(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

very tiring day today.
jkids, I dun have much outbreak now, and mine is a gal. but my legs were itchy and ugly during 1st trimester.

Autumn, ya. I cannot imagine bb grow so much within a week. 1/3 of the weight... wow.. 1 week 100g. Interestingly, i think i can feel my bb burp or ?? inside. everyday also "gok" "gok" inside. quite weird.

blurbelle, don't shop like last time anymore. Its very tiring and its not good to our back and legs.
Its friday, and we are going home and rest early tonight.

Hey Pinky, raw veg should be ok. But one of my friend said there is a kind of salad, a cream kind, where they actually mix raw egg into it. Usually a potato salad. So maybe got to be cautious about that.

QQ, i think it's not bb burp you feel, but bb hiccup. I read somewhere which says bb can actually hiccup quite a bit in our womb. So i suspect that some times, when there is a series of light movements, i think it's the bb hiccuping inside!

Hmm, i like it the best when I just woke up and am still lying in bed, and i can feel bb is gently kicking me. The feeling is very nice, like a rythmic wave. Does anyone else feel this same gentle kicks? Or maybe it's rocking.
Autum, me too. my bb already moves a lot even when i am standing up. When I lie down, she moves even more vigorously. The feeling is good, but i am just not sure if she has something to tell me. mine can be more of rocking feeling sometimes, most of the time are gentle moves.

BB hiccups? so soon ah? I got this "gok gok" feeling many weeks ago. I initially thought it was my intestinal movement, etc (only once or twice a day). Now, gok so many times until I also wonder what is happening inside.

welcome back pinky. I also have breathing problem sometimes especially when i stay at work for too long.
pinky, i also feel very aching after shopping for a few hours. even now i also got hipache from sitting too long in office.

I also feel tummy so tight, so only finish half of my meal don dare to eat too full else feel indigestion.

Very sleepy nowadays. This 2nd tri is more tiring than 1st tri. first tri cannot sleep, now can sleep sooo much.

i think from now our weight gain is exponential. So scary....

Autumn, i love to feel baby moving too. but if kick at the bladder not nice feeling. i prefer kick at the sides.
anyone noes where else can we buy baby einstein's music cd? i bought 1 online but thot of getting it in retail shops.
Can I reconfirm with all the mommies here? coz after reading through some of the postings and realise that for chicken soup, can just add the following:

1) Wolf berries
2) Red Dates
3) Dang Shen

Are the above alright to take throughout the whole pregnancy?

Sorry for the trouble. Coz I do not know how to cook and am not working now. So I hope to find some easy receipes so that I can prepare my own meals at home rather than eating out most of the time.
hi giolyn, my bb's wgt is 326g, my gynae says she is of average weight, her head a little bit big (the small cross on the graph is slightly touching ABOVE the average size) think my girl is abit chubby? hee cos her tummy on the slightly big side too. hmm u n hubby of taller built? maybe your bb is heavier thats why..

QQ hanor cant shop like last time, anyway nthing to shop all the high heels n nice dress cannot fit me lol.

Hmm any one got a pic on how the food warmer looks like? i dun think i see it before at the stores..hmmm

Yest nite dunno my bb super hyper or wat, she went 'tok tok' then 'tok tok' very fast its the strongest kick i feel so far so is this the real bb kick? many times i feel sthing i m not sure if its my bb or not. hehe my sister has come out with a nick name for my girl. she calls her 'la mei' aka SPICE GIRL lol that day was sharing potato chips with my sister n she sms me when she got home how is spice girl doing. i replied : nothing maybe zzzz. she replied: your spice girl knock out by spices hee cos we ate chilli potato chips :p
mashmallow - yes your list looks ok. 2 days back good morning sin also had a guest in the studio who spoke abt TCM during preg. it was mentioned huaishan also ok. my mum agreed.

BB - try 'That CD Shop' i saw quite a few by diff composers the other day.

