(2007/05) May 2007 MTB

hehe .. in case u ladies r wondering, 'cool son' is my hb. I left my pc wif e forum page on, so he muz hv read and post :p

congrats, once again

Wow, congrats! So now babyK is gonna be a mei mei!


Gosh, I'm so sorry to hear abt Jonas. It sure is tough trying to clear work, while yr mind is at home with Jonas. I hope he gets well soon. U take care too...

Hey welcome to the thread! I guess like what nellu says, just gotta give plenty of water, then monitor lah. I think shouldn't be much of a problem coz it'll go thru the digestive system to be flushed out. Kids put all kinds of things into their mouths... Mine ate a sticker before & it came out intact the next day. PD say they'll flush it out so don't worry k?

Btw, yr boy has caught HFMD before? guess it's like that in infantcare huh...

Hehe your nick & hubby's so cute, like a pair : Coold & CoolS :p

Nah, I'm no editor. I'm in social work like & my super hectic job allows me to write my reports & other notes at home, so I took it on. Then the other 3 days I'm in office, work like siao lor, and do all my field work... sighs..

Hope yr gal gets well soon. a friend told me, can rub a bit of vicks on the feet then cover with socks when they sleep. seemed that it works for her 2 yr old kid
hahah coincidentally, josh also ate a sticker before and none of us knew until i saw it in him poop!.

Congrats!! Hoping for girl or boy??

btw, wanna ask you put bbK at JG for playnest is it? I heard must commit x2 a week? True or not? how much are the fees now? Very sian to ask them for trial. been asking for so many months since Jan this year. I know if i say i want to sign up straight away they'll sure be very nice to me... $$-faced organisations...

{{Hugs}} sorry to hear Jonas is still not well. Do take care of yourself as well leh. Health more important than work. Child more important than work...

hope your girl gets well soon too.

sigh..abt the new benefits and all, now I got another worry. The potential of being discriminated when getting back to work. already the last time i kena hounded by my HR all the time to take my ML earlier...damn sian with her over this. Aft birth, still fight with her over childcare leave...piangz...
even if big boss ok with me joining back, sure got many many problems with the lazy HR....
mee sua like pasta loh...cook awhile then soft already. but becasue they are quite high in salt. after i cook it, i will pour away the water, and add in hot water. if you want it really soft for adam, you can soak it in water after cooked, the mee sua will be even softer
usu i will scald the mee sua 1st (to make it less salty) and put aside while i cook the soup n ingredient together. when ready to serve then add all together.
Mummiesssss & Daddy
Thks for all ur wishes.

oh, im SAHM....soon to be "huang lian po" hahaha...

Sry, I don've the 50% discount card.

U & hb nick so matching huh...ever thought of creating Cool_Baby for Jordan, or u hv already created? heehee...

erm...u meant 'jiejie'? For the mee suan, like the rest of the mummies say lor. U nit to run thru boiling water at least once cos it contains salt or u may like to use brown rice vermicelli. For the stock, u can use chix bone(w/o the skin), carrots, cabbage, onion. Tats how I do the mee suan.

I've no preference for gender but hb hopes it a boi la. When I ask bbK whether she wans 'didi', she juz smile, but wen I ask her, u wan 'meimei', she will say 'meimei'. For JG, min. lesson of twice a wk is for English class, u can choose tue&thur or wed&fri. Chinese class is min. 3x a wk. 1,2,4 or 1,3,5 or 2,3,4. The breakdown is abt $300+ for 10 lessons but of cos ter's some hidden fees like reg. fee, library fee & deposit. Actually the staff r quite hostile towards us (the patrons) (guess cos their business is really gd)...but the teachers at Evans Rd are nice( after gg to the orientation), especially the head teacher-in-charge of the mandarin class. Yet to know abt the english teacher, will know the wk after nxt when bbK starts her new semester.
Thanks everyone for yr mee suah/suan recipe! OK shall go try :p


Whoops, yups I mean jiejie! Haha, I had it in my mind but God knows why I typed meimei :p

Weather has ben dark & rainy these days... I guess we can say goodbye to Jacob Ballas for some time...
Playclub is for 18mths & abv ma... Our toddlers haben reach 18mths lei...The earliest for Playclub intake for our toddlers will be Jan09.
phew! lucky chloe does not hv bronchiolitis this time..pd said bad cough only.she's getting better. i let her sleep on a pillow and put vicks on her sole and cover with socks.


how's your mee sua? does adam like it?

how is jonas?

re: bao ying dan and dong chung chau
has anyone tried or heard abt these two? wonder whether it will help build up my girl's immunity
wonder baby
bao yin dan is for 1-6 months babies, now whenever he got scared or teething i will give.
dong chung chau more for making soup ba.

why not try hou ning from yu ren sheng. very good for cough n pheglum, i gave ky 1 bottle a day for his cough n within 1 wk he got well.
hou ning also very ex $61 for 1 bottle usu i will stock up some when they having 20% sales.
congrats!! hehe...well at least u get to have the baby bonus and CDA.

