(2007/07) July 2007 MTBs

parsniketty: Can see that A was definitely enjoying herself.

Yah, Matt loves the exersaucer. He's getting good at playing the toys. Have to thank you for helping me when I made my first purchase from an oversea site.

Peck: I'm interested in the massage class. Do they conduct the lessons over the weekend or weekdays? Can only make it on weekends.

Jenn: How was the swimming lesson? I think if i'm not wrong it called the hydrotherapy, right? Thought of bringing Matt there to have some fun. Do I have to made advanced booking for the session?

Yolksac: I didn't attend any antenatal course. By the time I wanted to enrol, RH had already run out of vacancies. Well, help me to save a bit of money. ;P

Sigh... Matt doesn't seem to be interested in his books nowadays. He will start squirming and yelling the moment I pick up a book. It's hard to get through one book. Any tips on how to cultivate his interest in books.

Shymz and Peck: So glad to see that ur bbs are so engrossed in reading. Wish Matt can sit quietly and enjoy his books.

Matt seems to be more interested in standing and walking. He can lift up his legs now and walk a few steps with our help.

Toys: I'm thinking of getting some toys for Matt. Anyone has any good toys to recommend?

Hi Claire, I think our babies have the same name
and coincidentally they seem to have the same personality as well - not interested in books while more keen in standing and walking. Mine loves to bounce too. He can bounce non-stop in his exersaucer for a good 10 mins!

Peck, I'm also interested in the baby massage class. Just missed the one conducted by TMC. The last one they had was at AMK hub.

Jenn, are you staying in Punggol too? I brought my baby there before they got featured in the newspaper and at that time, they hardly had any customers. We were one of the "guinea pigs" I think. Overall, I think it is just a fad. Also don't find them that professional. I saw the way they massaged my baby and it looked more like 'applying lotion'.
Claire, i think the next class they have is only that day i state above leh.. 3 sat from 12 to 1245..

mightyminx, enhui and claire, u make a call to kk @ 6394 1268 to make reservation if interested cuz i think only 8 or 12 max in the class leh.. we can learn together :p
wow matt can walk le. so fast!
i'm looking out for toys too. just came back from kiddy palace. so messy. will pop by toys r us tomorrow. clueless to what i should get for ash too. her attention span very very short.
Jules: Great meeting you yesterday! You are so slim! Haiyoh I still have kgs to lose
XY is so cute, waving her arms around hee

Veralyn is not interested in books or toys! She prefers pple to play with her. She will get tired of toys after a short while but she can "talk" to us for a very long while. Plus, she's only interested in silly play like a moving face towel! we will wave the face towel above her when she is lying down. She will move her arms and legs excitedly and sometimes scream in excitement. Honestly, I dont know what is so exciting abt a moving towel!

Her head is still a little wobbly when sitting so she cant sit up for long. Thus, no exersaucer or walker for her yet! If she's interested in doing these things like bouncing around I will let her but shes not really interested! Anyway, according to old wives tales, babies should not learn to do things too fast ie we try to train them too early cos pple say they would have a hard life later on so I am letting things happen on its own hee. If she wants I will buy for her then. Somemore Veralyn is a gal and I want her to have a good life next time! Since I cant be a tai tai this life, I hope she can be whahahha

Re sleeping bag
Veralyn hates blankets. She is damn afraid of heat and can really perspire like mad! There were a few times she screamed like mad when we put the blanket for her at night. Once we removed it, she stopped and slept soundly. No sleeping bags for her.

Re baby massage
The only baby massage I go to is the one widely recommended in this forum and other motherhood forums. It is the Yu Guo Children Chinese massage at Kembangan. It's VERY popular, come weekends its already packed when they open at 9am! There are a lot of infants too and infants do get priority so dont need to queue that long! I think its pretty good as chinese tui na apparently helps in their physical development too...can help to improve appetite, move their bowels etc. Even when they are sick they can still go for massage to relieve the symptoms.
hello mummies, being a very long time since I last post. Came back to work after 2 months of maternity and was so busy since then. Only able to take 1 day of leave till date. All the work seems to be waiting for me to come back.

bedebe, do visit mothergarden when u visit japan. It's inside the subway station mall. They sell finger food for baby which they pack into small packets and some with even very nice bags. They packaging is so pretty. But the last time i visit japan was like 5 yrs ago but think the standard shd be still there.
btw regarding MIL taking care of your baby. Mine is worse, it is my hubby aunt taking care of my gal.

