(2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

Hi all, am in Tokyo currently and just managed to find time to log in to see what's going on. re. outing on 15th feb, I can't make it as I'm only gonna be back from Guangzhou the nite b4 and I think I'm gonna be zonked. Would love to join ya all though. United Sq is a good place to go, it's quieter, and without the crowd in town.

Have lotsa fun and I'll see ya all and babies on Sunday's trial!

I miss my baby! She's in Sgp wif my parents while mummy me is busy shopping up a storm in Tokyo! hahahahahaa

Hi Mummies,

Can i join in the July Outing on 15 Feb? I am also a July mummies but didnt post my thread for so long. Cant catch up. Been secretly reading the post. I am a SAHM. What time is the gathering?

Hi Jules,

Saw the list u r joining. Wanna share cab together since we live nearby. U know lah...cab now x ah! Let me know. And ya...nice meeting with u n XY today at IKEA. Keep me in loop. U still have my mobile? My pte email is :[email protected]
jules, Cheylssa is 8.6kg at 6 mths 2 weeks and PD said she is 90th percentile leh so i asked her if she overweight and she said no bcos her height is also above 90th percentile so overall she is still ok. But now my hand ache if i carry her so too long.

Yolk Sac, you still bother to explain regarding the stawberry marks? When ppls asked me i will said is starwberry marks and they will asked me wat is that so i will said if a mark but different from birth marks. Guess no matter how we explain they will not understand too. Cheylssa's marks stop growing too but does't seems to fade away leh.

I have been losing a lot of hair too. My mom said when i am at home everywhere is my hair. When i wash my hair i can see a lot dropping too. I got a lot of hair too but scare will become lesser and lesser and somemore this is my 3rd that i drop my hair after birth. So scary.
July Mummies Outing!!
Date : 15 Feb (friday)
Time : TBC
Venue : Globetrotters (United square) - any objections?

1. Cheok
2. Jules
3. yvonne
4. angel
5. yolksac
6. peck
7. Jilian
8. kth
9. renz
10. nana
11. nor (Halal food pls)
13. 4ever

kth/renz, i also can meet you all at compass point and go together
i will carry her and maybe bring my sling along. i dun dare to use stroller at escalator too.

nor, glad that your dad is ok

bedebe, dun think my Cheylssa will get pinch. Last sun went to my hubby's grandma bday and Cheylssa cried when they talked to her so they so scare and dun dare to carry her. She dun let them to carry too. Thos is the 3rd time she behave this way. Normaly she is ok and will smile of you play with her.

Tmr i am on leave. Bring my 2nd girl go kkh for check up.

ok got to go now. nite nite
hi mummies,

today was on mc. so tired. hope things will improve again.. sigh..

jessica, hihi nice meeting u today
rarely go to ikea to eat these days, only went cos my mil suggested to go cos she sian of ABC market food! little shannon is really sweet
of cos.. can go together.. i still got ur no in my mailbox!if elyn going too then 3 of us can share cab.. eevn cheaper!

4ever, definition of overweight differs from PD to PD i think. my regular PD said xy's wt is ok.. quote "very good!".. haha
but the cardiologist who saw xy recently was like "oh my she is really big". and kept repeating it during the whole examination and consultation.

amber, 90th percentile means that ash is heavier than 90% of babies her age.

nor, maybe u can suggest a halal eating place then? since we all not too familiar..

btw, wrt outing - can we stick to afternoon tea as we did for the last outing? think it wld be easier to manage the kiddies if we dont do a lunch or dinner thingy - can eat finger food or cakes instead! that way we can also avoid having to feed the babies their cereal (as we wld have to if we meet for lunch or dinner)outside. what say u guys?
jessica, i've added u in.

July Mummies Outing!!
Date : 15 Feb (friday)
Time : 3pm (ok with everyone?)
Venue : Globetrotters (United square) - any objections?

1. Cheok
2. Jules
3. yvonne
4. angel
5. yolksac
6. peck
7. Jilian
8. kth
9. renz
10. nana
11. nor (Halal food pls)
13. 4ever
14. Jessica
I would really love to join the mothers' gathering but I am leaving that day for Chiangmai! Sob.... Can't see you mums again. Enjoy the time. Its really gonna be awesome to see so many babies and mummies!

