(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

Joelle: Yah we were at the Race Course outlet. It din cross my mind until I saw they hv another outlet at east coast rd! But food here is good wor. Palak paneer not as yoghurty as I would like, but their other dish, the murg tikka lababdar chicken is sooooo heavenly..
Maybe not the same?

Star: Let me go check. Only ON bill sent. Careers still have 2 parcels not here yet, so later..

i think the food not bad.. other than the palak paneer which i had better ones elsewhere. just that they r extremely expensive! and the serving portions.. like i mentioned, they gave us double portions without us requesting for it. and we ordered many dishes thinking they r single portions each. imagine a family of 6 ordering 6 different dishes, but the restaurant geh kiang go double the servings and end up with 12 portions... so we had a really expensive meal that day! :S
Good morning!! :D
I can post my food pics now and delete them from my camera.

We ordered a starter grilled chicken tikka, palak paneer, and the really really nice one is the chicken labbadar (creamy tomato and cheese gravy), and naan!

CK: 3rd pic is the palak paneer.

Kaexin: Look at the fruit naan!! All the sweet and juicy dried fruits. Are you drooling yet? Super yummy..

Joelle: Yes, the palak paneer can be more tasty. I couldn't taste the spinach, it was lacking in the creamy base.. They need to add in more yogurt and cream sauce. This dish was quite disappointing. Other than that, my cravings were all satisfied. The starter even came with some raw onions witch I gladly wallop down with some of the yummy gravy from the tomato chicken.

See? I finished everything!
AAA, i like the 2nd picture - is that chicken tikka.

BTW, you can try baa baa black sheep, the naan and mutton curry quite good...
CK: Yah, that is grilled chicken tikka. But the really yummy one is the one in the foreground of the first pic.. The gravy goes very well with the naan. The grilled chicken is very juicy and succulent, but a little too spicy for me.. If you like spicy, then this will be just perfect!

I don't like mutton for its smell. That's why last night didn't order mutton or lamb.. Does BBBS serve north or south indian food? I also don't really like south indian food..
CK, so tis BBBS is an indian rest. if north indian food i will go try. Find Muthu's Curry is overpriced. I tried komalas food but it was catered for my indian fren's weddg. Not bad leh.

AAA, nice pics of the food. * Drools *
Told u, I will be ordering fm On coz I like items there as compared to CP. :D
K was asking for RR several times when we were watching the show !
CK mutton curry at BBBS is nice??? Wha i missed it!!!! The naan there are very nice we ordered 3 to share amongst 2 colleagues n we cannot finish!! They havd this cauliflower + potatoe dish which is very nice too.

AAA BBBS is a pub lah haha serves western n indian food. I love naan with curry esp butter naan !!! So sinful. This chickej with tomato curry dounds so yummh i like too!!! We need to meet to eat indian lah.
AAA palak paneer us also a must order dish everytome i go for indian with frens, colleagues or families!!! Hehe but i dun like the cottage cheese to be in too big chunks need to be smaller cubes lah. The PP at BBBS is not tat great! Think the curry n naan is better.
I so am not going to surf ON now!! Still owe AAA money!! N i just bought 2 jcks + 1 vest while waiting for rae at little gym marina!!!
Oh, I made a mistake? You told me you ordering ON, not CP? If you not ordering CP then drop my orders. I'll give you my ON orders by tonight. :p
Hv u bought jeans fr ON b4?
I backside itchy 1 2 buy
But duno abt the cutting
Wonder if it's the same sizing s Victoria's Secrets

I know u r v gd w sizes
SQ, im v happy cos i got my star shaped egg!! went to get bigger sized egg. can leh..i posted the pic in FB le. go see. Tks to joelle for the tip!
jialat..everytime the agenda of our meeting is to indulge in yummylicious food. how to slim down??

im preparing a mini celebration for hb tonite. his bday is actually tmr but we r gg zoo early morn n its lechey to bring tje boys out for dinner. We r gg to hv pizza, chix baked rice n grilled salmon. hope the food wil turn out well.
SQ: Stop saying I m slim, cos I m not lah. If I wanna be slim, I ll have to stop all this indulgence, but since I can t and Don t wish to, I m contented and happy being somewhere in between.. Afterall, we only live once.. I love good food too much.
Don t hate me lah.
And yes, my German boss is very good looking. He s extremely smart and tottaly driven at work and that makes him even more attractive to me.. He s happily married with twin boys.

