(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

hey belle (pepper)
some gynae only advise to scan till week 8, mayeb they dun want to waste our $ but some of us quite ganjiong, want to make sure everything is fine.
i agree that air pollution in HK is bad, i have a friend who came back here to deliver.
Hey doggy mar bride
why dun u ask for anti-ms pill. im taking it, tho' it supposed to take effect within 15 mins, i only seem to feel better the next day.

hi pinky, i feel anti-ms pill doesnt work. they are so mild. also i stop taking the multi-vit the gynae gives me. too big and after eating will want to puke. i rather take my own folic acid, smaller and no bitter taste.

i will also come back to sgp to deliver. HK is too expensive. the doc fee alone is already S$8K for one bedder. and the hospital beds are also S$8K for one bedder.
hi pinky,
the pills dun seems to work for me leh...just had lunch and after 10 mins, go toilet puke it out already! Haiz....

wow belle,, HK so expensive ya? then u must come back earlier lor, in case, they wont allow u to take the flight...hehe
doggy, yes i have to take the flight before 36 weeks. which means i got to consume my leave
no choice lah but the worry is dunno when i will deliver so can inform hubby to return in time....so he may miss the action. alternatively, i can opt for C-section. which is less painful than enduring some 12-44 hrs of labour. i think my threshold for pain is damn low...maybe it is better to just take GA and sleep things through.
hey belle, my suggestion is that u try to go for natural delivery, if possible. If u are afraid of pain, u can always take an epidural. a shot through your back, which will numb the lower half of your body.

C-section may be convenient for timing, but it's really a risk too. Afterall it's an operation. One of my gf had a C-section because she just can't dilate after many hours in the ward. After that, her doc told her that C-section involves cutting through 6 layers - muscle, tissue, fats, womb etc... so no matter how, it's still a risk.

Unless really cannot go for natural delivery, then you go for C-section. Natural will heal faster too. And with C-section, after your delivery, you may find it difficult to walk and hold /breastfeed your baby because of the pain in your stomach.

This is not to scare you lah.. but I think the overall pain involved (before and after) for a C-section is higher than natural birth.
hi autum, yes the healing is easier for natural. but the thought that the labour pains for many hours before u can actually be administered epidural scares me. dunno whether i can tahan.
hmm, actually hor, from what I understand, if from the start, you tell your doctor that you want epidural, they will administer quite soon. Only if say you half-minded, cause some people want to try without first, then cannot tahan, then take epidural...

Actually sometimes it also depends on your situation. I have another gf, she didn't take epidural because by the time she got to the hospital, she was quite dilated already. If you are dilated beyond a certain range, then they cannot give you epidural cause i think it's not very safe. So my gf bo bian.. got to tahan all the way until she deliver her girl.

Guess sometimes nature will decide for us! So don't worry too much about it first. When the time comes, I am sure we all will have the strength and determination to go through with it!!
For me, I can see the little sac at 5 weeks leh, measuring at abt 7mm. Will be going to see gynae this Friday (will be 7 weeks then), gynae said the bb shd be abt 1cm long and can listen to the heartbeat as well. Can't wait for Friday to come.

May God bless all MTBs.
hi pinkdaisy,
Oh, you can actually see it at week 5.Hmm.. I can't wait till my next scan too, on next monday.
Btw, before u go for the scan, did you take any meal? Or empty stomach?
Hi All Mummies-to-be!

been reading this tread for some time now... but haven post any messages here. really interesting and helpful to know what everyone is experiencing here.

think my EDD is in March too cos not confirmed yet. I'm now at 8 weeks 5 days...

Let's hope everyone here will have a healthy and strong baby!
hi belle pepper,
ya im not taking the multi-vits, scared the iron will caused constipation. my gynae also said that if we eat now, baby also may not absorb it cos he/she is taking 'food' from the yolk sac now.
Hi doggy marbride,
ya it doesnt work for me last nite after i took it, but i feel better today, maybe the digestive system is so slow tat it will take effect today?
hi syang,

actually mine is quite scary at first also as this is my first pregnancy. Share with you my encounter...