Javen blocked and running nose comes n goes.....haiz....if tomor still not well, think going to bring him go see doc liao.

hou ning really so good. its only meant for cough n phelgm?
thanks for the info. now thinking whether to put josh in cc all together or bring him to JG that sort of programmes. Also contemplating whether Pat's schoolhouse is a good idea..got one at west coast area. not too far from our plc. If i do return to work and back to my old work plc, there's one in town just across the ofc... very tempting but the fees are super astronomical..yet hubby thinks it's ok (?!?!)

cheezel, m@w, wonder_baby,

hou ning can be used for kiddos too. according to the EYS staff, they say hou ning is the pure form of TCM cough/phelgm med. that's why it's suitable for babies and kiddos. it's effective but it's also expensive.

1 bottle can be divided into 2-3dosages. usually would have been expensed in one day.

cordyceps/dong cong cao
i think must buy the cao itself and double boil. but better to check properly before administering.
i'm giving her multi vit with cod liver oil in it. think should be the same as scotts emulsion?

hou ning is like cough med? to cure cough? chloe's cough is much better already. i'm wondering whether is there anything to help prevent her from getting sick and cough so often?

maybe can try illiadin for blocked nose
whats illiadin?

tis evening, Javen refuse to take dinner after a few mouthful. dunno whats wrong. its unlike him when he usually will eat 3/4 bowl of rice or 1 bowl more of porridge. then when its his bedtime, he fart a few times. wonder if its wind again. i have been giving him gripe water almost everyday le. tomor no work....going to bring him see pd abt his running/blocked nose. he's been sneezing these few days too.
wonder baby/ mum@work
hou ning is red date powder acc to my MIL i never ask the sales ppl. i use it as long as it treats my boy's cough.
can be used by adult too, if bad cough 1 bottle per day (2 times a day). the sales girl adviced to give 1 bottle over 2 days if not very bad cough.

illiadin is a nose drop can be bought over the counter. quite good. ky had flu n running nose 3 wks ago then became worse even with pd's med so i faster give hou ning n cough went off within a wk!

wonder baby
i only use hou ning when ky had cough n phelgm, i started giving him multivitamins recently hope it works.
yup illiadin is a nose drip

i hv also been gving chloe multivit and probiotics. but once she was off the 'singulair' she fell sick. she was put on singulair for 3 months coz she had 2 bronchiolitis episodes within a short period. she tried mamil gold but she hates it. it has immunofortis in it. so now trying to find some other solution to try to strengthen her immunity
nellu, sgn
Thks for the info for hou ning. Cos hb has been coughing badly recently, no phelgm though.

Did u find tat ur belly grow much faster during the 1st trimester den ur 1st pregnancy?

Guess shd be alrite. Not sure abt multi-vit, cos all these while I thought multi-vit is too heaty for kiddos? But anyway alot of mummiess oso do pop their kiddos wif tat.
I still give bao ying dao. BB usually doesnt fall sick, unless I fall sick. So most of the time, the germs / virus come from me.
I also give multi-vits and scotts, but not on a regular basis. Yes, I have also heard that multi-vit is heaty. so I didnt give the full dose.
If you feel that chole always fall sick, can bring to EYS clinic. maybe chinese medicine is better for maintaining health. To cure, western medicine would be faster.
As for cordyceps/dong cong cao or any kind of medicinal soup, not to be administered for kids below 5 years old. I asked the EYS clinic before. LAst time, when bb coughed, I also thought of cordyceps/dong cong cao. but the EYS clinic said cannot
wonder baby

I've yet to try the mee suah recipe, will do when there's no rice or suitable dish for adam to eat. Rite now he seems OK when we feed some rice plus fish / chicken / mashed vege.

Hope chloe's better...

Wow, that bao ning / hao ning thing is sooo expensive!! But if it does the job... guess it's worth it huh?

Define astronomical, hehehe. I'm thinking of putting adam in playgroup, just to try him out. There's a playgroup/child care right in my office building...but i gotta work out the arrangements since i'm working from home on some days...
mom @ work
tummy do pop out earlier than #1. but find my tummy now not as big as #1 le. prob i didnt gain as much wt as last preg ba.
pat's schoolhouse fees range bet $1000-1600/mth for toddler care prog. for preschool prog (for 3yo onwards), the range is between $800-1400. The initial cash outlay works out abt $2-3k. Not to mention the miscellaneous and hidden costs... expensive enough??

if i were you, i'll make use of the CC at the ofc bldg. It's so convenient! check and see if they do flexi care or not, some centres do. They take the kids for 3 out of 5 days in a week...that sort of thing?
Ur hb muz be earning much to say this is ok .. so it's a gd sign
I chk a few childcare in my area, px are ranging from like $400 (NTUC) to $650 per mth, after all the subsidies.
we visited pat's at somwhere near holland rd n attended their playgp trial. but decided not to put ash there as wld prefer a church environment. visited their hq at halifax too. i din noe there's a branch at west coast.

