(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

hey belle & pinkypink, i balloted for Queenstown. The units are directly infront of the Commonwealth MRT station. My q number is gd, within the no of units range. My colleague balloted for redhill, although he got shortlisted but his q num is out of range. So he is crossing his fingers those infront of him will not select any flat.

Dear ladies,
I'm not taking any BU also, and birdnest is only once a month or 5-6 weeks so far. I make chicken soup for myself only once a week or 2 weeks. This might not be enough, but i feel that my bb might feel hot inside. When i take some fruits like watermelon, i feel that i can sleep better at night. I'm not sure if its my psychological response.

I take ice-cream and cold drinks occasionally because its so shiok (once in 2 weeks?). I don't take too much since my hb kept complaining that i am not discipline enough.

BB, the location is very good leh! near to town somemore.
Talking about warming breastmilk... here's my 2 cents worth =p Instead of just adding water to the warmer... you can try adding warm water to the warmer. It speeds up the whole process. If the milk is out from the chiller compartment (not freezer) you can transfer the milk to another bottle before warming it up... because if you put the cold bottle into the warmer... it takes a longer time to heat up the water.

Pinkypink... my boy is also the "warm" type since birth. He can perspire even in air-con room and can go shopping in sleeveless t-shirt. People who don't know used to frown at me when I don't wrap him up from top to toe when he was a newborn. Seldom fall sick as well. But I didn't take any tonic during pregnancy... just chicken soup. So I guess it works. How my MIL does it is she will mince up the whole chicken (including bones)... and put the minced-up chicken in the pressure cooker to extract the "juice". One chicken can produce a bowl of concentrated soup.
HI Ladies

Went for my detailed scan yesterday *finally after a lonnngggg wait*. Now my little boy is 430g. He was very active when the jie jie is scanning him for his heart until i need to turn left and right to get the correct position. Anyhow happy that the boy is developing well. Credit to my little Prince!!!

Not sure how many of you are having the same experience as me. I have great difficulty to turn during my sleep. It is in fact an concious effort to about when I am sleeping. Cos somehow i have pain on my right side of my pelvic muscle. Seems like there is a knot. Did tell Prof Tay but he says is normal. sighhh..

Another thing, do you all get cramps on the leg at night? I have 3 experiences liao and all happen in the middle of the nite. DId not want to wake my hubby up to massage for me. So have to bear with the pain till it goes off. Anyway to prevent it?
Hi gals,

I've started to take bu abt 2 weeks back, on advice of my mum 'cos I was feeling v tired and my mum said I need to start to tiao my body, else will hv no energy to look after my kids. Though I dun really believe in the bu stuff, but I worry that what my mum said is true, so just take lor...one week cordycep and one week birdnest with pao sheng. Think I'm going to spend a lot of money on bu this time

Re frozen ebm
This is how I thaw my frozen ebm. I use the avent milk bags. I remove packet from the freezer every morning upon waking up, put in a cup of tap water, then go abt my preparation to go to work (wash-up, make-up, dress). When I'm all ready, the milk would hv thawed. Then I will pour them into the milk bottles and either put them into the cooler bag to bring to my mum's or back into the fridge if my mum comes over to my place. When my mum wants to feed, she will take out the milk and put it in the warmer or a cup of warm water to heat it up. Simple enuff? I dun put the milk bag straight into the warmer 'cos I dun kn whether the bag can take the heat or not. And I dun like to leave the thawing to just before bb wants the milk 'cos I v stressed up if bb wants milk earlier and the milk not ready. I just thaw enough for the no of feeds while I'm away at work.

