(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

my hb is sleeping in JK's room every nights (jus next to JK's bed).
hb will forbids him get down his bed. most of the time JK will stays on his bed "marking" his papa attendance. he will keeps rolling up n down (w/ee ek ek) on his bed till he falls asleep again. my hb will ignore him unless JK trying to gets down his bed.

we hv tried to ignore JK while he is awake.
He will walk over to our room, either climb onto our bed (stepping all over us) or walk to the mat n play his toys. if we ignore him, he can staying alert running in n out the kitchen.

yup her crying cld hv caused her to vomit but tdy she cried for 'no reason' or mayb 'discomfort' tat i din noe. usually af brkfast she wld b happily playing but tdy she insisted tat i carry her, n jus kip crying. toys, biscuits, evytg she did not wan. af her vomit, she seem to feel 'better'?? so i oso dun noe why..

my older boy cant take diary too n tat tx i bought isomil, he refused to drk. he was ok w pediasure w 'no' lactose but he is oso allergic to cow's milk protein (quite similar to kaizer), big headache till we finally wean him off milk completely.
tks, i wld try alternative for cher.
ever since we converted jboy's cot to jnr bed, he oso will wake up in e middle of e nite and climb up our bed to sleep wif us. Hiaz. Usually if he wakes up and juz toss n turn on his bed, we will ignore. But some x, he stands on it which i thot is quite dangerous if he falls.

Juz yday, me n hb were juz tinking why he does not want to sleep on his bed. Is it the mattress not comfy? thot of changing mattress. anybody has any gd suggestion on mattress?

may thread 1 mummy told us abt 'habitual waking up'. It's like some pple will automatically wake up at 7am to go to work, no need alarm clock. So, for babies, it could be similar.
I heard that children should not be weaned off milk completely. They should at least have 2 serve of calcium (milk, cheese etc) a day. Goat's milk fine? Isomil smell and taste yucks...I couldn't tol the taste and smell, my son hated it too, but no choice when he has diarrhoea.

Gacc: What do u replace for calcium since your older son wean off milk?

There was a stage when my son just dunno why cry and cry...which was unusual as he is often chirpy hyper type...i realized was wind in tummy...if child tends to curl legs, heard is wind...so need rub tummy with ru yi oil...wind will come out from mouth with food sometimes else bum.
1st 2 months after converting to junior bed, JK was oki leh
Junior bed: Actually, lele still sleeps in the cot in his own bedroom...:p Seems I might be 1 of the "later" ones.
I really dunno, but maybe JK's and Jordan's waking up could be due to newfound "freedom"? It seems they enjoy waking up in the mid of night to play, and unlike when they are in the cot, now they can ensure that they will get some attn by doing dangerous stunts.

Wonderring if it will work if you make them more tired out (shorter last nap for eg) before bedtime, so tt they will be too tired to wake n play? hmm...

Thanks.. My 2nd pregnancy also give me alot of problem. Will share with u all next time.


I also sleep with Jayden everynite in his room but both of us sleep on the mattress on the floor.
He also cannot sleep peacefully through the nite.. sure make noise. Since young, he already behave like this.
for jboy, cot is worse. he refuse to sleep in his cot (maybe confine), and we usually let him sleep on our bed b4 moving him over. But once he wakes up and find himself in e cot, he will cry and we will hv to carry him back. With the bed now, he does not cry dat much when he wakes up. Juz conveniently climb up our bed.

There is a day we went out all day so he probably only nap like 45mins. Still he wakes up. I read somewhere that daytime nap is better for nite time sleep. It's not true that day time no nap, nite time sleep more. Maybe will research more on the internet.

Lele is such a gd boy to sleep on his cot in his own bedroom
I guess we spoil the mkt initially when we allow him to co sleep wif us. Now it's not ez to change. But on a side note, i do like e feeling dat we all sleeps in the same rm. Juz hoping dat he will stays in his bed

hmm .. u dun tink its e mattress? hehe, e only diff for my case is the mattress. Coz we r in e same rm, so same temp, ething darkness etc :p
Hi Leo, D, Kate, Min, michele, coolD

Thanks for your advice. Sigh... I really hv no idea why he bec so cranky at night. He's sleeping in his own room in his bb cot since he's born. There's a period of time when he can sleep thru' the whole night (i.e. 9pm + to 6am +). Recently, about a month or two he woke up for milk (around 2am-3am plus). His last feed is around 9plus to 10pm. But at least he didn't cry & wail as what he's doing now.

