(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

i happened to read a chapter from a pregnancy book last night. It said that if you cannot feel the bb yet (some even after 24-28 weeks), another possible reason is the bb's position in the womb. Your bb might be facing slightly inside, hence the bb is kicking in the direction that will not affect you. Don't know how true it is, but no worry la.

I chose the antenatal class so early because if I go for the later ones, my hubby cannot make it for 100%. now, at least he can make it this weekend la. 20% for him.
Better than nothing.

Hi QQ, at the antenatal class, do all MTBs go with their husbands? My husband also cannot accompany me to every antenatal class as he is working shift, so dun no whether will it be awkward to go alone.
don't worry. I was also the ONLY one without husband. I work with the instructor if a partner is required. Front seat somemore. You will have the priviledge. I think its fine. A bit awkward in my first lesson though, very sad. However, afterall, we should make bb happy.
hey pax
so funny, we seem to be playing name guessing game. mine only 4 letters...LXXX...hehe. Dun tell me yours is Jolie???? Angelina Jolie!
could it be sierra? i like this name too..hehe. I just called the salon i went for eye massage, its called Velvety at Telok Ayer Street, they offer prenatal massage too. those working at Shenton Way can consider.
Hey QQ
no wonder, hubby must go with us, our greatest support during delivery.
QQ - were you at the 4.30pm class last sat? i was there too. dont worry la, there will also be one session down the road where i'll be going alone cos hubby will be doing some lecturing. I'll prob ask my younger sis to pei.2 wo.3 :>
haha ok i will be goin for my detailed scan tom to see bb's gender tom n discuss with hubby if she/ he can be super model :p (must see if she got long legs etc or not lol. Talk abt learning songs aiyo..the way i see my sis sing to my bb nephew i really pei fu, i m oredi thinking in my head alamak next time wat if i run out of songs to sing cos i only know baa baa black sheep & twinkle twinkle little stars!! my sis can go on n on like a cd player kekeke..one moment is incy wincy spider..somemore show action to my nephew which he is able to pick up!

i dun mind goin for the hospital tour le..when u coming back? maybe we can organise one small tour grp for march mummies kekek. i rem. my gynae told me its abt 11am & another session at 2pm avail daily except sat or sunday.

pinky i m same as u 1.58m, also headache WHO will help me take care of bb after my maternity leave. Maid + relative/ infant care? wat..i really dunno n watever i tell hubby he just listen n keep quiet!! macham i m only the one thinking n he bochup sigh..i dun like to do last min thing i want to plan first too.

hi pax,
wat do u mean by engaged? meaning the bb's head should 'turn down' by this time?
No, my class is on sunday noon.

yalor,my fren visited me last sunday, with her 1.5 year old son. suddenly we just happened to sing "baa baa black sheep.." and this boy turned to me and smile, anticipating that i continue to sing. My goodness, i told his mum that i don't know how to continue, i only know baa baa black sheep. In order not to dissappoint the boy, another fren finished the song for him. Sigh! must really learn already.
ya, it's Jolie.. hee.. still trying to convince hubby on the name.. chose the name, bcos he likes Angelina JOlie. a lot of guys do. but he thinks that the name would give guys funny ideas.. :p is urs LARA?

eerr.. how to explain? it means bb's ready for labour, head down into pelvic area.
hey blurbelle
excited for your scan tomorrow! good luck! remember prince or princess sure very cute. i also heachache, my hubby says i settle home matters, he will do as i wish. today someone told me maid good, when i go out can help carry things. if someone watch over her, the couple can go out and spend some er ren shi jie.
hey pax..
hehe..jolie sounds very cute! mine is Leia, princess Leia, hope its not funny.
hey QQ
i just signed up prenatal massage at velvety - near my office, i prefer to go there than letting the lady come to my home, in case my MIL say its no use etc. its $68 per hr for 10 sessions. also sign up a small package for eye treatment, can feel tat im aging.
I got this info from my friend about the Hospital Tour.

Mon to Sun > 11am, 2pm

Mt A -
Mon to Fri > 2.30pm
Sat > 11am

Can call Gladys (Tel: 6347 6636) to make appt. (But not sure if she is in charge of appt for both Hospital or only Mt A)

And its best to go ard 28th week.

