(2007/05) May 2007 MTB

thanks all for concern. Briana is still not well yet. Trying to sell the tickets online now...sian. anyone want?

Hey Taro
Congrats! Is your boy happy?

Oh dear, hope this weekend will be better. Too bad I can't take over the tickets from you. Feel so heavy now! 37 weeks liao.
You take care okie and "Jia You"... must be tough managing two kids and hubby always not there to support. When are you returning back to work?

I saw in your blog that you've been bringing YX to alot of shows...so very "onz" & active although preggy ya. Guess your 2nd time pregnancy must be so far so good and quite easy?

I'm interested in alpha bake but maybe the afternoon session. Still recall the days when our boys in the same class..

Any plans to put Javen in school next year?
normally Javen nap in the noon. Thats the reason y i choose morn session.

put Javen in sch? He will be continuing his startots playgrp. Wanted to change the sch initally but then not much playgrp class ard my neighbourhood. dun intend to put him in childcare near my hse cos dun really like the childcare services there.

Jaren will prob be in the same class as Javen mid next yr. He's a little slow in walking. still cant walk by himself at 15 months now. PD says to give him few more months consider he's a premiees.

my new hse prob will be ready end next yr or early 2011. so will concentrate in looking out for sch/class near my new area...dun want to make too mang changes for Javen also.

Intend to bring him for music class next yr for Javen n slowly Jaren.....

Yes, I have a boy, Caden 31mths old. Quite happy with just one actually but hubby hopes to have 2..haha! Let me enjoy a while more, maybe next year..

here's a photo of my boy.

your boy is so cute.

even though briana is sick, but still very active. jump and run every where...hubby and I were trying to make her stop, otherwise, body temp will remain high. anyway, now change to bad running nose and cough. night time cant sleep because of block nose and coughing...very tired for me.

good that you have taken the promotion and also gotten the flexbility for family time. I am also interested for a meet-up. will go with the preference of the majority. though I havent met you before.

me also at my max already. dont think will get promoted. i also like you now lah...the bare minimum...hee hee
congrats on your #2.

You managed to catch the care bear? I wanted to go too. but B was sick...aiya. Was it a lot of people? Did you go on weekend or weekday?
Oppss...I meant Jaren in my question earlier. Anyway, you have it answered.

Dun worry abt Jaren not walking yet..Jonas only can walk on own without holding our hands around 17mth! And now, he's slow in speech...haizz..forever lagging behind his peers.

I also hesitant about number 2..partly since I feel my first one already not easy to manage to start off with. :p

Are you a working mom or SAHM? Staying in which part of S'pore?

Think we should have another gathering just like what we did.
Any sugggestions on date/venue?

Rest of the mommies, keen to meet too?
Is Jonas also premiees? I notice Jaren wanted to walk....just that he scare to make step...sometime when i encourgae him to walk towards me, he will be very happy and quicky walk and lean forward to me...But i notice he is good at picking up small items with his fingers like rice, beans etc which Javen is poor in.

ya...i think we should just get a day off and meet up just like what we did last time.
You mean Jaren was premature? I didn't remember that part...but anyway, he looks very healthy & chubby!

your boy is so adorable !

Not uploading yr pics on FB?
be patient and let Jaren take his time ba. My Josh only walked at 17mths leh! and he cruised from 11mths! see take so long right?! Maybe Jaren just needs a bit more time to feel confident. Since you also mentioned that he's v good at picking up small items with his fingers, that shows that his development is ok mah. Josh last time also was like that. perhaps all the small small things on the floor are distracting to them, so cannot concentrated to walk...HAHAHA!

Hi Monica,
didn't welcome you earlier. only now then noticed your boy's pic. Where did you get that Mickey Mouse outfit? my boy is crazy over Mickey...kekeke.....

very tired leh handling the two of them. Somemore Josh so demanding...

abt gathering, i'm ok. but won't be in SG the week leading up to christmas. Then aft that gotta prepare to go back to work liao.

Speaking of going back to work, i think most likely i'm going to be E into infantcare. Again v hard to get mum/mil to help take care. Everyone got so many conditions on me, but no one bothers to listen to my conditions...haiz....better to just pay money to other pple to let them help me take care of the baby ba...

and because of these childcare arrangement issues, i've declared that I'm implement the 1970s Singapore Parenthood Planning Policy: Stop at TWO! No more!! tired of dealing with all the issues..... bleh!
I am a Full Time Working Mother and I stay in SengKang.

