(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

self-feeding with spoon or fork:
mummies hv succeed,
can share tips (besides laying newspaper on the floor hold the mess)?

whenever JK holding spoon/fork, he will "gam" his food. Once withdraw from him, he will eat.

1. need to prepare more food?
2. how long do u take to the goal (erm...let say = 8/10 spoons of food into mouth)
3. for start, feed first half then 2nd half let them play with the spoon?


I know the ang mohs start their children very young (before their first b'day) and they just give them the normal portion and let them make a mess... since they're very young, they don't depend on solids on nutrition but milk. But then, since JK's still drinking lots of milk, I guess it should be fine lor... This is one thing I regret. I should have let Jesse self-feed when I had a maid. Instead, I taught him how to eat neatly and don't grab the spoon or put his fingers in his mouth while eating.

We lost....but then we didn't expect to win lor...
mummies who's done rebonding before, where to go ah? And how much? My hair's short, like not yet shoulder length short.

I'm thinking of either rebonding or waiting till it's longer than perm. But I heard perm need effort to maintain so not so interested, and I heard rebonding is easy to maintain so more interested...Help?
Dlim, congrats! The enhanced package comes at the right time.

with the effective date of the enhanced package brought forward, does it means that we have extra 4 days of child care leave this year? Or is there such thing as pro-rated?
i'm on leave yet again today. second time this week. kaizer was quite hot at 38.4 at 5am. slept in late with him till 9am. by the time we all woke up, his fever was gone but it was too late to go to work.

i caught the table tennis match too. a bit at the kopitiam downstairs and a bit at home. think our table tennis gals did a great job this olympics!
exciting, right?

I wonder if the Chinese match (now) will make their better player lose so as to win all three medals. The conspiracy theorist in my speaks. haha.

Oh...Wang Nan won...so I guess not
It was at 3-2 just now mah...

I'll be popping to RCT later...if you're feeling bored. hehe.

perm really a lot of work? Then I'll stick to rebonding for a while, until I'm too free then I try perm. haha.
just thought of something (before I go out)...you can try giving JK more sticky foods like lumpy instant cereal to practise self-feeding. It sticks to the spoon better so more room for error...

Bye...no more boh liao-ness from me today
i tried to let D self feed but failed a few times.

what i did was:
apportion out a bowl for him to self feed and another bowl for me to feed him.

however.. D only want to play with the food and use his fingers instead.
so i always have to guide him to scoop the porridge
i dunno why later part, he will get very naughty and throw the food on the floor.
he does this all the time.
I would prefer a perm. I think look sexier. Hahah..

I used to have permed hair before I cut them short. I don't think difficult to maintain leh. Just apply some lotion after wash and twist them so when they dry, will be bouncy. That's all.
I m also the 'rebonding' clan. Tried perm once, and it was supposed to be those soft bug curls, easy to manage kind. In the end, still gave up after 2mths (only).

for lazy bum like me, appying lotion is oredi too much. I rmbr my twisting oso din work somehow .. haha. In the end, i have my long permed hair tied up most of the time. I hv a colleague who finds dat spending 45min every morning on her face and hair is normal ... I tink i only spend like 5mins. keke :p
my frend called me when i was driving yest. glad to hear that you also found ABC svc good and jboy ok.

i am belong to re-bond clan ! kekeke.. though its coming up to a year since last one.
my frend called me when i was driving yest. glad to hear that you also found ABC svc good and jboy ok.

i also belong to re-bond clan ! kekeke.. though its coming up to a year since last one.
I went for rebond just after a month of perming.
Wanted those big curls but end up small curl.
That makes me look very much like an auntie. :S

anyone thinking of buying Osim products lately?
I have a $50 voucher with min. purchase of $250 to give away.
Maybe I got thin hair that's why I can never consider rebonding. I can't imagine my hair in a thin sheet, sticking on my big face.

My last perm was done at Jean Yip. Kind of like ganna 'chop' when I was at the cashier. Abt $300+ for my waist length hair. But then after that, I feel it was worth it coz the curls were very good and it lasted me until I decided to chop my hair short, after 6 months.