Bcube, get a Maclaren stroller! After using it and another brand of stroller, I have decided that Maclaren is going to be the one for me. I have to get another brand because the part where I am does not carry the brand. One down side though is the weight. I just can't seem to find a light weight Maclaren stroller.
jules, amber..ya as long as baby is xth percentile ht and xth percentile wt then ok, just means she's heavier than xth percentile..me so lo-soh

any mummies whose babies has cut the 2nd tooth oredi? was wondering if the teething process will be like the first one
alamak i so damn blur man... i thot outing gonna be at GWC.. i re-read n saw its at Utd Sq.. swensen's is halal.. delifrance also.. wat else they have there?

amber... wah! apple crumble.. made me drool..
slurpee: the tooth fairy seems to be paying frequent visits to our flat! ems has two which have completely cut-through (but still emerging - you can only see part of the teeth now) and two which seem to be bubbling under the surface. because the teeth arrive so close in time, I cannot really distinguish whether Symptoms at Time X are because of Tooth X or Y - it's just been basically a not-fun time of waking up at night and a little bit of fussiness in the evening.
Nor: between Swensens and Delifrance, my vote is for Swensens, please. good to hear your dad's recovery is going well! your nephew is such a sweet and considerate little guy

Jules: oh no! are you feeling better today?
yolksac, wow thats close

only one of E's tooth has cut thru so far and was wondering if each teething process will be such a headache..haha..i mean our babies will hv to grow so many more teeth! so thats many more slp-deprived nights
July Mummies Outing!!
Date : 15 Feb (friday)
Time : 3pm (ok with everyone?)
Venue : Swensen's (United square) - any objections?

1. Cheok
2. Jules
3. yvonne
4. angel
5. yolksac
6. peck
7. Jilian
8. kth
9. renz
10. nana
11. nor (Halal food pls)
13. 4ever
14. Jessica
jules i agree. The timing for the outing should be the last at about 3-ish? Hope you get better soon!

nor glad your daddy-o is better!
July Mummies Outing!!
Date : 15 Feb (friday)
Time : 3pm (ok with everyone?)
Venue : Swensen's (United square) - any objections?

1. Cheok
2. Jules
3. yvonne
4. angel
5. yolksac
6. peck
7. Jilian
8. kth
9. renz
10. nana
11. nor (Halal food pls)
13. 4ever
14. Jessica
15. irenechoi (TBC) will let u gals know soon hehe
dorami, still nvr rcv ur PM leh... anyway, maybe u just record my hp la...9730 8354.

angel/dorami/renz, so we meet 2pm @ Tanglin Mall on 3 Feb. but where leh? any fast food outlets there? like mac or kfc? i nt very familiar with tanglin mall.

re: 15 Feb outing. i'm fine with anything & everything. hehe...no objections!
nor, it's so heartwarming to see the family photos..ur nephew is so thoughtful.

nor, u ever went to yolksac's home the other day? sori, im lost ..so many new mummies..but then i did see a few familiar names on the outing attendance.so tempted to join in.

I'm arranging some event on the same day so that I wont have to take 2 days leave. but at the meantime, i add my name k.

July Mummies Outing!!
Date : 15 Feb (friday)
Time : 3pm (ok with everyone?)
Venue : Swensen's (United square) - any objections?

1. Cheok
2. Jules
3. yvonne
4. angel
5. yolksac
6. peck
7. Jilian
8. kth
9. renz
10. nana
11. nor (Halal food pls)
13. 4ever
14. Jessica
15. Ling
shichida and Glenn Doman

Er, the interview doesnt say much on Shichida's methodology lei. Sadly. But, i picked up some silmilarities between the two. Both believe that babies learn at high speed and all babies are born a genius. And both advocates that parents are the key to their child's learning. Parents must be positive during learning sessions, else the method will not be successful.

I can't really tell much other than the above cos the principal didnt say much about how they go about doing it, she shares more of the concept and beliefs which i feel is quite close to GD.

But having said that, there is a difference between the two. Still finding out whats the diff...
Hi Hi,

interested to join you for the gathering and the good thing is I work at United Square hehe.... so I just take half a day leave in the afternoon.
Look forward to meeting you girls
SORRY..come again

July Mummies Outing!!
Date : 15 Feb (friday)
Time : 3pm (ok with everyone?)
Venue : Swensen's (United square) - any objections?

