(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

edde, u r a teacher ah? so you have to stand for many hours lor in front of the class. then also not convenient to take MC right?

so since u vomitted in front of them , all ur students must be very worried for u.

Hi Apex,
i drink yakult to help digestion, if it can help to prevent UTI, even better.
Hi edde,
if your ms is serious, better dun eat fish..the fishy smell is awful man.
hi edde, are you a teacher? students normally will behave this way coz they so innocent

hi autumn,
thanks for thinking such a way for us...actually its the feeling that is so terrible. At times, i vomit till i totally sat on the toilet floor coz leg is like cannot tahan liao!

actually i cant really go on MC peacefully. My backup is a real aunty who will complain non stop if you nvr turn up for work. Though sometimes i feel terrible, i have to work too. she will always tell me i look perfectly fine tho alot of my coll told me i look damn pale
hi belle, thanks for putting my name in the table. my gynae is Dr. Woo Bit Hwa. I haven't decide on hospital yet. Could be TMC or Mt.A

doggy, i understand it's very difficult to take MC. As preg women, it looks bad on us if we keep taking MC or leave. I find that other people who don't have the same experience (sick, MS, tiredness), they just can't understand. Even some ladies who have been preg before, because some of them have a very easy preg (no MS), they just can't understand how come now you seem extra problematic... that's why, i have been trying to hide here and there but I lucky since I don't have very obvious throwing up etc.

To those who are suffering from MS, please hang on there. We are all here to encourage each other. You go, Girl!
Hi bellepepper, pinkypink and doggy,

yeah.. i am a teacher... and doggy u r rite, my students are so funny! but i was very touched that day when i came back from a 2-day mc when one sec 1 boy from my form class came to me and asked me why i was absent. i told him i had gastric pain and he asked me if my baby is ok... so touched.. haha...

standing is ok, coz usually i sit on the table, esp now. but walking and climbing the stairs are torture! my staff room is on the 3rd floor and imagine i have to climb up a SPIRAL staircase all the way from ground floor more than once everyday! by the time i reach my seat, i was panting already. and the staircase is very dangerous coz its spiral and gets wet when it rains. last time before i was preg there were already a few time when i almost missed a step and fell. so now i am extra careful.

and bellepepper, u r rite abt not convenient to take mc, coz if i take mc, my students will have no one to teach them, though usually i will print some generic worksheets for them. so aft i miss a lesson, i have to catch up. so either way i am making things diff for myself. and imagine waking up at 6+am and starting teaching with MS! dats the worrst part.

pinky u r rite lor! fish is so yucky to me now! and i have decided not to cook anymore. like bellepepper said, the smell is enuf to kill! McD is still the best! hee hee.. :p

hi apex and autum, thx for all the advice! i have history of UTI also, but not so bad as yrs apex. so now i am also very careful. autum, i think i need the basket pretty soon. esp with my packet lunch in front of me now but i have totally no appetite.
Doggy - yes, can find choco Enfa Mama at NTUC... but damn expensive $19.20?!!

Bellepepper - i'm ok with the folic acid pill cos... it's tiny! haha. i'm the kind who cannot swallow big pills. very useless hor? what what to do? ey, I am also not a milk drinker but for the sake of yourself and baby (like i said we MUST stock up on calcium else we'll suffer when we get older. osteoperosis is a v real & serious issue.) so for me i'm really glad i found chocolate flavoured milk... hahaa...
aiyo, edde, I feel you very cham leh. please take good care of yourself and walk slowly ok, especially on those stairs. i hate stairs as I always have a tendency to fall on stairs. *sigh*.. have u told your Principal yet, maybe he/she can help to lighten your load?

actually, i m a teacher too.
But I teach in a Poly, so my students are older. I m lucky as all our building here got lifts to every floor. However, i got to do a bit of walking sometimes, from one building to another (cause we got a lot of buildings). I try to minimise walking by staying in a building as long as possible. I do get a little dizzy at times if I walk too much.

