(2007/04) April 2007 MTB

hi jmonster,
i oso went to Spring at Suntec yday.. wonder if we were there at the same time.. i bought a polo tee at $19.. resisted tryin those new arrivals, else might spend more $$.. btw, the sale on tees is until 24th.. so if u r going back, do it soon.. unless u r going for the regular ones.. happy shopping!!

hi Valc

yeah, jmonster and cmy are right - it's the powder that solidifies the beancurd that is not healthy, even for normal consumption. guess once or twice is still ok.

hi jmonster

where did u get your baby doll tops and dresses? i'm looking for some so that i can still wear them after pregnancy. so dun waste money. realised i've spent almost $600 on maternity stuff.

btw, anyone knows if it's ok to drink cranberry juice? your boss saw me drinking it the other day and asked me if i'm sure i can drink it coz' it's for pp who have urinary tract infection.
thank you for the explanation on beancurd. i qt like it esp the selegie one. but not much opportunity to have it anyways.

was jus at vivio city. it was packed!! there is a pumpkin patch, oshkosh and lifebaby there. and even a GAP!! with baby gap there.
Hi jmonster,
Is your tube top from Spring maternity with little red flowers.. it comes in blue as well?

Hi ValC,
I was also at vivo city just now, left abt 3+pm.. so crowded! There seems to be only 2 maternity shops there, Maternity House and MartonBell.

Hi all,
Is it expected to have more varginal discharge during pregnancy? I did not notice any, is it normal?
Hi fe,
ya, its my first baby since my marriage 2 years ago.. planned one but tried for quite some time and so in vain, so went for checkup and realised its egg count low..doc gave me the clomid pill and after abt2-3 dosage, im pregnant.. :p hehe.. was quite unexpected though..really didnt realise it that month until i tested with test kit.. hehe..i dunno how many bedder to stay yet leh..u leh?? yr first bb too? is it that when we sign the package, have to decide liao? sa dhor, saw from the package, alot of test not included one.. btw i need to go to the blood test next week.. any idea what is the test about?

Hi mummies,
esp first timer, have you all started to buy anyting for bb already?? me guess i will start buying only on my 5th month..will it be too late huh? hope i still have the energy to shop then.. :p
maybe we were there
i saw that polo tee too but then i think its too big for me. so end up with the new arrivals. kekeke..

hi miraclebb,
yeah, the tube with little red flowers comes in BLUE. not sure if the sizes for blue colour are running fast cos when i asked for the new piece for red colour, they said only left with the display set. i just took it cos i like it very much.

i also went to Vivocity at ard 3+ & left at 5pm. it was so huge and packed with pple. felt so tired after walking 1/2 way at the ground floor.

i didnt see the MartonBell, but i saw MotherCare. i must hv lost the way cos after awhile i could not find it.. LOLz

hi blueroti,
wow, it's a lot of $ u spent. havent counted how much i spent cos i dun buy them at one go. i bought my babydoll dresses/tops from my SIL's shop, some online & some from Arcade. prices are reasonable..

hi J&R,
i also hv not bought any BB stuff, thinking of buying some only after i knew the gender of BB. i dun hv to buy much cos my SILs will be giving me lots of them.. hee, save $. think i cant wait to spend if my BB is a gal cos i saw a denim skirt at Topshop today, it is soooooo.... CUTE!
managed to get 1 pkt of bean sprout husks, to fasten to dry the husk can i put them in oven with low flame? heehee! that my idea...can i do that?

Jmonster, thks for providing the maternity wear websites... i found simple pants or skirt easily cost $70+. must do good sourcing.
hi Augelo,
will 'chow tar' or not? kekeke.. i dunno if u can do that... only know the traditional way, put under strong sunlight for min 4 days.. u try asking some older folks?

hi J&R,
i hvn't bot anything yet for bb.. like jmonster, will only start to buy when i knw the gender.. meanwhile i hv many mummies aldy frens who wld be passing me their bb clothes.. so can save abit..
jmonster, wow! thanks for the good listing. will be very helpful...

i find maternity clothes so expensive in singapore. i guess its because less pple have bb therefore more willing to spend on each one? i found some nice maternity clothes from US and my aunt will be bringing over for me when she visits.

lots of things are nicer and cheaper in US too like the Medela PIS and toys. if u know of pple travelling to/from US, good idea to ask them to buy for u.
ixora, okie...will kuai kuai to air the husk for more than 4 days. these few days so hazy... hahaha! my hubby said the said thing...what if burnt? coz he spent few hours to sort out the husk.
hi jmonster

thanks! will chk out arcade then! yeah didn't even realise i spent that much till i did a calculation that day! = o (
hi ladies, somemore tt time mentioned abt some insurance company have insurance for preggie ah... may i know which company?? can PM me the details??