Now, after almost a year of short hair, I think I wanna grow them out. But it's taking ages!!
i had my hair rebonded at Jean Yip 3 mths after son was born b4 go back to work. That's Aug last yr...had my straight hair not chopped till now...cost me $300+ for shoulder length hair...dunno if $ worth it coz did not know that hair will drop alot after delivery. After rebond...hair dropped so much!!! now my crown still growing babe hair...dunno should get another rebond or not...as I just had a miscarriage...just days back...maybe i should cut off my waist length hair...heard it is like after delivery, will drop alot too?
btw, how's the baluku today? My hubb's cousin's son had a much bigger baluku than fil's (size of whole uncraked egg). Doc examined...xray etc done, no vomit...it took weeks to go down...use zambak??? heard balukus go down very fast with that...
hello are you new to the april thread? welcome! i've also heard before that we'll drop a lot of hair after delivery

sorry didnt sms you abt meeting up. cos i had a good three hour nap with kaizer. he slept three hour plus, even more than me. think he'll last till abt 10pm tonight. hope you had a good time out =)

does JK like to eat chuncks of carrots and potatoes? those are kaizer's first self feeding food. can use their pudgy fingers to pick these up and then put onto their spoons before aiming for the mouth. if you don't like the picking up with fingers part, or are afraid that he'll choke on the carros and potatoes, then can try lumpy porridge. self feeding will definately be messy, but i personally think that newspapers are quite dirty and irritating to lay on the floor. we'll just wipe everything clean after he's eaten w.out using newspaper or mahjong paper.
Hi sandwich...sorry...i just conveniently came into this thread w/o intro.

don't normally go into forums as time never permits till am resting now at home. Was looking for some answers, thus came into the forum. Never realised i could fine comfort and answers here till today. I am just so slow...

Regarding self feeding...gosh...I had night mares too...Xavier slams spoon into his food and make an art of mess...patience patience...

I only let him spoon feed himself on biscuits...less mess...till he can manage then the real big food. My hubb asked me to confine our son to his high chair for feeding time...thus restricting mess to only that perimeter. Guess I am not disciplined to do that...more job for me.
thanks for asking. I'm glad you had a wonderful nap! WOW! 3 Hrs! I'll admit that I'm a bad napper, I don't take naps, it's probably why J...

Yes, I had a wonderful time...after doing the necessary, I went to Kuriya at RCT for a sort-of slow late lunch, then went to M&S to buy bra, then to Robinson's to buy hot water flask and a water bottle (I'm not obsessed, I swear!) and then went to MS to get J's toy (that silly toy). Had coffee and cookie w my HB before getting home...Overall, it was wonderful. I should've brought a book but it's nice to zone out too.

Gene, MichK, coold, darbebe, euhhue,
Thanks for the hair discussion.
I'm also trying to grow my hair out... Ya, sure will drop a lot of hair one. But well, it's actually hair that should've been "gone" but was "held on" to during our pregnancy (cos of hormones)...about 4 - 6 months after birth, hormones regulating, thus those hair will fall off lor. Thing is, currently, my hair dropping a lot again. HB said not as much as at 6 mths pp but more than before I was pregnant. (He cleans the flrs so he gets to say

Gene, my face also big...don't know lah...will think harder. Anyway, been reading that ppl with hair my length, rebond also will curl out.



have you been on this thread before? Which other thread are you on? Was Xavier born on April 2007?

Tons of Qns which I guess everyone will ask...
Oh ya, you SAHM or FTWM? I could go on and on with the qns though...