Sometimes, when I am very bloated, I get breathless when talking in a class. As i explain, I have to slow down. So far, they didn't find out yet, cause my usual pace of talking is not very fast. I have to take deep breaths and slowly explain.
hi edde,
teacher really not easy. my SIL's baby had a littel heart problem and she took 1 year leave, so thats the good thing about being teacher.
i try to avoid hawker centre, cos i cant stand the smell too. maybe later i also eat McD, cos i seem to be able to bread better.
Hi All MTB,
I new here. I'm in my 5th week.
Juz get to know that i'm pregnant on sunday, my first one. And went thru hell in the week. Wanted to book an appt with gynae in 2 weeks time, when in to the clinic and juz wanted to arrange the appt but the nurse insist that i shld let the doctor see. So being the first time i say ok. THen the doctor scan and found nothing make me do another urine test to confirm positive. Then make me do a blood test for HCG level as he say afraid that it might be etopic pregnancy. He say till scared the hell of me. Next day the blood test results indicate that my HCG level is high. He called and told me i shld go to hospital immediately to scan detail. Therefore make all necessary arrangements and went for the urgent scan. Finally when using the V-scan found my tiny sac abt 0.45cm. It really scary dunno shld cry or what.
Now i really had a bad feel of going to see any gynae.
So who like to seek some opinion on the following gynae and hospital
1) Dr Yvonne Soong - TMC
2) Dr Lim Yuin Wen - Mount A.
3) Dr C W Lee

Sorry for the long write.
dear autum! i am so glad there is another teacher here! last time when i see my colleagues pregnant, i really empathized with them coz its very tedious to carry a big load in yr tummy and on yr shoulders. imagine having to raise my voice and scold students with MS! i am teaching in a sec sch with only lower sec. so my students are mostly very childlike (childish!?), so lotsa discipline to do. i am sure yr students are better managed rite? but of coz u face diff kind of difficulty with them...

pinky, yeah.... the gd thing being a teacher is we can take 1 yr unpaid leave without having to quit. thats what i am intending to do after giving birth.. but i certainly hope i dun have to go back to work anymore ! haha! coz i believe in raising my own kids my way! haha... Yes! me too avoid hawker!! cant stand the oily smell!!!! food court smellis enuf man! coz there is a food court beside my block, so sometimes i can smell the fried food! urgh!!!

gals, i am so glad i have finished my lesson for the day! its been a horrible day.... of MS. still got tmr to go before wkend... urgh....
Hi Kiddo..
Its a happy occasion.. Gosh,that might have frighten the living hell out of anyone..I have seen several gyne but none of them are like that.. The currently gyne I'm seeing at Mt E is so encouraging and certainly gives me a peace of mind.. He even gives his patient residence contact number so that we can reach him in case of emergency (bleeding) as he don't want us to rush to A&E (expensive)immediately.
I guess the most impt factor when choosing a gyne is that you MUST be very comfortable with him/her.
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Baby Gender</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Hospital </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Belle</TD><TD>18-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>PinkyPink</TD><TD>10-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Edde</TD><TD>9-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Tan Yew Ghee</TD><TD>Raffles Hospital </TD></TR><TR><TD>Doggy</TD><TD>1-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Ho</TD><TD>Mt A </TD></TR><TR><TD>VeryBerry</TD><TD>2-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>BBChew</TD><TD>4-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Prof Tay SK</TD><TD>SGH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Carol</TD><TD>9-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pinkdaisy</TD><TD>17-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Chia</TD><TD>Mt E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cherylasu</TD><TD>19-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Ben Neo</TD><TD>Mt E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Blurbelle</TD><TD>11-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Autum</TD><TD>3-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Woo Bit Hwa</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

Wah so many teacher. i am also thinking of becoming a teacher. When you are preg do u tell the principal so that they know they have to get a replacement for u when u go for ur maternity leave?

hi kiddo, aiyo who is that gynae, why like that. 0.45 cm should be able to see using V scan, his equipment must be very lao ya one. Don't go back to him. Must have wasted a lot of $ doing all the urine and blood test and another V scan and not to mention the stress u went through.