I guess there are mild mannered & spoilt gals & boys. Children are like a blank sheet of paper. We, as the parents are responsible in adding colours to it. So let's not worry so much, go along with our belief and teach our kids the gd morals ya :p

Page up,

Seems that most japs r male chauvinist, esp singles. Luckily, my current boss is very supportive + he himself is a health concious freak. Hahahahahahaha

Poor u, hv to shorten ur maternity rest. Sigh ..... Hope that they appreciate ur wat u hv sacrifice.

Maybe bb shy leh or maybe just 1 2 keep the mommy & daddy in suspense. Be patient. Personally, I always find it amazing & exciting to meet bb thru scanning. Wonder, bb will resemble mommy o daddy etc etc. Hahahahhahaha ... silly me.


That's not a very nice remark. Doubt gyane also cannot guarantee that a preggie will feel energetic thru'out her preggie rite ? For me, I'll take annual leave instead of mc lor.

Re : Aminocentesis

I've mentioned that I'm skipping all tests n will proceed with amino 2 days later. Recently, I kept asking myself y I agree with this test as I can't sleep !!!!!! I'm freaking out !!!!!!! So wat if I've done test & result is unsatisfactory ? Shd I proceed with pregnancy o terminate ????? I really hv lots n lots of doubts. I understand that it's no big deal as lots of women hv gone thru it. Maybe at this moment, I'm being too pessimistic. Sigh ...... Sorry for my grumbles. Just 1 2 vent my frustrations
Hi Ma22,

Can totally understand your feelings. Always wondered if i would keep the baby if the result is not satisfactory. I have known people that refused to take the test cos they are willing to take whatever comes.

But in this society, are we really ready for the commitment for the rest of our lives and even after we have passed on???

It's always a personal question, but i would not know the answer too if it happens to me.

Don't worry, it will be fine. Just take plenty of rest after the test. I don't want to scare you, but a fren of mine had leaking water bag after her test and had to have bed rest for the rest of your pregnancy. Had to take no pay leave.
As for maternity clothes, i do find the collection a bit boring, every where i go i see tube tops ...... and i find myself looking more pregnant when i wear the tops, i want o find tops that are long enuf to cover the maternity pants, but not so maternity looking? Any suggestions?
Hi Miracle bb,

Read dat u r also a patient of Dr Suresh...me too.Jux wonder for oscar test will his nurse Jenny call u and inform u of his results? Cos for my previous preg, the triple test result was LOST! And I only rely on NT scan results for assurance dat bb is ok. Thx!
Hi Carousel,

Thanks for the concern. Frankly, I'm not sure whether I'm ready to commit myself for the rest of my life ! That's my biggest worry. I've been trying very hard to "ignore" this question but somehow I can't stop worrying. So annoying ....... Errrrghh

Can understand your concern...me always veru unlucky when comes to blood test. So kinda freak out for triple test. I ve also been pondering on all these questions as the OSCAR test is approaching. Sigh...

Don't worry, we just tend to be more pessimistic especially when faced with uncertainty.

I am sure it will be fine

Happy mummy, happy baby
me also first x mummy.. many things also dun noe.. me now considering to stay at 2 bedded or 4 bedded wan.. still havent make up my mind yet.. as for baby things my hubby said better dun buy yet lei.. u know what happen?? when his parnent was pregnant wif his sec baby baby told them is a gal all the way but when bbay arrival is a boy.. so funny rite??till nw i still cant understand y dis happen.. so to be safe, we will onli be buying a few colour clothing e.g: blue for boy and pink for gal.. the rest mostly we will get the white wan to play safe lor..
Hi J&R,
i also dun noe when to decide to stay at which bedded lei.. gt to ask the experience wan.. any mummy any idea anot?
ya, basically the package only include the consulation and scanning lei.. till our bbay is born.. for the blood test is to actually check and emsure dat ur baby is ok anot lor.. i think.. i am onli ask to take the test.. wonder have the result been out..

