(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs


Haha, good to think that way cuz then you will always stay young and cute. I do think I'm young too but I can't be cute though cuz my face is not the cute type. I look arrogant most of the time, haha. That's almost always the first impression I gave people.

Think he's ok.. He understands wan lor.. Now he can jokingly tell ppl tat he wun die so early liao.. The nursing home there is quite 'hot' leh.. My sil called up a few, all fully occupied. If not, gotta put on waiting list..

Thanks.. Yup, but b4 i left, i also feeel gd staying there, dun feel like coming back.. Now, I am back home, dun feel like staying there for long.. Dunno leh, mixed feeling..
its painful ah? my mil also said its painful too. hiaz, u know there'll be bleeding after scrapping? they cant open the eye to scrap if put her to sleep? anyway its really traumatic.

so she didnt eat thru-out the flight? so now u know how to prevent her from puking.
aiyo..i find this so controversial. there r 2 extremes and non of which will agree with the other.

i feel that it is easier to lose control with the hand. when we smack, usually we will do a series of continual smacks. whereas when i use a cane, i will limit it to 1 stroke. the impact is enough to make him stop whatever nonsense.

that said, usually i just need to threaten and he would stop. but when he doesn't, i usually flash the cane n whack once quickly. i do not do the negotiation with cane. cos if he can bargain, he will most likely do it a next time.

so far, naughty corner still works for seth. he is fearful jus by the words of it. heh. even when we r outside, i can threaten to leave him in any corner and he will behave liao.

one other thing i do to 'control' him is to 'tiak' with my fingers. with the cane and this, it is impt to hit the offending part of body...meaning hands do wrong, hit hand... blah blah... like that then they can understand i feel.
Yup, she din eat.. But after we checked in our luggages, she said tat she wanna eat something, so just got her hot chocolate n a muffin. But on the last flight, she also din eat, just tat when the food was served, she just puked.. So i guess she knows wat makes her puke now..
Welcome back.
At least there is someone to take care of your fil at the nursing home.
Last time Esther puked in plane, my niece puked in the boat. What they puked is the pokey or yanyan biscuit which is chocolate favour. I think chocolate will not them puke. So maybe try to avoid give them food with chocoate.

Welcome to our thread too.

I also have 2 kids, one is mar 07 and another is oct 04.
Same notti corner works for my kids and my thunder shout.
Also derprive them of computer games or daddy's iphone can also control them.
haha, i have a feeling that if i use cane, i will do a series of continual "caning", instead of a series of continual "smacks". So basically no difference for me! hahaha.. but i feel that smacking, the damage is not as bad as caning.. if both are a series of continuos "action".
Hi Kat, welcome to our forum. This is the most happening forum, really!

Autum, I can do the collage. Just send the photos to my email.
Nana: Tiff is v pretty. She looks a lot like you.. Like a mini-me..

Pax: You got swollen eyes? I felt my eyes itchy last few nights. THen I quickly put eye drops. Now ok liao.

Re cane or use hand:
Both can get out of control. This is my analysis..
I find losing control happens right at the moment. At that instant, any weapon can become "deadly". Since the hand is always handy, it can be quite bad when used on the child.

With the cane, at least we have to go fetch it. And the act of fetching it would already remove the anger somewhat, so it's not as "deadly" as the cane.
BUT with the cane, the person using it won't feel any pain, with the hand, can feel pain wor.. So even if lose control, will have to stop due to the pain inflicted on oneself.
So what's the conclusion?
Use the cane, but try to "forget" where the cane is placed so that time is needed to locate it. This will allow some time to simmer off the anger.. Wahahaha..

Kaexin: Did you send me the code? Didn't receive leh.

Oh and also, if use the cane, on the way to the cane, the kid also have time to stop what they are doing and apologise.
And that time I actually cut a cane and bought it to Japan during our trip there but in the end, left it at the first hotel we stayed at. Lucky YT, haha.
AAA, Nana
I had conjunctivitis during cny. Happened quite suddenly.

