(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

I kept forgetg to ask: is tian bored at home?
U 1 some> sand art?
Can pass to her tis sat

Woodlands gang
Let me know when ter is a keep-fit-by-walking-ard-with-your-kid outing

good morning!

wah retirement village? nice thought though..

qq: hope ur maid makes it.. how is bb will? tian will sayang?

victoria trying to sit on her own now..
QQ: yes latch as much as u can during this 1st month, if cannot clear, then pump. actually i want to add on to Mejo's suggestion. when u latch on one side, plus cup your other side with a breast sheild. u will collect some milk from the other breast which you can store in a bottle. And suggested by Mejo, can try pumping when you latch. if diff to handle, u can try a manual pump, u will realise that u can yield a lot more too. norm for 2 breast to be diff, try and latch more on the side which has low ss but then dun do it at the expense of the other breast.
Got. Cos QQ n u 1 2 walk in gd weather rite?
Plus me.
So e event oredi got 3 participants

I can't advise u man
My ss is nt enuf de
I 勉强keep latching then barely enuf to feed my meimei

Steady. So long le u al still can advise Qq
morning mummies,

thanks for all the advice.. yesterday i brot ashlyn to the library.. at least afew coming back.. she didn't look for grandma straight away.. bot her mini cornettos.. but after mil came back.. she wana slp with her even after we read books with her n had fun
i will continue trying!

kaexin: do i have any items with u???
Kelley, i am going through this test with CO this weekend. Everyone told me she is very sticky to my mum now. She will resort to ah mah no go, i will not go to, even with her best playmates. So i wanna test her this weekend, whether she will go out with me alone.

I wish myself luck.

dont think i have anythign for you? what did u get ?
i also brot K to library yest too. then we went walkign ard the mall, went we were going down to the carpark, she told me she wants to do more shopping. kept telling me she hungry, want to eat pizza
don't be discouraged. It definitely takes more than a day or 1 outing to "bring" her back to you. But she will eventually if you continue to try. Remember you are her mummy and you love her.
gd luck :p

just want to tell you that same thing happen to me too. after we got home, told her need to shower n change to Pjs. ws was at home waiting for us to come back, so he can drive the car over to his mum for dinner. as soon as ws left the house, this terror started crying non-stop for 10mins! and my neighbours must be wondering again, how i am abusing her!

finally got her to stop, despite telling her repeatedly that he only went to have dinner and will be back soon. ask her to do coloring with the new color pencils that we bought earlier. also bought her sand art and glitter art too.

and this is after i brot her out and had fun!
haiz! i askher why she dont like me ? she said dont like my face only my T(wearing a HK T). then i told her since she dont like my face, i will brign another gal go shpping. she can stay at home with her daddy.
CK: wish u good luck.. let me know ur results!

Kaexin: i tot sand art or something.. tt time u ordered with ur colleague... hhmmmm i remember wrongly ah.. siao..my ashlyn can also cry 10 mins like abuse like tt if grandma go out! Terrible hor.. haiz.. now adays the children.. jst becos we are strict = we devil.. where u get sand art n glitter art? I also want!

Rr: i will keep trying..
.. i thnk weekend come she is ok.. with me bringing her out.. bt when come back home.. look for grandma.. heeh
kaexin: K is sooo.... 'dun like ur face only ur shirt' ? hwo did she react when u told her that?

kelley: i tell teng.. 'too bad so sad.. as much as u love ur autine ellie and popo. they are not ur mother.. i am.. accept it.. so afterall a while.. teng will go ...'i want u..'
but he has been very difficult of late. i think he is getting jealous of yh.. but he doesn't dislike yh cause he loves to smile at yh co in return yh smiles on seeing him..
wondering.. could ashlyn be the same as teng ah? reacting coz hmm. they insecure coz to them we seem to be giving the younger one more attention?
how are you like with kaitlyn when ashlyn is around?

yvonne: the touch passed my house too yesterday.. right in front of my window.. heh.. then i brought teng to see dr for hic blocked nose.. the entire woodlands ring sec waiting and cheering on the touch outsdie the school. i manged to record a 1 second clip of the touch. heh..

qq/sq: haiz.. ya. think we need to walk about the estate .. i very sian leh. i need to go out again!
kaexin: i meant when u told her u going ot bring another gal to shop since she wants to saty with WS?

teng will say 'u go .. i want to stay at home..' :S
yesterday teng had a fit trying to brush teeth.. then had to press him down.. then he struggles and bit on the brush.. then the strength in him caused bleeding of gums when Ellie brushed.. then he keeps screaming and screaming just for the sake of screaming..

