(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

I had a chat with my maid agent's boss before. She felt very indignant whenever people say that agents are out to make money by encouraging maids to change employers. For her, she takes it as a personal challenge to have zero replacements because that means her agency has done well to match the best maids to the best employers. Oh well.
to be fair to your MIL, I don't think u all should expect her to take care of Tian. If she offers, it's ok. If not, u should plan without her help. Afterall they also old le. Maybe tired too.
SQ: i read ur post to QQ. that her mum is smart to let her dad think he runs the household.. then it got me thinking. how is that in the case of miser and me?
does miser run the house?
do i let miser run the house?
Do I run the house?
Or I actually let miser think i let him run the house while i run him?
or is it he let me think i run the house while he runs me?
or... nobody run the house? the house auto run?

ha... sounds lame .. but trust me.. it got me thinkign for a moment..

ya.. i got what u mean liao. it is latching her to keep her asleep..coz i was wondering how come she wakes up (happy) still need to latch immediately..

QQ: yalor.. yh difficult latcher. :S
said enough on that.:S these days. difficult for him todrink enough milk. he dun like milk one. he pefers to eat! :S
Autum, so what my mum said might not come true cause i never plan to let mil to take care of any of my kid. even if she is here, she can help to watch my maid, and that is the best thing that i really hope/secretly feel happie that she can help oversee when nbody is at home. as for care without maid or helper but oni milo, i hope that wont be my eventual arrangement. it wont happen bah..
anyway, my mil did offer long time ago, i think around march-may this year. she said tian is so easy to take care, and if she comes, she wanna take over, otherwise she has nothing to do. we just ee ee ah ah.. then june she changed her mind.

astro, u are really a thinker. so how? what is the verdict? u run or he run?

for my mum;s case, really la. my dad thinks he ran the house, while my mum is not. but she is the actual runner n decision maker most of the time (except my dad's business), but still she dun think she is. so? my dad still the king.
SQ: i forgot to add. the reason why your statment to QQ got me thinking for a moment is because. my work currently political.. duno what time can step in hidden landmine and get exploded in the face kind.. it was then i read ur comment about smart women letting the men think they run the household. actually they are the manipulator behind the strings..so i thought in my context.. coz ihave tis impression.. LUCKY miser chooses not to be political.. coz that man can be very scheming kind and sometimes without me knowing.. he reads me before i do anything liao.. so he is those scary quietly scheming kind.. see he smile smilea all the time.. get backstabbed by him also dunno kind.. might just still think he very nice to you! Scary!

hence that got me thinking.. i hope it is not he case between him and me..coz i am so transparent i pose no threat! haha. maybe he married me because i am dumb.. coz till now whenever i asked him why he married me.. he can' answer me.. maybe not becaus eh can't answer.. more like he dun want ot say coz he likes dumb women! coz after that he needs to handle the can of worms he opened? whahhahahaha.. :p
QQ: read my follow up post to SQ.. i dunno! :p
maybe the house auto-run..
ok. i know. the house is run by Teng!(and subsequently with yh too!)
Astro: Women can analyze all we want. I don't think miser thinks abt this question at all. Wahahah!!
Men are quite uncomplicated beings, compared with women.
AA: he gives me that 'aiyoh why u got nothing better to do to think about this? come learn photography from me instead lah' feel when i asked him things like that!
then recently i told him.. i said. it wld be interesting to get a SMALL camera that can allow some basic functions to tweak aperture and shutter speed kind. to take photos of the boys and bring to conference in nov.. then he IMMEDIATELY go read up and recommend a few models of DSLRs for me liao! he also asked me if i want to get nex-5 , the one Ash got.. iam like.. 'wah so on!'..if only he shares a quarter of that enthusiasm when it comes to the boys *rolls eyes*

ash: hey. how is ur new toy ah? :p
yalah, the skeptic in me answered her back.. "of course you will say that to me" :p wahahah.. well well.. to me, at the end of the day, they are still a business wanting to make money. and i do agree there should be a profit margin for them. Just do it with a conscience bah.

I read your who-run-the-house para read until luan. hahaha. I know.. it's Ellie who runs the household! :p hiak hiak hiak..
no one fr friso has commented on my post in FB. But there r 2 ladies who oso agreed that the packaging sucks lor. I once used the lock lock v big sized container to keep both tins inside. It was v gd but MIL need to use the lock lock cos the tin at her hse "漏风"...dunno how she handle de cos the powder all hardened so she requested to use the lock lock fr me.

Is there a v big big sized one touch tuppers??
astro, gug??
i think it is END NOV 2007 or early december. cause that time we are about to go back msia.
i am going out. come back and yak later.
Re my dirty water from the tap...
Ai yo. The lift upgrading lor... They need to reroute the water pipe inorder to lay the electricity cable for the lift... This reroute of water is veri jia lat... Now my toilet nowl,heater tank all got sand particles inside... May take a long time for the sand in the tank to be wash away.. I just washed the toilet bowl.. Sian...