Star: Din know it s a pub. Hahaha.. Yah I ll def order palak paneer.. Not easy to come across a good one then.. Yah, we shd meet for indian food..

Bbmar, Ash: Hee.. Tempted you leh.. Go try lah.. Do order the tomato cream sauce chicken..

Bbmar: Happy Birthday to your hb.. Enjoy yourselves!
the Indian food looks great! I like Indian foods too.. someday I should try.

Ok, spam my last night's croissant-burger here. Hee, no indian food for me.. only burger :pP Maybe someday I should learn how to cook indian food too?? But I doubt if I can. haha.


I love the Indian food opposite Beauty World. The butter chicken is to die for! The palak paneer has chunks of cheese in just the right size. But I heard the standard has dropped which is such a pity as I had never eaten any butter chicken that come close!
Lisa, no problem de. thanks ....
so join our food talks la.. very sinful sometimes...

AAA, wah.. scary the indian food, u finished the plate.. wah!!
SQ i totally cannot remeber the adult sizes for ON already. Blame on my pregnancy.  think for u its 4-6 maybe can try 4 but if not stretchable dunno if 6 is too big leh. 

Rae nose bleed again just now. She cried like mad. Suspect she blew her nose too hard n burst a blood vessel. Aiyo so drama man but at least both hb n i are clam in dealing wigh her. She is still napping now n i wanna wake her up leh.
N good news for me my mei mei finally turned head down at today's check up but her feet jabbing into my chest/ribs damn painful. Doc ask me to stay off durian uf not she may become too big!!!
SQ, u should be size 6 before u pregnant last time.. now if u order size 4, probably it is rather marginal.. or sometimes the cutting it bo bak kay one. so assuming ur cool sculpt is working, i think u should be size 4. size 6 a bit big for u.
i think u did slim down a bit.
QQ i was also just thinking of the cool sculpt cos if works maybe sq needs 4 only. But then some cutting tends to run small leh n if material not stretchable safer to go for 6
SQ, non stretchable materials order size 6.. i use my dryer help u shrink ha;f a size if u feel too loose. i think loose a bit ok le. cause can be LOW waist... size 4 probably must be tight and no room for strecthing.. haha!
SQ, i think u ordered size 6 before bah. can fit.. if i a not wrong..
i have both size 4 and 6.. before and after preg size...

u judge from there.
any good buy this round? post picture and links le..

i miss the time we BINGO and post many ON gap photos... v fun!
Autum: I like the cheese of your burger..

Mejo: Where is this opp Beauty World? Along the stretch that sells teochew porridge also? For me, I really don't mind whatever size the cottage cheese comes in, I can't feel that much difference in taste, and I can cut them into smaller pieces if it's too big.. I like the texture it adds to the palak paneer dish..

SQ: Go for a 4. if it's a bit too small, then you have incentive to slim down to fit into the jeans..
AAA i like ur suggestion to Sq on the size 4. i def cant fit a 4 i think 6-8 i think!! Hahaha.

SQ ya i also can loan u my dryer to shrink it down. Who has a 4 that can let u try? Or u go gap n try their sizes n guage from there.
yeah star, i think i am size 5 too!!! but no size 5 woh. haha!!!

size 4 is my target, so size 6 ok.
i can use dryer to shrink to 5.5...

Side track a bit.

Star and iphones mummies: When I sync, the contacts on the pc will be copied onto the phone. But I really don't want this to happen, cos many of the contacts are just email addresses. And I'll end up deleting them one by one from the phone after the sync. Is there a way to stop this from syncing?
