(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

u read my reply in april thread?

ya, they are only concern with their security, overlooking the fact that pple have additional mouth to feed + maid+car etc.
im glad i dun get such prob from my mum, i offered to bring her overseas but she rejected. she said waste of my $ and she dun dare to take flights :p

yes yes, i asked her how come so expensive, she said must add tax? eat there? and if go, must choose the Good package?

Leia also becomes cranky and clingy after she fell a little bit...err..but for your case, she fell in the morning, thats quite a big interval...

i tried to train her to be more independant by not sayanging or carrying her but failed. They just need more attention and consolation.
teng eat and run at the same time? not good la... faster train him to eat onli at his high chair... no other places... if he cry or don wan to eat... let him be... when he is hungry, he sure eat one... don worry ok... i always use the hard way... cos soft way sure don work...
i discuss with my hubby just now...i asked him if he keeps forking out these so-called non-basic $, wat happen when the real emergency comes? i really dun know how leh. frankly if its funeral, dead pple cannot bring money along, so no choice but to leave it behind for us to pay for it. But, what if its pro-longed or emergency cases....i still think she will wait for us to fork out first, at then, i dun know where to find....
but my hubby said no need to worry cos she has a rich sister
wanted to offer u on tomorrow. but my car small and if u wanna go war, might nt have enuf space ! whahahahaha

also, we sure running late one, so dare not offer u. scared to keep u waiting.

btw, tomorrow JWT, wat is the timing ??
Thanks thanks enne, joelle astro

Where is the excel file? Can give me the address of GUG? Sorry no time to search the web.

My hb did not give me $$$ for saving but he will give money when I tell him I got no money in my wallet for lunch ;) ah ya he will transfer his bonus to my saving account but he still the financial controller lah.

You not celebrating your b’day meh?
You mention the beach at hai nan dou is it call “tian ya hai jiao”

Actually he not very chubby. MicheleK's K is more chubby than my boy. He is smiling, thats why look so chubby..heheh

Hua Jing,
Kindly refer to attached file.

<center><table border=1><tr><td>

GUG_revised1.xls (21.0 k)</td></tr></table></center>
OMG, was preparing lunch for YT just now and she disappeared from the living room!!! I found her on the 2nd floor on the steps leading to my PILs room. Aiyoh, must quickly go and buy the safety gates.
Yvonne Yvonne
i like your surname, too bad kids cannot follow mummy's surname, if not you can call your next kid " Ho Sey"
Happy belated birthday to Elisha! Happy birthday to YY!!

has anyone help you to contact veryberry yet? I msg her for you?

ladies, all your stuff are with me liao. Collection must be done with 3 days else I'll lelong them off. (*joking lah) Let me know when you wanna collect.

you wanna get shoo shoo? I've got this BN pair, letting go at $25. You keen?

tks for the pixs of the kitchen set.
I saw a set at Kiddy Palace selling at $29.90 (promo price). Looks sturdy &amp; there are alot of items. It has a built-in oven too. (*Autum, you want this? :p)

don't put it that way leh. It happened that everytime I lelong toys, bbmouse's around. Next time I keep some for you, k?

veryberry not getting the Vtech Rhymes &amp; Discover Book from me liao, you still keen in?
I like your FP kitchen set but it sounds like there are quite a few 'danger' in it. Or maybe I should just get the simple set from Kiddy Palace &amp; let Reyes try out 1st &amp; see if it's ok.
haha irin,
your kids really have a lot of toys! can fight with bbmouse

you are so corny
so the christian name should be Jose
then it will rhyme "Jose Ho Sey"

yvonne's gonna whack us
except for the stove, YE gets to play with the entire kitchen set. real stuff from my mum's house. i'm wondering if she'll be interested in the toy set or should i just not waste my $?
SQ: if u r afraid of wasting ur money, can consider a cheap set and see if she wants toplay. But hor, i quite wary of cheap toys, cos i think the quality is not so good, eg. super sharp edges... and paint dunno poisonous when our bb chew on them etc lah.

Irin: i sms u to arrange lah.. gotta pick up the toy telephone too leh. The FP phone at ur shop liao? hey maybe i can head down this evening to pick it up.
yvonne.. so how?? meeting u at yishun a not?? JWT starts at 3 right??

Dlim.. can understand a bit.. cannot speak.. cos the wordings slightly similar to my mum's dilect with is hockchew..
that's what I'm worried about the Kiddy Palace set lor. But my friend got a vacuum cleaner of the same brand for her kids &amp; she says it's pretty ok.