Just now the safty manager came up to look at my water condition... He say wait till evening should be veri clear liao... But hor, i still scare to drink leh... Even brush teeth i also scare... Lol...

u are not a difficult employer.. If mi, i think no maid can work for mi... Lol... Anyway they must be thankful tt u are not hiring only one maid to do the job... U have min two maid to handle the whole house.. I think is good enough... Of cos maybe not one day can finish everything... But break into seven days to balance the housechores for them everyday. Ur house should be veri neat n clean... If one maid do everything, even robot will pengsan too... Heehehehe...
my fren also complained about the friso and ants incident. my gals are drinking friso too, i try to get the old packaging, think its cheaper.

next thur outing, hope i can join u gals if i get to use the car.

u funny le, why think so much? i dun care who runs the house as long as i can have peace wahhaa.

this morning, my mil came to my room to tell me my mum always snatch leia's food from her to feed leia. MIL says she mince and chop the meat till so smooth that leia will eat if slowly feed her. my mum prefers to feed her rice with a lot of soup, makes sure she eats more rice then feed her meat last. aiyo, each is telling me their method is better. i told my MIL my mum is having menopause, she said she knows, she went thru it so she just pretends she doesnt know when my mum grumbles in front of her.
alamak... This scenario machiam mil n dil... Ur mil and ur mom... Haiz... One house cannot have two women... This will nv end one... Let them nag ba... Poor thing... U have to take all this nonsense... Hey can i ask u something? Is it possible tt u take a long leave... Stay at home to take care or the gals? maybe this way can solve abit?
i rem we hv this blog! hee but seems like last posting is 2008

i was reading ur 'WHO RUNS THE HSE' n laffing to myself.. u r funny

Alamak, loud thunder my boy just pouted n drop one tear for me to see!
belle: :p ayoh ethan so cute.....

edde: i love you! u dugged out that blog.. and from there i dug up our GOOGLE group and got myself in again.. silly me.. i was searching non-stop on Yahoo groups! wah liew.. :S

pink: hah.. no lah. coz incidentally sq talkeda bout smart women. so i was thinking if i am one lor :p

QQ: i found the GUG review!
SQ, oh i think u asked me before but i forgot to ans u!! sorry!! dun think i am joining u guys next thur.. gotta fetch the kids from sch by 12+pm.. thx for asking!

huingee, hahhaha.. my maid just spent $115 on a jumbo box! i joke with her whether she intends to ship andrea back :p

yvonne, coz i lost this blog! and so nostalgic to see our "old" photos

astro, so qiao!!!! it just happened that i was googling on Thermos and this blog popped out!!! i din even noe u are looking for it coz i hvnt read archive! wahhahahahah! and u r the owner of this blog leh!!!! :p ya, like u, i was searching under "yahoo group" for our contact list few days ago when i was looking for yr number.. din expect it to be under google :p

*phew* i finally managed to pack my whole house!!!! my neighbour saw me and maid packing and asked if i am moving wahahhahahah! so u guys can imagine how "massive" my spring cleaning is!!!
u are like me..i also feel that im the dumb one :p but nevermind le, smart also must act dumb, that's an important skill for survival. by right, mr tan (sagi) should get along with someone who can challenge his intellect level, but he said if his wife is too smart, sure a lot of conflicts, so indirectly it means im not smart!

eh u mean u ask miser why he marries you and he cant answer you? wouldnt u be angry?
Yvonne: I also don't think I'm a difficult employer. I'm immuned now if the maid tells me she wants to transfer. Leave lo..

Pink: Wah! If I'm you, I'll be offended leh. How can you hubby tell you in the face that you're not smart? My hubby, in front of me to his friends, will admit he has a smart wife.
Which of course makes me v happy. But he's smarter lah. Becos he knows : Happy wife = Happy life..
SQ, she is happy to see me...anyway, she looked different and feel different now...maybe, she is more talkative now.

I went to see my gynae this morning, my ovary next to each other...and body not producing hormone. So i need to be medication.
Come la. I also need to leave @ 11+am to fetch YE
No need sit too long to tell grandmother stories
I jus need to let our guest-of-honor CK see my fat face
QQ, read your post on maid...most maid dont like to have ah mah at home...cos they will be watched and maybe crash with ah mah. quite normal. Even china, same comment from the ayi.
let me think, maybe he didnt use the word smart, maybe he means character too strong + smart = conflicts? sometimes i complain that my galfrens always laugh at me tat i have 'sudden intelligence', he will console me, says i'm smart inside, handles all the finances in the family, at work etc.

wat do u mean by ovary next to each other? and wat kind of med are u on? u dun wana try chinese med?
oh yes, reminds me, have u receive the black top? the one that star cannot fit? ok let me surf, i saw a few nice ones suitable for you
when i tried to sell chloe's clothes online i complain to maid not much response except 1, then my maid also hinted that she wanna BUY OVER if she got money ..i ask her u hvnt even marry n hv kids u want my kids clothes? she laff n said ya very cute ! i said u hv kids first la. i give u wahhaa.

wats the website? got bigger size suitable for me? recently i bot from those BP thread, got a few i can wear .. think from taiwan or korea.
No wor
I was jus wondering abt it tis am cos I saw e white one hanging in e wardrobe
Actually I like tis big face t much more than e white top
U know my fren was tellg me she bought a somewhat Similar one in raffles place for $108!

I m so pleased w my purchase. Gd recommendation fr u

Hey! Didnu find any lobang while overseas?
