(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

Just brought Teng to the ENT. Did a scope into his nose and found Teng to have enlarged tonsils, enlarged adenoids and also some turbinates issues in the nose. Recommended day surgery to fix all three problems at one.

astro: wha the words damn chim.. what does it mean? these are tissues in the nose? what would happen after you correct these problem? he will speak better?

Wow, that's good. The website din say can be done on the arms. Okay, 20-30% sounds good to me. I'm totally not interested in lipo.


Did you find out what are the possible complications and cons from doing the surgery? Take your time to decide on it.

Any side effect? Wat r e risk involve? Wat if dun do e op, can e kid outgrow? Not tt I discourage, I jus Thot need to find out more decide to do op.
Cos e way YE throw tantrums n cry sometimes u wld really hv Tot someone died
Ter was once she kept going 'Barney.... Barney...... Bar...Née.....' n I Tot Barney died

Haha cold dun swim, no one look aft meimei dun swim, hot dun swim.. Which is why till Nw I status quo

U sound like u decided to go for e ops?
Is tt Wat e PD encourage too?

I wil try to surf Disney 29
When u submitting order?
My meimei also like to piak my face w her hands
Then put her hands inside her mouth n dig
Then gorh saliva on her face

Is it really tt sahm can't be meimei?
But cannot b leh, Rr said her fren sahm also meimei n put on makeup every day de
hahaha!! Your sense of humour ... :p

There are quite abit of issues with my partner. I was like going to "war" everyday, tiring. So I'm pulling out of the business. Had been working from home for the past 1.5 mths and settling things now. I had found something and starting work next week.
An "accident" just happened. We heard a very loud bang against the wall in the room, dashed in and saw Reyden touching his head in tears and Reyes' tongue dripping blood. :S

They said Reyden knocked the back of his head against the wall. Reyes knocked her mouth against the wall too. Huh?? But no bruise on her nose or mouth, only a cut on the tongue. Both got a scolding then 甘愿乖乖睡觉。I still don't understand how it happened. haiz ...
It's lidat de
Meimei n YE also can play n whole day dun zzz
Then tey go bonkers n wil land up one person fall down or one person cry
Then wil gam2 guan2 go zzz

Where's ur workplace?
need to do OT?
wa rr
good to work so nearby
you are lucky then if no OT
most jobs would require you to
not to mention bosses travelling and phones ringing in the weekends and nights
I might be required to travel in future but not so soon though. Ya, think half the time, the director I'm supporting is not in SG.
Boh zeng hu. :p
hmmm ... I guess even so will only be during working hours. Cos everything is highly confidential there so I won't be able to bring anything (including work. :p) out of office. haha!!

Reyes' bleeding stopped. Will monitor Reyden's knock though. :S 2 monkeys ...

RR: all the best in your new job. how is the working hrs like? sounds like a nice good new environment, hope you enjoy your work there.

BTW maybe reyes teeth srapped her tongue when she bang on the wall, thus the bleeding?

SQ: watson sale started.. hehe ok i go stock up on saturday.
Starfruit, Giolyn, Huingee,

ya, I saw a small cut at the side of the tongue then she was complaining about pain when she took breakfast just now.

My working hours is 8.30 - 6pm, should reach their ccc by 6.20pm. Their dinner time will have to be push back a little.

Hey, I went Nex again yesterday and got the wassants. :p It's very soft and has the chocolate taste compared to the ones at Four Leaves.
RR: yes yes provence ones are the best.. IMHO lah.. which is why they are so much more expensive. yes they are very soft and very yummy! after trying the rest, i just gave up cos Rae only wants the one from provence. her mouth damn fussy man! u should try the plain ones (Yellow) i prefer to buy a mix pack cos i like the plain ones. Kaya ones (in light green are so so only). hey is the promo still on?

think can ask reyes to gaggle with salt water if she is ok with it. to min infection lah.
actually the price of wassant is the same for four leaves and provence. Both is 60cents each as compare to the ones from toastbox which is 50cents each.
Gaggle with salt?? She's so xiao jie, think will kill her man. :p

Ya, 5 for $2.80. Luckily it was odd number so I could coax them into giving me the odd one out else I won't even get to taste it at all. Haha!!

nearest is AMK KOI but not exactly near too. I'll miss my bbt!
giolyn: provence ones are more expensive.. provence is 10 for $7.. so its 70cents for one.
now provence promo 10 for $6.30.

RR; gargle with salt water lah, put a little bit salt so its not so yucky.. hehehe.
RR: no more promo? it was going for 10 for $6.30 leh.
I have never bought in 5 before, i alwasy buy packs of 10 cos everyone at home wants a piece!!!
giolyn, no leh, they never increase the price, it has alwasy been $7. when was the last time u bought? i suspect the outlet u went priced it wrongly.. hehehe. for the longest time, i have been buying it at $7.. heheh
the last one i bot was from vivo, but i think it was at $6.30 cos i notice my change is with coins with the change after $10. But i rem it as $6 cos it was featured in Strait times and also i rem i bot it at that price as well. sighh... so exp to eat a pc of it. sob sob.
Oh ya! I saw the 10 for $6.30. Still have. But 1st time trying so I got the pack of 5s. Think I'll go again tomorrow to buy, hahaha!!
giolyn, i think prob bought it at the promo price. i think the promo started a few weeks ago.

RR: ya ya go buy, now promo very worth cos its 70 cents cheaper.. wha i sound so aunty with this comment.. hahha
good morning mummies

wassant talk? me on childcare leave today.. haiz ethan has been coughing badly for the past 2 days..put him down only he cry cos he cant breathe. Just got back from doc.

i happend to check my ac just now n noticed u hv trf to me for the bjorn. Tks..i m still thinking how to pass u le.

agree reyes is xiao jie but it's good cos girl mah, i rather my girl be xiao jie then tom boy... chloe is both tom boy n xiao jie :p

so envious of u n pink.. i m stuck in my job.. duno wat to do..haiz. pete is goin interview today , he wants to try his hand at another job.
belle, will u be seeing QQ again, if yes, can pass to her, she will transit to me. Check with RR next time u headed her way for a gathering,most time QQ will be there.
y are u stuck? u can try customer service in other companies?

u are officially the BBT lady...

i should be submitting order by end today or tomorrow.

i hope i can still surf the forum in the new job.

my job involves both sales & customer svc..dun think i want a job solely on CS.. CS is not ez well nthing is easy la. I will be getting my 10 yr award this mth.. wow i m so old!