1. Cheok
2. Jules
3. yvonne
4. angel
5. yolksac
6. peck
7. Jilian
8. kth
9. renz
10. nana
11. nor (Halal food pls)
13. 4ever
14. Jessica
15. irenechoi (TBC) will let u gals know soon hehe
16. Ling
Opps forgot to add my name:

July Mummies Outing!!
Date : 15 Feb (friday)
Time : 3pm (ok with everyone?)
Venue : Swensen's (United square) - any objections?

1. Cheok
2. Jules
3. yvonne
4. angel
5. yolksac
6. peck
7. Jilian
8. kth
9. renz
10. nana
11. nor (Halal food pls)
13. 4ever
14. Jessica
15. irenechoi (TBC) will let u gals know soon hehe
16. Ling
17. En_hui
wow! the number of our mommies for the outing is growing! great!! am so looking fwd to meeting the rest..

ling, i went to yolksac's pl in June last year i think.. after that i only meet up again at the Taka lunch and no more after that..
oh i'm now at Taka, took half day cos my best fren wanted to treat me to bday lunch.. yay!

will catch up later at night
Hi Ladies,
Can I suggest if we are going to Swensen, we change a venue cos United Square not very convenient for me. Cos this will be my first experience out alone with Kayden! Scared! Let's make it near a MRT station which we onli need to exit den reach tt kinda place..hee..Like Bugis Junction or Plaza Singapura etc..

July Mummies Outing!!
Date : 15 Feb (friday)
Time : 3pm (ok with everyone?)
Venue : Swensen's (United square) - any objections?

1. Cheok
2. Jules
3. yvonne
4. angel
5. yolksac
6. peck
7. Jilian
8. kth
9. renz
10. nana
11. nor (Halal food pls)
13. 4ever
14. Jessica
15. irenechoi (TBC) will let u gals know soon hehe
16. Ling
17. En_hui
Wow a gathering! So sad I can't join cos we're in the middle of moving house. My new helper is arriving that week and I have to take leave to orientate her.
jules, jessica, u both staying ard Tampines area izzit?hehe... cos i saw ur post abt eating @ Ikea?

angel, US is opp Novena MRT ar....
Just checked with the other party , they are unable to accomodate my schedule

I might be taking half day leave only. What time again huh? If too early then I can't make it cos I need to go home and fetch my boy before proceeding to meetup place.

Im staying in Cantonment near Bukit Merah! Where u gals meet up?
halo, for those mummies attending the kindermusik class on sun 3 feb, some of us are meeting early at mac (TM) @ 2pm. if u are free, do come along.

peck, icic.

hmm...any mummies staying up in the north? so we can meet b4 proceeding to United Sq. on 15 feb
Hello everybody!

Wah, so many ppl gng to the gathering!!!! I would love to go too but dunno whether possible anot. We went PS Swensen when we were abt 5 mths pregnant rite? Tis time we def need a BIGGER place!

Jessica, I live very near Jules. I go to her place very often to try out the stuff she rent for XY, hehe. Let me check if I can make it or not, if yes then can spilt costs! Oh but Ling u'r gng rite? Hmmm..... Nvm den. hee.

CNY around the corner, so excited cos this is their FIRST!

Nor, happy birthday! Hope your dad will get well soon!

Yvonne, might drop by if i can make.

Yolk sac, Em & Rox abt the same 'age' but she's progressing so fast! Smtimes wen i read abt Em's progress, I tend to worry leh. But I always tell myself to relax & let nature tk its own course (of cos we must help / expose them at the same time). =)

4ever, ur gal is so chubby! HAMBURGER! love her cheeks! so tempted to pinch, hehe.

Jules, hope u'll get well soon too.

BCube, you'r getting another helper? Wow. Sorry to hear abt ur hb's condition, hope the TCM will aid his recovery.

Nana, hope u'll be as fit as a fiddle soon too!

See some of u mummies tis sunday!
Hi Ling, Jules & Elyn,

Jules, Eyln & myself are staying near ABC Mkt. Cantonment not near right? If u want can on the way to fetch u to split cost. But then 1 cab can or not? Babies not counted right? I am bringing stroller. Not sure if the boot can accomodate more stroller if taking 1 cab?

