(2007/06) June 2007 MTB

lowja, icic.. then i better watch my diet after stop BF-ing

u cannot "siam" the HK trip ah? when coming back?

sigh...i am lousy mummy la. bring Leting out, alreadi kara kapo. bring so many things, even more chaotic for me.
plus usu sun she don get her proper noon nap (at inlaws) she v cranky de...i do wan to go hm as soon as possible to let her rest.

my milk ss is jus nice, i don wan it to waste 'leaking' too. so i make it a pt, max 6hrs. too long no pump, scare ss wil drop too.
pigeon wipes lor....

oh btw i thought i try the kodomo baby wipes since watson have promo - $1.95/pack
it's not as wet as pigeon, so if your baby's poo poo dried up, very diff to clean wan.
really yi fen qian yi fen huo.
am gonna use it as hand wipes when i go holiday.
considering the size and no. of pieces, it's much cheaper and better than hand wipes.
mrsp: so we r nearby finally! MOE renovting nursing rm wor...at 5th floor. sb (pea brain cannt recall who) said yesterd.

sweet: then u overstock on M? cham right? i duno hw to estimate hw many she wil use & hw many i shld buy to stock...
<font color="0000ff">halo all!
my bb is 4mths+ and yet to flip too... oways try to flip her 1 side but within seconds, she will lie fully on her back liao... keke..

toking abt weight, tons of mine has nt shed cos im nt bf-ing since my bb was 1mth+... sigh~ wonder when my tons and tons of weight will gone down... hai~</font>
the neverful bag veri good..on weekdays, its a office bag where i just dump everything inside including my pigeon fridge to go bag. on weekends, it becomes my diaper bag for my 2 kids.

personally the straps dun give me any problems...unless my shoulders have become immune..cos whenever my hubby works late (quite frequently), i will fetch my daughter home from childcare. so i need to carry my neverfull bag, my fridge to go bag, her school bag and her(13kg).
i haven't wore that mphosis polka dot dress since preggie days.
today took it out to wear.
feels like a preggie again!
lowja, whoa...so ur biz trip's confirmed? so fast u need to travel already...so when will u be back??

sweet, maybe ask ur dad to bring trishelle ard the condo compound to walk walk...at least can see see look look ard lor...so she's going for her 2nd jab? or its the 3rd jab liao?

mrs puppet, where's ur new work place??

tano, aiyo...u are not a bad mummy la...u still taking the nursing tea? but i think now more or less the ss is quite stable le...so everyday ard tha amt...cant wait to drop to 3 pumps starting from next week...

lizardess, get the pigeon travel size wipes ?
bandtz, try exercising?

lowja, ur neverfull is GM size? oh goodie...the pigeon fridge to go can fit in *eyes lighten up* ... ekkekke

lizardess, tha dress in cold storage now...hahhaa...dun think i will wear it till i get preggy again cuz i bought size M and think its abit big for me now...heheh
sweet/sporty, alry "siam" the presentation. my boss crazy one, asked me to present the financials and development of the group, when i juz joined the co on mon. so i told him its better tat he do tis one n i learn from him. n i will do the rest. me coming back on fri. 1pm flight. dun think got time to shop, unless no need to work late on thurs, and no need to have dinner w my hk colleagues
J & Mum,
So envy you... 2 kg below your pre pregnancy weight! I still got about 5kg more to shed.. :p
Happy 5 months OLD Javier :eek:)
As for "dry-up"... take your multi-vits and drink loads of water.. that will prob help.

Happy 5 months to Jovial too ;o)
You take care of yourself... get well soon!

40kg? Wow! i will never get to that :p haiz,,, my lightest weight is 53kg now i'm 58kg... 5 more to go.