It's a diff country mah. Everytime I come hm after a trip, landing at changi, a lot of 感触.
Re: Cane and smack

I think it also depends on individual experience. I used to get lots of caning from my dad when young and till now I HATE the cane. So for me, I prefer to smack than cane. And AAA is right about ourselves will feel the pain when we smack so at least things won't get too out of hand when we smack.
cane and smack topic today.

for me.. i find both are 'acceptable' because what matters is the intention here. if it is to educate the child, then no diff, both can be used. but it is becoz the adults have lost control of themselves and let anger overwhelm them, then neither will do.

the best is those, 'come i hit u for what u have done wrong'.. use the smack or the cane, and punish.. and that's it, no anger in the parents, child get punished for the wrong act.. and not because the parents let anger overwhelm down till that the onli thing that work is the cane/smack and they keep whacking so as to 'cool down'..

i have a fren who claimed he does that to his girl lah....one stroke/smack to punish and no anger .. etc..
wah.. then i think that is what i emulate.. but of course, i hear nia, he says nia. never get to witness.. :p
there was one fine day.. (have i posted here before..hmmmm dun think so.. ).. i was pissed by miser late returning.. and had insufficient sleep till i had a massive headache the next morning.. already rushing to work and agitated liao. this teng still , as usual.. give me his i-dun-wanna-go school nonsense.. normally i will ignore him.. and matter of factly go to school.. that morning.. i actually smacked him on his face! :S and then i immediately felt apologetic coz.. he has been like that all along. and only that day i smacked him.. the intention was not to punish. but coz i lost control of myself and let anger get to me.. wah that day. i guilty for the entire day.. and it was onli a v LIGHT smack on the face :S
mummies, i detest cane and i hate hitting. When I was a child, my dad caned me a lot. I can still remember waking in sweat, cos i dreamt he hit me. I don want this to happen to Kira so i will never cane her. I will punish her by taking away sth she really treasures like her teddy she needs for sleep. Or no TV for the next 2 days. But once she shows improvement, I reward immediately to motivate her. Like crossing the road, she used to run across the carpark from her school without waiting for me, I yelled and scolded so many times, it never worked. Once, I asked her to walk back to school and come back to the spot where I want her to wait for me. I did this with her a few times until she stop at the exact spot where I wanted her to be. Now, she never run across the carpark anymore, she would run to the spot and wait there for me.

It takes longer to have the result than caning, caning and hitting is instant result but maybe damaging in the long run, I don know!

I've also realised that she started yelling at other kids, she got that from me. So imagine, hitting her, she will think that hitting is fine and she'll hit too later. What we want our kids change, we have to first change our ways.

Sorry, for the long preaching!
I just transfered $22.19. Thanks! Realised that u sent to my netscape email and i dun check that very frequently now. :p

Any buses going your way?
i guess my mum is a really good disciplinarian. she used the cane when necessary and i grew up well. and it's one of the main reasons why i think the cane works.

we can see different extremes here. parents who uses the cane resulting in the kids hating it. and others who use and have their kids agree to it. it's almost like sahm and ftwm. those who had ftwms will grow up wanting to be sahms and vice versa.
hey, sorry cant mail you the code, going to order some more things since my PIL said get some bottoms for K. let me know if u want me to order for u instead.
the discussion of cane/smack not so serious like the SAHM/FTWM discussion la. :p

Actually i am neither for or against cane/smack. I think both can be equally bad or equally good (for disciplining). I think the key is to know ourselves.. like i know i will lose-it more, if I cane.. vs. someone else who may lose-it more, if they smack. So between the 2, we just choose the lesser evil? kekekekeke..
mummies anyone interested?
they having 40% discount till end March, I have 2x300pgs book, wanna gather more book to neg for further discount. pls do let me know by this week if you interested.
i want ON if u hv slot. else nevermind

Cut-Out Applique Bodysuits for Baby
color: pretty in pink (18-24mth), true blue (12-18mth)
USD 4.99 x 2

Dog graphic slub bodysuit
size: 12-18mths and 18-24mths
USD 12 x 2

Bright puff-sleeved bodysuit
color: purple royale and aqua
size: 12-18mths
USD 10.00 x 2

Morn mummies.

Anyone gg to suntec Kidz Academy fair tis weekend? I hv reg for both darius and ah bian for the trial class. I guess it will be real crowded.

MIL told me over dinner yday dat SIL's #3 high chance of BOY again. Wow kaoz...meaning i gotto try for a gal. Dun believe we cant get a gal...wahahah!! But i wont wanna hv #3 now..will try in another 2-3yrs time.
mejo: i missed your sms as well.. paisay again. hey next time u call me direct lah. cos ssumthing i cannot hear my phone.
Did the nurse check her eyes when u say she was blinking hard? i asked nurse about lazy and squinting eyes, she immeiately took atorch and check and tell me no problem.

I also brought rae to her 3 yr old check up today. she is 12.8kg and 92.5cm tall!! nurse also say she is close to 50%tile, nothing to worry. all her development is fine. she reminded me to book appt for 4 yr old.. must know how to identify a set of alphabets which she has stapled on my booklet.