Pinky - i've reactivated my PM thingy. can try to send me the parttime maid auntie contact? sorry i missed you the other day. i went for dinner at vivo city and saw star cruise from the rooftop. you were prob there. hee. hope you had a short but good rest. enjoy the weekend!
mashmallow, I think so.All those u mentioned are okay.
I just happened to read the chinese medicine thing in this CHILDBIRTH by thomson hospital. It stated that some of the herbs are just sources of iron, vitamins. I also heard a bit from Mrs wong during her lessons. Everything take in moderation then should be okay.

blurbelle, your bb is strong. our bb are now getting interesting. More active and always made our days.
Thanks veryberry and QQ for your replies.

Can I check if it's alright to put all (red dates,wolfberries,dang shen and huaishan) into the chicken soup? What is the amount to put?

Also, is it necessary to use black chicken or chicken drumstick will do?
hi all,

looks like its true that 2nd sem is more tiring than 1st sem... tiring mostly becoz we feel tired and breathless easily... cant imagine how things will be in 3rd trimester!

wanted to cook chicken soup today but my mum told me that its not advisable to take TCM when you r not feeling well... i am still coughing sometimes, so end up i dun dare to cook. but bought the red date and longan to make longan drink
Hi edde! u are definitely not alone... i felt breathless too. even if it is just normal kind of walking, not to mention having to climb the overhead bridge. I need to sit down more often and i get dizzy spells often. Gynae says that's usual so i guess there's nothing much i can do.

Yummy...I think longan drink is sweet n nice...

Hey ladies...can ask you all something? Is it normal to suffer from nosebleed during this time?
hi viv, i hv nose bleed a few times during 1st trimester. Asked my gynae n she says it's normal. Once i ever nose block for 2 wks, when i blow too much also hv a bit of blood. was told by my GP its normal as well. The human nose is very 'bloody' accdg to my GP . But yours is abit of blood or blood flowing out? was told as long not flowing out in too large amts its considered ok.
hi belle! thanks for the assurance! mine not exactly flowing...but it dripped. :p description is a bit disgusting. when i blow my nose, there would be traces of blood too, like urs. guess it should be fine then.
my hubby said i too heaty...

have a great weekend too kola bear!
hi veryberry
PM sent! felt a bit guilty for bb vos i was at the casino for a while till pretty late, with people smoking around.
is it true that EYS's products are much ex than other stores? the small box of codycepts costs $198, the next bigger box is $600+. Like what my fren said, the staff said bbs with mummies taking codyceps usually turn out to be stronger and less prone to sickness. she asked me not to drink green tea, cold drinks cos bbs will be more difficult to manage due to asthma, coughs etc, and i did lor, very bad mummy!
pinkypink, i also take cold drinks. Buey tahan the hot weather here. Looks like i have to control a bit.

edde, I also feel tired and breathless. I think we have to walk slowly. Try to slow down your pace and see? I still walk as fast as before, sometimes I think it is not appropriate but i left my home at the same time as before. Maybe I should cater more time for walking to mrt in future.
veryberry, me went to gramophone at taka just now and managed to get children's nursery rhymes and songs. Its 5 CDs in a pack with 75songs @ $29.95, very worth.

Went for my chk up just now but din do the detailed scan. wil go for the scan next fri. My gynae managed to weigh my boi, he is 450g...gynae says bb got long limbs and is v active cos he was kicking during the scanning. So glad the he is doing fine inside
Is Yu Yee Oil safe to use on pregnant lady? It's those oil use on baby's tummy to get rid of wind.

I feeling some wind in my tummy and thinking of using it..thought since it's safe to use on baby, it should be safe to use on pregnant lady too hor?
it's true that EYS prod r more exp, but can rest assured that prod r genuine. u can try Hock Hua (Fu Hua), old brand name according to my hubby. the staff r vv helpful, prod def cheaper than EYS.

the amt of herbs d/o how many pple drinking. ur hubby can drink too. he would also need to bu :p for 2 pple, i put abt 4 pcs huaishan, 4 pcs yu zhu, 2 pcs dang shen, a handful wolfberries, 4 red dates and 8 pcs longan, smthg like that. i normally use chk drumstick. i heard that black chk is more benefical, but dunno how true. i dun like black chk is that the soup becomes vv oily (bcos diff to remove skin) and meat vv dry.
hi pax,
there's a hock hua shop at tiong bahru plaza, having 10% discount now, should be getting from there. for those keen to get from EYS, there's an opening sales at great world city from 15-19Nov, can get 10% discount too.
hi mummies, hav u start experiencing bb kicking u at the ribs? i experienced it last fri and it was real painful for a few hours until bb finally shifted position :p she muz be really active inside, testing and kicking and punching... but when she don't kick, i'll miss her kicks/punches.. what a dilemna...

