(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

Lisa, so u mean those eggs need to be at least 65g...how to judge? and usually how much are those? paiseh if i sound sua gu cos i usually get those seng chiong ready packed kind.
somehow, ur bento looks like a piggy! w the pink face n ears! *like*

buy those AAA grade eggs. more than $2.50/$3 kind. the normal ones r usually abt 50g only. or u can go to farmart n get the really big ones too.

are u sure that's the reason why u love ur lasik doc?? or is there ANOTHER reason?!! hahahaha!!!! aiya...we shd arrange for another 'follow up' to see him hor!
cos he is quite charming too? *wink*

haha another follow up?

but my eyesight is perfect now so i havent had an excuse to see him wor

yours also perfect?
Wah. So colourful this page.. so bz this week..

I started wearing glasses at 6yo w asti. Matthew jus started wearing glasses. When we brought him for eye chk at school health centre, we were told it s hereditary. Sigh.

Thk goodness for lasik, i dun need to wear glasses nw.

Bbmar, yvonne will tell that all bb r borned w 老花. This condition will improve as they grow older. Thats why Bel has to wear glasses
haha... must make doubly sure it's perfect ma... but then again.. go for follow up usually the assistant see us hor... must go make him pluck my eyelashes. did i tell u, he helped me pluck my 'ingrown' lash?!! he had to stare into my eyes! *faint* but it cost me $25 just for that split moment!!! =S
yah lo.. SQ was the one who recommended him ma... eye candy... i was so tempted by her gushings... after that couldn't stop liao so recommend to u too! hahaha....
Wahaha Joelle
So 'lucky' u hv ingrown lashes?

AAA: hahah i think i was in a shopping mood that day.. hahah wha, really a lot leh.. have u seen the clothes? nice?? I am quite excited cos i got a few pieces of dresses which i hope its nice. IF yes, then can buy from carters instead of Zara (Which is so expensive)!
How about ON? did i order??How many ON did i order?
Cham, cannot remember now.

SQ/hahah we must meet AAA together then u can see too.

CK; i love your bento!!! cos my standard also sama sama as u!! hahahaah!!!

i crazy lah, cannot buy clothes for myelf so now i buy wit avengence for myself!
Live... From USs . Eh here not v good la. The q for rides all v long.
And hor, the locker, v weird la... Free for 30 min, but by the time we came down from roller coaster already two hours le. Then locker fee is 9 dollars...wah... More exp than parking. Haha...

Tian screamed and shouted during 4d show. She cried.
SQ: hahah welcome welcome.. actually to tell u the truth, i also cannot remember what i ordered just remembred a lot of dresses cos the dresses looks so nice!!!
i was very satisfied with my last gymbo loot, so hope this carters one will be good too.
QQ: rae also cried when i brought her to DL 3D show.. she got so scared and we had to leave halfway!! hahaha

sounds like u had fun!

u mean ur stuff still the locker after 2 hrs? no one take away?
Star, yes I went to pick up tian and jay while my god sis, my colig la... She went for another ride. So she helped me took my bag as we put together. Nobody took our bag la. It is auto de.
SQ, the q also sucks. But luckily we din take many rides n show. Tian loves the stage shows and dancing shows... But we din take much photos. The street shows are nice to her. She likes them. But not those techky shows... Haha....

I feel so tired. Now she is zz away, while me online, jay playing games, god sis and colig playing the boat ride, wet wet de, I am taking care of their bags, hee... Windy here. Not bad.
Eh I din catch up the posts... Too many le. And how come I keep seeing bento pictures? Many burgers, Lisa how u do it. is that signature? No wonder I kept seeing burgers.. Haha.. Anyway I lazy to catch up posts...

Sq, tian is ok now. Actually she refused to go home, she ONI dun want to go shows but want to stay here.
SQ, I feel that the price for entrance fee is not v worth it, cause they are still v young and nothing much. However, I think with 5 dollars entrance fee after 7pm I think is good enough... There is a live dancing on street de. This one v suitable for them. Tian kept sitting there and watch.. The who's is every half an hour once.
ya the bento picture making me blur too..

lisa sorry hor, do u think u can resize pic, a bit too distracting.. heheh hope u dun mind.
Most terrible thing today was my boss sent me SMS and miss call asking me to call him back this am. I din. I call him ONI just now as everywhere we go hor, all v loud with super sound effect, not suitable to call ppl and talk in phone de.

SQ, I think here not suitable for yhui yet. Loud loud....
i m having a headache
and the pictures are not doing me any good

let's go one of the evenings then
but nowadays the weather v erratic difficult to plan

actually i think autum was interested too
but it's been quite some time i wont be surprised if she has gone already with EJ n EV
SQ, my boss is under stress. He sot le.. He din come today, i guess.. And hor, he cannot la. That day discussing things with him, almost want to flip table with him. Eventually I hold my breath and said, dun bother to talk anymore. Let me figure out how I want to do. He wanted me and my colig, my student work shift!! Temporarily la. Buut knowing my colig style, he won't do it but he is nit fully reporting to my boss. He dun care. My student cannot also cause of policy. Left ONI me. U think I want to work shift? ,I still have kids at home. One two days ok la. But it is two weeks. And shift then also day time need to come back off most of the time, since have other things, prob half a day etc.. Cnnot la.. Who ask him to penalize me for my ml. Otherwise I will be motivated. Cuse I dun feel appreciated last year, this year I dun kio sai for him,
i think i too stress at work, keep buy clothes for rae and mei mei.. more for rae! hahahah.

Had indian food last night.. so yummy, who likes indian food??
*waving at star* me me!!! hb and i like to go to the indian restaurant at Raffle city. we like mainly the north Indian food.
I like indian food too... but i almost always end up w tummyache...

Qq, ur boss is totally flop. Give u bad ranking, still expect sky fr u...

Star, u make me wan to buy fr carters. I missed the last spree
Yes dun bother
If u get appreciated diff story
But u know his style le
He already slap ur left cheek
Y offer ur right cheek Nw?
*sorry for my harsh words. I m a v unforgiving person*

I love Indian food!
I take super spicy food
Quite dare to say I m #1
shall we hv InDian food for the next gathering??!!
*tam jiak face*

SDQ: onz!! i want to eat naan.. chicken tikka masala, butter chix, etc.. drooling now.

Pax, ya u missed it i think its good!! oh maybe it better be good cos i spent a bomb and bought so much.. hahahah really need retail therapy.

actually i really feel like buying clothes for myself!!! too bad.. i walk into dorthory perkins, topshop, bysi all looking at clothes and when but the sales ger just stare at me!! until i also paisay to try!..haha