1. She practically bring the baby out all day and come weekends, my daughter screams to go out. Once the door is open, she stops. Then my neighbour maids told my aunt that baby "always" cry on weekends.

2. She complain to my relative that I give my gal cold milk when I give lukewarm milk to my baby. Claim that cold milk will make her have stomache. She will make my BM hot. how do i know? cos 1 time when i reach home, she couldnt finish her milk, so i pour away, when i pouring away i pour on my hand to see check the temperature, it will warm and to tink that the baby has been drinking for 30 mins. my god..

3. I cant play/ bring her out with my daughter at nite. It will over stimulate her and nite time not good to bring her our. But she can play with my gal n bring her out, it's ok.. wat kind of double standard.

4. She cannot be allowed to cry. Once she start crying, she will be carried.

5. She doesnt undertand I must sterilize my bottles as she claim my relative doesnt sterilize. She dun see, doesnt mean they dun sterilize but she insist she dun and say i too particular..

6. If she got bitten by mosquito, I will get scolding cos I din take care of her.. But how can I stare at my gal every other min to make sure there's no mosquito?

there's still lots more.. she can scold me till i cry.. so wat can be worse.. but i know, she does love my daughter alot..

anyway, as she going china in dec, manage to place my daughter in infant from dec. Shd be for 1 month, i will try to get her in for long-term.. hehe..

sorry for the long post, haf to vent out my frustation.. kept inside too long but no time to vent.. :p
jenn.. my bb's blog is jolovanlee.blogspot.com.. can go visit

so tired these few days.. jo has been waking up so often in the nite.. schedule suddenly haywire
ice goh, *hug hug* your aunt sounds like my mum, esp No 4 and No. 6.. i know she love jovan alot but....haiz... I just get scolded for not bring jovan out of my room to let her carry when he cry last nite cuz i wanna settle him down myself, she tok as if i wanna harm him and let him cry by himself.
Good Morning, mummies
Yap, the swimming is called hydrotherapy, u can bring Matt there 1/2 after feeding. Best u book a tub when u are on ur way there. I had download a video on my boy when he went swimming.

Peck, Dorami
My boy's blog :

I stayed in Rivervale Crescent, just 5 min drive to Punggol Plaza.. For the massage, think now they are quite pro, my boy slept immediately after the massage !
parsniketty, thanks dear.. am trying it out now. any idea how much shipping came to for your exersaucer and how long it took to arrive? I know for claire, shipping cost a whopping 97USD!! faint.. same price as the exersaucer itself!

Claire, how long did ur exersaucer take to arrive from the time u ordered? very scared tat by the time it arrives she may not find it interesting anymore!

livvie, hey nice meeting u too
wish i cld have met veralyn though! ermmm i think mummy is actually the best 'toy' bb can have.. in fact u can prob teach her more things than any toy can! and u are free somemore hehehe :p xy also like veralyn.. doesnt seem too interested in toys and wld rather be carried ard the house or listen to music in my PIL's room (FIL is a music fanatic.. )

re moving towel- ehhh xy is extremely amused when we flap a piece of tissue at her. can laugh and shriek like mad..dunno whats so interesting also.

icegoh, oh dear.. i think i wld quarrel with ur aunt for sure man.. u are so patient already. forum is for releasing steam so go ahead and vent!
ha ha, need not peep lah... is open to all mummies here. No problem...Can i have ur blog too ? So that i can add too ? My boy frankly dun really like the exesaucer... sigh !
Morning ladies!!!

icegoh: hang on there!! cos u r not alone..my MIL also like tt..although i noe tt she loves Kayden but sometimes i think tt she is overly protective..I've my own ways of teaching & taking care of Kayden but she always make mi sounds like I'm torturing him!!! Hai.. There was once she said tt she dun dare to go out & leave Kayden with us cos later we'll beat him!! For godness sake..HE IS MY SON!
Morning mummies, 2 more days to the wkends!

Ice Goh, my heart goes out to u. Hang in there k? Sometimes ignorance is a bliss. I've learnt to do that ever since my confinement days. MIL dun ustand when I wanna buy time & make sure Roxanne is really hungry before feeding her. She tinks I'm cruel! The thing is that Roxanne will play & b very distracted & will tk super long to finish her milk if she isnt hungry. Sometimes as long as half an hr! So no point rite?