Anyone can advise on pre natal yoga? I'm now into my 16th week and my body has been feeling abit aching, especially my back and hip ... tot some stretching would help ease the ache????
Hi jmonster,
ya i understand..sometimes cant resist right?? hehhe..

hi ixora15,
me waiting for my sis to pass me her bb's clothing too..her EDD is 4 months b4 me.. so buy then her bb cannt wear liao can give me.. but dunno the baby gender yet.. her one is bb boy..

hi blueroti,
dun be sad.. u have a partner..cos i also spent around that much on maternity..
really ex man.. most of my friends already given away their maternity..thus hard to borrow from them.. now if you ask me to borrow other ppl, me also xin tong.. cos bought so ex.. hehe.. ;P

Hi Ma22,
what is amino test? paiseh, still new to these terms.. hehe..

Hi fen,
me also thinking either 2 or 4 bedded..cos i heard can upgrade but cannot downgrade one.. :p
ya, i agree that colours like green, yellow, orange and white is qite save for both gender.. :p other things like baby cot, etc i also havent bought.. hope its not too late.. hehe.. :p
Hi Mykono,

yes Jenny actually called me up to inform me of the blood test result. In addition, TMC also send me the entire test report inclusive of the NT scan and blood test result.

when is your EDD?
Hi MTBs,

anyone else who is interested in the V-cut maternity pants?

My friend bought for me 2 v-cut long pants (Small size)from 9mois at $95 (one black and one white). It comes with elastic bands at the side with a button to adjust the size.

Realised I cannot fit into them so want to sell. Willing to sell at $60 each. Prefer to meet in the North as i stay in AMK.

If interested pls email me at [email protected] soon so that i will bring them back this Thurs when i fly from HK for gynae checkup. Need to meet this weekend as I will be flying back on next Monday.

Hi Miraclebb,

Thx for the info. My EDD is on 17/5/07. Roughly how long will we get the results? Btw, from the nurses, seem like Dr Suresh has been out of town quite frequently lately....worried dat during my delivery he may not b around. Is this your first preg? Mux enjoy while u can!

Hi J&R,
Me also clueless cos first time doing it. During my first preg, wat i did is tripletest. According to some ple, triple test is outdated liao. Wat i understand is dat, OSCAR meeans One Stop Centre for Assessment of Risk. and some mummies said dat TMC is the only place dat hv it. It is the combination of NT scan + bio chem screnning. Hope the info is correct.
Hi Mykono,
This is my 1st pregnancy... wat abt you? Dr Nair is always busy, the ave waiting time is easily at least 2 hours. I think he is travelling in early Nov again. My next appt is 1 Nov..hopefully he can confirm the gender by then... hee..the last time I saw him, he said maybe a sweetie pie but cannot confirmed yet. I waited about 3 working days for the result from Jenny. You may need to call her to remind her..

