(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

Ya loh, raining hor. Lucky it didn't rain long. We still went Nancy kitchen in heavy rain, better, no need to queue.

No need to bring toys for my kids, cos got iphone, then got tv with disney channel. Also at jonker walk we also bought some simple toys like pick up sticks. The kids enjoy it.

QQ, I get a headache just reading abt your BIL, MIL... you're really v good.

Pink, count me in for the scale too!

Ash, I usually give med if the ear temp is above 38...
so qiao. I didn't come in office yesterday and I caught the YOG torch relay at my place too!
Think for my side, they were running to Serangoon stadium.

I want to buy the black one with words weighing machine from you. Please reserve one set for me, thanks.

Shouldn't bathe in cold water when there's fever. The cold water is only when fever is uncontrollably high and done in hospital. At home, bathe in water slightly above body temp or body temp. Cold water cause the blood vessels to contract so they can't lose heat out of the bathe. Same thing with sponging. Sponge with warm water only and let evaporation of the water bring the heat away.

You can make the med cold and it will be more palatable that way.
i remember kkh dr told mi tt max cold is onli using room temp water... Any colder not good for them? so is true lor.... Without dr green light don use ice cold water...
tks mommies for ur feedback. i feel more assured now. called home just now n he sounds chirpy again. he also said he ate rice w fishball

SQ: he used to hate sponging last time, but this time was ok. he is ok w my reasoning for sponging.

mejo: i also read that if bathe or sponge in cold water, will cause temp to rise even higher. but last nite cos his nose bleed, so i use cold water

QQ: reasoning n bribing all dun work. my colig suggest i mix med in ice cream n re-freeze next time. keke!!!
Ash, Mejo, Yvonne,
oh no, no, my cold water is as in normal water from tap, didn't on the heater. That one not considered ice cold bah, can?
yeap. i asked the kkh dr the same things when teng had 40 degree fever from middle ear infection.. this is what she did.. she wet two pieces of cloths with warm water. and place it one in front of his chest, the other one on his back.. then removed.. 'air' teng for a while'.. and repeat.. so it is the evaporation which mejo is talking about.

didn't read archives.. i read QQ's story of her kumpung till blur.. then suddenly like a mass of words to me liao :p

huingee: tonight. the touch is coming to my school. hence u see it enroute.. 7pm it shd arrive here. v funny. coz i was telling miser.. scali dun ahve pple around? :p
then they have free syog tatoos and fans.. later i bring teng go walk up and down in fron to them. see if they will give us any :p
im also trying to be closer to leia nowadays, will be planning to bring her out alone.

leia dislikes my MIL now bcos MIL scolds her and can be very fierce, so this gal refuses to sleep in my MIL's room and she rather slept in my room alone (when both mr tan and I were not around). I was told that she went to sleep with rina during 1 of the nites.

sooo...my mum complains that MIL too fierce to Leia while MIL tells Mr Tan that she wants to discipline Leia..2 very different elderly.

i dun like to give med unless leia is really feverish but i will definitely let her drink med before she sleeps. once in a while, i will wake up to monitor and paste fever pad on her head. I wont wake up up to drink med becos she wont.

<table border=1><tr><td>1</TD><TD>Shannie</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>RR</TD><TD>Red </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>Ash</TD><TD>Red </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>Moogen</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>Mejo</TD><TD>black </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
oh, ok, noted on that. I will use warm water if it's at night but I thought if it's a warm day can just use tap water.
must mix abit of warm water if weather is cold ba... Sometime i find tap water also veri cold...

he will swallow during slping? My gals sure gag if i feed them when they are sleping... Den make it worst... Cry till whole blk can hear... Machiam feeding them poison... So cannot... Feed normally ok... They love med...
u bringing teng to rp? nick don allow mi to bring them to see.. He say sure veri crowded. Later lost them... He is wierd.. I think i will just go down my blk to feel the excitment... Lol... Hope it wont rain later... I can hear thunder...
my sky here v dark liao

yvonne: i'm nt sure if he will gag, i nvr tried la, just tot abt it. oh ya, i add the med inside milo, also cannot :p
last time i tried adding into their milk and porridge... Failed... End up they reject the food... So i scare liao... And don noe when n y they now like to take med... They think is like sugar syrup.
My colleague interested in buying a second hand Ameda electrical breast pump. Anybody selling your pumps? Hers broke down...
I will tell them if dun listen to dr, dun take med cannot recover and cannot go to school or go out to play. Normally they will listen.
My office suddenly darkened, think going to have big downpour. And I can't remember if I had close my windows before I left home. :S
i like rainy cooling weather.. sunday went out got burnt, weather super hot, mon also v hot cos we went to catch parade, so its a nice break from the humid weather la. now coughing n lost my voice cos heaty
pink: my gal siao siao one.. got one day i went back home.. suddenly she will tell me she love me.. sometimes i go back hug also don't 1.. tt day suddenly she say wana slp in my room than i say ok loh.. bt back to square one again.. sometimes i thnk she alot of choice cos we live next door.. so can walk here n there..
astro, not important one. just follow the shopping spree posted by pink. u wannabuy the weighing scale with fat content features ?