haiz. dunno what to do with this boy. everything also wants to kick up a fuss..

i seriously dunno what to do with him ..haiz.
Ter r days when I badly need a walk too
So yday when YE went to mil's, I took e opportunity to go out!
I went fr Clementi to cityhall, walked raffles city, then e new link, then Citylink. Took mrt to united square, then walked to novena sq n square 2. Then mrt again to bugis. Heh heh

I feel sometimes it's nt tt e kids dun 1 us per se. Like tey may 1 2 go out w papa cos he's gg out, or go w popo cos she's more indulgent.

Like in e am hb wil let YE play computer games, watch tv, play toys, read bid etc. Al tis while we r running late le n BEFORE breakfast!

Then ILs wil Let her play computer games whole day, eat fast food, go play sand AFTER 8pm etc. Shd I b surprised if tey r preferred ovr me?!

Lucky so far I m stil preferred even w my scoldings. I jus dun take it personally tt I fail s a mother, but I m nt so indulgent
Ecmom, Autum, QQ: I went to read up on employing domestic help in HK! Haha..
First things first. There is a standard contract between employers and domestic helpers in HK. And this covers areas such as pay, medical reimbursements, allowances (such as food), annual leave (12 days for each 12-month period), vacation leave, notice for termination (1mth in writing by either party to the other or pay in lieu of notice) etc etc.
It's very comprehensible.
Yes, maybe this will alleviate the problem we have in S'pore.
SQ: bingo.. i tell myself that too. coz they indulge teng mah.. and i dun.. so that's how i console myself (and tell my mother dun spoil teng)..
and u bring mei mei along on ur journey round SG?
Yes. I sling her
So no issue
Cos I dun hv to worry abt stroller inaccessible areas or her refusing to sit n landed up I hv to push e stroller n carry her n carry my bag etc. Hee
Plus it was a rainy day so mafan

i also love the retirement village, regardless whether im a widow or still have my partner. i prefer to chat and spend time with pple of my age and similar interest
Kaexin: is it like the ones u have from diane party??

Astro: kaitlyn ah.. actuali all along i beta with ashlyn more attention.. recently i scold ashlyn more loh.. i seldom scold kaitlyn in front of her.. cos kaitlyn nv do anything wrong.. like kaitlyn beat her ash for nothing yesterday i scold her n ask her say sorry.. kait refuse than start to cry.. than we jst forget abt it.. i say sorry to ashlyn instead.
u thnk it’s becos milk powder so strong now adays.. they jst so clever for their age!
Agreed, there is good for a contract. it gave the maid assurance that they are protected, like we join a co we do have a appointment letter. It good for us in some aspect too, as agent wont anyhow promise us without maid consent.

But guess it bit hard for some of us to have such “good” contract for maid, esp off day and notice for termination. Think most Singaporean prefer not to let the maid know they going to terminate them, afraid they chut pattern.
SQ: in my case i thnk cos MIL more “anything” with her.. so she loves to hang out with her more loh.. ashlyn rather don’t play jst sit there n stone with my MIL.. like days when she loves yogurt.. she say grandma feed.. bt when outside with her.. she don't look for grandma.. it's jst at home!
1 shot $6k or $100-$200 monthly basis - no diff, its just about which method u prefer.
im using Enya's babybonus to pay off Leia's CC fee.
QQ, Pinkpink,
I'm using (or rather used) the CDA for their ccc fees too. It'll be used up very fast so no difference if you put in $6K one shot or monthly basis. :p
We just used up the $12K this month, next month on have to put in cash liao.
i know le, you are talking about baby bonus? i used up leia's long time ago. for your twins, you get $6k each?
for our #2, govt gives us $6k babybonus. we can also set up a CDA account and put $6k in it, govt will match 1-1 dollar, $6k becomes $12K - i can use this to pay off leia's 2 yrs cc fee
I have CDA for Reyes cos she's a 2nd child mah. That is the $12K that I've used up for their CCC fees.
I have the baby bonus for both too.
one shot 6k if u have the money n don't intend to use. Cos your 6k match with govt 6k will start earning interest on 12k earlier. Bb bonus acc interest is slightly better than normal savings acc. But having said that the interest may be too little for some people to bother.