Its actually a plain tee with a Mickey's suspender. I got the suspender in one of the SMH bulk purchase spree. Let you know if I happen to see it again =)

Talking about taking care of the tiny ones makes me shivers too! I think I will have the same problem if I have a 2nd one...sigh.
<font color="ff0000">Re: Gathering for Mapril Mummys</font>
P.S. bring your kids if you can manage, else just declare a day off. Yeah!!

<font color="0000ff">Date: 18 dec Fri 2 - 4 pm
Venue: Vivocity</font>
(if any objection, pls state your preferences)

1. Jeanyard
<font color="119911">jeanyard,
i shld b able to join u all for lunch but w/o kelly.

Re: Gathering for Mapril Mummys
P.S. bring your kids if you can manage, else just declare a day off. Yeah!!

Date: 18 dec Fri 2 - 4 pm
Venue: Vivocity (if any objection, pls state your preferences)

1. Jeanyard
2. Kris
3. </font>
I can too

Date: 18 dec Fri 2 - 4 pm
Venue: Vivocity (if any objection, pls state your preferences)

1. Jeanyard
2. Kris
3. JAnet
<font color="ff0000">Re: Gathering for Mapril Mummys</font>
P.S. bring your kids if you can manage, else just declare a day off. Yeah!!

Date: 18 dec Fri 2 - 4 pm
Venue: Vivocity (if any objection, pls state your preferences)

1. Jeanyard
2. Kris
3. JAnet
I bought many christmas presents already. because B kept opening them before christmas...so have to keep on buying and hiding them in the store room. so that she cant open it.

how about bigger blocks of lego, fishing (magnet) toy, railway toy...story books...popular is having exhibition at suntec
you going for the sales on Fri. I'm thinking of going in the morning.

Will try to join the afternoon gathering if I can make it :p

I mean guess when baby #2 due. kekeke.

In fact, now I'm more tired. Just struggling. Having a lot of ligament pain and now groin pain! Recall when I carry YX, had the pain only during end of 3rd trimester lei. Now dare not carry YX so much le.
me will be buyin thomas the train for my boy as xmas gift..

i will go during lunch time..cos office nearby...chop chop then can come back to office..
Haha, that's very cute of B!
I know what you mean. I also bot toys for Adam, intended to keep them as "gift" from baby to Adam, but sometimes I also just give to hi.

I love the Lego Duplo toys for toddlers - got fire engine, bus etc. Can fix according to their imagination.

When's yr EDD? You're going to have a 2010 baby!
wouldnt be joining this friday. B's illness is getting worst. more vomit and more diarrhoea. need to stay at home and take care of her
sorry .. after i posted the date of 18 Dec for the meet up, rcvd the Isetan private sales mailer. I am doing some shopping with my aunt and my mum, so i don't think i can meet you ladies on 18 Dec. Paiseh paiseh.

Xmas prezzie at this age .. i guess it's toys and more toys!! I brought playdoh for jboy for xmas prezzie.

if vomit and diarrhea, rmbr muz keep very hydrated. My doc fren says, no food nevermind .. juz give Glucose or those rice water/ thin thin porridge water. Take care !!
Smalldreams and Mummies

I've finally managed to put up our vacation photos on FB. Go in take a look when you have the time.

In that case, try not to move around so much and carry heavy stuff..do YX still sits in the stroller? By the way, your no. 2 is a boy or gal?

How about consider bringing Emily to a babysitter? I've got friends doing that and it seems like a good arrangement.

I've change my mind to enrol for the Alphabake for this sat morning..our boys can meet again.

Are you bringing lunch for Javen to eat after the class?

Afraid I can't take leave off for this Friday...catch up with you another time.

Did you bring B consult the doctor again? Sometimes, there's a need to try out another medicine if the current ones dun work. Take care!
no wonder i saw one email that looks familiar with ur name...n i wondering if its u....
!! Great...got pal to join me. I will bring Javen there 1st then my hubby and Jaren will join us there after the class. Ya...will ask him t bring the lunch over there for Javen. cos the mini cafe there doesnt sell much thing...

thanks for the suggestion on xmas pressie...

Javen like thomas alot but he has many trains le....10 thomas, 3 percy, 1 diesel, 3 gordon etc...too many....dun think will buy more for him.
yah...all the fed food all vomitted out...so heart pain...stomach always very flat..also no choice loh...its the antibiotics taste that she doesnt like. So when fed the antibiotics, she will throw everything in her stomach out too.

yes, when to see the PD again yesterday. hopefully, B will get better soon.

how about buying the railway track? some time different track has different excitment...
can mix e med with some sweet stuffs to feed? or quickly pop in a candy after e med?