1st visit @ 4w3d - saw sac via transvaginal US
2nd visit @ 5w5d - saw sac n yolk, no HB. Gynae's feedback scares me saying she expects to see HB and if 3 weeks later (becos Gynae on leave) no HB means gone case!!! given hormone pills to support pregnancy
3nd visit @ 6w3d - change Gynae (SC Chew @ MtE), saw fetal pole (4.7mm) and weak HB, no blood flow to heart yet. Given 1 week MC cos sac not round! need continue the hormone pills, folic acid n B complex
4th visit @ 7w3d - baby growing well at 9.8mm. blood flows to heart. HB faster
Next day - Got brown discharge when I wiped. lucky at night it ceased. Given another 1 week MC

My next appointment will be @ my 10w1d and so far I am feeling fine, except whole day nauseous (w/o vomiting), swollen breasts and bloating with my stomach growling all the time and I'm back to work too.

Actually it is best to remain happy and positive and that is what most pple advise me. Seek a second opinion to have a peace of mind as the waiting is agonising!
Hi Syang,

on my 1st visit, the abdominal US didn't show the sac also and only saw sac via transvaginal US which is more sensitive. for your case, dun worry too much okie. everything will be fine...

there's no need to visit Gynae on empty stomach. my 1st Gynae say bladder must be full to see via abdominal US but my 2nd Gynae's equipment is so sensitive that he says no need to have full bladder at all

take good care of urself and be happy ok!
hi apex,
Thanks for sharing. It certainly sounds scary but luckily all went well after all.
Actually a few of my friends didnt see the gynae till 8 weeks. So by the time they visited the gynae, everything can see liao. Then u feel very relieve. For us, we see too early then doc gave lot of comment that scare us. Also not good, make us so worried.
I've been having sore breast for the past 10 days and also a bit of stomache cramp.
Hopefully next monday when I do the scan, can see the sac and heartbeat.
God bless us....
Hi syang

it is true better not to visit Gynae at such close intervals. if not we get worried for no reasons. actually my 2nd visit was scheduled for Gynae to assess if I can take coach to M'sia. she says if got HB then it is very safe to go. who knows... lucky never go cos i have motion sickness.

do update us on ur Monday visit ok
Hi Syang,
My gynae didn't say cannot take any food before the scanning and she also didn't say must have full bladder leh. BTW, I saw the little sac thru' vaginal scan not from the adomen.
Apex, when you said u got brown discharge when u wipe, it is watery and very light brown or really dark brown. mine is like a lot of watery cervical fluid tinted with light brown, dunno whether it is of any concern. So by telling ur gynae u got brown discharge, u get one week MC?

because my brown discharge comes on and off, so i dunno whether the gynae will believe me especially since it is sooo faint.
hi mummies wah 2 days never log in so many msg to read!

hi very berry ya lor i like dr wong la..in fact she is the 2nd gynae i went to..the first one i went very 'chop chop' kind only saw him for 10 mins on my 1st visit!

Bellepepper why i chose dr jocelyn wong :
too many good comments abt her in this forum so i tot no harm try a 2nd gynae since i m still in the early stages of pregnancy..i prefer someone who can give me the time & patience to explain to the very blur me abt my 1st pregnancy. i get paranoid & worried easily..so with a caring gynae like her i feel safe with her guidance n advise.

I think i saw dr caroline she had a smile on her face cos me & hubby guessing if caroline is jocelyn at first :p Hmm i also realised my sis's gynae is actually next door. I didnt go to her cos from feedback from my sis..i tot she might not suit me lor.
abt discharge my gynae says as long as not RED its normal..i also had sthing which i describe as MILO STAIN she says its ok. i have it 2x so far..also got sticky discharge like prior to mens.
hi bellepepper

no lah i mean the TLC clinic next door (think its TLC clinic hope i get the name correct) its not that my sis's gynae no good..cos my character n my eld sis is different she is more brave me more timid..so i need those caring , nice nice assuring type
blurbelle, yeah u are absolutely right, it appears like diluted milo stain indeed. so i feel better now that u said the gynae said milo stain is normal.

oh yes u have missed out my other query on what is the gynae next door.
initially i was so paranoid le. cos my 1st discharge happened just 1 day after my 1st visit to gynae. Cos they did the V SCAN for me..so i tot it 'hurt' haha..hence the discharge. everytime i go toilet i m looking out for any abnormalities!

