no talent to cook hehe

best age? for me its when she can "talk" or at least when she can make known her feelings.
Even thou we do not intend to leave charlize in the care of the maid,
we feel that its still necessary to install viewcams in the house to monitor the maid..
hehehe, how's the bite? blue black right? I understand, the moment u feel pain, heat boil up 1st. Normally I notice my girl teething, I avoid her mouth near my shoulder or hand, I'm v cautious, cos I experienced a few times liao.
How do you talk to a small baby if they dun understand most of the things yet...
I think most of us here are quite alike, will warn first few times, if really test our limit, then here come the stick :p
No spanking for my gal too, but i'm so trying to control haha
i'm getting impatient and agitated at times, scared may go insane anytime and resort to giving her a real spanking..
Yeah I agree with you.
Hm.. if i continue working, I might let meg go halfday childcare and half day stay at home or something...
I've got so many plans around... hope that when the time comes, everything will resolve one by one...

If suddenly my ILs dun want to help me take care of Meg, most probably will send meg to playgroup and pick her up in the evening or sth, but with a maid around, maybe can go halfday childcare and halfday at home with maid. Won't be too bad rite? coz maid will flare up if all day long taking care of kids, but if like half day maybe from 1-6pm. should be quite ok i guess.

Being a mum/parents is so difficult, in one way we want to give the best for our child, in another way some of us want to continue our career..
It's nicer for you all coz got mums/in laws nearby, for me and hubby, not easy, coz our parents are originally from our home country.
My likely plan is day care in the morning till 1pm.. then she can have lunch, take a nap and watch some tv
while waiting for me to return home to have dinner together..
The maid will do housework, cook and fetch her home.
Actuali this will happen v soon, like feb next year. So realli gotta start planning soon..
Hi mummies,

Thread running fast...have nt been following a few days, so much happening..


Nice cakes...and nice party too...!! Haha..Chloe birthday coming up in 2wks +, I have not book anything yet...guess it will be a simple party with a few close friends and families member only.


About spanking kids, I does that almost everyday to my boy as he is those who like to test limits...but usually after spanking, I will sit down and talk to him, let him know wht he has done wrongly. I guess that works great on him...but guess kids are kids lor after the incident thy will repeat again ... we have brought him to KKH for assesment of the ADHD thingee last week, doc told us still early to detect but tested his learning ability, notice that he is slower than kids at his age lor, guess problem is that he can't focus for long, so he absorb lesser than kids who can sit still and can listen and concentrate lor...she wnt to put him on some occupational therapy to improve his learning ability, not sure how it will goes, that will be in sept.
jessel / sarah
oh my. my boy oso bit me on the tender side of my elbow one morning. i was sleeping and my boy woke up and daddy carried him to our bed. my boy saw me sleeping, crawled up to me and bit me! i got blue black! OUCH!
sarah, red! cause after he bit me it wounded my ni**le. really painful.

rc_cola, good question...small babies - how to talk to them?
but now our babies nearing 1yr then can understand...although at times when i talk to steve he will just smile at me and make "cutie" eyes that closes and opens...i know he is trying to understand - as much as i try to understand him =)
oh.. nx time u need some romantic time together to rest & relax with good food, can consider koh samui.

an_gal & bliss,
nice pics & great party. too bad we are only having a family dinner for chloe.

i just saw barney birthday banner at Ntuc @ sembawang MRT today. everything else is barney too.

hope mathias recovers soon.

i agree with gold..piggy, spare the rod and spoil the child. i do smack chloe when she's out of hand at times and told her the reason why am i smacking her. of cos she dun realy understand and either she just blink her eyes when i smack her hands or just smile at me.
yeah, lower tier is lychee martini and upper tier is mango.. the cake taste great, no regrets in ordering though is abit ex. Now i super hungry tinking of the cake again, opps.

ya.. melcolm oso leh.. esp vege, notice his poo poo usually have, like carrots, spinach.. isit their digestive system no gd??

hope Mathias and u recover soon.. bday bash coming, cant b sick hor.

i haven start GainIQ on Melcolm yet leh, not on 17th then start? I still tinking can start after the hotel stay boh cos lazy 2 bring 2 different types of milk powder out haha

hows Doren taking the GainIQ?

left less than 24hrs and our ds turing 1 yr old kekeke machiam great achievements hor hahaha

thks.. rem 2 post some pics of Chloe's bday bash to share share :p

Chloe turning 1 yr old soon.. gan cheong boh hehe
still remember 1 year ago how that few days dr wong go check on you and see if you are giving birth that day and melcolm turning and cannot decide which direction to face. so fast hor? one year already.
haha my hubby wants to get separate treat bags for the babies…I asked him.. you want to put food jars, baby biscuits and label them mah? He nodded to me! My god.. Men..hahah but you ladies given me some great ideas for treat bags. Thanks!