Like wat Angel mentioned, we are their mothers & I tink we noe best lah. Certain things of cos we got no experience but we've equipped ourselves with knowledge fr reading! Times are different liao lah thts wat I believe. Last time where got SARS, hand foot & mouth disease? Whatever it is, try & ren k?

Dorami, how often does Jo wakes up? Roxanne wakes up approx every 2 hrs leh. These days I'm so shagged, I'll jus latch her on. She'll usually KO aft 5 min or so. I do not ustand y she's not slping thr leh.

In the day she takes abt 100ml every feed, every 2 hrs! So by right she shuld b tking sufficient rite? I've already cut down my intake of caffine to one cup per day, in the morning. I wonder if it's bcos she slps too much in the day. She's four mths & 4 wks old liao. Wat can b wrong?
hi ladies,

NTUC having diaper sales: got it from june thread.

NTUC- M/L/XL - 2 For $18.95 (UP:$21.90)
PETPET- M/L/XL - 3 For $35.95(UP:$41.40)
Mammy Poko Pooh- S/M/L/XL - $22.90(UP:$24.15)
Pampers Active Baby- XL - 3 For $45.95(UP:$66.30)
Pampers Active Baby Jumbo pack- M/L - 2 For $45.95(UP:$68.40)
Pampers Pull up- L/XL - $17.95(UP:$21.70)
Pampers baby dry- S/M/L/XL - 3 For $28.30(UP:$35.70)
Dryper- S/M/L/XL - 3 For $35.95(UP:$38.40)
Nepia(Tape)- M/L- 2 For $26.95(UP:$33.80)
Nepia(Pull up)- L/Big- 2 For $26.95(UP:$33.80)
why dont you try to increase her inake? does Roxanne slp for long in the day?
Ashlyn hardly sleep during the day. if she takes a short nap every 2 hrs. and sleep for 10mins at most.

I've tried but she jus refuse to tk anything more than 100ml!!! I even tried giving her more during her last feed (say ard 11pm or so) but she usually KO aft 70ml. If i attempt to rouse her fr slp then, she'll end up WIDE awake! Headache.
Elyn, my heart goes out to you. I can understand how shag you can be in the morning. This happened to me as well. I wake up feeling so lethargic and its so difficult to work. I used to latch Zachy on when he wakes up in the night and he conk out after nursing for a few mins. But I have read in books that sometimes when a baby wakes up, its not beacause they are hungry. It is because their biological clock is stuck. Zachy used to wake up at 2.30 am, 4.30 am and 7.30 am. What I did was to let him cry for 5 mins. After a while, he will just self-soothe and fall back to sleep again. So now, he will conk out at around 9.30 pm and wakes up at 5.30 am. I am still hoping that he will be able to stretch till 7.30 am!

Jules, I read that you started semi-solids with XY. Does she now poos everyday? Zachy seems to be pooing daily eversince I started him on rice cereals.

Livvie, regarding schedule for semi-solids. What I did is to feed him one meal a day. But that is after nursing him. I will try to line feeding him semi-solids according to the three main meals which we adults take. For instance, I will nurse him for a full feed at 1.30 pm and then supplement with semi-solids. I am planning to BF for as long as possible so that is why I am still nursing him for every meal even though I am giving him semi-solids. This is to prevent my supply from going down.

Yolk Sac, I did not attend any pre-natal class cos' I was overseas and its too late for me to attend the class.

Claire, Zachy likes to walk too! He just simply refused to sit down when we carry him. Have to keep carrying him upright. He likes to bounce off our legs when we carry him. Hiaz... I think boys will be boys.
Dear mummies,
May i know if any of u are using fisco here ??? I am currently switching my boy from fisco to similac and i still left with 4 tins, which i dun think i will use it at all.
Oh ya yolk sac, I didnt attend any pre natal class too.

Lilac, I envy u cos u are alone (not stayin w in laws whosoever.) I lived w my in laws, like ive mentioned above, whenever i try & let her self soothe or buy time, MIL will look at me one kind. There was a nite, I tried letting her self soothe, in the end both my PILs came to check on us!!! How lah?
Oh is it ? Similac will cause constipat huh ? I switch cos of the substance in stage 2 which will helps to loose the stools. As i am preparing him to solid food, i scared that he might got constipation..... so i tot similac will be beta.

