(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

after the bicycle talk, i went to buy a bicycle for myself...trying to be eco-friendly.

Hopefully, i make good use of it.
Chloe & Ethan inherit my fair skin + my ezcema

Ash/ Star
hee yeah i tot quite cute to put in the bday book mah since chloe is a fan of disney channel, she even knows how to sing the song, stimes i sing w her but i hv to read the lyrics la!
oh i finally caught it again :p hubby ti kam one time slot to record, got it at 730pm this evening wahhaha.. star i also dun see rae le, will look out for her!

Is your face better? hmm i sudd thought can use cold cucumber to ease the itch or not?
oh forgot to wish..


uRMM.. mummies i m quite lazy to celebrate chloe's bday again in CC.. am thinking to skip.. cos hv to take leave to go her cc on a busy fri!
there r quite a few sprees on that website right? i wan to join if u start a spree!

happy bday YT! congrats on ur 4 yrs of motherhood. many more to come.

last yr, i jus passed the cake and camera to the teachers. they settled everythg. ask the teachers if they can do that. u can arrange for cake delivery. Prima does delivery. nt sure abt other shops.
sigh. i can't join u gals at Popular fair.. Matthew need to go for eye check at the refraction clinic.
jus some info. there is a National Myopia Prevention Programme. they send pple to CCC and Kindy to check eyes of K1 and K2 children... those who need further assessment will be given a referral letter and appt for follow up at Refraction Clinic at HPB.
i wanna go cc to see, yet busy hv to ask for permission to leave office, order cake (again) whahah.. goodie bag etc. dun feel like just throw everything to the teachers le.. i want to take pics of her w her frns.. haha!

wat is this popular sale? books super cheap?
Thank you everybody for the well wishes. Photos as requested!

Nothing special, I just bought her to the zoo and let her ride on the horse for the first time. Too bad it rained though so we didn't really go around much in the zoo.



Underwater theme 2kg 3D cake. Very expensive and not exactly nice tasting...

wow nice pic! I like the 1st pic.. is the cake an underwater theme?

i just got mail in my letter box :p It's from playhouse disney, in it are some stickers, n a coupon stating the time slot u can tune in to... they are 7.55am, 11.25am, 3.25 am, 7.25pm n 10.25pm. At least u or MIL dun need to camp infront of tv now!
Happy bday fo YT!! Horse riding seems nice. The pix a bit small canf see well on the phone
later will log on to see clearer.
I Remb last year, have to Watch out to catch the bday mth! Jus now I ask K whether she saw both Racia and Chloe today ? ;p

I couldn't make the file size smaller without making the pic smaller... can't remember how to overcome the problem with my new cam. Later I load onto FB.
yes, forgotten abt that, they send some payhouse disney of their characters to us too last year. but i dont remb reading the note that its screened on that timings

its ok, log on too the comp already. nice.
Happy Birthday to YT.

I'm downloading yesterday's pixs now too. I want to show their cakes from Sweet Secrets, turned out to be quite nice.
Irin, nice!

I know the cake is from Bengawan. I saw in the brochure! U ordered such a big cake for YT! Nice pony ride.
Mejo, RR: Nice pics..

Kaexin: I never pay much attention to Noddy books before.. But I m going to try anything to get ayden interested in reading.. :p His teachers finally said he s started singing in class, and very loudly aka shouting... Lol..

RR: How much did u pay for the cakes? Looks v good... To be considered.. I m getting sick of PG cakes.. :p

Pax: Yes, I m spreeing from thebookpeople. Have you spreed there before? You have any discount code? I asked that organizer but got no reply..
Astro: The sale is on the 18th, still some time to go.. You have time to recover.. Take zrytec! It works wonders in stopping the itch... Hey, did u see my question? If not, nvm, not crucial..
it's $42 for a kg. PG is unless I need their cartoon toppers or designs else don't really like their attitude.


PM Lee is coming over to our estate for a visit this Sat and their ccc's kids are "invited" to welcome the PM. Reyden told the teachers he's not going cos he wants to play Power Ranger at home. :S
RR: Does PG provide toppers? I thot the only figurines they provide are the hello kitty ones.. That s what I got when I wax desperate..

$42 per kg is like BS price right? Or is BS higher? Good alternative!

I m coming down with flu!! Suddenly.. Wonder why.. :p
PG will have toppers for certain designs, I think.

BS has 2 types, $40 for normal and $45 for some. Think PG is cheapest at $35/kg. Prima Deli is $38/kg.
This SS de has a thin layer of wafer biscuit at the bottom, very nice but you got to provide your own pixs.
RR, i am also getting sweet secret cake for Clyde cos diff to get Mr Bean cake at $42/kg. Think that is the cheapest and smallest i can get. With ur pic i have better confidence liao. I alwasy like SS black forest. Are their cake Blackforest cake?
I always eat alot o cakes in mar
All these cakes talk makes me Even more Yao GUI
Four Leaves cakes Generally Nt bad I Thk
This am I had their Choco Delight n Nw feel so bloated n regret

my period finally came Back w a vengeance aft a yr plus!
I used to like SS cakes cos it's nice and sweet. But cos now I not sure where is their outlet hence didn't buy.
Their cakes looked nice and yummy.
sighh... last nite i went popular in the hope of checking out RIY. Not much choice for level 1, only 2 stories which we already have in other series. I also realise even if it is level1 RIY is not really meant for our children to read, unlike P&J but P&J is too boring and no storyline. Any books to recommend?

AAA, have you seen the content of the above? good? The link you shared does not allow you to see the content.
Germaine: can try scholistic bob readers

AAA: wat is this The Rainbow Magic Series???
Saw alot of fb mummies let their gal read this set?
If I m not wring, there are many lines....
I got the Chocolate Royal.

ya, not many SS around now.

I'm going to have MANY cakes for these 2 mths. RR, Kent, my mil, my mum & my dad's birthday all within these 2 mths. And the Mar kids' parties. :p
Germaine: I've not seen the contents.. Just taking a bet.. Anything that's magical will interest children any age. Sure, pass me your orders..

Leftbraini: Oh really? Didn't know this is a popular series. Did the mums get the books locally?

Ash: I can't open your file.. Pls resend..
AAA, can I buy that book set too?? looks good!!
what else is recommended?

wow.. we have lots of book smell these days!!!
you think he bothers who's the PM? haha!
But anyway I'll "force" him to go cos the school asked us to show some "support". :p
RR, PM is not as powerful as power ranger in his world mah...
dun force him, later he run away again.
*crawl up gate and run?*
