(2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

Oh! Nining regarding which part for baby hor, there is a special part i duno how to call it... it's for baby because no bones there. The seller shd know. You can check with them. Also that part is the most expensive 1.

Choco..ya lor not easy to gauge what size to buy hor...

An_gal, can understand... i find it hard to cook a proper meal now... i will either have all steam dishes or all bake dishes... duno when my hb going to "sack" me.. hahahahg.. luckily my mum still come twice a week so we still can get proper meal...
Nining, which threadfish is good, think all shd be same ba, they are from the same family .. my little wish is at least she must take the fish so whichever "brand" she eat i will just go for it... our little ones are very clever... they go for texture & no fishy smell (so must be fresh). Have you given any Ngoh hee for Ike? If you stay nearer to me, i can pass you some to try

Another thing, try to go for bigger piece 1.. initially, i go for small piece then i realise there's a lot of fats in between and it's so diff to mash it... then 2nd time i clever liao.. i bought bigger piece but price also bigger loh... Portion per serving also more...

1st Time:
3 small pcs $5 - For 3 days

2nd Time:
2 big pcs cut into 4 smaller pcs $9 - For 4 days
I havent started fish for Ike, but will do this week after I found out bout Ngoh Hee from you kekeke..

price wise, since $9 last for 4 days, shld be ok still .. with the chicken and ikan bilis and egg that he starts taking, that $9 fish will be his weekly allowance kekekeke..
btw Ike is 8 months today, and last night we got a rude surprise, Ike slipped off the sofa!! luckily he fell on the pillow he kicked off the sofa..
yep it's fragrance free. I use them to wipe poopoo, not pee pee, cos material is not as soft as the standard wipes like pigeon..

my baby born on 1st-sept
cos edd suppose to be 30-aug
since i have already started in this thread so i might as well continude

mummies who prepare puree and freeze, do u feed the frozen puree everyday?

i feed my son the thaw frozen puree, twice a day for 7 days a week. will there be side effect eating frozen puree for long periods?
morning mummies,

yesterday shoot the photo with foto u, will upload some photo tonight..hv uploaded some into facebook, those mummies who hv added me as friend can see it..

within one hour we managed to get back 148 pc photos, but most of them are repeat, like same zao4 xing2 will shoot 10 pc like that..I like the naked one the most,seems ruoxi more suitable to take naked photo.hehe.

to make yogurt, u only need to buy one small tin yogurt from market, then mix with 1L low fat milk(stir well) and leave it at room temp(means outside) for more than 8 hours, when u see it become like dou4 hua1 like that then put it into fridge and it's ready to eat after 1 day. Last time when I pregnant i always do it myself.
hi cheer bear,

i just started my boy on on oatmeal cereal over the weekend ;)

he loves it! wat abt oatmeal cereal which you like to know? i buy the organic roll oats and grind myself... add with ngoh fish + spinach for 1 meal, then ngoh fish + abit of grind ikan bili(those v v small one, tink it's called 'yin yu' - wash away the salt 1st)
an_gal, thanks for the education on buying cod fish, ke...ke...hven't bought any cod fish yet so far. Maybe will start him on it, next week.

choco, hven't heard that there's any side effect eating frozen purees, am giving Aidan frozen purees e'day together with the fresh frozen meat with porridge.

Ivy, for fish, I don'at dare to keep so many days, cause worry that there might be a fishy smell if keep too long, I usually cook only if I go to market that day and can get fresh ones, or the most keep for 2 days that's all.

nining, hope Ike is okay now. good thing he land on the pillow, Aidan had a fall on sat too, he did a somersault but he landed on the floor on his back.
ask u hor, how u feed baby puree? Giving baby 1 spoon puree and then a few spoons porridge? or u mix puree into the porridge? if mix purees (more than 1 puree), then the porridge will hav awful colours lor...?

Nining deals are really good! The deal tt i gotten from Watson actually also worth it liao, cheaper than angel wipe! Yes, it is fragrance free and soft.

luciky got the pillow.
Ivan almost dropped vertically from the bed on Sat, if drop, his head will first hit the floor. When I saw, I quicily grabbed his diaper and SAVE him with one hand!!!!
Hi all mummies

I hope all of you and babies are good!

These few days, baby have been crying and whining in the middle of the night. Almost every hourly and i myself got the flu bug and desperately need to sleep but my boy keep waking up whining and crying sometimes 2 or 3 times hourly and i got quite irritated and scolded him cos i didn't know it's his teething that's making him so uncomfortable too. Oh now that i read about the threads here, i feel so guilty and so bad!

He have been whining practically everyday...and best was he will call for mamamamamamamamama when he don't see me and my hubby said 'papa' cannot meh! hee..

Ask you all hor, if baby is teething, does it help when we latch him on? Will he find comfort in that cos i give him pacifier he spit out and keep pulling and tugging my bra. Where to buy the teething gel?


Loh - i give 1 spoon puree with half bowl of porridge, i mix puree into porridge.

Are you talking about wipes? What is good? I tried carlson and i don't find it good?

Nining - hope Ike is all right. My boy fell and fell and fell until like donno how many times and even fall back on his head a few times cos till now, he still can't sit still and he is 8 months. I think he is quite slow. Haven't learnt how to sit so still donno how to crawl also.