Edde, i havent been back to singapore recently so dunno the funny smell of food court and hawker centre. but HK the street got stinko smell like sewage. i have to breathe through my mouth when i walk. so tiring. I think now our sense of smell is super acute. Just now i have McD and smelling the fries kind of mask the smell of the street. but after buying the fries back i almost puke because the street smell is too gross. So now u must avoid going to hawker centre and food court. packet lunch like not appetitising.

i also feel like not working after giving birth. maybe because the preg so tough so kind of no mood to work liao.

verybery, now already need to stock up on calcium? if everything eat already throw up also no use leh...i think now the baby is so small like one little grain of rice so not much calcium needed yet, maybe later like tri 2 or 3 when the baby is bigger and the cartilage is transformed into bones then we must drink more. hee hee maybe i am just trying to find excuse not to drink milk. the thought of it puts me off. i am not a milk drinker. Lucky u can still take folic acid. dunno what is the ingredient in multi-vit that makes us regurgitate it.

to those teachers i kudos to you. still must speak loud enough for students to hear and mark the books and set questions. now i hardly can raise my voice.
Hi Kiddo,
Welcome to this link and congratulations! Could you please let us know which doctor did u see who is so horrible? Frighten a first time mum like that, no joke man. A lot of them here are using Dr Joycelyn Wong from TCM, why dun you try her?
Thanks for the concern. Ya it did scare the hell of me and spend a sum of money abt $300 for those tests.
Actually not sure if this is nice to disclose his name and clinic place coz like destroyed his reputation. Feel bad.
Ya i know looking in a new gynae definate not going back to him juz that most visit got to fall on office hours whereas my office dosen't allow timeoff so got to take leave to visit the gynae. I'm trying to look into the time that i can visit either on Saturday even better if can visit on Sunday but think very hard to find.
Therefore still figuring how and who to be done.
My EDD is 25/03/2007.
Hi everyone,
Anyone of you browse thru' the website called Four Trimesters? This website introduces us to the differnet methods of birthing, the engaging of doula and the provision of antenatal classes etc. They also have true-life stories of mothers giving birth to their bb. Go and read it when you have the time and let me know whether you are interested in engaging a doula to accompany you during your childbirth. The website is www.fourtrimesters.com.
hi kiddo, welcome and congrats! just don't go back to the 1st doc u saw. he seemed very unprofessional to me. U must find a doc that u are comfortable with.

i also didn't want to take leave to see doc, so I m seeing Dr. Woo Bit Hwa at Thomson Women's Clinic, at Tiong Bahru Plaza. Thomson (and some other hospitals) have this kind of clinics outside, whereby the doctors have night clinics and some on Sat and even Sunday. Thomson has about 5 of such clinics situated everywhere. I know they have one in SengKang, Jurong, etc. Raffles Hospital also have this kind of Women's Clinic at various locations in Singapore.

Alternatively, you can also go to some of the neighbourhood Women's Doctors.. I have walked past some of those, and they do have nite clinics as well.
hi edde, i think it's alot more difficult for you as a teacher of lower sec students. My students are around 17-22yrs of age, so there really isn't much discipline/scolding for me to do. I mean, as young adults, we don't really discipline them anymore. My interaction with them is mainly on the subject topics, and how they can think and analyse further etc..

I don't think I have the privilege to take one-yr unpaid leave and still retain the job. As we are not exactly under the government, I am not sure if they have such policy. In fact, I am quite worried they will not let me continue, because I have been here for only about 6 months. I am actually afraid that they may ask me to leave.

Well, but at this point, I cannot care so much lah. Having children is really a gift, and nobody knows what will turn up in future. So cannot think too far. Up till now, I havn't told any of my colleagues yet. I am thinking to wait until the 3rd month is over.
bellepepper u sure u wanna be a teacher? tough job i wld say... dun believe the rosy pic MOE painted.. haha... teaching is not a bed of roses at least for me lah.... i am counting down to the days i can say bye bye to teaching!!!

yeah, i told my P abt it coz usually at yr end, they wld have to plan for next yr. dun wanna surprise them last minute. anyway, our tummies cant hide for long also haha.... give them ample time to find a replacement also... aiyah... maybe also becoz i am too anxious to quit!! haha!!

hey McD fries hor must eat when its hot k! dun wait till its cold coz the smell of oil is awful. usually i eat with sweet and sour sauce, then can hide the oil smell. yummy!