I always give myself excuses that whatever prices I pay for the toys gotta be divide into half cos it's shared among 2 kids mah so eveyr toy seems to be cheap. :p

ok, I'll put you &amp; SQ on priority list next time. Oh ya, when you picking up your book?
Oh ya, by the way, let me know if anyone here wanna lelong off their aquadoodle set. I want get leh, Dora or Thomas are fine.
sq: eh...jus remembered middle of last night dat u were askin abt my quinny basket... it's the soft one la... soft good leh..when we fold the stroller dun have to remove it ma... and quite useful..we really stuff alot of things inside...maybe dat's y looked so solid in the pic..heh. :p

pink: can i ask if ur mil used to indulge in ur hb n siblings when they were young? i feel if they really willing to spend on the children and when they r older, children pay back still reasonable lo. like my grandfather. he neva take care of my mum when she was young. neva home, sometimes dun even bring money back. then my mum's mum passed away when she was 8, so she was stayin with her uncles and cousins and always being looked down on and bullied. then now when they r grown up, my mum n her bro has to feed the dad. my grandfather buay zi dong wan.. he can go china 'sponsor' to build schools, bridges, ancestor homes... then come back declare that son gotta give 10k, daughter give 5 k kind. he dun pay single cent cos he doesn't work and have no money. one year he strike toto first prize, 60k. but still take money fr his children. and spent the 60k in 2 yrs...on gambling, gallavanting, showing off to frens by treating them... n he din even give his grandchildren gifts or money wan... n his yearly red packets money r all sponsored by my mum... u see? i feel he is the one who dun deserve it. =\
re: aquadoodle..
there is this other forum, by tokomama, she's selling the jap aq set without the moving train wan... for $38. i saw it selling for 44.95 outside. for mummies who dun wan the trains can get fr her..cheaper. :D but i will prefer train..haa..cos i oso wanna play w it before letting seth play! heh!

yvonne: i think u n nic very tian shen yi dui leh... both so cartoon wan... =D my hb dun gif me allowance wan.. cos i hate to manage finances... at work last time already handle ppl's money...at home still gotta do it? soeven when i had income, i will gif all to him. then he will do the saving, putting into different funds for different uses, then give me money. he will check my wallet n top up when it's depleted. heh. =D like dat i dun have to bother abt bills and stuff..
the soft basket no need to unpack?
ok ok, i will fix mine on.
it's still in the boot after so long cos we thot must dismantle then can keep wor. thanks for the advice!
hmm this im not sure. from wat i know, both his dad and mum have a fair share over the kids. I think its becos the kids can't have much time wif her due to own committment or family or work, so can only compensate in monetary terms, plus the fact that she's a divorcee. hubby told me a lot of good values were passed down to him from his dad, 1 of them is filial piety (i hope not the flirtatous part)

maybe asking for 1 thing after another, its getting on my nerves. i do wonder why i get so upset? maybe im brought up in an environment whereby i use what i earn, plus my parents have never ask me to sponser them for their indulgence.

$29.90! okie im going to kiddy palace to take a look:p u know the brand?
im also getting a tent with colourful balls. $12. cheap anot?
Just back from Isetan sale. The OG avent bundle is more worth it than the Isetan one, altho both got sale.

Michelle: Thanks. When you sms I'm already on my way.

Pink: The pimples on my face really horrible hor? I feel very ugly becos of them. Quite fan2 but nothing really much I can do at this moment. After I deliver, my face will go back to normal again.
Sorry got to go over to your place first cos didn't want to lug the package when we go shopping lah, so told the driver to bring me there first.
Good thing you're around. Dunno why Anna is afraid of you? *Strange*

Carol: Thanks again for your help. A is so guai, playing on his own.
Pink: I want to tell you. Hokkaido reminds me of the dried scallops titbits with cheese I had when I was there. My goodness, they are so delicious! Can't find elsewhere. Your MIL will have kou3 fu2 lor when she's there.
can't recall the brand name liao. But there are only 2 type of kitchen sets there. 1 is $22.90 &amp; the other one $29.90 (original price $41.90) $12 for a tent with balls is cheap!

I've msg her liao but she didn't reply. I just received her msg yesterday regarding the kindermusik thingy.
irin: like dat u can get both train n dora... nest of both worlds! can imagine the car running into the train..cool!

pink: ya hoh...divorcee..think her children more obligated towards her since she brought them up? n hee.... i suppose being i n a broken family, ur hb will all the more make a conscious effort to make his own family work. so u shd be relieved. :D
ok, she replied. She'll call you tonight, she didn't come in forum so didn't know the stuff arrived liao.
Astro - are u there? Ai yah...Dylan has rashes on his body. I am not sure what is it. going to bring him to the doc later. Worried if serious/contagious...then cannot make it to JWT class. How? R they willing to start the class if only got 8 BB?
2nd hand but its new! hahah i found it from ebay.. since im not sure whether leia is going to like it, just get a cheap one.
hey there's a baby idol contest, how to join huh? i feel like going on 21march...more programmes but im sure it will be overcrowded.

was your face like that when you had anna? must be the hormones! did u ask your gynae about it? dun be fan2 okie, it a phase, once bb out, u will be happy!
ya im so sad, why anna's afraid of me? but i find her turning away action very cute...