That's why i cant wait for my 2nd appt to gynae just to have ease of mind
yeah i am online now. am feeling nausea fter my dinner of bread and nutella and mango.

i think i will declare MC for myself tomorrow. feeling alternate cold and hot. i am upset that the gynae did not try to find out if i am really sick or just having preg symptoms. preg also can have sickness, they just brush it aside.
are u mummies drinking 7 to 8 glasses of water a day. i think i drink about 2-3 glasses the most a day only. cannot drink much
hi bellepepper,

i can only log in after office hrs.. i had bread too! hee later goin to drink some milk for calcium. oh dear are u having any fever? hot & cold sounds like u are down with flu.

this week i feel quite tired too..since preggy yawn very often. i drink more cos i m very thirsty. i sleep earlier too. I used to constipate funny thing is now i go more often (maybe cos of the water i drink?) maybe u can drink other forms of water like milk , yoghurt drink or take more fruits to replenish ur water.
cherylasu, sorry for missing u out in the table

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Baby Gender</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Hospital </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Belle</TD><TD>18-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>PinkyPink</TD><TD>10-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Edde</TD><TD>9-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Tan Yew Ghee</TD><TD>Raffles Hospital </TD></TR><TR><TD>Doggy</TD><TD>1-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Ho</TD><TD>Mt A </TD></TR><TR><TD>VeryBerry</TD><TD>2-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>BBChew</TD><TD>4-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Prof Tay SK</TD><TD>SGH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Carol</TD><TD>9-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pinkdaisy</TD><TD>17-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Chia</TD><TD>Mt E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cherylasu</TD><TD>19-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Ben Neo</TD><TD>Mt E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Blurbelle</TD><TD>11-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Hi Belle,

my brown discharge is very light and diluted. it's just a tint which differs slightly from my normal tranparent mucus. i called my Gynae and he's the cautious type who feels it's always better to rest. he said the only cure is bedrest. dun walk around too much.

the discharge last less than a day. actually the day before i wore quite high heels. now i'm scared. switched to very low heels already. colleagues advised dun tiptoe, wear high heel and dun overstretch especially if u are trying to reach something...

Take care!

it is advisable you highlight ur discharge to your Gynae.

by the way, i would suggest u drink more water like 8 glasses. i've been forcing and reminding myself to drink this much as i've UTI before cos i lazy to drink more water. never want to experience that anymore. it is terrible!
hi all and welcome new mummies!

hey! i just realised there are 2 belles in this thread! haha... anyway bellepepper, if you are not feeling well, pls take a rest at home! if yr gynae is not giving u mc, try a GP, tell him/her that you are preg and not feeling well... i very thick-skinned to ask for a 2 days mc that day when i had gastritis, but really have to lor... coz i wanted to rest well over the wkend and i was so glad i asked for 2 days coz even the wkends were not enuf for me to feel better! aiyah.. to be frank, at work, no one is indispensible, i also tell pple around me, if u dun take care of yrself, no one (at work) will. generally speaking lah... pls take gd care of yrself k! i just saw from the news that air pollution is really bad in HK now!

hi apex! yr gynae is really very careful !! think if i visit yr gynae, he will put me thru what you have gone thru too! coz at 6wks 1day, i see no embryo nor HB... but my gynae asked me to go back during my 9th week. so now i can only hope all is well... but so far i have been experiencing symptoms, so i guess everything should be fine.. i hope

syang, dun worry so much k! if you need assurance now, we are all here!
hi bellepepper

The waiting time for dr wong is not long if you made a appointment in advance, probably on a weekday.
For mummies who can't take multi vits due to MS, it's better for you to take prentatal milk powder like Enfamama or Anmum.
It will provide us with the nutrients that we lost during MS.
hi apex,
i can't drink water, makes me burb and feel more like puking. sometimes fruit juice also cannot take..sigh..heard fruit juice may not be good because of the sugar level, true? heard from a friend tat her friend went in and out of hospital cos of serious MS, even more cham. pray that our 1st trim will be over soon.
hi bellepepper/pinky,
i cant drink water at all..1 day maybe 2 small cups coz i will puke when i drink plain water! Like yesterday, whatever i eat, i go puke...its a whole day affair man! i think now i have quite serious indigestion problem, cant digest the food i eat and always feel bloated and then, go puke!

oh ya, talking abt milk powder, anyone started drinking already? Can we drink those chocolate flavour one? I cant take those "white" one...or rather original flavour..
Hi hi, wow, quite a lot of postings from yesterday afternoon!

