(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

i think v clear already! hahaa. michk...clear or not?? if u still dunno where...then guess we have to escort u already...but u must treat us lunch lah! ahhaahhaa
<font color="0000ff">gathering on 8Dec</font>: ... sorry I might not be able to join ... might pop by but not eating if its okay...
Please take our names off the list...
paiseh ah...

Why don't we combine both April and May threads together and set up a private class instead? Isn't it better that both April and May threads go together as a class rather than separate? What do u think since all of us are going to the Parkway branch? Agree?

If all of u agree to this idea, shall we gather all the interested mummies from April thread to the May thread as I have some interested mummies there too. Kindly revert. Thanks
pisces gal and cindy
i've had the NLB journal for very long too. in fact, i got kaizer his library card when he was about two weeks old. i'll go dig up the voucher. hopefully, there's no expiry date.

my husband and me both love to read. haha, so sometimes we're competing to read to baby. but usually we try to take turns lah.

i can write with my left hand, just that i write a lot slower and uglier as compared to my right hand. have to practice more now.

i've thought about this issue before too. i can't decide if i like my husband or kaizer more. cos both are cute in their own ways. but i've agreed with my husband that in front of kaizer, i'll always tell kaizer that i like him most, so that he won't feel that he's in a second place as compared to his papa.
Fri outing: depend on if i can finish my work, maybe i can join u all after lunch (i knock off at 12 if 1/2 day)

my hair all turnign white already *sigh* and my milk ss dipping lower and lower ... *stress*
sandwich and ixora: i feel that i love my baby lots also but it's v different kind of love. for baby, is you want to protect and nuture baby. whereas hubby is more of the contented, in the background, secure emotionally love. i believe we love both just as much, just in very different ways. for baby, it may seem a lot more cuz they are basically defenceless and cannot self-service. just what i think lah. my hubby also complain i love my gal more than him, but i told hubby my gal cannot do a lot of things on her own while he can mah. and I also make effort to make things for him, like once a whilke a yummy drink (his fav xo kopi) or something.
im also left handed. I still rem last time when i was in pri, there is 1 particular teacher who always forced me to write with right hand. Otherwise will use ruler to beat my palm.

SO i always hate her lesson and will switch back to left hand whenever she is not looking.
Dont think it will happen nowadays.
i also stop infacol when K was abt to turn 4 mths. she now still having some tofu after her milk sesion.

if i cant find on friday, i call u guys up!
so its at B2, next to the thai rest har ?
sneak in awhile ...
last time i was also lefthanded but my ma kept on using the pencil to knock on my left knuckles when she caught me using my left hand .
so i changed to being a right hander liao .

Augleo , u asked me to submit pic hor . no infant pic at the moment how to gv u wor ...
when is the deadline for submission ?
i know why u dunno where the HK cafe is...cos it has replaced the thai restaurant! so ya...u know where it is now!

i also got the NLB package when bb was about a month old. i've checked the coupon...no expiry!! yay!

pisces gal...
michele has started claire on gymboree quite some time back already. maybe we can all join her for her tue class? i gotta join vvv soon, best by next week cos i'll not be in s'pore in 2-3 months time, and 8 classes is the min. package...
Kelley / Jesmine / Hapybaby / Darbebe

Ding Ding Ding

Reason why BHG got such a weird & Oh Biang name call BE HERE for GOOD things is because the owner is by a company call BEIJING HUALIAN GROUP.

Thats why if you notice their merchandise now they no longer carry Japanese products.

Its true not kidding!

Lucky Kaizer got mummy & daddy to compete read stories to himmy hubby dun even wanna try singing a song or showing him flashcardsdun talk about storybooks reading. :p

Me still giving my boy fei chai shui and putting Ruyi oil lei my MIL & husband traditional.. believe in using them. :p
my exact sentiments as Mrs Lai. Love for baby and love for hubby is different lor. but inevitably, love for hubby has to take a backseat currently cos bb really takes up alot of time!! Hubby is a good daddy tho! He plays, sings changes her diapers and helps to take care here and there when I am busy.