HK st. sure have the longkang smell !! poor belle.. maybe u can wear a mask. i realise that many HKies do that too.
autum, i have seen colleagues who spent time in sch giving remedials to the students, sacrificing the time to take their sick children to the doc. i find it very sad lor... take care of others' kids but neglect yr own... but i guess it all voiced down to dedication. personally, i dun wish to see myself landing in their shoes.
Hi Autum,

Thanks for your infor.
Where can i get further information such as where the place of the clinic and who the doctor is?
hi kiddo, for thomson, u can try this link

For Raffles, you can try this link

There is also Northern Hope in Punggol, the doctor there is also Dr Woo Bit Hwa.

Hmm, i guess u have to call up each clinic to ask for their operating hours. Some don't have such info on the website, and some of the info not very updated.

I read in one of the other thread that Thomson clinic in Sengkang has Sunday hours.

As for neighbourhood ones, I don't know any off-hand. Just that I recall seeing some of those and they have night clinics.

Do note that different places charge differently. So you might want to ask about costs too.
hey edde
i asked my colleague to tabao hamburger, i could eat better leh...and the fries very nice..but after tat felt uncomfortable burping away but at least i ate!
hey belle
i also dun feel like working after tat..hehe..but im running own biz with hubby so more flexible. but i wont be able to be absent for 3 months, so may bring bb to office - put in conference room.
are u girls thinking of hiring maid?
Hi kiddo,

my gynae Dr Tan Yew Ghee is from Raffles Hospital. rec by my frens who had delievered her 2 babies there by him. Her babies are now 1yr+ and 3 mths old resp.

He is the "HOD" there, fatherly figure, uses 3D scan. first visit charge for me was close to $200. no blood nor urine test done though, just a vaginal scope... another highly rec gynae from RH who is quite popular in this forum is Dr. Joan Tong. female gynae.

hope this helps.
hi pinky! glad McD works for u too! u gals are making me craving for McD now! haha!! looks like McD is the most useful antidote for most!

i dun intend to hire a maid though my hubby wld love to have one! dun like the feeling of having a stranger living in the house. HDB flat so small, go everyway also see the maid haha....

and since i am toying the idea of being a full time housewife, i will be the wife, mother and maid lor. haha!! :p
Hello gals...

The thread is so active that I am having such a hard time catching up...Hee. But I am so happy to see that there are more Mar mummies...Yipee!!


I understand your feeling. I had the same bad experience (but my GP was really good...she even called me to follow-up) if you happen to read my previous posting. I was scared stiff and till date, I still couldnt really get over it.

Just want to share something with you. I just went for my scan today. I am into my 6 weeks and yes, I saw the flickering heart beat. Cant tell you how happy we are. So I am sure that your little one will be safe and healthy too
Hi Taysetsuri
congrats! it really feels wonderful aftering see the heartbeat.
hey ladies,
have u start to feel light stretching at the adominal area?
ya agree that if u are not comfortable with ur Gynae best to change to a better one n the sooner the better.

i already abandon my first female Gynae. been thru sleepless nights, constant fear of uncertainty during the waiting period... worse still like preparing for the worst. now when i look back, it's all unfounded just becos of one gynae's words!

feels that it is important how our Gynae responses, advises and diagnoses to our pregnancy. cos especially as 1st time mothers, we dun want to be worried unnecessarily... there's no point making negative speculations when sometimes it is a matter of our visit timing...

i experience that sometimes. like a dull pain, tugging pain but my Gynae said this is perfectly normal cos our womb is growing to accomodate baby
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Baby Gender</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Hospital </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Doggy</TD><TD>1-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Ho</TD><TD>Mt A </TD></TR><TR><TD>VeryBerry</TD><TD>2-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Autum</TD><TD>3-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Woo Bit Hwa</TD><TD>Northern Hope </TD></TR><TR><TD>BBChew</TD><TD>4-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Prof Tay SK</TD><TD>SGH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Edde</TD><TD>9-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Tan Yew Ghee</TD><TD>Raffles Hospital </TD></TR><TR><TD>Carol</TD><TD>9-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>PinkyPink</TD><TD>10-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Blurbelle</TD><TD>11-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pinkdaisy</TD><TD>17-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Chia</TD><TD>Mt E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Belle</TD><TD>18-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Caroline Khi</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cherylasu</TD><TD>19-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Ben Neo</TD><TD>Mt E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kiddo</TD><TD>25-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