An_gal & Bliss,
Did you have to tell PG what color your cake needs to be or you leave it to their good hands? And how do I tell them I want 3D letterings for Kedric’s cake? I am thinking of having lychee martini.. but have not decided on the other flavor… any recommendations?

The PG webby don’t have nice picts of their cakes.. I went to their shop and I spent like 10 to 15 mins drooling over their picts!!

I am going to bring Kedric for his cover look photoshoot on his birthday too!! Hehhe.. taking tomato.. I hope you enjoy yourself!
What is MMR ah??

Re:Neo garden
Yummi yummi.. the food is really good …I used them for full month and going to use them for 1st year birthday too!!

Just saw your picts.. oh dear.. can you go to kiddy palace and insist on an exchange?

Just saw your experience at far east!! Some people are soo UNCONSIDERATE!!! If it was me, I think I will pass back some remarks le.

I was laffing my head off when I saw tricia’s expression when she saw the turtle.. hahha..

I am also for spanking when the need arises. I will also tell kedric off first, tell him why he cannot do it and give him a last warning.. saying: mummy will spank you if you do this again and if he does it, I will spank on his hands etc and tell him NO.. mummy say No because…..


I hope you and Mathais are feeling better
Re: cheese
What type of cheese can we feed our babies? I wanted to let Kedric try some but didn’t know which one to choose.

RE: Talking
Hey mummies, I am concerned about kedric not talking much. Up till now, he just plays quietly with his toys, sometimes just screaming in baby language but no words from him. Do you think its normal? Is there any way that you think can encourage him to talk?
I'm also thinking of bringing my son for ADHD assessment. Really can't stand him, almost everyday get punishment. He can't sit still, keep running about, only when he sleep, then is quiet. In playgroup, sometimes other children singing or sitting down listening 2 teaching, he's walking around doing something else. He only focus on something that interested him. He can absorb quite fast if he's interested cos I let him play puzzles, he can fix 48 pcs within 10 min. That y I'm not sure is he hyperactive. I've asked the doc when i bring him 2 3rd yr assessment, the doc say he's not hyperactive & is too early 2 test cos at his age is exploring time. He say my son maybe doing that just for attention.
Morning Mummies,
Adeline, long time never see your postings.. How's things??
Chloe turning 1 soon, what is her dob? So fast rite...

What is ADHD??

Also sometimes MIA...
Another chloe also turning 1, wah everybody is turning one very soon rite..
My Meg is slowly creeping to her 11 months old in 10 days time.. another month before her 1st bday..

I think it's quite normal for baby boy not to speak until he is much older, baby boy is generally slower compared to girl in terms of speeches, remember?:p
not to worry lar, if you are worried you might want to check with your PD.
Did u do the ear check during his birth in the hospital? If his ears are alright, then should not be an area of concern rite? :p
Re baby sitter,
I don feel safe to leave bb wif a maid alone at home, esp the baby so small and not able to speak yet.
However, my boi is wif that bb sitter during weekday (day time) and sometimes half day on saturday also. He already built strong bond wif the nanny and her family. Every morning my hb carry him there, he will 'fly over' to the nanny even the gate is still locked! He will also calling for the nanny ( woo woo woo, this is how my boi call people) when he passed by the window. My hb v jeolous and asking how to win the boy back?
haha you are lucky to have found a good nanny

hb jealous? hehehe then ask him to spend more time with your boy lor.
Actually baby bonds easily with their caregiver, my Meg also bonds with her gpa, she will hug her gpa tight, rest her head on his shoulder, pretend not to hear I call her name, especially after I smack her for being so naughty :p