Hi blurbelle,
Yes, need to bath and wash hair of bb everyday. Like I said before, bath and wash hair v fast one 'cos bb cannot be exposed to water for too long. Anyway, dun need to worry too much abt bathing the bb now 'cos at least for the 1st month, you will not have to do it yourself 'cos you will be in confinement. The CL or whoever is your helper will be the one doing the bathing
. You can take the time to watch and learn how to do it

Hi belle(pepper)
I was advised against using the glass bottles collected from hospital to freeze my ebm 'cos the glass may crack inside upon freezing and you dun know. But if you use the bottles to just keep the milk in the lower compartment of the fridge, then shld be ok. Storage of ebm can be done in milk bags, avent VIA cups (v exp) and plastic milk bottles. Sometimes, those John Little sale sells those brandless milk bottles v cheaply...abt 50 cents to $1 for a bottle...so, you grab lor
. But store ebm in milk bottles will take up a lot of space hor
*Tay - really? you doc advised to abstain from sex uh? mine didnt say leh, she only said not to worry, it's common, we'll monitor. She also ok-ed me going for yoga. The radiologist also didnt look alarmed, in fact my BB was 'sleeping' on the placenta like pillow and radiologist said 'they like to do that'. haha.

*QQ - yes, am glad BB is absorbing well. guess althou i'm not taking multi-vit (cannot swallow), the enfa mama works well. i also hope to dispell the myth that milk makes us fat. mine's low fat. i still look slim! haha.

*BB - if you're renovating before you deliver, just make sure you're not in the house when they do all the knocking and drilling. i'm quite stuperstitious la. =p oh, and try not to get too stressed during the selection hor. Once it's open, you'll be spending every other hour checking HDB's online website to see which flats have been taken! it can be quite stressful. 2.5 years back, i was checking every hour at work praying that my dream units are still available... in the end we're quite lucky, we got our sea-fronting unit on high-floor. phew. good luck!

*Pinky - you stay tiong bahru? i'm at telok blangah crescent. nearby too!
Hi giolyn,
I still have to wait till next friday for my detail scan. Haiz.. still got a long way to see my boy hopefully my detail scan also turns out well.

I'm also experiencing the same problem like u. I also have difficulty to turn during sleep and sometimes when I try to get up it get so pain that a few times I have to get my hubby to bring me up. I've also told my gyne abt it and he also said it's normal. I think there's nothing we can do.

As for leg cramps, u can try to put a pillow under ur leg to lift it up while u sleep. It may helps.
Blueberries, thanks for ur detailed explanation. Where to buy the milk bags ? which brand huh?

Oh MTBs , do u realise after week 20 suddenly the tummy grow very fast? omg, i look so pregnant now. And it is all of a sudden.
veryberry, yes i'm awared that cannot hv all those knocking during pregnancy...heard even my bed oso cant b adjusted leh. If realli get my dream unit then i will till bb arrives then start the reno thing. Anyway, the flat only ready by late 2007. So by then bb is almost 6mths old.

QQ, tks...yah the location is gd but i wil hv prob to travel to & fro to my inlaws place. My MIL will b taking care of my bb and they are in bt panjang. Can only visit bb every forthnight then bring bb on weekends. HB is worried that bb will not b attached to us...but i dun think so.

wad do u gals think??
Hi very berry and tay,
I went for my detailed scan and the gynae said I have a low lying placenta, she said to avoid carrying heavy things and to abstain from sexual intercourse. but she did say its too early to worry as well. the radiologist said its a gal(quite confirmed), but the report she put a question mark next to the gender, don't know why. feeling a teeny weeny bit of disappointment not coz its a gal but because everybody around me say confirm its a boy, coz of the shape and size of tummy, and other questions they asked regarding how i conceived. so, sort of expected a boy before the scan. But, i am taking the news well, just glad that she's healthy.

