(2007/06) June 2007 MTB

I became a SAHM when my girl was about 8 mths old. Thot I'll just devote my time on her growing up years. If I'm still working, don't think I'll have the time and energy to take good care of her, esp. answer all her non-stop questions!
I'm really thankful I managed to lose all the weight but not so confident the 2nd time round cos' skin at tummy all loose from 1st time so I better be more careful with what I eat. Nobody stopped me from eating the last time so I practically ate everything I wanted, so much so that my girl decided to stay inside me for longer. I delivered her when I was in week 40+.

Hi mummies,
just popped by n found all the topics discussed to b very familar when i was in my 1st trimester last year. So paiseh to intrude here cos im not a jun 07 mtb. hee...
Hi Jellybeans,
i'm like u, nobody to control me so i just keep eating n eating n i actually gained 27 kg !!! have lost 21 kg during these 3 mths aft birth, hope i can lose all the excess just like u !
hi minne,
me 1st baby too....
check with u gals, do u all have mood swings ah?I now like very easily affected leh...If i watch a show that is touching, i will just simply cry...dan just now when my office public enemy try to tekan me, i just simply dun give face and screw her upside down... is this normal huh???
so u r a SAHM now? it's good as you can take good care of your own baby.....did you control your diet after you gave birth? I oso scare I will gain too much....
Hi Blueblue,
I'll also turn Week 7 this Friday

Sounds like we are in the same boat. I also have no MS or other obvious symptoms. Just a bulging tummy (which even my mum says it shouldn't grow so fast at such an early stage!) I dun have the problem with spotting but when I read the book, it says that spotting can be normal as long as the blood flow is not too heavy and accompanied with abdominal pain. But do take this chance to rest yah? Enjoy your MC! (I was also on 1-week MC 2 weeks ago)

char - I'm also on your mailing list for the TTC tools. thanks for all the info and help!
jellybeans,i think your gal also enjoy the food that mummy ate during pregnancy...

char, i think it should b normal ba... cos ppl always say pregnant woman mood swing n emotional very easily...
ladies, how many kg are you in now? if not mind telling..
i am at 58kg now...v worried will gain v fast cos i have been eating alot of rice..is it ok to control our diet now?
elizabeth, me 1kg lighter than u now... hehehe, i have put on about 1kg lor... I also eat alot, n no merlion so everything still in my stomach...

Ladies, wana seek your advice lay... firstly: this sat is my cousin's wedding dinner (he shotgun marriage, now wife 5 months pregnant) can i attend the dinner?
Secondly: Sun is my elder sis bb boy 1 yr old celebration, can i attend the celebration?
very scare lay, dun knw can go to this type of function or not... my family still dun knw me pregnant yet...
i am going for my fren's wedding dinner but will skip the morning session. I dont really pantang..but will watch my food intake during the dinner (heard cannot eat shark's fin soup)..
Hi jellybeans, I also lost my 21kg within the year thank God
And everyone is amazed at the way it has gone down no one would believe I put on 21kg over the 9 months ha ha. Anyway like you I also must not put on so much weight this time already. Now 2 years older than before liao just in case cannot lose all the weight than how? But I'm always hungry leh... appetite also very good though I have mild nausea.

Wow Jurong gal, I think you beat all our record. Its amazing you lost 21 kg in 3 months. Dun worry, should be able to lose it all.

Hi Elizabeth, when I was putting on weight very fast during my 1st trimester last round, my gynae told me its ok to control diet meaning eat for 1 persons, don't eat for 2 persons. So just eat the normal amounts and don't overeat. For my last pregnancy, I started at 45kg ended at about 67kg. Now I am maybe 46kg - don't know what it will end up like coz I seem to be always hungry.
ya elizebeth, feel like a big tree log....my original weight is 68kg, cant imagine if i put on 20kg during pregnancy, sure look like teletubbies....
ya...certain big fishes is hig in mercury, so better dun take... i will go home n read the 'What to expect when u r expecting' dan will update everyone....
minne, no need to envy lor, I am the skinny kind so people say look too thin so not very complimentary also... Gynae told me that he thinks the best way for me to put on weight is to get pregnant... aiyah
very siah lay, now now that i pregnant hor I very excited lay.... keep surfing net to read forums... no mood to work, so excited... cant concentrate to do my work liao... hehehe
Hi Mich,

Same problem as you leh. I'm always hungry. But dont want to overeat also. I read somewhere that we should eat about 300 calories more a day only. Basically, once you drink the 3 glasses of milk a day, that covers it.

Elizabeth, I definitely feel my waist line increase. I'm digging out my looser clothes to wear.