Hope this helps.
Gladys is fr Mt A.

pinky, not funny lah, Leia is a vv pretty name
u stay with ur mil? is it u whose fil & mil r not on gd terms? if mil cannot take care, best is for zi ji ren take care of bb leh. why is ur mil so petty? sorry abt my remarks, but jus my thots.
hey gals
anybody interested in getting the 3 books by Mrs Wong Boh Boi of TMC? the titles are Childcare, Breastfeeding and Childbirth. she encourages those attending her antenatal classes to get the books. i have an extra set. btw those signing up for FBI / SBI membership at TMC will get a set FOC. i thot i better ask u gals b4 i start a thread on the WTS section.
Good morning everyone!
My worst fears turned reality. I was down with fever whole of yesterday. Even today. No work for me, just concentrating on recuperating. Down at least 2 big bottles of water last nite and kept on peeing. It's like my system becomes super fast in process the water....throat is killing me and nose all blocked..signz

Pinky Pinky,
Leia is really a nice name. You know wat, if I have a gal I would name her Leia or Chantelle. I thot of the name Keagan for my bb but my hb doesn't like it and my best fren thot it was a Malay name. Hb thot of Dillon. Not decided yet. Maybe I combine the 2...Keallon or Digan..haha

Belle pepper,
Thanks for the update. Your appetite is back by now? When are you having your detailed scan?

Must share with us asap whether boy boy or gal gal. Really excited for you as well.

I went to your boy boy's blog. I remembered that you were having the same occupation as my HB and I showed him your photo. He told me that you look really familiar but he cannot be sure. He thot your name may be C.L. Did he get the rite person ;)

Yea, I agree, sometimes HB can also whine. I have been brought up in an environment where most of my cousins are all boys, I have 2 bros...plus maybe I studied in all gals school, such that I had a very different idea of men. Aren't they our heros who will save us damsels in distress? Whining and pining is for gals I thot? Hehehe...

I am happy that you found a more approachable gynae. I am really happy that I made the switch too. My gynae now is soooooo much more patient and answers all my queries. She also looks very young for a mother to a 5 year old boy and 2 year old gal. But your gynae had 5! Amazing!

Are you hoping for a gal or boy? I noticed that you seeing Dr. Wong too? She is really nice hor?

You mean that the kicks may be painful later on for some mummies? Your HB is a coach to national team? Just curious. You must be very active too.
giolyn, the kit that u bought to listen to bb's heartbeat issit called "bebesounds"?? me bought mine few wks bac from metro. But so far, not much progress leh.

My gynae let us hear our bb's heartbeat at my last chk up. It was v loud and fast...the sound of a horse galloping. my HB even recorded the sound into his hp. heee...wanna use it as ringing tone. He proudly told my parents dat "hey,listen to my bb's heartbeat"!! He abit siao siao sometimes.
Good morning gals...

Just wanna to ask you all a question. Have you all started wearning maternity cloth? I feel so weird. The tummy is not really too big or too small to start wearing. I am in a fix...cos most of my top cant fit already. As for the bottom, I have already started on the stretchable wear. like to hear yr view.
wah, i haven't got a name for my bb yet. Will wait till next check-up. I want to know my bb gender too.

Taysetsuri, I started wearing maternity wear 2 weeks ago. My initial attention was to get a seat in train since i am too tired to stand for more than 10 stops everyday. However, my mission failed most of the time. haha! Ya, i find it weird that my tummy is also not big enough to be shown on maternity wear, but its more comfortable. Old clothes are not suitable anymore. I'm so fat!
Olene, thanks for the info.

Blurbelle, seems like it is still early to go for the tour. week 28 better?

Tricia: I will be having my detailed scan on 28 Oct
cannot wait. Ya appetite much better thanks! U take care with ur fever ya. I think it is very terrible for MTB to be sick because we cannot take so many medication. Poor us. Have u taken panadol?

Taysetsuri: I wear only baby doll dresses and tops. I didnt but maternity top because to me they don look nice and after delivery i wont wear them. Perhaps u can try buying normal clothings of stretchable or looser cut?

want to share with all of u an article in the forum of straits times today on cord blood.

"I REFER to the article, 'Parents pin hopes on cord blood banks' (ST, Oct 12), on the rising number of parents who harvest their babies' cord blood.
As a mother and a childbirth educator, I feel that it is important that parents weigh carefully the risks and benefits of harvesting their baby's cord blood.

Cord blood should not be considered as 'waste', something to be thrown away if not harvested for storage in a cord-blood bank.

While it may be standard practice today for the umbilical cord to be clamped and cut immediately after birth, not many parents know that there are valid physiological reasons for leaving the cord alone until it has stopped pulsating and the baby's pulmonary and respiratory systems are working well.

However, clamping and cutting the cord immediately after birth is necessary for cord-blood harvesting. This action takes away 60-150ml of blood, about one third to half the total blood volume in a normal baby.