That's exorbitant lah, can?!! $1400 for my toddler's education??! That sounded like how much one would spend a month in uni! Tsk tsk... anyway thanks for sharing...sometimes I wished I had the skills, so I can open up one of those skools of my own... :p

Yups for sure I'll check out any flexi schemes available at the CC...actually its the little skoolhouse... i guess it won't be anything beyond $500... $$$$ talk again!

yeah springdance, hope Jonas is fine too...

most of my friends say their tummies grow so much bigger during 2nd pregnancy. guess it's gotta do with the elasticity of the uterus too ehhehe :p
dats wat i did .. while searching for childcare, n always getting the 'we r full at the moment' answer, i went on to surf for diploma/ degree on pre-school edu instead .. hehe :p
oops... halifax road in s'pore :p
tks. oh, somtx she wld disturb me like pull my shorts. i wld offer her some snacks n talk to her abt d poster. if she is bored, she wld play w my fridge magnets or somtx i wld give her carrot etc to 'explore' wen i m cooking, or kick ball w her, ask her go n pick it up, etc... keep her busy while i quickly do my stuff. but somtx if she is not in 'good moood', then i cant get thgs done..
talk about carrot! Josh wanted to take a carrot out of the fridge today. SO i cut a piece for him to hold and play with it. Initially he started to gnaw on it. Aft that he insisted that I must go over to him (he sits just at the entrance of the kitchen cos he knows he got no 'passport' to cross the border!:p), and fed me the carrot.

you went to take a look at the pat's at mt sinai drive? I went there to take a look too cos it'll be on my way to work if i'm going back to work, but they only start taking in 24mo kids. so out for us. we are contemplating also over the church envt issue.

if can afford i won't mind paying for convenience, like in your case. besides, you'll get more subsidies than pple like me. If there was an infantcare very near to my workplace I would have put Josh there. But there wasn't so I couldn't have taken that option back then.

my hubby got double stds! for Josh, $$ is no issue. For wife, $$ is a LOT of issues! get the drift?! :p
can bring ur gal for children tui na. very effective too.

can buy n let ur hb try got to take 2 bottles then can see the effect.
yes mount sinai n ash attended d trial class there b4. quite disppointed loh, considering d high fees to pay, we wld expect a better environment. d thgs are quite old, kitchen run down, chairs/tables, playgrd equipments all v v old n they did not hsekeep d outdoor playarea, long grasses etc... i dun noe whether they upgrade d place since was abt 1yr++ bk wen we visited.

haha, same, d kids (not me/wife) definitely burning a much much bigger hole to daddy pocket.
Note: Hou Ning is stored in a tiny tube...not really "bottle". weight is in milligrams...which is why it is expensive. I also stock up during 20% sale or birthday discount. It works for my kids...
Hou Ning is pretty good. I stock up also for my son - 15 months old now who had 3 case of bronc. 1 tube a day, used for 3 days then i stopped, coz health has improved. When i hear or see sniffles, fed again. Do het from Eu Yan San only...last time i went to a TCM prov store with doc in Serangoon Garden...spent about $100++, theirs did not work very well. It was mixed with pearl powder etc...so not as pure so must get from EYS.
I think the ang mo version Sambucol is also a pretty good stuff. If you get sniffles, the onset of flu/cold symptoms, let your child take it. By nature's way. Recover very fast. You see spree, vitacost or luckyvitamin sell till OOS now.
hi mummies,
juz wanna tell u all dat im one mth preggie, feelin sleepy n nauseous most of the time. nw i mainly slp n eat all day. tot ppl say if 1st pregancy is tough, the next one will b easi???

RE: Lunch at Changi Airport
anyone keen to bring bb to T2 to have lunch next week? say friday?
congrats! Take care. 1st trimester is the most crucial... not true abt the 1st preg being tough and 2nd being easy. My fren has 3 kids. her pregnancies got tougher and tougher. During her 3rd time, she got MS so bad that she had to be admitted to hospital and was put on drip! i remembered she told me she felt like dying.Her first 2 times were really easy for her.
Wohoooo........congrats!! so ur nxt one will oso be May bb?? Me oso 3mths+ preggie...heeheee....Do take care.

Seems tat more mummiesss getting preggie huh...April thread oso got a couple I tink.
my little one got some bad exprience today. saw him had a mild running nose n a bruise on his Lt cheek. nanny said he hit onto a corner n cried.
worse when reach home, fell n hit the coffee table after that got some blood from the mouth! today really a bad day for my boy!!!
Ouch!!! Somex we'll juz bumped into a bad day...I know how it feels cos bbK oso knocked herself frequently..she very clumsy de...Juz monitor him and he'll be alrite, don wori so much.

nw my MS is not as bad n even thou i feel nauseous, i still can eat, dunno hw come. i hope im not like ur fren else i will sure stop at #2.

janet, sgn,
txtx. nw i slp more den 12hrs a day, like a pig.

it might b a may or april bb, sth like kelly.