Why your hubby doesnt want to sing leh? he pai seh issit? have you tried asking him to sing to bb before?
my exact sentiments as Mrs Lai. Love for baby and love for hubby is different lor. but inevitably, love for hubby has to take a backseat currently cos bb really takes up alot of time!! Hubby is a good daddy tho! He plays, sings changes her diapers and helps to take care here and there when I am busy.

Why doesnt your hubby want to sing? he pai seh issit? have you tried asking him to sing to bb before?

I used to apply RU YI oil to my son from newborn till quite old, ofcoz stop now but sometime he will ask for it, he fell very comfy especially when he got stomach ache.
Im not intending to stop for bbT.

Infacol, Im gave to bbT about a month when she was 3 mths old, recommend by PD.
For gorgor I used to give him FAI CHAI SUI from newborn till 1-2 yrs old.
But never give to bbT coz PD not recommends as bb stomach is very sensitive.
I have 1 BN unopened FAI CHAI SUI, I can give it to you u when we attend tumbletots trial, u want?


I ll pass u the cereals when we meet at tumbletots, k?
Replied your SMS liaoz :p

Ya my hubby Pai Sei .. LOLZin fact I NEVER hear him sing b4 not even when I request from him when we were dating last time.

Thanks for the offer but I have a problem now.. may not be able to attend the class on Sun shall confirm by wed ... signzzzz

If u have decided not to attend the class on Sunday, please let me know. I would like to attend the earlier tumbletots' trial class if possible - which means I want your Sunday slot. U can sms me once u have confirmed. Thanks
those who wants to go gymboree for the trial class, let me know so that i can inform the teacher-in-charge?
cindy is right, i've been attending gymboree with claire for almost 2 months now and claire really enjoys herself there! she'll squeal and laugh happily during the 45 mins! i didn't even know there's a free trial voucher there! wonder if i still can use it! haha... then got one FOC class!

i go on tues, 3.15pm - 4pm session

Please refer to the May thread coz I am organising one trial class on 25 November, Sunday on 11.30am at Parkway Parade. Kindly put your name on the list but u must have the free coupon from, "My baby journal" which can be taken from NLB. If not, u have to pay S$34 for the trial class. Thanks

Do u belong to the April thread? Do u have the coupon too from the journal? Please do not feel shy lah. May thread mummies are nice people too
. Please insert your name in the list on May thread. Thanks
Aiyo..I always feel lost when I'm in here..the topic seems to change very fast..hehee..are any of u bringing ur kids tis fri?

I'm a 1st time mom...wat abt u all??
Hi all,

So latest update for the trial will be:

Tumble tots Singapore - Gymbabes



2 slots - 17 & 18 Nov

$23 per baby
Program Outline
- warm up baby massage
- developmental exercises
- music & rhymes
- explore and try equipments
- closing songs and rhymes

Please indicate your interest. Slots will be allocated on a first come first serve basis.

17 Nov (11.30am - 12.15pm)
1. Gene
2. Catherine (tft)
3. Catherine (tft)'s friend
4. mindy
5. michellek
6. Mrs Chia
7. SquigglyTofu
8. EE (TBC)

18 Nov (3.30pm - 4.15pm)
1. Dreamygal
2. Hapybaby
3. Darbebe
4. Springdance
5. Kris
6. Cool_daughter
7. Jesmine
8. Serene
9. Ambery
Wah seh, same here. Didnt come in til at nite and there has been soo many posts le. Read until I gong liaoz.

I want to go for the trial leh, but I dont have the journal. How do I get from NLB?Must register there then they give the package?
Really? Did you see anyone with a green sling? If you do, that's me.
Btw, I just lost the new wrist rattle I bought at Kidzloft! I'm so sad coz I liked it very much. It's the lady bug one. It was still on bb's wrist when I left the house and I just went downstairs to wait for my hubby. Then when we're about 10 mins away in the car I realised that it's not on her wrist anymore. I called my maid to go check downstairs leh. But she say nowhere to be found. So sad.. Although it's cheap but then..