There are studies that show that babies whose cords were not cut immediately at birth show higher blood pressure, better oxygen levels and higher haemoglobin levels than their counterparts whose cords were clamped and cut immediately.

Delayed clamping, even for only two minutes, has been shown to boost iron stores in babies as late as six months after birth.

This is information that parents should be told if they are considering cord-blood banking. In the interest of allowing parents to make an informed choice, doctors should give them a complete picture of what it means to harvest cord blood.

Parents should consider not only the merits of each facility for cord-blood banking but also if it is even necessary or in their baby's best interests to clamp and cut the cord early just to harvest cord blood. "
*Hi Tricia - nope, i'm not active at all! other than occassional swimming, (lousy) tennis, and scuba diving, er, i'm not at all fit. In fact, i get giddy spells after jogging for more than 10 mins. haha... stamina very bad hor? Hubby's not with a particular team. he's with the civil service (can guess liao rt?) so selected national teams/athletes come to him for specific training. :>

I've been trying to get maternity swimsuit so that i can start exercising and get my body in 'shape' for delivery but cant find! the ones at Mothercare are out of sizes! anyone else has other suggestions?

as for kicks, now not painful, just quite irritating cos can be quite hard. last nite hubby experienced it himself. He put his hand, then ear on that area and felt it himself. Now he pities me. (this morning BB was the one who woke me up as well! aiyoh...!) He says he will buy me flowers cos i so 'ke lian' - but er, i've been hearing for the last 5 mths...?! :<

btw, i watched a prog on national geographic. at a later stage, some babies can kick mummy's ribs and send us ouching away! i'm so worried! better stock up on my classical music and buy my mp3 soon!
Taysetsuri, me bought maternity pants mths back cos all my working pants cant fit in. As for tops, i bought those bigger sizes instead of maternity blouses as i'm quite slim. But guess gotto start buying some maternity dresses as tummy is getting bigger each day.
hi pinkpink
its open everyday and the prenatal is done by 1 malay lady, so must book in advance. $33 is for wkday.. weekend i think is $36. cant rem exact rate. if wan e contact do let me kw. btw can u feel BB kicking? i am getting worried cs we cant feel
Tricia.... hope you are feeling better now. Have a speedy recovery.

Belle... thanks for the great info. Yes I think most people are not aware of this aspect.

Re: painful kicks. Yes the kicks are very uncomfy when you are in your 3rd tri esp when the legs are positioned near your rib cage. And when the baby stretches or change position... you can feel your belly bursting like a rubber band about to snap -.-""
hey pax
thank u
my parent in law are divorced, not on good term. she said she will disown my hubby if we let FIL look after our bb..sigh. im interested to get the books, how much is it?
Hey Tricia
drink more water, a lot of people are sick, very bad. i wanted to call my son Luke, so girl will be Leia (just like starwar) hehe. Dillon sounds very unique! I also like the name Aidan, the boyfriend of Carrie in sex in the city.
Hey Tay
i also cant fit into most of my tops, wearing looser ones which camouflage my tummy. as for bottoms, wearing existing skirts with are stretchable at waist areas, will get more when tummy becomes bigger cos now its like neither nil nor big, dun want to wear for few weeks then must buy bigger ones again..
Hey Kolar Bear,
i signed up at my 'salon' already...i can't feel 'kick' but once in a while can sense a 'ticklish' feeling at my left abdomen, could be kicking but bb still very small so feels more like tickling now...hehe. Im seeing bb tomorrow, so happy!
hye ladies
forgot to ask. will your hubby help you with chores like washing bb's clothings? i thought so but my MIL said its no good for men to help out with bb chores, is this true? she told me if i send to infant centre, after that still must do these chores and feed my bb at nite. come to think of it, how come my hubby and her cannot even help out with that?
Tricia, nope, my initials not C.L... i graduated fr NTU in 1999.

pinky, 3 books for $12
where do u work or stay? can meet up? PM me? i feel so sorry for ur hubby leh. tore betw his parents

veryberry, join the ON sprees. would be cheaper than buying maternity swimwear fr mothercare. i'm thinking of getting tankini, can wear after preg.
pinky, how come ur mil say things like that? my hubby does all the household chores, incl bb chores, except cooking and cleaning kitchen. why can't ur mil help? it's her grandchild leh.. u poor thing
she expects u to do everything on ur own?
Hi Pinky, I think your MIL is trying to protect her son, dun let him do housework, so tell u he cannot help with bb's chores. I'm not trying to affect your relationship but just analyzing...

