(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

glad J is better now.

for schedule u can call n request an updated listing.

there is :
*tumble tots @Tampines stadium
*Gymboree @Parkway
* Kindermusik @Tanglin mall

MK: Yep, we did the parachute to the tune of "wheels of the bus". Lele preferred to be the driver (ie, carried by papa while the parachute go round and round!) hee hee...
Did K enjoy?
I also think quite shiong last week. I cannot even tong till quiet time! After the 2nd activity I ask papa to take over le.
Mummies who have yet to buy insurance for your little one, recently I bought something which I think is reasonable and definitely a good buy (maybe must buy) for us.

Bundle of Joy- AIA
They cover accident claims including mozzie bites, and even HFMD. Mummies interested can let me know I can arrange for my consultant whom is also my fren to speak to you. My fren is not the pushy agent type, he is the buy or not up to you. He enjoys sharing the benefits and works a package according to your requirements. Not selling him just cos he is my fren but from all my insurance frens, he's the one that doesn't hard sell =)

If there's any trial classes during weekends I am interested ok, put me and bbO down. I haven't decided where to enroll bbO... sigh
the gymboree class got vacancies? i be going for Kinder trial on next tues afternoon 3.30pm. maybe can try gymboree following week
i think my son manage to drink from straw. initially i made loud sucking sound and pretend to enjoy drinking fm his straw cup.. when i pass it to him, he keep shoving back to me and shaking his head..

so bo bian, me and hubby really drink from his straw *sigh*.. then when we pass it back to him, he gladly drink from straw. though still got abit of spillage but still betta then before.

anyway, i think whether to succeed or not, really depnd on my son mood. i can say tomolo he may reject straw again. today he may suck for fun only
i may want to share the helium tank. let me know d details can? tks.

can i let u noe by tmr. wld check w my frd who is baking my girl's b'day cake whether tis candle 'matches' d cake. tks for remembering tat i nid a candle
cos doubt i wld hv time to take photos on tat day cos my boy wld b 'mummy mummy' whole day n cher nowadays 'glue' to me. n hb wld b busy w guests..
Mrs Lai,

Florida is really a nice place to bring the kids to...but best when they are at least 5-6yrs old...then they know whats happening and can remember.

Why doesnt your hubby want to go Florida?
mrs lai , kate: yup my sonny is in the same batch as all of u but i wanna grind coz i find no matter how long i cook the texture is not that desirable..so i tot cook normal white porridge and mix the grinded brown rice powder in ...hee
mrslai:km is good..i completed one module already but didn;t reali like one of the teacher so i switched back to shauna the other teacher find that she is better.

min: can i know what the diff about calrose rice?

mummies using the mag mag cup..i bought the straw top to change from the spout but can the straw be sterilised?
Min, juz keep trying giving them the straw, once they are used to it, they will use it.

- gymboree @ harbourfront level 3 & tanglin mall
- tumble tots @ parkway parade
jesse , i wld tell u to gv gymboree at harborfront a miss ( the parking is a killer !!!!) damn jam esp during weekends . take public trpt better .
thanks for the tip
Ya, Harborfront a little far for me. Actually, distance to these classes has always been the main deterrent.

I'll remember parkway.
The class will end at 4pm? Will let you know when I want to check it out.

I wish there were some such class at United Sq or Compass Point! So much easier!

J is getting better, he managed to finish his bottle of milk this morning and even ate his solids (breakfast). But now he don't want his milk again. Going to give him a few minutes before i try again.
Michk / BBGoh,

Wanna consider the creative culinaire school?


Can help me to write down my name for the wait list class for Kindermusik? Im interested too.. thanks..

i'm not sure le.. you need to ask Moxi cos so far, i haven't really do any "research" for Mclaren Volo yet. hehehe.. me last min. type.. Now kan chiong liao, cos i'm going to deliver soon and my 2nd darling needs the Mclaren XT when going out, so i need to transfer Ning to Volo.
Morning mummies,

blue morning... haiz.. i thnk preggy mummy woke up at the wrong side of the bed..

i was at vivo yesterday.. wanted to buy shoe for ashlyn at collette.. but the design don't reali fancy me.. i shall wait for their new design.. but i bot a harvana baby slipper for her!! and yesterday she took her first steps holding to only one hand of mine!! usually she will only dare walk with 2 hands... in the end she walked up n down the house holding my hand!!