btw can i also check, when we go for prenatal massage, will we be asked to lie flat on the tummy or will there be a special bed with a hole for the tummy (something like the head area)?
i aksed my gyane and she said the ru yi oil has clove oil which can cause uterine contractions. so she adviced not to use. she said can buy some oral medicine from pharmacy to get rid of the wind. i applied a little lor, because really buay tahan the win sometime but i try to apply only on the upper area of the stomach, away from the navel.
BB - wah, really v worth. can let me have the title of the cd? i go buy also. today i also bought two music/nature/spa type of CDs at popular chinatown which were at 50%. bb very active, doc advised that i listen to these to calm him down. haha. in any case, i enjoy such music so just as well. :>
Hi pinkypink, where do u usually go for ur prenatal massage? When can we start on the massage? I m aching all over and can't wait to try it out but have no idea where to go to...
pax, thanks for replying..by the way, huaishan is those white pieces thing right? I bought dangshen and huaishan but forgot to ask the uncle to indicate on the packet...so now don't which is which..

belle, yesterday I couldn't tahan..applied some..think to play safe, I better not use it again...
Oh, I forgot to add that lately I experiencing those bubble-like feeling...gynae mentioned that it's baby movement...I hope it's not the 'wind' in my body ah..those feeling are mostly in the night..few in the day...hmm...does that mean my baby is active during night?

I would also like to get the CD for my baby to listen now..any recommended titles? I come across few versions of Mozart Classic CD...any difference of those specifically for baby as compare to those full collection CD?
marshmallow, i din buy mozart music CDs for bb. Think as long as long its children's songs will b gd enuff to stimulate bb.

veryberry, ok i will post the title of the CD when i get hm tonite.
Good morning everyone. My bb has been listening to musics in the past 2 months. Not sure if she can hear but i just play.

I chatted with my mum last night and she told me not to take too much chicken soup with herbs (not everyday ya,maybe once in 2 weeks is okay). Not too worry about the ingredients, she is just worried that my bb will get too bu and too big to be delivered normally. In case some of our bbs are too big in the next few months, then we may consider taking less BU soup, ok? fyi.

Belle, I already paid for the antenatal package during my 20 weeks ($500) and will pay for the gynae delivery($775)in my 32nd week.

My bb moves a lot inside, and my mil happened to call. She said she might be either too active or too "hot-tempered" inside. Hm... hope that her temper is not that hot leh.
QQ, my MIL oso mentioned to me that my boi is too active cos he has been kicking alot. It used b in the nite time but since last week, he has been kicking almost anytime b it day or nite time. I even felt his kicking after my lunch time. My Hb felt bb's kicking too and Hb said i'm not eating enuff...make me so worried
Thanks Bluebelle. Nay my hubby and I are not of big built. I am hardly 153cm. hahaha...

Went around to look for the thermal cooker at Courts and Harvey Norman. Realise there are quite a variation in the market. Some are to keep the food warm and able to do minimum cooking. While the others is able to literally cook ur food but of course for both, the temperature will gradually dropped over time. I saw one from Harvey which says guarantee to keep the food warm with gradual drop in temp for 8 hrs. The brand is Takashi and capacity is 4L. If i am not wrong the price is $75+/-. Almost wanted to buy, but no stock.

These few nites are terrible, can't sleep well cos of backache. Cramps seems to be getting more and more frequent. Almost once in every 3-4 nites. Sighh.. no good sleep.
BB, yalor. Mine also like that. Kick whole day, day and night. We should not worry too much i think. Kicking also worried, not kicking even more worried. Women...