Oh ya, those who have the bumper mat, can i check whether the bumper mat is like the ABC foam mat? Cos if it's softer and thicker than i will order from BP cos i have the ABC mat and i find it so hard - no wonder my boy will always cry big time when he *kok* his head. I tried myself and i think i have a headache from that already!
Ivy - thanks for giving the link. I am thinking of ordering the tuxedo suit and the suspender 3pc for my boy. Since he also have 2 weddings to attend end of this year but i am quite worried about the material cos my son is so afraid of heat....anyone ordered already can advise?

Chommec - emailed you cos need to collect the leapfrog book. Thanks.
gold piggy,
must be v tiring for u....sometimes i will loss patient also when my boi keeps crying with no reason. Sure u heart is melting when he is calling u.
I found that the Looney Tune wipes are quite good. I got it at Bugis junction Watson branch. Think not all Watson stores selling this brand.
Melcolm didnt take alot of milk, 1 day oni like 4-5 feeds, sometimes wkns oni 3 feeds. Semi solid oso not much, usually is porridge & fruit puree once a day oso.. i hope i can slowly increase his porridge to twice a day

re: frozen puree
Melcolm had been taking everyday since i started work for like 3mths oledi.. so far he is ok leh..

i jus fed my son HT Oatmeal cereal over the wkns but my son is oledi 8mths+, he enjoy the cereal

yeah is nice but i'm not going to spend so much $$ on the 1st bday cake, i rather cater nicer food for the guest

wow, go market at 6.30am, i tink i m still lazing in bed :p if ur hubby sack u then i tink i'll b worse.. i now oni cook for Melcolm, hubby and me tabao during wkns haha.. oni wen i hav mood 2 cook then i will cook haha

happy 8mths old to Ike, cheers

will go watson c c the wipes or c whether i can find any value$$ shops around, thks
Hi Loh, I usually use the stock I prepared over the weekend, add a handful of new rice, cook it for a while, then add a little of the minced meat and then the purees. The quantity of the puree I add is the whole of the freezer pot I bought frm mothercare. This is his 2 meals of porridge, cause usually I'll give him milk first, oatmeal then porridge last for lunch and then dinner, milk first, then porridge.
replied ur Q liao. I am bringing Ivan to NUH for his eczema review later....hahah, wonder if you want to come for the 10% discount at pharmacy as I got the staff discount there. Hmm...hav u see a PD yet?
Oh loh, staff discount. i want to buy the dentinox teething gel leh but how to get from you - how much is it do you know?

So go watsons buy their wipes is it? Only looney toons one then good huh?
gold piggy,
I am NUS staff, so will hav 10% discount. If I said I am from Medcine faculty, provided that the staff has no idea which faculty i came from la, then either is 15% or 20% discount...heheheh. U stay at Bt. Panjang right? me at cck. U must give me the exact product name then i go buy for u la
hey choco,
Only now I realised ur baby Ivan was born on 1 Sept. My baby Ivan was forced to come out on 31th Aug.
gold piggy,
I gotten the wipes from Watson (Bugis Junction). I went to Lot1 watson yesterday, they dun sell Looney Tune. The deal tt i gotten is quite worth it, and it is cheaper then Angel Wipe.
my mum feed him loh..
he will like cry loh.. if nt will use his hand
to hit e spoon away...

den wen he see me..
he will like cry n cry.. dun wan to eat...

cereals he is still all rite..
my boi also prefer rice cereal. He will look at me and boo the porridge out, means he doesn't want to eat it.

when I mix rice cereal wif fm , many bubbles created ler. y ler?

I make hot boiled water, then put in rice cereal and stir (the rice cereal dunno why will not dissolve) then put in milk powder and stir again. Any step is wrong?
i give my boi..
rice and chicken or veg fr nestle..

den i slowly add hot water... stir...
add hot water... stir..

den it's okie liao..
i din add fm for him.. cos this cereals it's already got strong taste liao..
wow...by then u will b bz being a SHAM...enjoy the time wif ur bb

happy 8th mth old to ike!

cant wait to see the pictures of ur shots..quick upload for us to see...

izzit bcoz he dun like the type of porridge...for my girl, i noticed tat she prefer pork to fish...
jus now go marina sq watson but cant find the looney wipes, i tink realli not all branches hav

u mus go n tell carene she must eat more fish cos pork is her own gang haha..
HelloooO!!! I havent logged in since last tues / Weds!! internet at home crash..and stupid singnet could only send someone down this mrning...now they say the modem thingy or whatever it is has broken down so they'll only be fixing it tomoro..Hope I dont have too much to catch up on!!

Btw,I'm gonna chg Mathias' FM to Similac. anyone interested in sharing to order cos if I order 12 cans can get 2 cans free so that means each can will cost abt $27.56...
Gold piggy,
how's ur boy's running nose? Yah, the dr gave Mathias Illadin to use for 3 days but still not fully recovered but i didnt bring him to the dr again cos it's not as bad as b4 so just see if he can get better on his own.Dont wanna give him too many meds..

I wanted to go Healthway but it was closed so had no choice had to go to the one beside Watsons..Its seems Mathias always falls sick on a Sunday..so far he was been sick twice and both times it was a Sunday