Hi J&R,
If you visit KKH webiste, you can get a pretty clear explanation on OSCAR. Hope this helps. If I did not remember wrongly, someone actually posted some useful website links on this topic in this forum too.
<table border=1><tr><td>Nickname</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Baby #</TD><TD>Gender</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Hospital </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cmy</TD><TD>1-Apr-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD></TD><TD>DR Hii HC</TD><TD>MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Garfield0407</TD><TD> 1-Apr-07</TD><TD> 1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Geyser</TD><TD> 1-Apr-07</TD><TD> 2 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dragon Gal</TD><TD> 2-Apr-07</TD><TD> 1</TD><TD></TD><TD> DR Paul Tseng</TD><TD> TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jessie</TD><TD> 2-Apr-07</TD><TD> 3 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Miraclebb</TD><TD> 3-Apr-07</TD><TD> 1</TD><TD></TD><TD> DR Suresh Nair</TD><TD> MT. E </TD></TR><TR><TD>CelC</TD><TD> 3-Apr-07</TD><TD> 1</TD><TD></TD><TD> DR SC Chew</TD><TD> MT. E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Dlim</TD><TD> 3-Apr-07</TD><TD> 1</TD><TD></TD><TD> DR Mary Yang</TD><TD> GLENEAGLES </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ma22</TD><TD> 3-Apr-07</TD><TD> 3</TD><TD> Boy</TD><TD> DR AL Lim</TD><TD> TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Stileto</TD><TD> 3-Apr-07</TD><TD> 1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Catherine Lee Sammi</TD><TD> 4-Apr-07</TD><TD> 3 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Joeanna Shim</TD><TD> 4-Apr-07</TD><TD> 1</TD><TD></TD><TD> Dr Chua</TD><TD> NUH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wenthena</TD><TD> 4-Apr-07</TD><TD> 2</TD><TD></TD><TD> DR SC Chew</TD><TD> MT. E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Michele Chua</TD><TD> 5-Apr-07</TD><TD> 1</TD><TD></TD><TD> DR YG Tan</TD><TD> RAFFLES </TD></TR><TR><TD>Peggy Ng</TD><TD> 5-Apr-07</TD><TD> 1</TD><TD></TD><TD> DR Jocelyn Wong</TD><TD> TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Augelo</TD><TD> 6-Apr-07</TD><TD> 1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>EveJosh</TD><TD> 6-Apr-07</TD><TD> 1</TD><TD></TD><TD> DR Tanny Chan</TD><TD> GLENEAGLES </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hopper</TD><TD> 6-Apr-07</TD><TD> 1</TD><TD></TD><TD> DR KT Tan</TD><TD> KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rainbow7</TD><TD> 7-Apr-07</TD><TD> 1</TD><TD></TD><TD> DR Suresh Nair</TD><TD> MT. E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Baby Love</TD><TD> 9-Apr-07</TD><TD> 2</TD><TD></TD><TD> DR HK Ho</TD><TD> MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>JL (Mindy)</TD><TD> 9-Apr-07</TD><TD> 1</TD><TD></TD><TD> DR Caroline Khi</TD><TD> TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fong Fong</TD><TD> 9-Apr-07</TD><TD> 1</TD><TD></TD><TD> DR Woo BH</TD><TD> TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cindy (alcin)</TD><TD> 10-Apr-07</TD><TD> 1</TD><TD></TD><TD> DR Kowa</TD><TD> MT. E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jmonster</TD><TD> 10-Apr-07</TD><TD> 1</TD><TD></TD><TD> DR K.T Tan</TD><TD> KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mum wannabe</TD><TD> 10-Apr-07</TD><TD> 1</TD><TD></TD><TD> Dr Henry Cheng MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Page Up</TD><TD> 11-Apr-07</TD><TD> 2</TD><TD></TD><TD> DR LS Lien</TD><TD> MT. E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fiona</TD><TD> 12-Apr-07</TD><TD> 1</TD><TD></TD><TD> DR Kowa</TD><TD> MT. E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ixora15</TD><TD> 12-Apr-07</TD><TD> 1</TD><TD></TD><TD> DR Yong T T</TD><TD> SGH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Piggymum</TD><TD> 12-Apr-07</TD><TD> 2</TD><TD></TD><TD> DR Lawrence Ang</TD><TD> TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>J&amp;R (babygoh)</TD><TD> 13-Apr-07</TD><TD> 1</TD><TD></TD><TD> Dr HK Ho</TD><TD> MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>snowflakes</TD><TD> 13-Apr-07</TD><TD> 1</TD><TD></TD><TD> Dr Christopher</TD><TD> Gleneagles </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fen</TD><TD> 14-Apr-07</TD><TD> 1</TD><TD></TD><TD> DR HK Ho</TD><TD> MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Peggy 17</TD><TD> 14-Apr-07</TD><TD> 1</TD><TD></TD><TD> DR HK Ho</TD><TD> MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>blueroti</TD><TD> 15-Apr-07</TD><TD> 1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Christine (hfchia)</TD><TD> 15-Apr-07</TD><TD> 1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>JollySheep</TD><TD> 15-Apr-07</TD><TD> 1</TD><TD></TD><TD> DR Lawrence Ang</TD><TD> TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pine3</TD><TD> 17-Apr-07</TD><TD> 1</TD><TD></TD><TD> DR Kenneth E Lee</TD><TD> MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kai Ling</TD><TD> 18-Apr-07</TD><TD> 1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>ValC</TD><TD> 18-Apr-07</TD><TD> 2</TD><TD></TD><TD> DR WK Tan</TD><TD> TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Twinkle (Twinklegal)</TD><TD> 20-Apr-07</TD><TD> 2</TD><TD></TD><TD> DR Lee Chee Wan</TD><TD> TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Scoobydoo</TD><TD> 21-Apr-07</TD><TD> 2</TD><TD></TD><TD> DR YC Wong</TD><TD> NUH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sweatcorn</TD><TD> 21-Apr-07</TD><TD> 2</TD><TD></TD><TD> DR Eunice Chua</TD><TD> TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Angela Lee</TD><TD> 26-Apr-07</TD><TD> 1</TD><TD></TD><TD> Dr. Geraldine Tan</TD><TD> TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Eunice</TD><TD> 27-Apr-07</TD><TD> 1</TD><TD></TD><TD> DR Jocelyn Wong</TD><TD> TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Carousel</TD><TD> 27-Apr-07</TD><TD> 3 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ice Queen</TD><TD> 29-Apr-07</TD><TD> 1 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cocoa</TD><TD> 30-Apr-07</TD><TD> 1</TD><TD></TD><TD> DR Fong Yang </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cherryteq</TD><TD> 30-Apr-07</TD><TD> 1</TD><TD></TD><TD> DR Adelina Wong</TD><TD> TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jesmine</TD><TD> 30-Apr-07 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Priscillia Wong (pui pui)</TD><TD></TD><TD> 1</TD><TD></TD><TD> DR Woo BH</td></tr></table>