My weight got stagnant since 4 weeks ago. Remembered i said I gained 8kg? now still 8kg. ha!!
giolyn, I also have backaches over the past few nights. sigh! sleep is not good also. got to go . bye first!
Hi all, need your advice and help, I have kind of decided to switch my gynae to Dr Lawrence Ang, at sun plaza, want to confirm the rates of giving birth at TMC again before I confirm going to him. Actually did ask him,he told me if I go to him now, i pay $400 for the package and for delivery will be $200-300 cash and the rest, about $2000 by medisave. 2 bedder. Is it true? coz it sounds quite cheap if its really just $200-300 cash. Or does anyone know where i can find related threads on this. Try searching but can't realy get it.
Thanks a million in advance.

By the way, I don't really feel the kicks or movements of my baby gal inside these 2 days, I think it could be due to me being too busy as I was involved in a camp with students the past weekend. Felt some movements yesterday, but very slight, went for the 20th week scan last week, she was also not moving alot. Is this normal??
yes, the white ones are huaishan.

u r right. i take herbal chicken soup only once a wk. red date longan drink also once a wk. i think quite true that if drink too much, bb bcom too big.

some of those thermal cookers u see r not really cookers, they r just warmers, meaning they jus keep the food warm. must read the label properly before buying. btw warmers usually come in at most 1-lit capacity. cookers can be as big as 6-lit cap.
btw wat sort of cramps u getting? leg cramps?

re: bb kicking
i can only feel bb kicking when i'm sitting down or lying down. read in the "what to expect" book that in the day, when we r moving ard, the rocking motion soothes the bb to sleep, so bb hardly move. at night, we r not so active, bb tend to move more, bcos bb awake. that's the reason why most of us can feel bb moving more at night n we can get sleepless nites a little lucky for me, both preg, bb sayang me, let me sleep at nite.
I intend to make the soup only once a week...anyway, I will take note not to drink too often...just incase baby become too big..

I hope to feel the impact of my baby's 'wu ying jiao' soon..hehe...coz I only seem to feel those bubbles-like feeling lately which I keep wondering if it's baby's movement ah...really can't wait for that moment!
giolyn: mine opposite from u. I kept getting cramps on my right calf.. i hate it when that happens. so disruptive to sleep.

another friend actually suggested for me to take teh soup in the lat trimester if i found out that BB is not big enuff. This is to endure that BB dun grow too big
Congrats Oldie
1 more girl to the March's BBs!

hey mashmallow,
i believe that's bb's movements! Mine only kicks harder after meal, and when Im lying in bed, so I kept telling my hubby that she's so like him, greedy pig!
I've just bought cordyceps (1/2 tael) and paosheng (1 tael) from Hock Hua, can eat up to 6 times. bringing to office to brew and I dun intend to eat too often. Th staff asked me to pour a bit of water into the slow-cooker, place a bowl of water with the cordyceps/paosheng/lean meat in the middle, and brew for 3 hrs. hope I get it right.
pinkypink, gynae also mentioned that it's baby movement..but hor, sometimes I still ask myself if there's the 'wind' or baby movements..keke....
congrats odie.. can close factory liao.

When I heard of leg cramps, I'm very scared since I'm alone in my room. So, I do leg exercise everyday and hope that this problem won't haunt me so soon.. Scare scare.

Pax, the pot the I'm using is not too bad leh. thanks. The size is good and its so convenient.
Ladies, just to share something abt birdnests.

My Uncle is an expert when it comes to birdnests. Yday he told me not to take bot type anymore cos those are mixtures of diff ranges, not gd for preg woman. But if not preg then its ok. He recommended "WU YEN".....he bought me some abt 15pcs abt $200+. Just take 1pc each time and brew for 45mins - 1hr.
hey mashmallow
'wind' wont happen so many times..then later when your bb kicks harder, you can see her kicks 'popping' out the tummy..very cute!
hey BB
really ah..but i bought 6 packs from eu ren sheng..i guess eu ren sheng should be ok right?
Let me know more about the birdnest leh.
I bought "jin1 si1 yen4" frm EYS last time, only 5 pieces, then about $200 liao. 15 pieces seems a good deal at $200.

Your wu yen has feathers inside? I think we cannot take those with feathers. I intend to buy 1 box, since 5 pieces might not be enough. Maybe you can take a photo of your birdnest box and show me? anyway, I'm going for your nephew's 2st birthday celebration next month. Might see u there.

Hi odie,

Congratulations. Your wish comes true.
I will be going for detail scan next week,I also hope to have a girl like you.