We should meet up one of these days! Smtimes me & Julia will go jalan jalan tgt with bb, either Anchor point or ikea. =)

Btw, me just say say onli lah, u gals go ahead. If I'm gng I'll tk train =) Thanks thanks
elyn, oh...jules actual name is julia..keke...

wld love to know all mummies actual names, can??

my one is yvonne; u all know liao...
<font color="aa00aa">Jules</font>
Maybe that's why I find you familiar. I might have seen you around the area. keke
yvonne, there was this list circulating some time ago, with our real names, contact no, email, etc. I forgot where i saved it liao, anyone has it? Angel, Mei2 or Renz was consolidating it i tink.

My actual name is Eileen. Jus prefer the way Elyn is spelt.

Dear all, so far I've nv used a stroller b4 though i have like 3 at home! I find it very inconvenient esp when it's crowded. Have to start trying otherwise how to manage as Rox gets bigger (cannot fit into the sling)
yolk &amp; jillian &amp; yvonne
thks for the useful list/tips on going out with bb...but i must say yolk is very organize

yvonne, sorry if i've confused u. This sunday i'll see you gals @ 3pm @ kindermuzik, i cant make it at 2pm as my church service ends at 2pm...

nor...glad that your daddy is getting betta.
Is it your birthday today? haPpy biRThdaY to u

4ver, its fine with me. We can meet at Compass Pt first

Elyn...hmm the latest version of name list wasnt consolidated by me. I didnt join you gals for the last gathering. Someone else did it i think, I also cant remember.
Elyn, Renz.. Thanks
i re-read my earlier note, i think the way i post the note somewhat gives the idea that its my bday today.. my bday is actually 2nd Jan but i've not had the chance to meet up with my galfren til tdy; hence she wanted to make up with a super belated bday lunch..

i'm ok with changing the location to another near mrt place cos i will not be driving and will be easier for those taking train too. is there a Swensen's at Raffles City Shopping Ctr (city hall mrt)? at least its centralized for all. just a suggestion.
OUting...dont mean to be a nuisance but im for changing location to more central area. Im coming from bukit batok, novena is too long travelling distance for Shayne. Im good for city hall.
There is swensen at Plaza S. Dun think city hall and raffles got. If Plaza S, i dun mind cos i can take NEL and maybe i can bring all my girls too haha.

Jules, hope you feeling better now. ya think different doc got different definition. Like our gynae too, some said ok to gain more weight but some limited our weight gain

Jewel, Ashley is so cute. haha you must have miss her so much

Elyn, thanks for the compliments.
4ever: ya, we can meet up at compasspoint 1st.

Maybe we can share a cab since there are 3 of us. renz &amp; 4ever, what do you say? Can I meet you guys early, say around 1:50pm (if we are taking cab)at compasspoint cos I need to feed Kaizer ard 2:30pm leh. We shld be able to reach our meeting place before 2:30pm if taking cab.

City hall is fine with me
Hi Elyn,

Are u a SAHM? Can meet up if got mini gathering at IKEA or Anchorpoint with Jules. Can sent me your contact at [email protected]? Tks!

Hi Yvonne,

My real name is Jessica. Nickname: persian as I have a persian cat. Wonder if my girl can get along with my cat later??
Aiyo, confused liao. So the next gathering 15 Feb confirmed at Raffles City or not? I'm ok with both though prefer RC too as near my place. Hee! hee!
Morning mummies: I'm alright with the change of venue. Since there are going to be quite a few of us, I suggest that we ring and reserve a table. I'm happy to do so once I can get the final numbers and location. Have a good day everyone!
hehe i did a rather ermmmmmmm.... notty thing yesterday.... i let kaelyn taste durian!!! hehe

and the verdict...SHE LOVES LOVES LOVES it... and cried because i stop giving her the durian.. hehe.. think i ate too much durian when i was preggy.... resulting in a durian crazy bb hahahaha... was kinda cute to see her reaction actually.....

Morning Ladies!!!

Elyn: I do have the list with our real names and contacts but it was not done up by me..I think it's Clesphrin who did it!
Oh..long time din see her already!!!

RE: Gathering
Just let me start to consolidate the list..it's so confusing!

Please kindly put down the venue you prefer to meet up beside your name! Let's make it majority wins ok??

July Mummies Outing!!
Date : 15 Feb,Friday
Time : 3pm (ok with everyone?)
Venue : TBA

1. Cheok (RC)
2. Jules
3. yvonne
4. angel (RC)
5. yolksac
6. peck
7. Jilian
8. kth
9. renz
10. nana
11. nor (Halal food pls)
13. 4ever
14. Jessica (RC)
15. irenechoi (TBC)
16. Ling
17. En_hui