BB, my mum lives in bt. panjang too, she's gonna take care of the baby and we will be bringing her home everyday coz we live very near to my mum and we worried she will be detached from us and it will be quite difficult to be consistent in bringing her up. Any way, this is just our personal view. I do know of colleagues who bring their children home only during weekends.
re: ebm
i better clarify myself. i realised my posting was quite confusing...

i used Avent milk bags to store for freezer, twist wire ties to seal the bags. glass btls, like blueberries has explained, may crack in the freezer, so i've nvr freeze in glass btls, only to use to store ebm in fridge.

thawing / defrost
my mornings usually quite rush, so i usually take the req amt of ebm needed and put in the fridge compartment the previous night to defrost. in the morning, i would just pour the defrosted ebm into sterilised milk btls.

warming ebm for feed
i used a philips btl warmer, similar to the pigeon / avent ones or jus put the milk btl with defrosted ebm into a mug of hot water. it works as well. got to keep in mind that older folks may not like the idea of using warmer.
if u see ur bb only every fortnight, wont u miss bb too?

pax, understood now. hopefully i got so much milk to store ha ha and wont be tired from the pumping. can really save $ from FM and good for bb too. Wondering which brand of milk bag can be reused? Can Avent milk bag be reused? How much is it?
Hi QQ,
Me also take ice cream n cold drinks quite often coz i'm feeling very warm most of the time. But i have been taking Bu quite regularly and i supposed that should be fine. I went to see TCM yesterday and he told me all Bu like codyceps should be stop after 7th mth of pregnancy...but can continue to take bird nest. so, just for information...for those mummies who is interested.

hey belle, my tummy still quite small leh,...wear normal clothes, very tight. Wear maternity, looks ugly coz looks like got alot of cloth...haiz!
milk bags cannot be re-used lah.. they come sterilised. there r a few brands in the mkt. i think most common and economical one is Avent. you can check out the bulk purchase section. sometimes can get 1 box of 100bags (i think it's 100 in a box) at abt $12-$13? if u buy fr isetan / JL / robinsons, it's $16.50, but can wait for 20% sales to buy. like wat blueberries said, btls take up space in freezer, use milk bags better (though not reusable). oh ya, i bfg my boy till 17mths (1st 6mths full bfg, after that partial bfg / FM), def saved lots of $$$!!!
my hb snatched away my ice cream when he was back. He said too cold and bb will suffer inside. I doubt so and i thought ice cream has calcium? :p Moderate should be okay, don't take everyday.

BB, you will sure miss your bb. You can try to bring your bb home whenever you can. If you still breasfeeding by then, i think your boy will prefer mummy then bottles. If you have other thing to attend to like dinner/wedding etc, then can place him at bt panjang. Another way is you can go bt panjang for meals everyday, then you don't need to carry your bb home, but still can see bb everyday. During weekends then bring bb home.
hey BB, Queenstown also not bad, the one near the MRT? i know redhill very popular. must travel to and fro Bukit Panjang is really quite shiong, i guess it's really no choice cos better to let closed-ones look after bb.

Hey oldie, my hubby and i only know how to cut up the chicken then boil and boil, add mushroom soup :p...hope this works also. if not, nobody can help make tonics for us. My MIL and mum said during pregnancy no need to bu, after delivery must bu so that it goes to breastmilk to bb.. confused.

Hey blueberries, very envious, your mum very sweet to help you make those soup...

hey veryberry, yeh yeh. we stay near each other. next time we can have gatherings
wakey, if i get the unit at commonwealth then i cant bring bb back hm everynite cos my HB's working hrs is flexible whereas mine is 9-5job. My Hb is very concerned abt bb not being closed to us esp during his early growing stage. Now he is having 2nd thots abt getting the flat.
So sian, get shortlisted got pros and cons...if not shortlisted oso prob. haiz!!