So far, he is still on EBM during the day, and 1/2 fisco cum similac in the night, so far still oki. get to poo daily at least 4 times.
Elyn, ya.... it tough if you are not staying alone. I can totally understand because when I was back in Singapore, my mum will 'rebuke' me if Zachy cries even for 10 seconds.... Zachy cries or rather wail very loudly when we try to bath him. My mum was so upset with me that she left the house because she just couldn't stand Zachy wailing. Now that we are alone, we just let Zachy cries when it is nap time for him. Some babies can just doze off to sleep without putting up a struggle. Some babies can't - Zachy can't and he needs to cry a little before he sleeps and I am not helping him by picking him up when he is ready to doze off. Oh ya, one of my friend used pacifier for her twins at night. But it depends on your stand on using pacifier. Press on, ya?
Hi icegoh,

Well, mil is always like that cos she thot she can bring up her kids in her way and watever we did is useless and not right. So why bother rite, I pei fu u as u can tolerate her, for me I will just give her face and let her know that HE IS MY SON and I am the one who give birth to him and not she. I know this will make life difficult for hubby but then she must learn to give way and respect me too, rite. For me, i just turn to deaf ear and dont talk much. My mil bo bian and just do her style and I do my style hahaha....

Ely, I give my son full on formula upon his birth and no breastmilk at all cos due to health problem. I encounter the same thing like u, he wakes up at midnight past 2am and after dat dont sleep liao till 4am. Very shiong man, so I ask my mil whether did she let him sleep in the day too often, 1st she deny later when she saw us so tedious in taking care at night, she change her pattern.

I told her to let my son play in the morning to afternoon and dont make him sleep as and when she likes. Let him play till he rubbed his eyes or yawm very frequently. After dat make a point do not let him sleep after 4pm, bring him out or garden as u want to, and by 8 plus at night he is tired and will sleep long. Usually my son will wake up at 12am for his feed and then he can sleep till 4 to 5am for his feed again. But then he still cant sleep through loh, least he can sleep 4 to 5 hrs at night i very happy liao. My son is 4.5months now, hope it helps u.
jules ah, met xy in the FC.. today she see dont want to look at me
then i keep calling her and she angry after that! got character hor
peck, haha.. let me apologize on her behalf.. on good days she can be super duper smiley and grin at everyone.. on bad days she is damn fierce and grumpy. yesterday met bpc and elyn for bb gathering.. think she made the most noise tho she also smiled a lot. miss her man..

btw, i dun need calendar leh.. thanks for asking! (trying to conserve sms hehe)

lilac, i am kinda tempted to move her cot into my room (her cot is now in the living room). whenever she cries at night, my MIL will rush out to pick her up and pass to me to feed (always assume that bb wake up cos hungry)if i am not there already. so unless we put her in our room and close the door, the CIO method wont work leh. now xy will ko ard 10plus, and wake up at 4plus-5 for milk after which she sleeps very restlessly b4 waking up at 7plus. dunno why she cant sleep well after her 5am feed leh.. anyone else have this problem?

started xy on semi solids only 4days ago.. she last pooed abt 10 days ago.. next poo is due in 3 days. so cant tell if her poo pattern changed or not leh..

feeding schedule - mine is the opposite of urs.. i start with the cereal, then finish the meal with ebm/latch on. hope to slowly increase the cereal amt so that her mid morning feed is just cereal alone.

btw, do u find that feeding cereal fills zach up longer? there is no diff for xy leh! she took 1/2 bowl of cereal (with 50ml ebm mixed in) and 50ml ebm after that. 2hr 40min later she was hungry again!! the interval isnt increased at all!
jules, dont need to apologize la.. just now so scared that i make her cry!! what is her weight now ah? she seems much bigger than jovan leh.. yesturday so heavy rain ur still out for gathering ah!!
hmm... move her cot in ur room lah!! so good to takecare of her at nite alone, no need ur mil to tag along.i keep hoping jovan dont wail so loud till my mum break in my room to carry him away!! Just wanna settle myself no matter how difficult it is..

hey gals, wanna meet up say dec or jan weekend?
jenn.. jayden so cute.. me tinkin of rentin d exersaucer oso.. 4mths can sit in it liao???

i oso link ur blog to mine hehe..