huingee, eh pouring now woh, how they run from your place to my place?

kelley u try first then come back report. dun use those words anymore. dun even mention mil if u can. then she wont go back. make it fun!
qq &amp; huignee: ok.. i try.. i can don't mention MIL she will remind herself.. i thnk i over did it to her.. time to mend her little broken heart.
mine too. once in a while, will happy happy tell me she loves me but most of the time, she loves papa when papa is around.

do u know that she still chases after me and grip my top when she sees papa and mama hold hand from a distance away from her?
My colig said children are a piece of white piece, many things they said because of what we said. Like i told her another day Dylan i wanted to help Dylan something then he said mummy don't know. She asked me did i said that before. It's true, i said i don't know to him. Hence he said i don't know. Actually i know but i said i don't know as i don't want to on the game for him.
pink: at least she chase u loh.. my gal simply ignore now. ahaha

huignee: ya loh.. i thnk i show her my temper when i m angry with her not listening and she learning it.. do u thnk it's eraseable??
yvonne: no. coz.. by that time that boy should be at home.. honestly. i not very hyped up on the touch rriving here .. :p

ash: with clothes on

QQ: dun want lah. later see liao. my own fat content ..sink into depression..

huingee: they will arive at 7pm
kaexin: cos u more strict with her?? bt at least going out she wants u rite?? got 1 time i go downstairs.. she don't 1 2 follow wana stay home with MIL.. frustrating!
astro: cannot be as bad as me - i have more than 10 pple asking me if I was expecting the 3rd one within 1 week.

and i'm trying to lose weight somemore ... v depressing =(

confirm not P plate - tested twice liao and no painful boobs to boot.
sorry, slow in catching up on archive

QQ: with rgards to the SIL's BF staying over, i think she prob think that u won;t mind. under normal circumstances, won;t mind one, think cos u on confinement now and hormones a bit imbalance, so will mind. but at least basic curtosey to ask u first lah. I am sure u will say ok too. Cos he is like a son to him and he is also getting married with your SIL too, so kinda like family liao.
Actually, its a good opportunity to let your MIL know that should seek your opinion first before allowing him to stay the night. For this as well as all other new issues.

I also agree with Huignee, fix the weekend arrangement with BIL now, dun wait till she come then decide. Best to fit all these now, so no changing of mind when she finally comes. this mean that the first weekend MIL is here, she needs to go over to BIL 's house already.
I think u should also talk to your BIL's wife instead of just your BIL.

Actually no need prok ribs to cook soup all the time. can use chicken bones/carcasses. its very cheap and very very tasty too.

Autum: my MIL also likes to go SC market. the other wet market she visits is the one at Hai nan Yuen along lor ah soo. do u go there?

Giolyn: Milk should be in already. the reason of her low milk SS is that she is feeding bb too much FM,thus they dun suckle well enuff to stimulate for more milk production. ASk her to stop the FM, and do full latching on demand. so dun at the time. latch every 3 hrs if possible. it takes up to 6 mths for milk supply to stablize.

i think i also need to start keeping track of my monthly grocery bills. I know each trip we make to NTUC, we will spend about $50 -$70
SF, the problem is every time after she take the bb out after latching, the bb cries so bo bian got to feed fm. sighh.. poor gal cried. she feel she is depriving bb of milk whenever she see the bb drinking the fm so quickly. sighhh.. I told her latch bb first if bb cry then give fm. Advice my cousin to give his wife bian fang liao eg more milk plus capsule, fish essence, look up at kellymom website. Hope she dun feel too bad.
Giolyn, I think the milk ss is still being established. Like what star said, the more she latches, the more ss she'll have.
My maid chut pattern again. She said her uncle now said he can take care of her dotter now. But we've already got a new maid who's coming in. Actually this new maid was supposed to arrive last week, but there was some technical difficulties at the Phillipines airport. So her trip was postponed to dunno when..


astro, wanna join our slim down group? we go walk, with our kids. push strollers.

star, actually u really know me la. i will not say NO if they ask me for permission. in fact i am ok with that incident, i oni feel that mil going to qin1 zhan4 my territory nia. that feeling is more scary.
i know, huingee and u suggested that just do it. weekends just go there. but at the moment, that side not confirm OPEN yet woh. i will raise this again with bil.
i am unable to talk to his wife, though iam a good fren of her sister. i dunno how extreme she can be, and bil made it sounds so scary. lets see.

AAA, let her go! cause your new maid coming liao ma. if she stays, dunno if she will chut pattern after 1 month? 2 month? it is like a time bomb. never ending. by the way, is there any roblem with mom if we change many maids? cause my fren told me she got a warning letter. luckily now her maid ok ok.

huingee, i am also not v gian about the yog nrun. just tot if tian is back home, maybe can let her see see.