I just went to see doc last nite and am now at 8weeks 4days. EDD is 3 March! Finally can see my baby, now at 1.8cm. First time I went was end of 5weeks, can only see the sac. So for those who didn't see anything in the early stage, please don't scare yourself.

Heard bellepepper says she is just eating bread and nutella for dinner. Err, don't mean to be a nag, but really do try to eat more than just bread ok. In my last preg, I didn't eat well and didn't eat proper meals. Somehow, my hubby felt that could be a reason why my body couldn't absorb nutrients or something.. leading to fetal anomalies in my previous preg. Again, I am not trying to scare you... but as someone who has been through a painful experience, I can tell you there's a lot of self-blame after that. I always wonder, what if i ate this, what if i ate that, what if i didn't do this, what if i didn't do that.. alot of what ifs.

So I suppose, the best thing we can do now is to eat well and treat ourselves well and hope for the best.

Doggy, I have started drinking milk since i know I preg. I guess this time round we (me and hubby) more kan jeong. I drink fresh milk (daisy) in the morning, and milk powder (anmum) at nite. Drinking choc flavour is no problem. The key thing is to have calcium.

Actually, for those who don't like or can't stand the taste of milk, you can try asking gynae for calcium pills. And eat other calcium-rich food like cheese! It's not a must to have milk. hmm, i drink a lot of soya bean milk too.

Heard from a gf that her gynae also tell her not to drink too much fruit juice. I think it's due to high sugar which can be fattening or lead to diabetes. Her gynae advise that it's better to eat the fruit than to make into juice. Guess also because of the fibre content. But i think drinking one glass a day should be ok lah.
hi all

i just vomited my breakfast out

mine is also almost a whole day thingy... i cooked dinner yesterday but aft cooking i really had no appetite. in the end, i had to throw away lotsa of leftover. indigestion and bloating are really bad too. I really hope this MS will go away soon...
hi edde,
you have me with you
so sad hor? me just vomit my breakfast out too, same for lunch and dinner....
yes, hopefully it will go away soon. I read somewhere some might get better after 10 week, but me still vomit leh

hi autumn,
ok, shall go and buy milk powder after work. Actually me too have m/c previously and hb was equally kan cheong too
Dear Belle &amp; doggy &amp; others,
We really have to try to drink more water in order to avoid having urinary tract infections. If you really cannot drink plain water, perhaps add in some ribena which I saw one of the MTBs here do it, just don't make it too sweet, have the taste will do.

As for doggy, if you have indegestion, I would suggest that you try to take small meals. Don't eat too full each time and chew slowly. Try to eat more vege and fruits.

Now let's all of us work hard take good care of ourselves in order to have a health BB. Jiayou!
hi doggy, i also cannot eat my multi-vit. i hv not been throwing up at all but the multi-vit pill induces me to retch... so i stopped after 2.

i am slightly lactose-intolerant so i'm not a milk drinker at all. but doc advised that i shld try. Hubby immediately bought Enfa Mama from the supermkt for me. (it's the only one we found with Choc flavour. hee.) It tastes quite good! and so far i've not got any runs. i take a glass every morning. and additional glass if stomache growls before bedtime.

It tastes good either hot or cold. do try. i suppose it nutritious and good for us. we HAVE to build up the calcium bank in our own body cos the baby is going start "sucking" calcium from us to form its own bones.

To all those who threw up their breakfast... pls take care of yourselves...you hv my bestest regards.
A very good morning MTBs!

though i never vomit so far but whole day feel nauseous, sick, no appetite and totally understand how some of u feel like puking water when u drink... maybe instead of water try other liquid substitutes like soup, soya bean drink, milk, hot beverages, yoghurt, fruit juice, ribena?

I think fruit juice should be fine as long as dun add syrup to it. or try low sugar level kinda of fruits like apples, pears?

the bottom line is really to prevent UTI and the dehydration if you all keep vomiting...
Smell somthing very fishy and horrible from the office's pantry earlier, now just can't control the nauseous feeling...have to keep eating sua mei.
hi pinkdaisy,
u still can eat sua mei to control, for me, when i smell something, i just have to chiong to toilet and vomit! eat sua mei is worst for me!

hi veryberry,
Enfa mum, can get from NTUC i suppose? I will go see see, coz i would love chocolate flavour too at least force myself to take it.