Edde, if u don want to be teacher what you want to do after the 3 yr bond? I am from the private sector so i kindda dislike having to face my boss everyday and seated in the office whole day and the work is not as meaningful as teaching the next generation. ha ha, am i too idealistic?

pinky,, yeah i felt the tugging feeling last week but this week is MS time. But when i try to stretch my arms up, i can feel the tightness in the abdomen. the breasts also don feel as painful as initially.

heavengift, so happy for u that u saw the bb hb. pray that i can get to see this sat
also hope Dr Caroline is good. because HK gynae are hopeless. I found the GP to do a more thorough examination of my stomach when i complain i feel indigestion. the other gynaes just pau lip service "yes pregnant will have such symptoms" and never even examine if there are growth or pain. *angry*
Hi MTBs,
Really feel very warm here, i don't feel hopeless. Thanks for all the help. Juz hope i can overcome the fear of going to see the gynae.

Thanks Taysetsuri. Gald to hear ur good news, it really scary, especailly my hubby is not able to go with me and i have to face it alone.
I am back... Though reading the postings these few days, but not much time to contribute... Have been tired and resting most of the time when time allows... Hehe...

I went for my 2nd visit and scan shows that I m @ 8.1 weeks with bb @ 18mm. Initially saw something flickering so quickly from the screen, I tot that was bb's fingers moving. (Yes, very silly. Luckily I din ask the ultrasound-nist whatz that. She would have tot me as a silly woamn. Wahaha... She initiated and told that was bb's HB.) *Faint. Think I read too much online coz I keep remembering that by 7 or 8 weeks, bb's fingers are formed. Haha... So I tot 'WAH, bb so powerful. Fingers move so fast..' Haha.... Anyway, was glad that all is well for now. Going back on 4 weeks interval. End of Aug....

From one of gf, itz about fetal development. 'Guide' about size of bb @ different weeks. http://www.babycentre.co.uk/pregnancy/fetaldevelopment/

Oh yes, anyone started using stretch marks cream? I read that Galenic is good, but as I was trying to get one of it via Guardian yesterday, the pharmacist told me that I should started using from 3months onwards (she pointed out the indications via the Galenic stretch mark cream packaging). Have started to use Johnson's Baby milk lotion for a week coz skin was really dry till it itches at times. Since this milk lotion is mild and suitable for babies, so it should be no prob for MTBs. Moreover, I can smell like a bb after applying it. Hehe..... =) Stretch marks cream, when the time is up then... 'from 12 weeks onwards...' Save $$ for the time being.

So perhaps, MTBs who are using stretch marks cream may like to read carefully about the directions/indications via the packaging. Seek your gynae's advice wherever possible if in doubt.

Take care all MTBs. Rest and eat well. =)
Hi BBchew! i have started using the cream, fren gave me one from mothercare. I have another fren who started using as soon as she realised she was preg, after giving birth she did not have any stretchmarks at all! so i am hoping to achieve that! hee hee... very scared when i saw the first episode of the Jean Yip show, the mummy's stretchmarks look scary...

Hi bellepepper, teaching is indeed a very meaningful job. esp when u see that you have "moulded" yr students. the sense of fulfilment is great! but what kills the passion of teachers is the non teaching commitments. like many of us, we teach becoz we love to teach and wanna make a difference in our students, not to do admin job. if wanna do admin job, then i might as well find an office job rite!? haha.... dats why sometimes we find ourselves losing our directions in the sea of piling work.

i have finished my bond, so this is not an issue. truthfully speaking, teachers have no job mkt once you quit unless you do education related stuff like writing assessment bks, tutoring, editing etc. our teaching exp is as gd as zero in private sector. therefore, unsually ex teachers suffer a huge pay cut aft they left for another job. for me, even if i intend to go back to teaching, i will be an adjunct teacher. but this is only possible for ex-teachers. adjunct meaning something like contract reviewed every semester. but we can negotiate with the sch for no cca, no other commitment, just pure teaching. but similar, pay cut is almost half too. but with more time in my hand for my kids, the chance to rekindle my teaching passion, extra income for my "si fang qian", i think its more worth it.

haha... sorry for being longwinded... just hoping to give you a clearer pic of teaching in case you jump into it and regret and end up being trapped for 3 yrs.
actually frankly speaking, i dunno wat else i can do if not teaching... coz this is my first and only job since i grad.
Hi edde, thanks for sharing with me about the teaching profession. Yes i heard about the killing fo the passion due to the admin work. But i am still keen in teaching. so next time i will PM u, else this thread will become about teaching instead haha.... thanks so much for sharing, i really appreciate it.