These few days (more than a week liao), he's been waking up twice at night crying. Around 1am plus when he wakes up and makes noises, my maid will wake up to make milk for him. While making milk for him, he starts crying, screaming, yelling (dunno if due to frustration for waiting?) & wakes up everyone. He won't stop crying even when he sees the milk. There's no way to feed him due to his crying. Then we have to carry him, pacify him & take him to the living room. It will take him abt 5mins or more to stop crying. After which, I will carry him back to his cot & feed him milk, pat him to sleep. Then 3 hours later, the cycle repeats again. Sigh... Hopefully this phase will pass soon.

hmm...actually if he's not happy to see the milk, maybe he's not hungry. When J is hungry and crying, he'll stop once he sees his bottle or any food.
how did the eye exam go? everything ok with kor kor?

mummies who are discussing sleep problems,
mine has been co-sleeping with me since he was born. since jul 08, he has been sleeping from 7ish in the evening to 7ish in the morning. he akes up every few hours or so to latch on. if it's a good night, then he wakes up abt 3 times only. just transited him to sleeping on his own small mattress yesterday. still in the same room as me, but i have to walk a couple of steps before i can reach him. will see how the arrangement goes for a week or so.

how long did you take in total to wean claire off the middle of the night feeds?

at what age did ash wean off milk totally? does he take calcium supplements like you?
Dlim: Xin ku le! It's not ez being pregnant, go to work and take care of an activ tod. Reallie hope ur pregnancy will stabilise towards 2nd tri...

2nd-time preggie mummies: Me kpo ask you all ah... r u doing tai1 jiao4 with your foetus? cos me always like to daydream about what more tai1 jiao4 I would do with 2nd preg HAHA! Just wondering if I am the only over-zealous woman.p

CoolD: I've not really co-slept with lele before. Oh, up to when he was 2mths old, I co-sleep sometimes, but will quickly move him back to the cot once he fell aslp. Cos very unez to slp with a baby leh... Always afraid that I will crush him.
Lele can sleep on his own partly because since young he slept much earlier than all the rest of us
Initially we all shared the same rm, but since he slept earlier than us, he will go to bed alone. The nxt morn when he woke, he'll be alone too cos we had left for work. That's why when we decided to let lele have his own rm while we sleep in the other, not that much changes...

I think hor,fr what you mentioned, maybe Jboy just likes to sleep with you and his papa. Cosier ma.

Fransea: I also feel maybe your son woke not for milk, since he had proven he could sleep thru, and last feed only a few hours ago. When lele cries sharply (urgent wails) sometimes at odd hours I will go immediately to comfort him, but no milk. Perhaps he had a bad dream or a fright that's why woke for comfort. Maybe the wait while your maid made milk made him very angry cos noone went to comfort him.
transition to junior bed or mattresses:
erm, when to transit and how? which is better? I had always tot that as long as lele can still fit into cot (mine is quite big) and he cannot climb out (mine quite high; he is only a head taller than the railings), then he can cont sleeping in it. But many of u let your children sleep in Junior beds le hor.

But if they wake up when you are sound aslp and go roaming then how?
gacc, C usually does not drink milk when i'm not around - she didn't take to the milk bottle earlier when i expressed milk for her so i gave up. anyway, i am seldom away from her for more than 4 hrs (only like once or twice a month the most) haha... but anyway recently, i've started giving her some meiji milk that i drink - thinking that she can drink that when *and if* i've to be away for extended periods. there's actually no need for them to drink FM - in many countries, the babies just 'graduate' to fresh milk, cheese, yoghurt, etc... C also cries until she vomits when she doesn't get what she wants(so gek sim!)

and yes, i hate isomil - the smell just puts me off completely!

leo, this month's mother & baby issue is about sleep! so what i read from there is that you should put a safety gate at his door (since he sleeps on his own) to prevent him to walking over to yours!! and i believe he is still doing 2 naps? If so, try not to let the 2nd nap time be after 3pm (according to the article). today C took her nap from 3 - 5pm+ (vs her usual nap time of 11am+ to 1pm+) and refused to sleep until 11pm+ so its quite true lor. haha...