For those mummies who dun puke,
blessing for all of you
to bent and vomit in the toilet bowl is no joke at all...such a suffering
keep going and stay healthy
btw, anyone start shopping for maternity clothes? i cant wear my normal office skirt and thot start wearing maternity clothes seems abit early....
hey edde &amp; doggymar,
your ms seems bad. actually my gyane said what we eat in 1st trim wont really affect bb now, 2nd trim onwards more impt. last nite, i felt a lot of 'activities' in my tummy, sometimes pain, felt like going toilet but only gases. funny...i think passing out gas feels better than nauseous :p.
hi apex,
i try to use feminine wash, not sure if it helps to prevent UTI.
sigh... same thing for me, my office wear is getting tighter, esp the skirts. not really due to the tummy but my waistline! really wonder why dun eat will also grow fat! like u said, wear maternity clothes now also very weird, so i intend to go shopping for some loose clothes this wkend... not really maternity lah.. but looser clothes lor.. at least those which i can still wear aft giving birth... then not so wasteful.

i vomitted twice in the staff toilet during lesson with my students just now. haha... scared my students !! scared not becoz they are worried abt me, but worried that i will throw up on them! haha...

looks like my bb's fav fd is McD. only McD makes my appetite better! and i realise i cant stand fish! my sense of taste is so gd now that i cant even stand the "fishy" smell of chiken and pork sometimes! so exaggerating!
Hi Pinkypink,

i dun think feminine wash (externally wash only, douching is a No-No during pregnancy) alone can prevent UTI. of course our personal hygience plays a part and should wipe from front to back...

ultimately, water is vital in flushing out bacteria in our urinary tract that leads to our kidneys. drinking cranberry juice and yakult helps too.

i believe for my UTI case, i really dint drink enough water everyday. it happened like suddenly and overnight! burning painful sensation, constant urge to go toilet and a few drops only and worse of all, blood in urine eventually... not intended to scare u gals but really dun want anyone here to go thru what i'd been thru. it's hell!

there may be telltale signs which i might have overlooked like cloudy urine and urine that smell weird. so be careful lor...
hi, just an idea.. to those who needs to throw up, i can imagine the feeling of throwing into a toilet bowl is quite bad. why don't you all try to throw up into a wastebasket instead. maybe you can buy a small wastebasket and line it with plastic bag. then each time you feel like throwing up, just bring the whole basket with you to the toilet.

At least you know your own wastebasket is clean, and you can sit on the toilet bowl and hold/hug the wastebasket infront of you and throw into the basket. then just have a steady supply of plastic bags to change each time you throw up.

Maybe it's very troublesome, but i think if it can make you feel better than having to bend over and look into a toilet bowl and throw up... you might want to give this idea a try.

Wah after not logging in for the morning suddenly so many posts.

So many mummies here experiencing MS and ya the going to toilet to vomit is really gross but i find that after vomitting feel very good. so i rather vomit than feel nausea. But now like cannot vomit, can only have the sound and the stomach will squeeze very hard but nothing comes out. Then will have gastric pain because the stomach squeezed so hard

Ok i will try to drink more water. thanks for all those good advice. I also cannot drink plain water, it is so yucky. i drink honey water. Ya drinking very little water makes the urine smell bad. i cannot drink powder milk, the taste to me is gross. haiz....

edde, ya somehow thinking about other food makes me want to puke but McD is like the only one which seems neutral. ha ha dunno why hor. i like the hash brown and french fries. Oh amd yes i cannot do cooking anymore, the smell is revolting.

Very bery: dunno why multi-vit taste so yucky hor. If u cannot take multi-vit can u take folic acid because it is very important for the neural tube development.

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Baby Gender</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Hospital </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Belle</TD><TD>18-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>PinkyPink</TD><TD>10-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Edde</TD><TD>9-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Tan Yew Ghee</TD><TD>Raffles Hospital </TD></TR><TR><TD>Doggy</TD><TD>1-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Ho</TD><TD>Mt A </TD></TR><TR><TD>VeryBerry</TD><TD>2-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>BBChew</TD><TD>4-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Prof Tay SK</TD><TD>SGH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Carol</TD><TD>9-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pinkdaisy</TD><TD>17-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Chia</TD><TD>Mt E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cherylasu</TD><TD>19-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Ben Neo</TD><TD>Mt E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Blurbelle</TD><TD>11-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Autum</TD><TD>3-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