your bb starting to recognise ppl and plcs.. my bb also start to cry when i go back to my mom's plc. Sleepy is also one factor that might trigger the crying lor coz they want to feel cozy at home when sleepy.. like my girl
sporty, mine is the mm size. when i am lazy to carry 2 bags, i will put the fridge to go bag in my neverfull bag. still got space to put my wallet n hp n diary. if u got lots of barang barang, then cannot.
but gm size definitely can..
<font color="0000ff">sporty; WHAT??!!! EXERCISE?! OMG~ +faint+ nowadays not much energy le... nt enuff sleep... too lazy to exercise, most of my time are being taken up by my ger...</font>
tano, now still dunno whether stock up too much anot since she's like in those in between stage now. S size too small and most M sizes too big for her now.. so i guess if i wan to go diaper shopping, i will buy only L sizes now.. hehe

lowja, how u manage that?! i carry my own bag plus my bb (5.8kg) i already barely make it from carpark to my home (which is bout 5 mins walk)

sporty, my granny brought her out to walk at the corrider yesterday.. haha she didnt dare to bring her downstairs in case she cries.. ya, maybe will ask my dad to bring her downstairs for a short walk everyday

it will be her 2nd jab and she will be taking rotavirus too. i just worried that once she sees the GP, she starts crying, how to take rotavirus?!
i jus went to boil water, going take nursing tea nw. 12pm pump.
u knw, i dilemna...sometimes i think 6mths bf enuff. sometimes i think wanna go further...
lowja, juz shop shop near ur hotel in hk lor :p urs is MM eh? MM can fit in the FTG...goodie...cuz i'm eyeing tha!!

MM :p

lizardess, no la...u are taller mah :p i very ka-tek

bandtz, try lor...or try watching ur diet...

sweet, dun worry la...trishelle will be over this stage soon...u juz have to be abit thick skinned to bring her out lor

tano, try to tong as long as u can lor...was telling j&mum tha day...if next time i can cut to 2 pumps, tha means no need to lug pump out...i dun mind continuing la...
<font color="0000ff">hui; i bet ur weight gain is nt as much as mine cos i dun really BF my bb... dun be sad cos u r nt entitled for the "Heaviest" weight champion yet... keke...</font>
sy i am not sure my MIL said it normal - my 15 mth old niece still has some of these blur black patches on her back near the butt lor.

bb wt
6.565 on 11th Oct
sporty - i just let isaiah wear e swimming trunks i bot for him.. they call it swim diapers but it doesn't absorb pee one.. it's e iplay brand one.. bot at taka fair! cheap cheap! =) then wear his wet suit over it.. never let him go in topless.. scared he cold.. each 'swim' only 10 min like tt only lah.. =)

lizardesss - i bot frm taka fair.. iplay swim diapers.. hee..

sweet - isaiah okie leh.. he likes.. we even brought him under e sprinkler thingy in e play pool.. he liked e sensatio leh... but e sprinkler v v gentle.. he even lift up his head to 'savour' e feeling..
I cannot imagine u putting ur boi in normal diapers and throw him in water...he will sink lor...from the weight of wet diapers...
Swim diapers think works like a normal diaper...even if bb poo...will not dirty the water... Huggies have those disposable one..I saw in Cold Storage in Northpt.

Use travel pack wipes la.... Lighter...
Hot water if in shopping mall can thick skin get from fast food outlet....u say for milk they will give one

Kodomo wipes
Kodomo Wipes have this faulty cover..that will lose stickiness after some time....so cannot close also
The sample pack is VERY good..the wipes are SO WET... but actual... blah...

Ya...1st preggie weight can lose one la... if u cut down on eating...(not dun eat is EAT LESS...)

Me envy u lor...so thin...if I can donate to u....
Maintain ur appetite after u stop Bf-ing..and see if can boom a bit...otherwise u belong to the er-xin chi bu pang type...
Me is the u are what u eat type.... *roar*

Sporty...u ka-tek..then me... Drawf???
sy, the dark green marks on bb's back are mongolian spots ( according to KK's nurse), they'll go off as bb grows bigger...my elder boy n bb kai both have very bad mongolian birthmarks...
lizardess, may i know where you buy the mothers milk tea? i bought mine in hk last time we lived there, now running out.

mummies, you letting your babies go swimming?!!??
the qi xin char not for bb meh?

i also duno how to explai leh.. i drink it when am a bb n so bb will not be too heaty..can find in Chinese Medical Hall..add in plain water for bb to drink
elaine - yup.. not exactly swimming lah.. more like play water lor! haha..

hui - oic.. hee.. since u drnk as a bb, sld be okie to give jovial? maybe jut wait till he's 6 mth?
Wah....:p i think i wait for his head to be more steady first or when he sit up first. i too lazy to prop him up. hehe.scary too.i very weak one
Sporty, neverfull oos at all outlets and waiting list is closed. stocks coming in Dec, sell to customers on waiting list first, then remainder will be in open mkt...so sad