She went swimming yesterday and i only noticed she kena sun burn when we came back, both her arms are red!! i should have paplied more sun block for her sigh!

dreamgal: dun use rubberband to shoot moon leh.. sound a bit cruel leh. can u just smack her hands instead?

i als dun have cane at home, so far only wack her on her hands if she is very notti. but i prefer hands to cane cos i think i will wack harder if its cane!

Astro: alamak, poor teng, dun smack face next time ok, just hit the buttocks.

nana: nice photo of tiff!

giolyn: i like the specs, and ur office environment looks nice.

re: Disney on Ice,
Who is going this sat at 11am??

Ash got your orders.
The ABC Book of Singapore
Price: $10

1. star x 2
2. CK x 1
3. RR x 1
4. Germaine x 1
5. QQ x 3
6. Astro x 1
7. Joelle x 1
8. Pinkpink x 1
9. huingee x 1
10. Autum x 1
11. magsmum x 3
12. shannie x 1
13. edde X 3
14.Kaexin x 1
15. nana x 1
16. pax x5
17. Juni
18. Ash x 3
Total: 31

Kat: For ABC book, you can go to this page and see

Posted on Monday, March 15, 2010 - 12:14 pm:
I didn't reg for trial class as will not be bring them to any of the classes. Also this weekend busy for me, sat got company family day then sun going to Disney on Ice.
BBmarch: what classes have u reg for?

Huignee: I was looking around for a minnie dress (red with big white polka dot).. wanted to dress rae up as minnie mouse on sat.. but no lucky finding the dress leh.
Last time Esther got a Miinie t-shirt and skirt set from hb's fren. Not really red with big white polka dot. But see liao will know it's minnie. I forgot still at my cupboard or passed to friend/QQ liao.
:p, didn't let Esther wear at all cos like no occasion.
you are so goot lat like ck. will dress your daughters according to the theme

you just let her wear minnie headband bah

where did you go for the 3yo assessment? polyclinic or pte doc or PD also can?

i din noe you will hit.
you know there's this shop in united square which sells mickey clothes rite? can go there today to buy. or any major dept stores where they have a mickey section also can
re: caning

i agree with everyone that to use or not to use is subjected with ur level of comfort and what works on the kid. sometimes when we smack with our hands, the kid may associate our hands with pain rather than with love (as in hugs) that is why i choose to use the can. as what astro and joelle says, yes, just ONE BIG FAT STROKE on the buttocks with no anger, pain inflicted as punishment for the deed done.

i think when i cane, the ultimate aim is to instil discipline, not just with the various acts itself. as in when i tell Mag that she is not suppose to do something, she is to obey, regardless of what that something is.
i used to be a barista at various cafe while schooling, and i always dreamed about opening a cafe... sigh... =)
SQ: i went to polyclinic.. its a free assessment. i think u can go PD if you want.
she has her minnie mouse fluffly clip on ears from disneyland.. i will let her wear that.
hey u go doing for disney on ice this yr?
magsmum: yeah, rae can recognise all in CAPs and most in lower case.

SQ: i tried liao, i tot easy to find, maybe now minnie dress not in trend.
maybe our market small, difficult to find minnie per se. maybe just the minnie t with pants?

oh polyclinic? is the checklist in our health booklet? we cant check it off ourselves? (read: lazy bum)

not gg this year cos hb say meimei still small. so got to skip one year. sigh.
kept forgetting to add my name:

The ABC Book of Singapore
Price: $10

1. star x 2
2. CK x 1
3. RR x 1
4. Germaine x 1
5. QQ x 3
6. Astro x 1
7. Joelle x 1
8. Pinkpink x 1
9. huingee x 1
10. Autum x 1
11. magsmum x 3
12. shannie x 1
13. edde X 3
14.Kaexin x 1
15. nana x 1
16. pax x5
17. Juni
18. Ash x 3
19. SQ x 1
Total: 32
Germaine: U looked really nice with the specs!

Starfruit: I would like to have the book as well, pls include me.

Wow...tis is really the most active thread when I see the no. of threads posted....

Belle: I stayed in SK compassvale street.

Caning: I dun like tis ides as I was caned by my parent a lot when I was young, but must confess during my maternity, I was so angry with my elder when he dun listened to me, I smack him....and I felt so bad. Maybe I was having a bit of post-natal blue then, I reminded myself I will not do it.....

no! i kept forgetting to check on hb cos he was tasked to buy! i'll get it myself this weekend. it's available at kiddy palace/popular?

my elder also got on my nerves during maternity. that's why i hate maternity period