s/w, u know i'm always so blessed with this baby (and thus makes me scared to haf #2) - she slept through after the 2nd night! now she nurses for the last time at around 8pm+ and will fall asleep @ 9pm+ till the next morning, 6 - 7am+ for her 1st feed. the key is not to let them fall asleep at the breast - all the 'sleep training' books will tell you to break off that association. now C's sleep association at night is me humming lullaby (something i can do even when i'm half asleep, just like bfing so works out very well for me) while for her nap, is going for walks in the carrier (either the sling or the ergo - both works and anyone can do it - my mom, the maid - so it allows me to do some work for a couple of hours)

fransea, same 'advice' lor - try to ignore as long as not 'serious' crying - C does exactly the same thing lor (for the past 16mths!) she always wakes up crying (like having nightmares) and i just cannot figured out why but since i ignored last week, she more or less stopped doing it. still can hear her some nights but she settles herself back to sleep w/o me having to do much (i hum lullaby and put my hand on her chest/back to let her know i'm around if she still continues 'whining' and that works!)
it may be teething
i had a terrible time few months back.
my boy also woke up crying. and will struggle even when we carry and comfort him. its like he is in discomfort. whats worse was he prefer his daddy to carry than me. its was so heartbreaking during that period. and i felt so useless

so what you can do is to apply detinox.. and give panadol to him.

i gave him panadol and helped to calm him down abit.
sometimes when i'm out in the afternoon.. i will not bring out my boy's milk feed. instead i will bring a pack of Magnolia strawberry milk for him.
save the hassle of bring bottle and hot thermos flask

only at home then he takes his usual 3 FM feeds
The last time when Gladys kept waking up at night, I was frastrated! But I took the short cut and just dump her onto my bed and that solves my problem.
So she has been sleeping with us on our bed for the past 3 months. Not that I've not tried putting her back onto her own bed. I did. But you know bbs got this sensor and immediately wakes up crying. I gave up trying.
Even if she does whine in the middle of the night, she'll roll over to me and fall asleep again.

Gladys has been drinking lesser these days. Once in the morning, 180ml. 2nd time before her nap, 120ml. 3rd time before bed, 120ml. I gave up giving her more coz she always never finishes her milk and it's such a waste.
She doesn't like cheese too. So not sure if her calcium intake is sufficient.

Gladys only take one afternoon nap which is usually quite late, like 4-5pm, for about 1-2 hrs. But at night, she'll sleep thru for 10-12 hrs. Is her sleep pattern ok?
I think someone mentions before that bb shd sleep for at least 15 hrs a day. I think she's not sleeping enough. How to make her sleep more?
Btw, she's the type of person who won't even sit still for a min. So I can never never force her to lie down. When she's exhausted, it's easy to tell coz she'll sit down or look stoned. Then I'll just lie her down and she'll fall asleep instantly.
min , good idea . but will Lao Sai or not ???
last weekend , i gv him strawberry milk at home , he drank abit onli leh ....
all these barang barang killing me
anyone using Pampers here and willing to exchange with me? C is still wearing M size and I want to switch to pull up pants now (Mamy Poko & Drypantz retails for S$15.20 & S$15.50 respectively @ NTUC) that she is potty trained. I have 3 packs of XL - 34 pcs each pack and 2 packs for L size - 38 pcs (RRP: S$20.50 @ NTUC) as well as 1 pack of Dryers L size - 72 pcs (dunno what's the retail price) & 1 pack of Pampers Baby Dry - 34 pcs (RRP: S$13.50)
tks. i oso tot to switch cher to fresh milk if i stop bfg. there was once i tried to 'sneak' out from 11am - 3pm n was so worried tat she wld cry for milk/me. i left her w my mum n she took a nap fr 1030am to 1pm, had her porridge lunch n af tat played w my mum.
wld b great if there is a job tat allow me flexi hrs.
cher is using pampers pull up, gd buy at ntuc wen it is on offer at $17.50 mamy poko pants leak cos i tink d 'wide' cutting not suitable for petite cher. ash used nepia pants last tx, not too bad.

Leo, Michele,
same, cher nap fr abt 10.30am to 1pm. n she wld slp at 8pm to next day 7am. if she takes a late nap like 4pm, she refuses to slp till abt 11pm n but she still wake up at 7am+. kids af 1yr++ may take only 1 nap if it is a long one like 2hr. i remb last tx if my boy took too much nap in d day, he would wake up abt 4am, lookg for someone to play w him.
thks for sharing but those tips I've tried b4.
gate @JK's room=
he either bang n bang till u attend to him OR cry for u.