Okay, I'll give you some info too. Our thread consist of both SAHM and PT/FTWM (I'd reckon about 35% and 65%). Most of the babies were born in April, though we have a handful in March (like mine) and a few in May. I don't remember things but the resident experts will know. Erm...what else, we have quite a few moms in the east, west and NE (punggol/sk) area. That's all I can think of...oh, most of us are between 25 - 35 years old
need some practical advice again...
can you please tell me how to get the glue marks off the plastic water bottle? It had a label (lock & lock) on it and before washing, I tried to get the (sticker) label off and it left behind some adhesive. What can I do to make the bottle look perfect?
I'm a FTWM and stay NE (punggol), in the age group you mentioned...my son a May 7 2007 babe. I pressed previous wanting to read the history...i came here and saw on hair rebonding and Fil's son having baluku,...today was on leave thus at home...seldom on forum coz no time at all...great to know all of u.
hard to read all the previous posts lah...easiest way to know the ppl here is by meeting them or reading regularly...but ya, I understand it can be hard to do so at work, especially if you wanna leave on time!
Pop by whenever you can and post whatever qns...etc etc...we have quite a friendly bunch.

Btw, I'm one of the newest...the forum gets quiet over the weekends and after 6pm on weekdays...so no one's "ignoring" you...they just aren't around.
hee hee...ok thanks Agent D. You are the newest but pretty active, unlike me. Will pop in whenever free.

Use ronsen oil (use for lighter - i use that during school time) is the answer to your post. But lock and lock label can come off in hot water after being soaked in hot water. Mine did...
Okay, I'll figure the hot water thing out tomorrow...it never worked for me...I'm just lousy at these things.

I'm going to shut down now so that I can concentrate on packing for my trip tomorrow...I'll be bringing my laptop, so see y'all on Sun/Mon

Have a great weekend!

PS: euhhue, I'm sorry for your loss...hope you can get your heart's desire...rest well and take care.
congrats! take care. i m nvr a milk person even wen preg. i take calcium tablet wen morning sickness was over.
my 1st preg, i take 'gd' care n eat better/proper food n meals, 2nd preg more 'shui bian' but ash has more problem like ezcema n sensitive airway whereas cher is ok. most impt, rest well n enjoy ur preg. my 2nd preg went tru so fast, tx jus fly as i was taking care of an active toddler full tx then, so din hv much tx to tink of n 'enjoy' d pregnancy.

Michele, Min, Dlim, Caicai, Sandwich
i had bad morning sickness for both my preg. i puke truout d 1st trim n lost weight.
ash birth was shorter n faster than cher time 'surprisingly'. but cher is an easier bb to handle compared to ash. but when come to eating, ash is not fussy n eats fast but cher is fussier n eats very slowly.
their characters are quite different too.

ur mum is so nice. tks for d book. now i noe where u got ur young looking genes :p next tx i wld brg cher over to play w kaizer n ur mum :p
hi D,
i had curls for a couple of years...those spa perm lah, digital perm lah, big curls..only this year i rebond my hair, trying something diff...rebonding is easier to manage...but i still apply lotion to my rebond hair...
where can i get paint materials like brushes and those sponge roller types that my boy can use?
those who attend GUG would know which type of brushes i'm talking abt

now thinking of activities to entertain my boy!

got any activities that we can do at home.. other than flashing cards?
alot of ppl told me that 1st and 2nd child eating habits is totally opposite.

thus i forsee my 2nd one will be fussy eater!! so i betta master my cooking well!

Congratulations that u are pregnant

Suddenly so many mummies are pregnant after the Government announced all the baby perks
sigh... u know, i'm still 'dropping hair' lor but my regular hairstylist said its due to my rebonding - JY just didn't do a good job (it was done too near the scalp) and thus there's a 'right angle' now and the hair breaks off there so i guess D, my advise is don't go to JY! haha... I think I've done it 3 times to date (twice before I had C and once after)
thanks for the advice

I don't do flash cards with Jesse... I just play with him and read to him. I think that's all we do all day!

I saw the patterned sponge rollers (kid's section, near toys) at JL Marina yesterday. HTH.
agent D , ur obsession wif bottles, hv a good trip to Bali wor . if i were u , to remove the stupid sticker stains ( depending on how sticky , more sticky type - i will use coooking oil , easily avail , not so sticky , i can use medicated ointment , as long as oil , i can remove . rub the oil on the sticky part wif a cloth , to remove the oil , just soak in dish detergent or soap , TADA , sticky stain will be gone .
Hi Euhue
welcome to this thread
min , i dunno abt brushes , but i reckon u can try ur luck @ art friend ( at taka or bras basah , they hv alot of artwork stuff )
Hi ladies,
It's been a long time since I last posted. I'm so glad sch hols r approaching soon :p

Congrats to you! I'm also preg with my 2nd one. I'm now 18 weeks +. This preg isn't as smooth as my 1st. It's a long story...

