(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

ON jeans u can wear 4. I ordered before n Edde n Pax fits well. I ordered smaller size after that. The jeans is with Pax. She very happy with it n went to alter length I think.
Mejo, try the butter masala chicken from the stall in the middle next time. *major drools*

AAA, just go to your itunes and there should be an option about syncing your contacts when you sync. Can untick it.
Nw I remember!
Tt jeans!
CK how can u be a 8??? U are so much slimmer than me! U should be a 4 too leh. Seems like fattest should be me. Maybe after preg i still need a 8.
U sure u are talking abt ON which is US size n not UK 8?
Un-check the auto sync option on the main page (iTunes)
u can choose to sync only those that u want like music/photo etc
old navy 20% is not incuding the dresses, everyday steal and jeans...
so mommies with boys , can get T, shirts and shorts too
she likes the show so much! she wants to do the samba and she so misses RR :p
hey, went to Cathay yest and the tickets were only $7 each, i ask whether k needs to pay and the guy said no :D even managed to get a free small popcorn too!
Gap cuttings run slightly smaller than ON. Don't think you are size 8 for ON lah.

You have ON bottoms? Size 4 or 2?
think i have a pair of ON shorts, that is size 4, the blue stripes. i also have ann taylor shorts size 2 too, gap capris size 4, banana republie denim capris ,sizxe26P
Mummies, I am really size 8...I am nearly 20kg heavier than ms. KXXXXY...ha ha.

I can see shocked faces...don't faint yet.
I think everybody got ???? now after reading your size 8. Haha. Hey, the good news is, u don't look that heavy nor big!! So good!
ok ok. I think u can try size 6. But really shouldn't go beyond 6 bah.

Mummies, I just finished watching the Michael Jackson show on channel 5.. I feel it's such a huge pity that he died just like that. He is soooooooo talented. I really lament the loss of such a great talent. Haiz.
harlow...ON spree still on, kaexin?

i'm wearing ON jeans size 4 petite... sits a little loose on my hips. i can pull it down w/o un-zipping.. does that mean i can go for size 2??!!
Michelle, FYI, your size 4 stripes bottom already taken by me, cause u size 2. So u dun have size 4 now..

It is so fun!! We will be looking at each others hips next time if we meet. Haha. V funny.

Ck, u look like size 4.

And the person who ordered the size 10 that can fit many chicken was..... Bbmarch, haha...., it is so funny now, because we are recalling our history, very funny.. Haha
Pax, I think u size 2. Zip le still drop then too loose le... Unless. Are those no hips de??

My size 6 zip le dun drop, but drop to slightly lower waist. But now size 6 just nice, 4 too small, Size 4 now cannot zip now. Last time still ok... Sigh...

I checked on, nothing much to buy wo.
Ladies, I have quite a few pants i can't wear. I am not sure if anyone interested in my old clothes. Sometimes I also paiseh to give my old clothes to people cos skali people find them old and rotten :p

My pants are zip and drop down. Don't even need to tug. I don't know if i should throw but I scared if I put on weight again then nothing to wear! Haiz..
all kinds.. long pants.. 3/4 causal pants/shorts, and skirts. No full-body check la. I am ok. Maybe because all along I m not the thin-type, so it seems very 'unhealthy' for me to become thin. But i think there are many others.. who have always been thin/light, so my current weight is actually quite healthy wor. Haha. so depends on how we look at it bah.

Like my maid, I kept feeling she is too light and undernourished (she is 42kg).. but after observing her for few months, she is ok ah. Not like falling sick or looking unhealthy.

Actually I think maybe US sizes really not meant for us. I think most of us are actually in between their sizes!!
Astro wanna ask u abt little gym.. Teng in the funny bygs now? Parent accomanied? I realised rae was at the giggle worms trial for 4-5yrs old. The teacher gave very good feedback on her performance n particiation in class n ask if she has any gym class foundation cos she could do all the activites very well. Its a non parent accompanied session n she seems garang enuff to try all the equipment. Her attention span was also very good. Now the daddy thinking of letting her try for 1 term.
Pax, haha! so u are size 3... then need to buy size 4 and shrink by half a size using dryer.

Autum, so do u think u will go back to previous size next time? if so then u keep la.

Star, good for rae. last time at bouncing kids there, rae was already v garang and v good at all the actitivities. actually since rae can do everything there, dun need to sign up le, am I giving u the right logic?
the class is more for those who are still developing in that area? (i think ah will might need it). haha !
Wahaha...last ngt topic is abt size.

QQ, ur memory power. ya i was the one who wanted to order size 10. Then u & star quickly adviced me to get smaller size else i can put a whole kampong chix inside. wahahaha!! so funnie leh.

And yes, im a size 6 too! I got big hips, big buttocks.

Yday we celebrated hb's bday by bringing the kids to the Zoo. Weather was gd,we rch ther before 10 and left ard 2+ cos we avoided Rainforest kidzworld.
QQ, my size6 shorts abit loose le but its been 1yr+, oso might b due to washing. so maybe i can fit a size4 now? buy to motivate myself to slim down.
Now I remember.. I ordered a pair of ON shorts before, can't remember the size.. Dunno size 4 or 6, but it was way way too big..

Autum: Wear a belt? Anyway, I have all sizes in my wardrobe too. Like G2000 pants, I have size 3 all the way to size 7, maybe even size 9.. And 90% of them are black. :p
Y u keep such big pants?

I like to get rid o my clothes n bug new Ones if need be
Cos if keep too long wil b out o fashioned or too old le
I m vain!!
AAA, cos my upper body looks slim but fat at the lower areas.

u are v slim to me...why do u hv those pants in sizes 7 & 9??
Sq, bbmar: I dunno wor.. And I m not sure where they are now actually.. Haven t looked at them for a long time.. Somewhere in storage maybe.. But I mostly have 3 and 5 lah.. I shd start wearing them again..
AAA, me same same as BB. big hips.. actually if i were to go for cool sculpt. i not oni must do the tummy, i must do my hips too!!

Qq: I can t tell by looking at you or bbmar.. Cool sculpt is good.. My church friends commented I lost weight! Haha.. And I can wear my dvf dresses without showing a tummy bulge again.. Haha!!