Anyone knows if drinking chicken essence is ok?
Hi Twiggy, think the 300calories is for the 2nd trimester and after. First trimester only extra 100calories a day which is not much lor... eat a few candies already gone liao. Which is why I keep putting on weight coz I can't seem to control. Dun know why stomach like keeps thinking of food. And if I dun eat, I will feel the nausea. Sigh.
i think mine is terror case....
Before 1st pregnancy 39kg....
After delivery of Hiroshi till now... 53kg....
(and Hiroshi is already 10 months old!!)
I have not lost ANY WEIGHT!!
and i can't find my waist!!
I can't imagine putting on more weight for this pregnancy...
Already got friend and relatives saying that i am growing SIDEWAYS!! arrgh!! Help!!
minne, yes changing job now cos I only conceive after I signed the letter of offer

elizabeth, thanks for the tips! will try grinding the ginger and boiling it with water hehe.

Char, I dun have mood swings as yet but MS still rather bad.

Aiyoh, so envy those who can shed all the weight after giving birth! wonder how long it will take me though hmm ...

Oh ya, re the bananas, even my grandma said cannot eat del monte bananas throughout the pregnancy cos too liang and not good for baby. Just to share here. So sad cos those are my fav bananas!
53kg is not too bad liao, my weight before preggie is 49kg and now already 51kg...easily can catch up with yours...hee hee. Just reading the past messages that you are a SAHM....so cool...how's SAHM life as compared to working life? u r staying in punggol?
Blueblue: Yes! I am a SAHM!! And loving every minute of it!! rahahahaha... I am staying in poungol. Yourself?!?
1) got financial freedom loh....
2) erm.... can chat and bitch with work mates all day long....
3) never have to look like an UNKEPT huang liang po
1) you get to see all your kid's milestones...
( I guess this exceed all the other pros in the above cat.)
Hi morning....

hiroshi: very good hor SAHM, very envy lay how i wish my hb k earn enough so tat i can b a SAHM also.... u very young rite? cant imagine u were 39kg only...
twiggy, for yr info..my TCM says cannot drink chix essence...
she didnt say why though...so i dont drink.

no one catch up with me yet rite?? 58 kgs..hee

so depressing
I am oso staying in punggol...so we are neighbours. It's good that you can spend time with your little ones....especially when they are still so young...my friends who wanted to do so all did not as some really need double income to support.
U so young leh....me going to pass 30 liao....
Hey Mich,

Wah! 100 calories is not much. I've definitely been pigging much more than that. How much weight are you suppose to have put on by the end of first trimester?

I was 41 kg usually but am now about 42, almost 43kg. Good thing my clothes tend to be loose so I can still wear most of them after awhile probably.
Elizabeth, thanks for the info on chicken essence. I wanted to take yesterday, thought maybe it's good since high in protein etc.
Hi everyone, I just found that i am 6 weeks pregnant. hee, this will be my no. 2. my first one is a 20months girl.

I used to see Dr. Chris Chong, but now he is private so rather expensive. I will be going back to KKH.
Hiroshi, u young lah only 26 tis yr and already got a boy liao...Give birth younger then got more energy to look after the your child hor... I 27 tis yr but 1st time mummy...

Twiggy, also very slim hor... very envy lay, for me already on the plump side later stage of pregnancy will be more jialat lay...
Hi! Hows everyone? Sorry, hv been MIA for a while coz I hv been hving terrible ms the whole day and feeling super tired and sleepy too. I also dun hv much appetite to eat. This pregnancy definitely quite diff from the 1st one. I used to surf the net a few times previously, now dun even feel like switching on the notebk, terrible, hope my ms will go away soon. Luckily, my boy has been quite cooperative, nvr ask me to carry him coz he knows it will hurt bb and he has almost cut down all his bf session willingly.
Oh ya, just went for my 1st gynae visit on tues, managed to see babys heartbeat. EDD shd be 4 June.
Can I check whether anyone is going for the Oscar test?

I am 50.8 kg now, just weighed on tues at gynae clinic. For 1st pregnancy, I started at 49.8 and ended up at 61kg. I managed to go back to 50kg after abt 2 mths. But after my boy turn ard 18 mths, I put on some wt again due to snacking and supper. Hv been trying to lose the wt recently, then discovered I am preggy.
I took sharks fins soup for pervious pregnancy once, during a wedding dinner. I read somewhere b4 though some of fish/sharks fins tt we are suppose to avoid due to mercury is usually not a big problem, coz most of the time we wun take so much till it pose a danger. In fact, I took most stuff. Coz my gynae advise was only to keep away from alcohol and limit coffee/tea to one per day, also dun take herbal stuff for 1st 3 mths.

I think it depends on whether u pantang or not. For my 1st pregnancy, I attended and was the jie mie whole day for my best friends wedding, I was 8 wks then. But if not coz its my best friend, I think I will probably decline and just attend wedding dinner. I also attended one full mth, but nvr carry the baby.