BB chew, wah so nice to know ur bb already 18mm
so happy to see hb too.

anyone know if we have brown spotting like milo stain need to take extra progesterone?
*BBchew - i've been searching the web for info on fetaldeve, i.e. which mth how many cm etc... but couldnt find! thanks! the site is very informative! it'll be my weekend reading! hee.

*edde - i agree! the jean yip show was such a shock! that was the first time i saw real stretch marks! awmigod! i also read that u should apply only after 3 mths. maybe you'd like to check with your doc first. btw, a friend told me that whether you get stretch marks is somewhat hereditary, i.e. if your mum does, then higher chances of you getting - i have yet verified this with my doc or any books thou. do ask around, let's see if this is true. haha!

*All MTB, have a good day today! TGIF! yippee!
*Bellepepper - even thou i am slightly lactose intol (and hate to drink milk), my doc is also urging me to try drinking milk, so there must be some reason in that.

hee, between non-milk drinkers - the choco enfa mama (the only one i found that has choco flavour) is really quite ok. maybe doggy can also share her taste-test after she buys her 1st tin. if i didnt remem wrongly, like me, she cant stand milk powder taste too. :>

*btw, here's some info i found on the web to share with everyone.

"Babies in utero always take the nutrients they need from their mothers, whether or not they leave anything for their mother's bodies to use. If you don't get enough calcium in your diet your baby will be fine in terms of bone and teeth development because the baby will mobilize your own stores of calcium; but relying on your own calcium stores to build your baby's bones can be detrimental to you in the long run. You can develop osteoporosis later in life if you don't consume enough calcium for both you and your growing baby."

"During your pregnancy 13 milligrams of calcium pass through the placenta to your baby each hour! Thats a total of more than 300 mg of calcium just for the baby. . . and you need calcium, too. Pregnant women should be consuming 1,200 to 1,500 mg of calcium every day. Some doctors will prescribe as much as 2,000 mg of calcium per day due to studies that indicate a decrease in pre-eclampsia, a potentially fatal disorder that causes high blood pressure and kidney failure in the pregnant mother.

If you dont get enough calcium during pregnancy, the calcium that the baby needs will be leached from your bones. One of the signals that you are not getting enough calcium is leg cramps. This lack of calcium during your pregnancy could cause health problems for you later in life."

oh, and the website that edde recommended says that by 10th week, the bb's spine is formed! i didnt realise that fast!

So you see, it's for ourselves too. osteoporosis really quite cham one... bodyaches all over when we're older, bones get brittle etc.

anyway, once again, TGIF!! yippee!

thanks to you gals, now i feel like MacD fries in bbq sauce too! hahaaa...
** Belle - Thank you. I will pray for you. Tomolo, you shall see your BB's heartbeat. Keep me posted of the development ya

** Pinkypink - At times, I also experience the same kind of "stretching" feeling too. So I guess it is pretty normal as what Apex's Gynac told her.

** Apex - Thks for the information :p

** Kiddo - How about getting someone close to accompany you?
verybery : yes very early the spine is formed so that is why folic acid is very important in the 1st tri to make sure no defect in the spine.

will listen to ur advice and try to incorporate more calcium in my diet as soon as possible.

Heavengift : thanks for ur prayer
Hi Tay,
i started to feel the light stretch this week, hopefully sac and bb are 'expanding'quickly.
Hi belle
agree on the folic acid, i deliberately take 2 tabs a day. good to visit this forum cos i always forget to eat, so when u girls talk about it, i will remember
As for calcium, think i'll force myself to drink choco milk every morning.
Hi Pinkypink

It is ok to take 2 tabs a day folic acid.. coz thought at most one day can take only 5mg..