belle, of cos i will miss bb but at least we get to see him every forthnight but just dat bb cant get to sleep wif us lor. Unless my MIL dun mind us getting a nanny cos she felt that its her duty to look after her grandchildren...very rare to hear from MILs hor.
hi QQ n doggy,
i love cold food too! it's juz too hot sometimes. having cold drinks n ice cream just makes me feel so much better. heee... hubby dun really like it but din say much coz at least it improves my apetite. But muz be a lit caution about ice cream...one of my fren took so much ice cream tat her baby was so big they had to do an emergency C sect n her uterus ruptured n they had to remove it...
Pinkypink... like that also can =) My MIL also make black chicken soup for me. I think you still need to nourish yourself right now to keep yourself strong. Definitely your baby will have enough by taking the nutrients away from you... so you need to replenish your own "stock". Otherwise if you fall sick at this stage... very cham =p
BB, then if u take the flat, when baby is older, who will look after baby? If it is going to be ur MIL still then it will mean for many yrs u will only see baby every fortnight ?
BB... actually it is quite natural for babies to choose the usual caregiver over the parents... whether it is a grandparent or the maid. It is even more unpreventable when you don't bring the baby home every night. But of course there are always exceptional cases.

Even if it happens... all is not lost. Most babies when they grow older will know who are the parents. So don't worry. Most importantly is that you must try and spend quality time together whenever you can.

Kids function on the simple basis of who pays them more attention will get all the attention back. Sing, talk, make funny faces, play hide and seek... all these are simple ways to bond with the child.
viv.... did the gynae actually confirm that the baby's size is due to the ice-cream? Did the uterus rupture because of overpushing? Oh dear... sounds really scary. But I am surprised that the gynae did not advise your friend to take elective c-section knowing the size of the baby.
hey BB, you are very lucky to have a MIL who is so willing to look after bb for you. mine never mention of helping at all, only tell me its going to be tough lor.

hey viv, i know durian and cordyceps can make bb big but havent heard of ice cream! its really my "happy" food.

hey oldie, for black chicken soup, wat other ingredient is required?
wow! so scary. Better don't let my hubby see this message. He will throw away all ice cream in fridge.

BB, you are fortunate to have someone taking care of you bb. Me and pinky still worrying the childcare arrangement for next year. Maybe you should follow your bil and buy a car then you can be very mobile and able to see your bb everyday.
Hi everyone, I went for my detailed scan this morning and everything turns out fine, so that goes my worry for the BB for the past 4 weeks
and my BB weighs 350g and gynae said just alright, so maybe I will have to eat more, hee hee. Another things which I drag happening is I may have diabetic coz' my sugar level was quite high this morning, so have to go for glucose test liao.

I also went to Robinsons Centrepoint to buy the $129 Pigeon bundle this morning, they still have a few sets left.
Pinkypink... I know my MIL adds dried scallops and wolfberries to the soup.

All the talk about detailed scan. Going for mine this Friday afternoon. Finally can know if its a boy or girl ^.^ v
hey pinkdaisy
i also may have to take glucose test if urine test strip's colour change again during next scan, but gynae said i didnt put on a lot of weight should be ok, see how.
Hey oldie
are u aiming for girl or boy?
pinky, since you're in the area, can i check if you happen to use any part-time maid (zhong dian nu yong)? my weekends these days are more tiring than weekdays! not only are we trying to prepare for bb's stuff, go for antenatal lessons, yoga classes (just started), still has to clean up the spare room to welcome BB... not to mention the daily chores! A friend strongly recommends getting part-time maid to come by for abt 4 hours every fortnite. in her words: "the $80 per month is well worth it!"

do you happen to use / know any contacts in our area?

oh, btw, you asked me which yoga i tried - i tried the one at tanglin mall last weekend. this sat going birth&beyond with a preggie friend. she has dbs card discount so we'll prob sign up there if good.
What is wolfberries? Wow added scallops somemore? I wanna know what kind of chicken soup to boil for myself, you all have the names or recipes? I am not sure what type of herbs that i can take if I buy the packets type.