I also feel like merlion all the time. Even when I nvr eat much or hungry, still feel like merlion and air or just saliva will come out. HiazKfeel terrible. I do agree its a torture! Tried ribena which worked for my previous pregnancy but no effect this time.

U are so youngKenvy. Hehe..I agree that the one pro in being sahm exceeds all the other poos.
hi moomoo, what's oscar test?
usually in which week can see heartheat? i am scheduled to see gynea this coming Monday...mommies-2-be, pls keep me in your prayers...thank you
hi gals,
just an update...the types of fish to avoid:
king mackeral, swordfish, tile fish,shark...cos these big fishes tends to be high in mercury
Hello, every1.. congrate...including me too!! heehee. me just found out i'm 6week preggy..

Hi, char5105, thanks for your reminder.. stingray also cannot..
no leh.. not so leh.. hopefully is same as my 1st preggy.. smoothly. I want to enjoy the whole process.. hehe

how abt u?
Elizabeth, no worries everything will be fine for u...

I have not arrange to c a gyne yet, maybe another 1 or 2 weeks time cos u all say now also cant c anything go also waste $... I still dun have any MS yet dun knw gd or not... just caht with a friend going to due next mth, she got no MS throughout her pregnancy lay, so she say very easy and normal for her lor...
Hi twiggy, I think can put on about 2kg in first trimester bah... but I put on 4kg in my first pregnancy during first 3 months ha ha. You're only 42kg, so light... I think you can don't have to worry too much about your weight and eat what you want. That's what the nutrition consultant at the hospital told me. She said if I started underweight its ok to put on 18kg.
jurong gal,
Wow, I have to pass the throne to u, 27kgs! If I really put on that much, I don't think I'll be able to do it lah. You're really amazing, can lose 21 kgs in 3 months somemore, well done.

Yah, me SAHM. Does get a bit boring at times cos u don't get to talk to colleagues & see the "world", but for me I feel that seeing my girl's milestones in her early years is worth sacrificing my job for. Didn't really control my diet after delivery but somehow after delivery, I sort of lost all appetite in food so I wasn't eating that much after that. Seems so strange cos' I ate almost everything before I delivered!
I'm also about 49kgs before preggie, now shd be 50kgs.

I think shd be OK lah. I'll also be attending my cousin's girl 1 year old birthday party this Sunday & have a wedding to attend next week, guess shd be alright. I think eating a bowl of shark's fin soup during the dinner will not hurt esp. when it's in low quantity and the shark's fin is already processed anyway.

I agree with u, seeing your child's milestones easily beat the other advantages of working. Only thing is the financial part loh.

Yah, with your weight, can afford to put on lah. For me I'm the type who puts on weight very easily, so got to watch what I eat.

I'm also seeing my gynae this coming Monday. Don't worry, everything will be fine for u.
U managed to shed off the weight after giving birth...that's good. I think it's oso becos u looked after your gal yourself....it takes up alot of effort and energy. Pple who have helpers I think will take longer time to gain bk their original figure.
I guess it would be nice to spend precious times with your girl...i am thinking that I am not the type who will stay at home but hubby said who knows after giving birth, your mindset may change...let's see how....I hv no one to look after my baby oso....may hv to find babysitter....
jellybeans, i confirm not attending the wedding dinner but should be going for my nephew 1 yr celebration...
Minme, Mich
Not that great being thin lah. I have to put on a lot of weight now that I'm pregnant. Eating alot but trying not to overdo it too. I find it's quite hard to remember to eat all the good stuff eg milk (i hate milk!) , fruits and veg etc. I usually just eat all sorts of unhealthy stuff and whatever suits my fancy. Now everything also much think what to eat. Just now I was at Plaza Sing, tempted to buy Burger King for lunch, but in the end settled for a healthier Subway sandwich. :p

Elizabeth, I'm also trying to find out when you can hear heartbeat. Last tine I met the Dr on Tues, still couldnt and she said it was 5 1/2 weeks. Seeing her on Monday. A bit worried coz I've had ectopic pregnancy before. Really keeping fingers crossed.
Hi minne, how many weeks are you now? I am now coming to 6 weeks tomorrow and have a gynae appointment next week. But I am going to postpone it coz also don't want to waste money. if cannot see anything, he sure say come back in 2 weeks time and then might as well go on week 8, right? I even think of going on week 9. You think ok or not? I guess this one is my 2nd one and first pregnancy was quite alright so don't feel like I have to go and see him too early.
Hi Twiggy, I think by week 7 can hear heartbeat for sure. Don't worry, k? I think everything will be fine for you

Anyone know if it's ok to drink coffee? I'm really struggling without my daily coffee fix. Very tired all the time.

Also thinking of taking multi-vits or calcium tablets coz i dont have the habit of drinking milk or eating a lot of fruits and veg.