JK's pm nap:
his pm nap usually from 2.30pm to 4.30pm.
even he misses his pm nap, he still awake @2am to 3am (w/o fail).

if his am nap last for 3hours, he won't has his pm nap...still he will awake @that timing.

when JK climbed on to our bed (or rather, place him on our bed) 3 of us can't sleep. his toss n turns (his kickings real hard hor!) realli disturbing plus I'm the super light sleeper.

for JK, i dun think is mattress. the free mattress w/the cot is too warm for him. we changed to air-flow mattress (known as mattress w/holes), is much cooler n is not expensive.
u mean its ok to totally switch to fresh milk? Hmm, i thot our bb still need the DHA and wat hv u in e FM in their diet :p

Btw, anybody tried NTUC pull up pants?
leo , did u try the cry it out method .
last time kate mentioned she used that . ignore him

for zac , he refuses to sleep too . whenever he crawls around , i catch him n put him back on his mattress , he crawls how many times , i put him back how many times until he sianz .
then i said mamy tired , mamy sleeping . good nite and i really went to sleep . he plays around by himself but coz it is dark , he dun dare to anyhow crawl n finally he also falls asleep .

but of coz at nite , he has to take his tutu , i hv to pop it in whenever he fusses . maybe JK dun hv tutu , so he is particularly active
pacifier is self soothing . but it is a BAD habit .
yes.. i'm sure as its advised by PD and my cousin doc

i give abt 2.5ml. size of a teaspoon.
gave about 1 dosage at night.
our child is > 1yo can take cow's milk liao
ang moh also do it!

don't think will lao sai. perhaps juz let them try abit first
if scared sweet then dilute it! actually strawberry milk quite yummy so its like a treat for my D once or twice a week
yes i agree our Baby has got intelligent sensor!
i always fail to switch him to his playpen.
sometimes a slight movement from bending my body (to put him in the pen) will cause him to wake up!

he can only sleep well on our bed. actually baby's mattress not very comfy so i can understand why he prefers ours and also we are there to make him feel secured!
coold , i also think FM contained lotsa goodies , so it is a better choice than freshmilk . i dunno ...
but min's idea is a good one , can feed when we dun wan to bring barang barang out :p
sometimes too much DHA also not good!! haha they will become too smart for us.

yesterday my boy was on the bed playing with my clothes. then he saw me coming into the bedroom..
he quickily throw my clothes on the floor in lightning speed and then lay down on the bed and look up to the ceiling as if nothing happen

tell you.. dunno wanna laugh or cry.. he really chao4 keng1!
min , my son also likes to play with clothes,switches, shoes ( he cant walk , he likes to wear adults' shoes).

my ma very desperate to stop him , his nemisis - durians

so my house has alot of bobby traps - empty durian shells . he was so notti that when he cannot reach the durian shell shoes in the cabinet , he used his foot to fish the shoes on the corridor into the house coz there are no durian shells there.
ash weaned of milk totally at abt 3yrs old. at least no more vomititng n much lesser LS problem. he is not on calcium supplement. he eats his meals well n is generally not fussy. so his pd n specialist kip assuring us tat he wld not b lacking in anytg like dha, calcium n other nutrients etc. they said d absorption from food is sufficient n much better than fr milk.
as for kaizer, i noe is tougher for u as he eats lesser solids compared to big eater ash. perhaps he may nid some supplements, what did d pd say abt milk if u wld to wean him off fr bm?

CoolD, euhhue
as a mum, at tx i oso do 'wori' tat my boy may b lacking in certain nutrients since he dun take milk at all. but seeing now tat he 'grows' better, put on wt, less problems af stoping milk, tink i shdnt wori. as for cher, she is still on bm, she dun like any food w fm in it so i oso din let her try. we do let our kids take nordic naturals fish oil. n i try to cook 'balanced'/nutritious meals for them as much as i can
congrats, take care. 2nd preg wld sail tru v fast.