Not bee hives la. It's hives. But yes, it's feng-muo lor. It was so bad last night that I woke up due to the itch leh. It was everywhere, on my arms chest, back and scalp! My goodness, I almost cried when I see myself in the mirror! Yes, speaking of spreading. Now I've got some scars on my thighs already. Help!!
Ya lor, I just cut my hair short about 2 weeks back. Just sick of long hair liao so cut short la. I also keep long long then cut short short one. Haha.. Anyway, I think better since bb kept pulling my hair and I've not have much left leh.

Haha. I share our thoughts. I always tell my hubby that he always made me feel like a single mum. I can simply do without him. (But he must still give me money la. Hehe..) I also love my gal so much sometimes I don't know if I'm capable of loving another bb, if I have one in future. It'll be so unfair to her hor. Now she has my attention 95% and my hubby a miserable 5% or lesser, depending if he pisses me off.

See ya on Friday!
So is Char Chan Teng just outside the foodcourt at B2?

You're not joining us? Come la! How about I treat you lunch since I still owe you money.

Don't worry, you'll recognise us one. So rowdy.
Btw, I'm also a first time mummy.

Stop saying you fat ok. You're the few fortunate ones to lose all the preggie weight hor.

Maybe I should tell my hubby that I like him better than bb just to make him not feel second grade. Haha.. Just the opposite of yours.

Augleo/ Michelle
Are we suppose to feed bb Infacol? I've got a bottle but I've nv fed her before.
I felt so relieve that I am not the only one suffering from the mid nite cries. By the way, any one tried Similac? Issit gd? I am thinking of starting FM as supplement for BB.
Wanna join u all for outing too leh, then can exchange more tips on handling the little one, but this fri I cant make it
Yap! It's a B2 near the foodcourt. So glad to see u n gladys n the rest!! poor lady bird...dunno who picked it up! I always feel v upset when i lose any of baby's things. the other day i thot i lost one side of her shoes...i was soooo upset! 2 days later...i found it on my room floor!! wah...felt soooo happy!! haha.
infacol is suposed to get rid of wind.
if gladys dun need then dun give. better still

remb to bring my barang when i see u ok ?
how come i lost the weight liao,s till feel fat har ?? who was issit that commented i looks slimmer in durig my wedding

welcome claire !
is your bb a boy or a gal ?
when in april ?
are u a FTWM ?
which area u work/live ?
u wanna join us on dec 8th for our xmas party ?
sorry so many Qs ! too lazy to scroll up to read incase u have answered
RE: lunch @ char chan teng

*deja vu* the last tm i was at that restaurant was with taro, sanrio n other may mummies .. kekeke

Anyhw, hb just told me he needs to use the car on fri wor - so dunno whether i am still able to join u mummies liao cos Maishia will be with me n My hb kancheong abt bb so usu he sends us or i drive.
hi hi Michelle

My gal is born on 26th April. FTWM = Full time working mum? If my interpretation is correct, then yes I am a full time working mum, trying to juggle family and work well.Sob
I am an educator, teaching in one of the secondary school in the east.
I feel pai seh to join the xmas party leh, coz i juz joined the forum.
i think hairclip is the no.1 lost item. caitlyn also lost one!

welcome claire! what's ur bb's name? her birthday is the date of my wedding anniversary! come n join us for the 8 dec gathering!
hahaha, keira's EDD, 2 bb faith also same bday with u r gal. btw, what is ur gal's name.
my keira is 1 day younger

one of the mummy here also an educator in a sec sch in the east.
quickly enrolled coz we meetin' on friday to discuss liao. no problem, even if u juz joined, we welcome all
u wanna meet us for lunch on Friday ??
venuw at char char teng. B2 facing the toy fair next to food court ! kekekeke... like i now where it is

my mum bought 3 more pairs, 3 for $10 !
any mummies give Isomil to BB when they are sick?
i really duno if my son is allergic to Enfapro as he now got stuffy nose..
can i juz switch to Isomil immediately?
arghh.. SO sick, getting fatter and fatter. How about we come up with a contest of who lose the weight most? This way, we can motive each other to lose weight?
