(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

jay is always amused by kaexin and ws sharing one plate of food,
and astro's family sharing one queen size bed (3 of them), or one king size bed (4 of them) and still can say, ok woh!


star, when u, me and SQ are together, i think our table will be full of food. we always thing u order a lot de.... so when u are around, me and jay dare not order too much because u will ask us to eat from your platesssssss... wahahaha!!!!
Rem the lunch we had at Vivo marche?
Eat till 1 2 burst still got to dabao?
Tt's how me n Hb always land up

I know Wat u mean
My mil also lidat
Makes us eat till full full de
Actually the old folks are mostly lidat
C whether u dare to tell tem off oni
QQ: but it was really v okay.. king size for all four of us at hong kong! hahahah. got space somemore..
but miser will tell u no space.. coz.. he takes a third, yh takes a third and i take half.. remember??

*not going to comment on the clothes size..it makes me depressed!*

i want seek advice..
what happens if my husband tells me..'u are not fat woh. ok mah.. can eat.. eat lor!'. :S
he likes plump women.. die liao..
so that explains why i am not pushed to lose weight.. i am constantly enveloped in an environment of denial.. haha!

star: i am like u.. i over order.. coz i like variety. but i dun finish.. haha!
miser takes 1/3, yh takes 1/3, you take 1/2 then Teng?

You guys must be very "disciplined" sleepers!! I sleep with RR on a queen size bed I also buay tahan liao.
haha..i know astro's eyes eat more than her tummy!! i like to eat with her. cos like that i dun need to order too much... just eat her 'leftovers' cos she really leaves alot over!! for someone so tall, she actually eats really little!! =p
Hahahhahaah food talk interests me!!!!!!

SQ I can eat like u and yr hb too and Dave certainly belongs to yr group!!!! Last time we see those couple eating a main course each (worse if same food) and we wld think they so boring.. Hahhahahahahahha!!!! I like variety!!

Another pt why autum is thin despite her appetite. She eats very slowly. Maybe we can do a poll here (base on standard serving of food).

Autum - eat slowly - thin
Edde - eat very fast - fat
BB march?
your poll abit sensitive (or rather "insensitive") leh. :p Just put eat slow or eat fast can liao, still must put the fat and thin behind, hahaha!!
Hahahahaa RR coz I wanna see if there is a correlation btn the speed we eat and the sizes mah!!!!!! Aiya fat or thin very obvious cannot hide de!!! :p
most women will find themselves fat de lor, haha!!
hmmm ... except for Kelley and Autum bah. *siam. :p

Then those avg, not fat not thin put what?
Astro: You r amazing! 4 on a king bed and still ok?

RR: You're not bad too, can share a queen bed with Reyes.. A&A share a queen bed and it's already not enough. Anna's side is against the wall and she will sometimes knock her head against the wall, and Ayden will sometimes fall onto the floor.. :p

SQ, QQ, Astro, Joelle: Hb and I order variety too. But we'll always finish our food wan.. :p

Edde: Re your poll, who will say she is thin leh??

Autum - eat slowly - thin
Edde - eat very fast - fat
AAA - eats moderately fast bah - not fat, not thin
BB march?
it's Reyden and Reyes, not only Reyes. I wake up with bodyaches sometimes. :S
I peifu Astro and Miser.
food poll... so interesting =)

chewing food slowly is supposed to be a healthy habit as it lengthens your eating time, let you feel the "fullness" and hence eat lesser =)
I read about that too but I also read somewhere that chewing your food makes it easier to digest and body to absorb faster and more.

Need to see if there's anyone that eat very fast and still thin de. haha!
it's still alright if I sleep at the side. If I'm in the centre, I'lll get hit/kicked throughout the night.

ya, only the white clam shells. I don't see the other type lately too. Maybe it's seasonal.
its not that ws and i dont like variety, juz we cant finish the portion , then ws will feel that its wasting food and hre will eat all the balance. hence, we usually order a portion if the portion is big enuf :p

think my speed normal bah!
Opps QQ so u n jay noticed i order a lot??? Hahaha if there is a big group can order lah then we all share got variety mah. Hahaha if its just hb n me n rae i very restrain one i dun order so much.