I have friends who dun need to engage CL when they had given birth coz' their husband can cook, wash and look after the bb for them, so fortunate hor!
*pax, what's do you mean by 'ON sprees'? donch understand.

*pinky, what generation already?! man cannot help wash bb's clothes? it cant happen in my home. haha. hubby is quite supportive so i'm sure he will help out. althou the CL will prob be doing all that. :>
hey pax,
I'll PM you.
she said handling bb chores is no good for men, maybe the old pple are "bantang". She only told me these things and didnt mention of helping, think she rather I get a maid to help out in everything.
Hi Tayseturi, I have also started wearing maternity clothes coz' all old clothese can barely fit anymore. I wore a normal pant yesterday to work and all colleagues here all commented that i'm wearing too tight, so guess all old clothese got to keep and got to source for more maternity clothese.
hey pinkdaisy and veryberry
how i wish its just me and hubby, can do anything we want. CL can help for 1 month only, after tat, gotto settle on our own already. if hubby can't help, will be very cham, sure postnatal blues. nevermind I will talk to my hubby, dun care.
if my hubby is in town, then he will surely help to do all houseworks including washing clothes. He cannot cook so he will provide dabao service for me. he said he can help to take care of bb then i can cook, he wash and do all choppings, etc. So, i think modern men are not easy. He can also bath our bb (dont know how true). haha! come and think of it, washing is just putting clothes in washing machine, much easier than other housework.

I also want to go swimming, but i dun have swimwear. Maybe I should ON too!!
My fren who is already 7 month pregnant actually wore her bikini (2 piece) to swim. Amazing. She said save on swimwear, and she is okay to show her tummy. I think she went to private club for swimming, not public pool.
hey QQ
so sweet, i believe my hubby will help out if i ask him. just a little stress up when my MIL tells me all these, getting a bit worried about after delivery.
im going for a cruise the week after next, not sure whether to wear my bikini, company going. a bit shy leh...
bb clothes can wash using washing machine lah....just dun wash tog with the adult clothes and use detergent for baby clothes. Of coz, clothes washed in washing machine cannot last, so after some time, will have a lot of cotton-balls on the clothing. Then also get more pieces of clothing, so dun need to wash so often 'cos bb need to change v often. Hb can help to hang the clothes when they hv been machine washed
Actually, it is better to involve hb in babycare on the first day you are back from hospital. My mum and I made a mistake of not involving my hb with babycare at night, thinking that he shld hv a good nite's sleep (need to work the next morning mah). Now I suffer the consequences 'cos even if my gal cry v loudly at nite, he won't wake up
. My bro on the other hand was involved the first day the bb is back....can bathe for the bb and wakes up to pacify the bb at nite. My hb only learnt how to bathe my gal when he know that I'm preggie again....all along, I'm the one doing it, even when I'm sick
. So, first-time mummies, learn this lesson

For maternity clothes, I bought some online from motherhood (US web site). Those clothes on offer some only cost US$19.99 and below.....like them v much 'cos design quite unique and some material quite nice. Only thing is I used their international shipping instead of exploring vpost shipping. Their shipping v exp! But on average, add up still abt more or less same as what we pay here lor
Pinkypink.... aiyoh... tell your MIL we are no longer in those good old days when men are the breadwinners and women stay at home to take care of the house. If we are bringing the bacon home together with the men... the men jolly learn how to cook the bacon with us in the kitchen ;) My MIL is probably trying to protect her bao-bei son.
Don't worry, by the time your bb arrives, your hb should know what to do to reduce your workload. He won't bear to see u doing everything alone.

MIL? sigh! most of them are like that, but not all. Don't bother about what they say. Fyi, I've expected that i will be alone and doing lots of thing by myself. so, I bought a dryer in addition to my washing machine. I save the trouble of hanging clothes now. So shiok! Heng ah.
I had my detailed scan today and bb is normal. Bb is a gal! Hb is disappointed cuz he wanted a boy but I told him that he will end up loving a daughter more than a son. Bb must be a gentle gal, never kick me much.

Sometimes I also feel the "carry a water filled bag" in my tummy feeling, I think it is caused by bb rolling around. She is in the tranverse lay, that is why my tummy is so small looking. I think she likes that position very much, everytime scan is in that position. Today see her yawning, hee hee.
Hey Pinky, I am sure your hubby will help u with chores lah. Afterall, making a baby involves 2 persons, so the chores should be handled by 2 also!