Hi mummies, I've updated the table. Any error, pls let me know.
thanks for the update. cheers! Might change hospital to East Shore cos so much nearer to my house. Anyone have friends or relative tat deliver there??
hi jollysheep,
thanks for updating.

hi mummies,
went for another round of shopping yesterday at Parkway Parade. my hb wanted to look for some BB posters but then ended up we bought BB bottles. bought the newborn starter kit at $39.90 from Pigeon at Isetan. after disc is $37.90. i m very gan-jiong hor..

spent almost 2hours at Isetan and Kiddy Palace, wondering which brand of milk bottle i should buy.. hee.. wanted to buy many stuff but last minute ctrl myself cos my MIL already hv a lots of BB stuff at home. Save $ again.

later going Tampines to search for the BB poster. hope i can buy wat i want to buy today and not ended up with other things :p
Hi all,


I have applied a filipino maid from Nation to take care of my new born bb boy. But before her arrival, I decided to quit my job, and therefore I do not need to maid anymore. As I have already paid for the agency fee and insurance for the maid ($650), I thought of transferring the maid to someone else. You only need to pay a portion of the total cost. Pls contact me ([email protected]) if you are looking for a maid.
J &amp; R,
i think still gt x to really go think abt it lor.. dun need to buy so fast.. keke..
me maybe opt for 4 bedded first if nt comfortable then i switch to 2 bedded lor.. 1 bedded is a no no to me.. cut cost ma.. keke
hi Ma22

try not to worry too much altho it's inevitable. when i did my oscar test, i woke up in the middle of the nite and couldn't get back to sleep just the nite before. was so tired the next day. so try to get some rest and try to keep yourself occupied before the test.

hi jollysheep

thanks for updating the list! juz realised we've the same EDD! and i'm also delivering in TMC.

Hi j&amp;R

yeah, there's no 1 who could pass me their maternity wear. my colleague has juz given birth but she's bigger than me so the clothes are too big. as for my frens, most of them gave birth 3 years ago so don't think they kept the clothes. and some trying for 2nd 1 so will have to keep the clothes.

btw mummies, i went to marks n spencer y'day trying to find underwired nursing bra but couldn't find any. have anyone of u bought new bras yet? if yes, is it from maternity shops or dept stores?
Hi blueroti,
I went to Perfect Mum recently and bot some nursing bras. Pretty comfortable! They have both underwired and non-underwired. Also, the underwired ones can be strapless too. Thot that was pretty useful esp when you are wearing tubes. I also find the panties (esp the ones with lace trimming)comfortable and stretchable. You can find Perfect Mum in Suntec and Arcade. Hope this info helps.
hi fen,
too bad, i didnt find any posters. but my hb ended up bought birdnest for me.. kekeke... he spent $360 for 3 'liang' from Fu Hua cos he think that boiling ourself is much more better than the concentrated ones.

hi JL,
thanks for informing. will go Carrefour this wk to check out the posters. ;)
Hi Jollysheep, thanxs for the updates.