Kaexin i remember at kinder u n WS will share a bowl of bibimbbap while me n des one bowl each!!! Hahaha

Mine is bad habit i order a lot but i dun finish always leave food one. I must start thinking of the straving children. western foo not so jialat but if i am at chinese eating plcs, foodcourt or hawker etc while i will wack, carrot cake, satay, wanton soup, fried prawn mee, popiah, sometime ngor hiang etcetc.
I am the one usually sharing a bed with rae when we travel cos she needs to touch my tummy to sleep she weird lah so if there are 2 bed hb gets a bed all to himself!
I think sometimes i eat very fast but sometime average ddc not slow cos ususlly i am not the last one n ppl dun have to wait for me. Ithink average lah.
Ya astro is amazing how to squeeze all on the bed?

Astro dun teng flip all over? Rae is a damn bad sleeper she turns 360 from vertical become horizontal etc.
I just read in FB that one of my friend is expecting her #4! She has a pair of twins same age as our kids then #3 is 09, now #4.
Haha. So funny put "thin" behind. Actually should ask if WS eats fast or slow. He eats faster than me I think.
Your friend is amazing. #4!

oops I always let people wait for me. Until I paiseh will tell them to go off first (when lunch with colleagues in canteen). :p
Hahahhaa true hor which woman will think she is slim except autum and kelley!!!!

Then again I still believe there is a correlation :p

WS is the most health conscious wrt diet I hv ever seen! So disciplined!!!! Luckily I am not his wife else he wld hv fainted with my diet :p
We need Kelley to come in and tell us if she eats slow too.

won't be accurate to look at WS cos his diet different from ours. I'll be amazed if he grows fat with his eating habits and diet. :p
Rr, I was surprised with rr's diet size...I am serving 1/4 to co and I am eating her 3/4.
star, I will be a good kaki with u...cos I go for variety...I realized I will be bigger if I try to finish food...so I stop when I full.
Onz CK we sit at the same table next time n order a lot. The rest can join in n help us eat up the food.. N yes i also learn to stop rather than waste the food n force myself to finish. Think my mentality is tat easier to throw then to get rid of the pounds on my body. But this way i waste a lot of food lah.

Autum u slow eater tats why so can be so slim have u veen a slow eater all the time? Or only recently?

Rae damn slow eater i think at the rate she is eating she wont grow fat!! I am trying to pace myself to her speed so i eat slow too.

Edde i agree with u on WS's diet. At macs for tian bday he was frowning when we gorged ourselves with fries haha he dun approve until i told him its unsalted hahaha
If this is the case then I think another point to note is eat on time and not when you are very hungry. Cos you tend to eat faster when you are hungry.
Ws is very thankful that I have very ubderstanding friends here ( u know who u R) coz they always make sure he has food to eat. He also Paiseh that he so Mafan. Actually, Ws can eat alot but he has always been this size. Thk he also complaining that he has been losing weight too. His weight is not more than 6kg from mine now.

On another note: hey, I realized K is now 101cm ! <grinning> Wat an accomplishment ;) so happy to see this at the clinic last week
He does eat all the food u like but he feels that with age, he has to watch out. His mom is diabetic. So he has to take care of his health. He still go jogging nowadays despite no more Reservist.
I ate more slowly as years go by. In fact, I ate slower after having EJ and even more slowly after EV. Haha. My ex-colleague commented on this before. She said most women eats faster after having kids but I m the opposite! Kwa kwa.

Hey I want to sit at your n CK's table at next outing. So I can just eat the rest of your foods. Haha :ppp
We can all share with you!! :p
No processed food, no deep fried food, no snacks, no cream (on cakes) and no fast food. Not too salty and not too sweet too.
Wow WS sounds healthy
I shd learn from him!
Yes Kaexin pls share how he keeps in shape

Everyone is v stunned when I finish my meal
Cos They somehow dun c me eating n then sudd all the food is gone!

My Hb also likes fat fat wife
I told him he can b the fat one
Talking abt size: I found tt my shoulder increase in size aft delivering meimei
Will it ever go back to pre preg size?
Nw al my tops can't squeeze in cos o the wider chest area
N worse is it has got nothing to do w breast size!

Thinking if I shd start throwing my tops
you got to get menu from Mich's MIL cos WS loves home-cooked food. Haha!!

It's not that bad lah. He eats most home-cooked food we prepared for potlucks/parties. And just no fast food when we eat with him. I think after some time we get influenced by him too.

that criteria that RR post is WS's criteria. I had the impression u thot it's RR's criteria.

Hey, yes. I eat by timing too! I don't skip meals else become too hungry then eat more rubbish.