Normal milk like HL can't provide enough calcium....
Dear all,
I went for my check-up this morning and can hear my BB's HB at 7 weeks, loud and clear. Gynae said BB's HB is normal and is growing well too, so feeling a bit relief now.

And then my gynae started to introduce to me the Down-syndrome screening which I thot was more for mothers who are above 35 years old. I am only 29 and so I asked her why is there a need to do. She said although below 35 have low risks of having down-syndrome BB but that doesn't mean they dun have at all. She said we can check from the down-syndrome school there are BB whose mothers are below 30 years old too, so it all depends on whether we want to do the test to see whether the BB is on the high or low risk side. The test will cost about $320. What do you all think? Should I go for the test or not?
Hi Pinkdaisy

if i were u, i'll just heed the Gynae's advice cos it's money worth spending... i'm more cautious so it's always good to rule out uncertainties. i'm 28 and guess my Gynae might recommend eventually...

Here, i am assuming the test isn't amniocentesis which extracts fluid form the sac. for this test i wont support for gals our age.
Hi Apex,
No, the first test is not the amniocentesis. The first test is to measure the fetal's neck and draw the maternal blood. After the results is out, if you are on the high risk side then you will need to do the aminocentesis test which has risk of M/C. Will consider your suggestion. Thanks,
Hi Pinkypink

Need gynae recommend or juz take ourselves??

coz i went to see the same gynae again and my sac is only 0.7cm today grow a bit only and he say very little. Then the nurse introduce the milk powder to me even though i insist i not interest in milk formula then make me take the samples.
Hi kiddo
you may want to call up your gynae if you can eat eatra, so far there is no harm taking slightly more, as what I've read up from the forum.
Hi pinkdaisy
im definitely going for all the tests except the amniocentesis test unless its necessary- which means that the down syndrome test turned out to be hi-risk. otherwise, amniocentesis is recommended for those who are 35 and above.
Hi All, folic acid is a water-soluble supplement. This means that, whatever you take, and is not absorbed by your body, will become soluble in water, and passed out as urine.

Which means, there is no harm to take more of the folic acid pills. Taking one pill a day is enough. However, some gynae suggest take more because to be more kiasu - since there is no harm to your body, no harm to take more. My gynae also advise me to take 2, because he said, just in case you are vomitting.. then maybe you may vomit out the folic acid before got chance to absorb. Basically take more no harm, and also folic acid is very cheap. Just buy from any pharmacy - 100 pills cost only $2.52. Can just buy the generic brand - there is really no difference. I have asked pharmacist and doctor before, and they all told me generic brand is good enough. Those branded ones, you are just paying for the brand.

Please take folic acid. My previous preg had to be terminated when I was at 5months (23weeks) because my baby had spina bifida. It's a deformity of the spine. Caused me a lot of depression and heartache. That's why now I am constanly worried that the same thing will happen again.
HI PinkDaisy/Apex

The test the PinkDaisy's gynae is talking about is called OSCAR. Basically, they will measure fetal neck and take a blood test. Just info to share - such test is NON diagnostic. It will only give you a calculated ratio, which then puts you in high-risk or low-risk etc. That means, it will not tell you if your baby has Down Syndrome or not.

The test result may come back as say 1:400 So basically that means you have a 1 in 400 chance that the baby has DS. Well, it's really very hard to say if that is high risk or low risk, because that really depends on your appetite for risk. The result will never come back as zero risk. It may come back as 1:1000 so which means you have very low risk, but still, there will always be a risk factor.

Therefore, it's really up to you. After the test, if your gynae consider you as high-risk, then he may suggest you do amniocentesis. However, I just want to say that nothing is absolute. there have been known cases where the result is high-risk but baby is fine. And cases where result is very low-risk, but baby has DS.

No real answers.
hey mummies...

i jus tested "positive" on the test kit..
Have not seen gynea yet.. but EDD should be in late march..

Hi Autum
this sounds scary, i wonder whether we should trust the result if its low risk, and only the amniocentesis test is 100% accurate. tough decision. my fren was tested hi-risk and went for the amniocentesis test which takes 2 weeks to know the result, couldnt eat or sleep, paid $1k extra to get the result within 1 week, and turned out ok, and a strong bb boy.