At first, during the 11th week NT scan, my blood test result shows that my baby has a certain risk of Patau & Edward syndrome. Tho' it's just an estimated risk, it worried & stressed me for the next 6 weeks. I've got to wait till I'm around 18 weeks to do a scan to see if the foetus has carried any mark of the syndrome. If there is, I've got to do the amniocentresis. Luckily, everything turns out fine. Then my gynae told me becoz' of my recurrent uti, I got to do a kidney & bladder scan since it's not normal to hv recurrent 3 times. She's worried that there may be stones in my kidneys. And luckily, it's just a false alarm. Nothing's wrong with them. I've done so many additional tests compared to my first. Anyway, I'm glad that everything turns out fine. Hopefully, there will be no more additional test to b taken. No wonder some pple say the older u get preg, the more tests & problems there will b. So those thinking of having 2nd baby, start early!

Sleeping issue:
My boy has been waking up at least twice in the middle of the night crying (1am plus & 4am plus) for almost a week liao. Is this common? My MIL believes that becoz' I'm carrying 2nd baby & it's now 7th month, it may be due to some 'unclean' stuff. She said not to bring my boy out these few days esp. at night. But I'm not convinced. I'm sure there r some scientific explanation. Sigh... I wonder if it's due to his teething problem, or too much stimulation in the day, or any other reason. Really dun know how to make my boy sleep thru the night. It's affecting everyone in the house.
hi fransea,
congrats again

YES, everything will b fine for u n ur 2nd little one

do u know the gender yet?
** get to know JK's gender when I'm 12 wks preg.

Sleeping issue:
haiz! JK has been "marking our attendances" almost 3 months le.
initially thot is teething but dun think so for now.
even those nursing toddlers can sleep thru...y not my JK? it could b due to habit or feeling insecure?

can't advise much, any1 hv any tips for me?
JK is taking approx 4 hours nap in daytime.
Most of the time, when he is awake he won't cry. Sometimes, he will sit up and back to sleep within few seconds but sometimes it can last for 2 hours!!!
Congratsm Fransea. Hope it'll be smooth from here on out...

Leo, Fransea
Last night was the 1st time I shared room w Jesse in a long long time...and I realise he wakes up quite often too! But then we never attended to him before so I guess that's why he doesn't expect us to...
Leo, Fransea: mind my asking, what do you do when JK wakes in the middle of the night? Lele also could not sleep thru till about 10mths, when we decided to stop givin milk even when he wakes as long as it is before 5ish-6am. We tried for a week and he stopped waking up at odd hours, but will wake at 6-ish as if outa habit. Then gradually he stopped doing that.

Dlim, Fransea: congrats that you'll be 2nd-time mummies soon
Congrats! hope you have a smooth honeymoon 2nd tri!
din know can detact other abnormalities like P&E syndrome.. i tot they only do down syndrome.

perhaps he slept too much during the day? coz i think they only take avg 2hr nap? or maybe juz insecure since he sleep on his own rite?
fransea, congrats! don't worry so much now that your DR has given u the all clear - your baby can sense your uneasiness! can't remember when u went for hols but 'made in australia'?

w/regards to sleeping through, babies are like adults and go through sleep cycles (thus will wake up/fall back asleep many times in a night). i managed to 'train' C (of sorts) to sleep through the night in the last week so thus am able to get more sleep as compared to the last 16 months (she wakes up hourly or sometimes even half hourly) simply by refusing to allow her to nurse. she takes good naps in the afternoon (ranging for 1.5 to 3 hrs) which is very important to sleeping well at night.