Elyn.. abt 2-3 times.. sometimes is juz stretch n whine n falls bac aslp.. nt every 2 hrs but affects us cos v'll get up n take a look at him to make sure he's ok.. yours is more xiong.. i cant imagine havin to wake up every 2 hrs

last time juz wake up once a nite for milk .. nw sometimes is 2x.. really tirin n stress

he ham bin for d past 2 nites.. cry so hard non stop for 10-15mins
mine is www.ashlyndiary.blogspot.com

i think you hang on a while more. cause some babies take longer wean off the night feed. hmm... my nephew stop his night feed at 18mths. ey not to scare u ah. cause he's a very very big drinker. he's like asking for milk all the time. i cant recall what happened to my girl. it was like she suddenly decided wanna to sleep thru.
Dorami, wonder wat's with them hor? Last nite i tried to swaddle her cos was so desperate when she stirred continuously at ard 430! She managed to slp till abt 6 plus, not bad. Will try again 2nite.

peck, i dun mind!

Berry, it's gd tht ur MIL is willing to change! I mentioned to her b4 but she strongly believes babies shuld slp more so tht will grow faster (???). If Rox is able to slp 4 hrs or more, I'm more than happy! Thanks for the advice.

Lilac, I've been resisting the pacifier ever since God noes when. Very tempting but I'll press on. Thanks for sharing. =) U'r a great mum, admire ur perservence in latching on! Keep it up k?
elyn, mine too! he actually can sleep thru for past few weeks and can self settle, now he will cry immediately i put him on his cot and he wake up at 5am every morning!! some more after feed he dont want to sleep liao i have to accompany him till 6+ then handover to my helper
does rox drink water? hear from someone that if you wanna wean of night feed, can try to let bb drink water in the evening. maybe about 20ml. this way they'll feel full and will not wake up. i have not tried this method. dunno where it helps anot. or is rox teething? sometimes if her gums is not comfortable, she'll wake up too. hmm. this happened to ash when she was 4mths and it lasted for afew days. what i did was, i used a warm towel to message her gums. then the next day i bought teething gel for her.
leobaby, 18 mths isnt tht bad leh. My colleague's son still wakes up for milk! he's almost 3! his dad believes it's habitual. They normally give very diluted milk. I just pray I'm not creating a bad habit. But if she's hungry I cant deny her mah
peck, i dunno her wt now, but she was 7.2kg at 4mths 2 wks (1 mth back). pretty sure she is 8kg by now..at night i take care of her alone.. in fact she co-sleeps with us from 4plus onwards lor. 1st half of the night is spent in her own cot in the living room

dun mind meeting up in dec!! but prefer weekday cos wkends reserved for bb and hb!
jules,now hor after he wakes up at 5am i put him in between us to sleep sometime he'll fall asleep sometime he dont but he like to turn to hb side kick and scratch him until he wake up haha

if wanna meet in weekday, lets fix a date so that i can take leave
leobaby.. all d while he's ok n only wakes up once for a feed.. these 2 days he ham bin n wakes up very often.. i oso dunno wat went wrong.. hopefully today wont b like tt again

last nite 4am he woke up bac of his head all sweat.. i got on aircon at 25 degree n on fan oso.. piangz.. my bb stil sweat until like tt.. dunno wat to do oso
Jules, I feel that Zachy seems to last a little longer on rice cereals. So what I am doing now is to move his rice cereals feed to dinner time instead of lunch time.

Elyn, can understand. Personally, I don't give Zachy pacifier as well. Its a personal choice lah. I think differenr methods work for different babies. So need to trial and error to find out the one which works best for yours. Regarding latching on.... no lah... I think all mums here are the greatest regardless of latching on, feeding via the bottle or whichever method of feeding.

Leobaby, I have heard of the giving water method. One of my relatives (a granny) gives water to her grandchild every she cries in the middle of the night. Eventually, the baby doesn't even bother to wake up for feeds because its water she is taking and not milk! The baby is now a 25 yrs old healthy lady.
peck, how come like tht hor? Does he have a blocked nose? Cos I realise Rox will be like tht if her nose is. I will then place her head higher with more pillow.

Leobaby, thanks alot! Rox doesnt like water leh. But im at my wits ends, will try everything.. Hehe