Think of it this way: your Ash n Kait has nai nai who loves n spoils them. Some kids want also don't have! So think of it as added love n attention for Ash. Hope it helps.
we finished using le.
I was telling Kent it's time to have #3 then we'll have another $18K, just nice will last RR till K2, hahaha!!
mummies i lazy to go office!! i contemplate n contemplate nua to go cos lazy to DRESS UP n i miss my ethan liao haiz.

re: cda a/c
this mth they just deducted 50 from my ac to ethan's. I opted mthly la.. later if have extra than try to match that 6k.
i dun intend to use the ac for chloe's cc cos i scared i take for granted got MONEY to spend.. i try to squeeze my cash on hand.. in a few mths, i will hv to pay maid mthly liao, by then the REAL SQUEEZE of my budget will come in liao.
SQ: ya loh.. bt mine like super extreme case.. hahah

Astro: is it? Oh my god.. wat is it at four years old than? Fantastic four? If so. I can’t wait!

Autum: i understand bt to ashlyn only everything she loves is given by grandma and mother has no love hahhaa bt thanks.. it does help
I think my post went missing...

i will call u this weenkend...

ok. Will take note of the walk event..

nick lagi funny... He was standing right infront of the camera. ... He say if tv got show woodland torch relay, maybe can see his silly face... Lol. And he is wearing his company tshirt... Free advertisment..
QQ: Re CDA account, hehe.. We just put that in place for Ayden. Placed one shot 6k and we will be using it to pay off Anna's and Ayden's school fees. When that is exhausted, then we'll put in another 6k into Ariel's account. Prefer to put one shot cos very leychey to monitor otherwise. And no point for us to place into Ariel's at this moment cos prefer to finish off one account first.

Ecmom: Agree re the notice to terminate. Really professional and just like what we get from our employers when we ourselves go to work!
If we don't intend to keep them to work during the notice period, we can pay them 1mth notice. As for the off-day, yah, agree this is going to be headache for some employers. Not only this.. Maids in HK get leave on public holidays too! *faintz*

Pink: Maybe some of us will meet in the retirement village next time? Then we can continue to chat.. Wahahah!!!
hi hi,
thank u all about CDA thing. i will put one shot 6k la. not so leceh plus already budgeted for le. later i forgot to put then leceh.

astro, it is quite easy one. actually i open the CDA account when making ah will's birthcert. so received the letters liao then trying to digest. do it when u have time. then u can use that $$ to pay teng's cc fee.
i use cda account for cordblood banking.

autum, your summary on CDA is the summary that i was looking for. cause with all info inside liao. haha! concise and clear.

SQ, yvonne, astro, i beep u when i go walk walk with ah will and tian next time. ok?

weird, is it 7th month or wat. these two days ah will will half way sleeping then scream really sharp and loud like scared of something. maybe he was having nite mare. sigh!

star, i latch latch latch until i am so tired. then i pump. try to make both sides closer in volume, i am ok to accept difference in volume, but i hope not one side producing more, then the other side dying then next time ah will survive only on one side? scary. haha!!
belle : tat cannot "cash on hand" one.. tat can be paid for vaccine.. CC fees, etc bah.. but of cos u must put money in.. den they give u money la.. $50 a month can la.. before Ethan reach 7 yrs old.. try to match tat 6K lor..
me also put in a bit nia.. I put in watever need to pay for Tiffany's CCC.. den government will give the same the following month lor.. hahaha!
yes 7th mth, mil told me.. think started 2 days ago..

hmm now i m thinking to put one shot too so easier to monitor.. hmmm
i know cant 'cash on hand' cos the atm card can only be paying fees etc. so eg if i want to pay for pnuemoccocal HOW TO USE ? just pass the atm card to clinic?
QQ: Oh no! Ayden also started his screaming in the sleep 2 nights ago. Kept shaking his head and screamed "don wan".. Last night he screamed too, altho it was better than the previous night. :p
7th mth or not, stimes ethan will cry till like kenna bullied, will bian zui (pout his mth).. think its nite mare.

Tks for coming by
should hv come in n sit la.. my maid more excited abt the toy than ethan :p

got the pj tks!
ck, she wil give u a surprise.
c u soon.

blur, so its nightmare la. he also bian2 zui3 in sleep. like got bullied.

dat day at sentosa, we were abt to board the tram back to vivo on our way back, sudd the tram horn super loud, louder than those by the MRT..wah me & my sis jumped. Let alone the kids, everyone got a shock, incl ethan, he never cry but he on the verge of crying n pout..can feel his chest pik pok pik pok kenna a loud noise sudd.