Btw, have most mummies-to-be done ur blood test oreadi? I haven't done mine but have been very worried too. Hope everything can turn out well. Issit that if the blood test result is fine, we dun have to do the Oscar Test etc? Wanted to do the blood test during my last visit but nurse asked me to wait for my hubby to be back from overseas but I cannot sleep well since that day. U ladies think I shld go &amp; do the test tomolo instead?
hi fen,

for choice of 2 or 4 bedder, I think it is best to make the decision after your hospital tour. They will bring you to look at the wards, so that you will know whether you will be comfy staying there for the couple of nights. As far as I remember, MAH's 2 bedder rooms are quite spacious.

The worst I think will be MEH, the 2 bedder rooms are rather crampy,and you really need to pray hard that you have a good neighbor. Got a friend who just deliver there. The neighbor's family treat the visit to hospital like a family picnic. The neighbor's visitors start dropping in at 8am and wouldn't leave until 11pm. My friend was rather annoyed but she was too polite to say anything. It was also quite embarassing when the visitor kids just pop their head through the opening of the curtain while she tried to do breastfeeding.

Re: Shopping.
I would recommend to start shopping for baby stuff before 3rd trimester when our tummy get too big and tired. Things like mittens and booties can buy a few more since they need regular washing.
For milk bottles, I think the better quality ones are from Avents but they comes in odd shape and size, which means you will need to use accessories such as teats, breast milk pump of the same brand. Avents aren't cheap too. I brought NUK for my boy and will use the same for this baby. Their teats are highly recommended by hospitals moreover they are more versatile- can fit into other brand of bottles (except for avent and some pigeon bottles). It also fit in nicely to the medula breast milk pump collection bottle.
Oh.. you can also consider getting a bottle steamer. Really save time as compare to traditional way sterilizing bottles using boiling water.

snowflake, perhaps you should call up your gynae for an appointment since you are worried. If you are in your 15 to 17 weeks, you can do the test already, better get it over and done with so that you can have a good night sleep lor.
Hi Miraclebb,

This is my 2nd pregnancy. My first one also delivered by Dr Suresh. Yup...the waiting time is super long..hb always wait until face black black. But it is really worth the wait! He is really meticulous and possesses the human touch. At the last stage of my first pregnancy, bb's heartbeat shows some irregularity...if not for his insistence to admit me for round the clock monitering....can't imagine the outcome as it was later found dat bb's umbilical cord was coil ard the neck 3 rounds! Sorrie..sounded long winded. He even visited me daily when I decided to bunk in wif bb whose stay was extended due to jaundice without incurring extra charges. Sorry dat I sounded long winded, but i have nothing but immense gratitude to him. Rest assured dat you r in good hand!

My last preg, he also say maybe sweetie pie but ended up a boy! Maybe his eye sight not too good...heehee
yah mykono,
i wish to knw too.. so scary..

btw, juz to let u mummies knw, the black pants and black polo tee from Spring Maternity run color when i wash.. quite bad, i thot what a lousy mat'l at that kinda price.. anyone has the same prob? think i won't get black-colored clothes fr them anymore..
Hi JL,
thanks for the information.. i will go get it next mth after my checkup.. hopefully by then baby will let me know is a she or he le.. keke

hi jmoster,
ya is better to boil urself cos i think those bottle wan is too sweet.. keke..

Hi snowflakes,
dun worry so much la.. u will be fine de.. nurse wanna to wait for ur hubby to come back cos he also need to do the test. if nt u try to get the nurse to let u have the blood test first as u are worry lor.. and try to relax ok.. everything gonna be ok..

Hi page up,
thanks for the information.. i will call the hospital to check it out on the tour.. i think her neighbour is abit too much lei.. if i am the one i would request to change to other room if possible.. the kids also very rude hor.. then ur friend sure very pai say liao lor..
Hi hi all Mummies,
Haven't logged on for ages! So many happenings can't keep up! :p

Hi snowflakes,
It might be good if you can do all the tests together, at least the combined results can give a better indication than individual tests alone. I did mine at TMC last week which was a package inclusive of the nuchal test and blood test. The combined results set my mind at ease at least.

Hi Mummies,
When you did the nuchal test, were your babies cooperative? I had to go lie down twice (before and after the blood test) cos my baby refused to cooperate and stay in position. Sigh...