veryberry, I also have partime maid helping me to clean my house. I managed to get them to come down once every 2 weeks. I'm not sure about your area, but maybe I can give you a contact. The first time they charge another $50 extra for registration.
pinkypink & QQ, yah i'm grateful dat MIL is someone who likes children and is willingly to take care.
Realli hv to make a decision cos we dun want to regret after dat. HB told me dat some frens actually shifted back to the parent's place few yrs later cos there wasnt any bonding between the kids n the parents.
i make soup with red dates, wolfberries (gou zi ji), yu zhu, dang shen, pao shen, wai shan with 2-3 chicken drumsticks. boil abt 2-3 hrs. or can put in slow cooker in the morning, after work can drink. there's one more herb which i use, but i cannot rmbr the name liao...
hey veryberry
my part time maid comes in every alternate week, will be asking her to come on weekly basis after bb is born. I just PM you my ex part time maid's contact, she is good and nice auntie but allergic to my MIL's cats. she charge $10 per hour only.
hi QQ - haha, actually got a lot of work to do, but very tempted to reply you immediately. hee.
Wolfberries = gou.3 qi.2 zi.3 (the small orange raisin-lookalikes). no need additional herbs. with black chicken + all those ingredients we mentioned - you will be getting a very yummy soup alr.

which area are u in? yes, the contact wld be most appreciated! tks in advance! how much do they charge you per hour? company-type or indiv auntie's contact leh? tks.
veryberry, pax. thanks.
I've been making soup for myself, but i just run out of ideas at times and feel so sian donno what to boil. You know la, I boil for myself only and the pot looks big and i have to drink for 1 whole day then can finish.

the auntie that i call has a few maids. She has a company and she came clean my house with her maid only last night. If they come in 2 person (sometimes 2 maids), then a total of 4 hours job can be done in 2 hours. $10 per hour, same same. I negotiated to 3 hours every session, and $30 for each trip since they stay in woodlands and the lady boss finally said ok (a bit mian2 qiang3). Her contact is 96479798, look for stella. but pls pls pls dun tell her that i said 3 hours. you can start from 4 hours first (minimum), then on the next few trips you can let her know that u prefer 3 hours and every 2 weeks (long term ma). ok? I dont want her to blacklist me. :p
by the way, I'm staying in a 5-room flat. So, 3 hours is only enough for basic cleaning, not too extensive till cleaning the windows, ironing clothes etc. if its 4 hours, then it is quite good also. They can clean your kitchen, toilets, and flooring, fans, etc. I'm very lazy and i would say that the $$ is worth since i cannot do much alone.

also, i am thinking to buy a robotic vacuum cleaner to vacuum my hair/dust. Actually I've already decided to buy one, and now waiting for a friend to confirm her request only. If anyone wanna join my purchase, let me know. haha!! I'm a high-tech person and i use technology to solve my problems.
Went to Tom & Stefanie at Tiong Bahru earlier and discovered that they actually sell the beansprout pillow at $19.90 (same price as you buy from the website), so anyone interested in getting one for your BB, can try at Tom & Stefanie.
pinkdaisy, my MIL is v gd in sewing pillows. I thot of asking her to do some and sell online. haha!! She even handmade my ring pillow for ROM last yr.
Recently, she sew some pants for my little nephew..the pants realli looked so cute. I'm learning some sewing skills from her now then i can make clothes for my boy boy.
hi gals!
sorry...din mean to "frighten" anyone... i m not too sure abt the medicinal facts... her baby is huge prob due to other contributing factors as well...not solely on ice cream i should think so. dun noe abt the gynae leh... but i hope my bb grows to a healthy size n not overly big coz i m quite small.

QQ - my SIL taught me a very simple method to brew the soup. buy some lean meat or black chicken with skin removed, add some wolfberries n red dates plus gao li shen with 1 1/2 bowl of water and put all into a small slow cooker. set to auto cook n let it boil for 4 hrs.
suppose to be stregthen mummies. i m super lazy so this is one of the soup i dun mind preparing... heee...
need to tap your brains/expertise. some girls recommending buying clothes from Old Navy. but they dont ship internationally... er, how to buy?! pls enlighten sotong me. tks. :>

Morning Ladies...

Veryberry: How much are they charging for Old Navy? I also think the quality of their stuff isn't too bad...