i dun hv tx for tai jiao for 2nd preg. evyday wat cher heard in my tummy was ash laughter n crying n me telling ash, 'don't climb, be careful' etc etc.... by d tx i settled my active todd then, i was so exhausted tat i only wan to sit down relax, watch tv or sleep.
same same.. my D recently loves to slot his feet into our shoes!!
and he also lvoes durian..

bot my son to my grandma place.. he can nvr sit still keep crawling ard. in the end, few of my relatives was almost tripped by him

think he cannot go childcare yet.. many toddles will get tripped by him then i will kena complaint!
my usual PD is asking me to switch to nan (HA) if i'm weaning off. no mention at all abt weaning off milk, though i can't wait for that day to arrive. kaizer eats very small amts still, but he's a lot more adventuruous abt food since abt 2 weeks back when he tried fried chicken wings for the first time. now he will eat his meat meat (chix) if it's peeled to manageable pieces for him. yesterday he ate a fish finger by himself, slowly sat down on his high chair to peel the crumbs and self feed. eats rice like ash, but compared to ash, he likes veg and fruits a lot more than he likes meat. fav veg are corn, peas, carrots and tomatoes now (in order of preference)
maybe cher heard ur 'don't climb, be careful' and dat is why she is so well behaved now

the let him cry it out method wun work on jboy. There was once we leave him in e cot at nite, no matter how he cries. Than after abt 15min, we gave in and juz carry him and pat him to sleep. But the moment we put him back to the cot, he sensed it and woke up. We repeat for a few times, and also let him cry. It went on for abt 45min till we gave up and put him on our bed. Straight away, he gave a smile n slept **faint**.

thanks for the info on freash milk. At least now i know there is an alternative for FM when we are out. I dun mind the milk powder and bottle, but always forgot the hot water:p
re: ingredients in FM
i like to think that its all 'marketing ploy' - the companies spend lots of money on research to replicate bm but even till date, they still cannot do it. the main reason for giving children milk is for the calcium, isn't it? all the other DHA, AHA, blah blah blah can be found (in more natural forms) in their food intake (fish, spinach, etc)
gd to hear tat kaizer is eatg well. does kaizer like nan(HA)? i read it tastes bitter. bm is sweet. ash used to love vege but as he grows, he loves to eat meat more. but evyday i wld include vege in his meals.
yipee. yes we no longer tink ash is lacking anytg thou he cant take milk. he 'grows' better minus d problems wo it. my concern is more of calcium since he cant take other diary too but we were told is ok, he dun nid supplement now since he is eating well.
gd tat ash's pd n specialist are not pro fm type. they did tell us is all mktg, d mktg n research cost are levy bk to consumer in price increase
fast n easy:
- potato
- carrot
- pork ribs or ba tao or chicken thigh or chicken breast
- 1 whole tomato (don't cut)
- onion (optional)
- beijing cai (optional)
- 1 dried scallop (buy d janpan ones)

other a bit more ley chay ones u can try:
- fresh huai shan or
- lotus root or
- melon like ma gua, lao huang gao, yu chi gua
- corn
(u can add some yellow beans or black beans but gd to pre-soak beans, black beans go well with lotus roots)
u can also add fresh fig, red dates, wolfberries etc. but u got to estimate d amt n try d combination as some n too much wld tend to make d soup a bit 'sour'..
sanrio why cannot cut tomatoes , i alwys cut it . any special reason not to ?

and beans , can they take at this age ? will hv allergy or not ?
paisay , so many qns
i also wanna know why cannot cut tomato

Fig is also wu hua guo rite? and get fm EYS?

btw, Cold storage sell Lotus root, green, white and red carrot slices in a pck.. for $3.50.

Min, Caicai,
my cf lady taught me not to cut the tomato. cos if cut wld make soup too 'sour'. if dun cut, wld add 'just nice sweetness n slight saltiness' (i code roughly what she said) to the soup. i tried, quite true.
fresh fig is 'wu hua guo'. yup i bought fr yu ren sheng. the benefits: wu hua guo is a fruit so there are some gd vitamins in it n it is supposedly to b 'gd' for throat n lungs. i like this compared to some chinese herbs as i got an allergenic boy so i m not too adventureous to try herbs on him.

potato, carrot soup type i usually boil abt 2hrs+. i boil over stove. as for lotus roots, i usually boil half a day else not nice.

so far, my kids are ok with beans n since they are already over 1 yr old, not so much an issue of wind. but i dun use beans all d tx, only occasionally.