leo, i don't think there's such things as 'too much sleep' for babies - its actually good for them to sleep more - as I believe bodies grow and repair when we are sleeping. what i think u need to do is NOT to attend to him unless he cries for extended periods. right now, i think u have 'formed' a habit of responding to him and that's why he keeps waking up to seek your/hb's presence. even if you want to be 'around' when he wakes, just physically there will do - avoid conversations. if u wish to, just hum a lullaby (i do that) and if you absolutely need to, just whisper 'its bedtime, go back to sleep' every now and then. but if u agree with min that he is sleeping 'too much', then you can try consolidating his naps (since most toddlers would take only take 1 nap by around 18mths) - u just haf to 'entertain' him (i.e. playing with him, taking him for walks, etc) - slowly pushing back for abt 15 - 30 mins every few days. good luck! i know how tough it is to keep waking up (C sleeps with us on our bed)
Morning everyone...

Here's my order for crocs.

1) Design: Disney Beach
Size: S
Colour: Navy/Lime
Alt Colour: Red/Black

2) Design: Bob the Builders kids cayman
Size: 12/13
Alt Design: Thomas the tank engine kids

3) Design: Kids cayman
Size: 8/9
Colour: Sea Blue
Alt Colour: Khaki

4) Design: Professional
Size: Mens 12
Colour: Chocolate
Alt Colour: Black

5) Design: Women Capri
Size: 5
Colour: White/Celery
Alt Colour: White/fuchsia

6) Mens Athens
Size: Mens 9
Colour: Light Blue/Pearl
Alt Colour: Navy/Khaki

Hi all,

thanks for all the concern and encouragement/well wishes....I'm quite alright now...after what I've been going through since childhood till now, sometimes I myself am amazed to see what a strong person i can be...

My marriage cannot be salvaged...tried that 4 yrs back...and i tot it was going fine...but i was terribly wrong. The issue is complicated and i think the most fundamental point is that he no longer feels for me. Yet he is still so selfish to request that we stay as a family unit for the kids...that we'll be friends and we can date other pple at the same time...how is that suppose to work???

Anyway..i've more impt things to settle right now...

Here's the result of the growth scan:
BB is below 5th percentile growth...smaller than average by a month! But blood flow from placenta is ok. Low placenta. Amniotic fluid is very low. Gynae suggested injecting some hormones to mature bb's lungs at wk 36 and induce labour at mk 37...which is 2-3 wks away!

But I'm even more worried for my eldest son...he has been blinking/twitching/rolling his eyes for the past week...non-stop...complained that the eyes feel uncomfortable. Complained of pain on thu night and i brought him to KKH A&E. No tear, foreign object etc. They wanted to admit him and do some tests cos they suspect a growth/tumor behind his eyes....my mom had a few brain tumors and currently there's still 2 inside her which are too small to be removed. And the symptoms are present for my son too...freq vomiting/poor quality sleep/poor appetite etc....

Got an appt to see the eye specialist tomorrow. Really hope everything's ok...he seems to be rolling his eyeballs to the side less yday though...


thanks for ur smses...didn't reply cos dunno how to...but really appreciate ur care and concern..
can share w me, how does claire take her milk wen u are off to work? i hvnt let cher try fm. but tis morning i jus let her try really tiny bits of cheese n af a while, she was crying non-stop. i gave her biscuits, she oso refused, surprised! af a while, she vomitted all over on me n herself n it 'smell' of stale cheese. oh no...
that's what happens when J eats cheese...there's always soy (isomil) if you intend to try FM. But Michele will tell you it stinks. haha. It smells and tastes nasty lah, but Jesse has not problem with it. Only way to know is to try...Dr's clinic always have samples...I also have some if you want...but logistically, it's probably easier to try the dr's office first...

I so kay poh!

hope all will be well with your eldest.

sanrio , her vomitting izzi due to her intense hard cries in the first place ? coz she mite hv cried too hard n upset her tummy n she puke as a result . i dunno

another kpoh like D

Traz , my coll's boy also likes to twitch his eyes . it is a habit for him , they brot him to kk-specialist , cannot do anything to rectify his frequent twitching , not life threatening for her son . dun worry too much , take care of the lil one inside u , be strong