I am one of the lucky ones where my hubby will do everything for me, cleaning the house, washing and cooking. I am thinking of printing out the menu for those confinement caterer and then get hubby to cook my meals according to the menu. My hubby is the type that likes to cook. I really thank my lucky stars for a hubby like him!

Hi Mejo, glad that your bb is fine. Hmm, what's a "transverse lay" position?
hey blueberries
my MIL said bb clothes cannot be machine-washed, no good. My SIL dun use washing machine cos she has maid mah. damn sian.

Hey Mejo
congrats! princess is sweet! i cant wait to see how she can melt my hubby's heart when she's out cos my hubby is completely helpless when he sees kids now. wat is tranverse lay? cross-position?
any reason why it cannot be machine wash? all my clothes are machine wash now. There is a "handwash/delicate" function for some machines.

ya, true. my hb also said he is drooling whenever he sees babies. I also drool.. ha!!
wah, QQ....your decision to hv a dryer is a good one
. Too bad I can't hv a dryer, no space to put

yah lor, pinkypink...why cannot machine wash? I've been washing my bb clothes using washing machine since birth. She's almost 2 yrs old now, nothing happen...no allergy reaction to machine washed clothes. Aiyah, we must learn to make use of modern technology to help us, otherwise can die ah....must go out to work, must do housework, must take care of bb and no maid
. If got maid, then can use hand wash lah...must give maid things to do mah, otherwise maid will b quite free lor
Hey QQ &amp; blueberries
she said no good to machine-wash cos mix with other clothings..not sure also, maybe its about allergy, but im more afraid tat my bb will be allergic to her cats' hair.
my hubby dun drool, he's helpless, in the sense tat he doesnt know how to react to kids, or even carry them.
ok, i'll just machine-wash, hearing her dos and donts just make me pek chek.
HI BB, I think mine is called Bebesound. Yah when i heard it over at gynae side, it is galloping. Last nite i tried to use it again and I think can hear. I like one series of sound. Not like our heart where u can hear "tup tup" for one heart beat. I presume that is bb heartbeat. Maybe just monitor first lor.
my dryer is installed abov emy washing machine, not much space is required.do far so good. i like it.

i agree that cannot mix bb clothes with others. Aiyo, cat's hair ah? then I dun know.
Hi all...

Glad that all of us are feeling fine and better..No more MS..heee..

I'm in my 20 wks.. did my detail scan his mth...can see the gender of my baby..it's a baby boy...

is it normal to feel baby movements at about 20 wks coz i feel my stomach moving, not sure is it becoz of the baby moving, or is my vein that is moving...heee...

First time, so a bit blur...hahaha... :p
giolyn, guess we bought the same kit.
ok wil try to test and hope can hear bb's heartbeat soon.

pinkypink, i think machine wash can lah but dun mix bb's clothes wif other adult clothings. And oso use detergent meant for bb's clothes...think KODOMO brand is one of the popular ones.

Mejo, princess is gd. My Hb wanna a princess but in the end the scan showed its a prince. Now he grumbles everyday dat i owe him a princess.

hee QQ ya lor must go learn from my sis or watch those kiddo programs on kid's channel!

pax, tks i think i know liao..most ppl will say if the head is 'down' oredi. i think its the same meaning as 'engaged'

pinkypink tks!
indeed its a very long wait i waited for almost 1 hr for the scan le, till i m quite impatient n go ask the nurse. my hubby poor thing work OT till 4am, sleep at 5am i hv to wake him to acc me to hospital at 9am. my scan took only 30 mins hee bb is very active &amp; it's a PRINCESS! kekeke..elated cos bb is healthy but hubby seems disappointed
think he bonded too much with my nephew liao wants a son of his own arrgh. now i can focus my attn on pink, white n flowry dresses! &amp; hair band ! hahah chum i m goin to go bonkers with all the cutie stuff! hanor MAID...or no maid got pros n cons..my this problem HAVE NOT solve yet. sigh...hubby still didnt mention anything
so u goin to engage one? urr how come ur hubby cant help with bb's clothes? i find nthing wrong esp not asking him to wash ur panties! i also heard bb clothes best not to mix n wash with adult clothes cos we perspire more n bb skin is very fragile n sensitive dat's why need to wash separately.. did ur mil tell u the reason why?

yeah dr wong, yes she is very pleasant &amp; approachable
i ike both boys &amp; girls la..so i m fine with both

bellpepper yeah abit early to go, tom i m visiting a colleague who just gave birth today i go peep duno wat kinda rm she is staying in hee. pls update the table for me IT'S A GIRL! tks!