aprilmum: wat is so gd abt that stroller u looking for?

hmm.. it's light and like umbrella design.. easy to keep ... actually, mainly because i used to mclaren XT.. so i dun wanna change to other brand, just get back the mclaren, but a lighter stroller. So far, i find mclarenXT not bad!
April: I think mine is a volo, also bought from robinsons. One thing to note hor, although tt time the forest green volo was the one at the special price, the sales pple were saying the other colors, if you have the robinsons card, is cheaper cuz 20% plus 5% rebate. If you are not sure, check if 1) the $179 is only for a specific color 2) what is the price for the other colors (if 1) is yes) after the robinsons member's discount.

I wanted the orange or pink but my we%&^@$&*% hubby insisted on the dark blue with red trimmings *GRRRRRR*
Cindy: Not the dun wan to go there, HE IS GOING THERE. But his flight sponsored and mine not, so he kiam and said I cannot go becuz baby cannot go :p
Mrs Lai,

ya, i've the robinsons card(all because of Michellek!!!hahaha). Is't!!! ok ok, i'll check it out and post here to let other mummies know abt it. V's Volo stroller nice to use??
Aprilmum: it's the first first hand stroller I have so no complains =) the old one that i lost in the trunk of a trans cab the wheels wasn't really working properly, so can't really compare.

Volo is however, not really suitable for younger babies. 9 month onwards still not so bad. One thing is that the basket is small. Feel the back of the stroller urself and see if u find it comfortable to lie on for ur gal or not.
cai cai: no use one. He's idea of accounting/ finances is even worse than the most prudent accountant, yet he can dilly dally on thing sucking up the most money, which is the financing of the mortgage. SOmetimes I also can only nag so much - he still dare to show me every single cent in my bank accounts!

Cindy: I also want, but have u seen the price of the SQ to florida? It's a freaking $5K. I almost fainted. Maybe I shd just call the agent and ask them to give me a quote :p
my gal now full blown flu - with the sniffles, and very wheezy./ phlegmy sounding cough. She cough until tears roll down her eyes. Heart pain. Tomm bring her see PD again since the medicine doesn't seem to be working.
oh no.. mrs lai.. sayang vannessa for me k?? i found a pic of similar sandals but ashlyn's one is in pink of cos and the back strap is adjustable..kekekek

mrs lai,
canot buy from SQ direct....sure ex one. must book thru agent...unless got promo. 5k....biz class izzit??

nice sandals!
Can imagine the sandals must be very cute looking on Ashlyn….pink one..kekek. You should find a similar design at adult shoes shop & get for yourself too!

Mrs Lai
You got bring Vanessa see PD? Must make sure she take her med…hope she recover soon. Lucky her birthday party over liao, not on this weekend.

Mrs Lai/Michk
Agree that our baby won’t remember the birthday party, mainly is for the mummy’s satisfaction. But if you think about it, our baby still have many 1st time experiences to try out as he/she grows, but mummy is getting old liao…not many 1st time left to go through in her life… so being able to spend a wonderful & memorable celebration for her 1st child's 1st birthday will be one of the best memories for mummy down the road.
Spring: she saw on Mon liao ... tomm going to see again, cuz the coff like getting much worse.

Har nor, 1 yr old liao, first time kena flu also =) many firsts for them and us to go thru!
Hi mummies,

Any 1 give ur baby cod liver oil ? or any supplement stuff ? which brand ?
Also wat cream is good for mosqito bites ?
Need advise.
Sandals: I thnk I crazy.. when I preggy.. I saw some toddler wearing.. I was like.. my daughter will go beach with me with shorts, bikini n sandals.. so once I see it.. I bot it!! Hahahah.. yes… very cute.. when she wear.. I shall take pic show u all.. I wanted to buy for myself but my feet too skinny, wear nt nice.. if exactly same design.. I mst buy another kind… tempting myself again!! Haha

haha, tats how i feel too. mummy old liao n factory close liao. so thou i lazy n at 1st not keen w doing a party but told myself 1st birthday lah, next yr onwards, nothing big liao, so mus hv nice nice memories :p