I can imagine .. i was oso worried abt jboy's food intake than. Its like he will eat, especially rice. he prefers rice dan porridge in fact. But soon after, all vomit out :S
wow 10 thomas..dats alot..i just went toyrus n bot a train track..

u feed the antibotics b4 or after food? try doing it b4 food lor...give her some porridge water oso..
I gave before food. she will vomit the meal before that...can see some food still have not digested yet.

Left only today last day of the antibiotics already. hope my mum has some luck.

which one of you starting new school next year? B is going for playgroup starting next year.
So excited for her...hopes she attemps well...and more sickness right?...ai ya
Hmm... I hope the mini cafe dun mind us take their seats when the kids have home-cooked lunch there. :p

That time when my boy had stomach flu, I bring him to a GP when the PD's med didn't work. Nowadays, I seldom go to the PD already coz GP is cheaper and the clinic is nearer to our house.

My boy is starting new school next year...the previous one which he went for this year, I had stopped the classes since end Nov.

i think the mini cafe dun allow le. The other time we bought along biscults, puff, cakes from outside, the lady came over and told us that it is not alloweed. So i prob feed him in the garden where there is seats or in car or find somewhere else ba.
I guess with so many other kids ard, it's always easier to get sick. Juz tink of it as building up the immunity bah. B is attending those 2 hrs playgroup? which one if u dun mind me asking?

what happen to Jonas' sch? No good? Thot he was adapting well.
Cheezel/ Cool_D/ Janet
Hmm...I think I've shared with you ladies before over lunch that the school's activities are quite limited and they dun really provide much updates to parents? Dun think Jonas can gain much from there. So, I think no point continue waste money at this school and decided to do a change. The curriculum at the new school seems much better.
the new sch also childcare?

i think its good for the kids to mingle ard....at least Javen know that not all the things have to be in his possession all the time......n no matter how unwillingly he is, he has to learn how to share toys......
can learn many things in sch....dance, sing, craft etc.....Javen just show me his new dance...
B will be attending a church playgroup near my mum's place, serangoon. 3 hour type. the teachers all like very old, my hubby doesnt really like, but near my parents place, just try and see how loh...

my colleague's son gotten biten by another child at the centre. my the other colleague's child bite other people. I wonder whether B will encounter such case.

by the way, where do you all get those water proof sticker to stick on the water bottle? Also which water bottle is leak proof? I bought a few from kiddy palace all leak lei...if B brings those water bottle to school, the uniform sure wet.
wah i just came back from isetan...it was so shiok to shop there early in the morning..
no much Q..

me using the nuby spill proof bottle...so far so good lar..

my boy was being scratched by a new kid at beginning of the yr..but now so far so good..think all the kids grow up liao..so they 相亲相爱
Nope it's a church kindy..3hrs in the morning, mondays to fridays. Acually, this has been our plan from the beginning..but he needs to be of the "eligible" age first to enrol in a church kindy..childcare this year is just a temporary stint.
i notice those bottle with straw cover that you must press to release the latch, it leak easily. buy those that you need to lift up the cover straw instead.
zhuzhu, cheezel,
thanks will try to look out for those. you are right, mine are those press and release latch kind.
I saw your photos. Nice! And you're quite good huh, went for so many trips already!
Australia, Taiwan...

Ouh you went for that pte sale is it?
I went to the carters' sale in tampines this morning.
Bought some dresses for #2 - only 3 for $10!
Osh kosh t-shirts going for 3 for $10 too.
Carters' PJs also about $10 each. Bought for Adam.
But then , more options for baby girls...

Hope B is better now.
ya..went for the pte sls...i went again during lunch..super duper crowded...

the tampines sls have sizing for our kids ah..i tot it was all bb sizes..
you working in town is it? how to qualify to be isetan member eh?

Think for our boys, the most worth it is the carters PJs. There are tops also but I didn't browse coz am waiting for some clothes I bought from overseas sprees. hehe. But I did see some clothes for toddlers. No bottoms though...
they always say girl babies will make mummies spend more, because of all the girly and cute stuff..haha

boy babies will spend more on toys instead of clothes

haha ya..my office is just nearby isetan scotts..there are 2 types of member card..one is a credit card kind (no points)..another is just to accumlate points kind..but i duno the points have wat use.. not sure if the disc structure differs for these 2 cards o not..

eh true leh..i bot alot of toys for my boy...
