(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

ash: ha! then i need to ask if fat means not growing well?
well teng lost quite a bit. i felt his thighs. no longer there.. seemed like the fats mirgrates to yh! ha.. hey. take a look at the 3 years old assessment in ur healthbooklet.. got questions for u to answer. if ur answers to the questions are positive.. asher is growing well. and i think he is .. he is just slim.. ur genes lah

RR: any gd recommendation for toys suitable to bally's age?
ok. roger will check out metro..

QQ: read up ur post on purple train. oh my they so jialat? gosh. i think the principal too rich liao lah.. so she anyhow liao. duh..
what time did jay go to purple train?
astro, PIS suction not strong? then freestyle is not as bad as it sound. you can continue your freestyle.

FYI. my sis lend my pump to his hb's cousin's wife(so complicated ah), then she said also din improve supply after pumping. so they still taking bm from my sis. but my sis is very ok with my PIS. she can be a good cow.

this am she called me, almost want to cry liao. cause somehow her baby eyes got infected and kept tearing, and got sai4. she said antibiotic for 1 week le, PD said ok de, will outgrow and will recovered.
but her mil said her bm is too heaty for bb, wanna give fm. so my sis gancheong and called me for assurance.
i feel like killing all mil now.
sorry for the vent!
and somemore my sis still happie and happie despite baby's eyes, cause she has bm, got baby.. then happie like a bird. now start to worrk, her hormones is back.
QQ: i didn' take kinderland that time coz i dun really feel gd about the place.. dunno why and i forgot why liao. hey. the 2nd session. tian can go without her nap.. will get cranky?
the guitar is Barbie design de. Fire engine left one and only one. :p As for guns alot, only $5 with foam bullets. The FP camera see my reply to YY. If I go again, I call you.

going off from there should need to call cab. I doubt easy to get cab there. I saw a few ladies calling cabs with their loots.

I could have gotten more things. Those I put in the box, he screened through and put some back! Then the worse thing was we spent $40 at the sale but we went for buffet at Jurong Point ($50) and got another swing car ($45) from Kiddy Palace. He said I should have just go alone. :p
ya, enrichment class - speech & drama is $45/mth. ILs ask me to stop dancing n send K for swimming class instead.
the kinderland i am neutral, but i dun like the childcare though. i just want tian to try if she is ok. for her, it is the peers and teachers that matters. and according to my colig, they have many activities to keep them occupied, so maybe it is good for tian. better than pcf bah.
2nd session, ok bah. tian sometimes sleep only at 3pm. this one got lunch there, also can see if she can adapt to cc next time.
anyway, back to tian, see if my hb likes it. wait for their updates tonight.
oh, Bally?? Lots of toys for him. All those FP toys that you can see at Kiddy Palace are selling at $10-$30 or $40. More worth it to go for those getting for #2.

Oh ya, and the swing and slide I bought to the chalet, they have it again, $90.
astro, RR
wat happen to the kids who dont sign up for the enrichment? stand 1 side and watch?

hiaz...got to ask mr tan, he sure say not necessary

your Disney PJ is here..the same one as Huignee's. how to pass to you?

i seldom latch. Enya gets very impatient nowadays, dun know wats wrong..milk not enough or too slow? nevermind..im very contented to have provided her some breastmilk for 2 mths...wahhaa.

as for your mid life crisis, once a while I also think abt wat I have achieved and what I can do in future...I'd already have 2 kids, so what esle can I do...daze daze. well, then i tell myself no pt thinking so much..forget it. hahhaa

as for Miser not picking up Teng at 530...thats quite early leh, i doubt full time employee will be able to leave office at 4plus? I've resigned to my fate and try to feel contented abt it. The compromise is that all work matters will be taken care by the man, all house matters taken care by me.
QQ: eh. might be leh! coz i tink the playgroup and kindergarten classes end at 1230 plus.. then after taht i dunno what they doing liao. might have enrichment classes.. and oh... cld they close earlier today because school hols next week? might be wor.

i think high/low bm might just be hereditary? ha. i wun konw. i wait for my sis to tell me then. ha.
funny to say bm heaty. i thought the general peception is fm is heaty? .. go cook up a white lie. or let the bb rejct the fm to show them he/she doesn't want the bm? ha..
astro, i also told my sis. fm is the heaty one leh. anyway, i think her mil tekan her now, that's y called me for sos. she asked pd, pd said bm is fine, not related de.
u see ah, if bb got problem they always blame bm de seldom ppl blame fm except constipation, right?
so purple train closed so early ah. wah!

RR, if u go alone, maybe your loot also $100 plus, cause kent helped u save some for the buffet and pak tor. haha!
he went with me thinking that he can "control" my spending. Who knows, wahahaha!!! :p

those that are not taking the classes will remain in their own class with the teacher. These enrichment classes are conducted by the outsourced people de.
RR: barbie design - no tks then. hmmm...ok la, when u go, managed to find things then call me. tks! u n kent always go buffet hor?

pink: i think i need to swing by ur office to pick it up. text me the amt hor. tks!
yalor, cos we always cannot decide on what to eat (he likes western and I like chinese food) so buffet can solve our problem. :p
Wa, one swing car not enough? Our swing car not bad, can sit another one behing. Sometimes they will play taxi taxi.

My fren also said the grand piano at $30 only. Must items very cheap. But i don't have time to go.
huingee, i also no time to go. recently too tie up at work. i think have to work a bit this weekend. cause until now i still cannot find a solution for my process. sigh!!! monday is deadline liao. otherwise today i also at toy sales. haha!

RR, one angmo and one chinese.
actually i think we als have problem but not often. but end up always go japanese instead.
RR, i also think that if i go i rather go buy toys.
but jay will prefer me to have meals, go pat tor with him rather than buying toys. he said a lot of toys liao. i ask him to go your house and see then can comment. haha!!! now u are my ding3 jian4 pai2. haha!!!!!

i really have no appetite recently. so i dun go buffet. otherwise i can go buffet now, wu hua leh!! haha!!!!!!!!! i am not yao1 gui4 at all.
i eat only 3 meals a day. bf, lunch and dinner. sometimes i puke out some of them too.
so basically i eat less than a normal person.
QQ: i think the kinderland 2nd session. the charge is v v high leh. coz of lunch inclusive right?.. well. share with us how jay feelsleh. oh btw, i asked the principal of LV again cz i got to know that my colleague's girl.. he decided not to let his girl go to LV coz he happy to just put her in a church kindy near his place.. but again she said.. full.. 'v long waiting list for all 3 nursery classes'.. oh well.. really hope for tian and teng to classmates.. haiz

RR: i see. ya i went search google maps.. seemed super ulu the place! i dunno.. what time is the sale open to ah?

pink: normally. or rather from what i udnerstand in teng's cc case. they have concurrent activities going on. in teng's case. they will cluster the two enrichments in one slot during one of their chinese lessons.. so the kids going for enrichment will be led to another venue while the reast continue with chinese lessons.. so they miss one chinese lesson .. but i ok with it lah. teng's chinese okok.. though not as pilifala as tian's :p

well. i feel slighted at work lah. opportunities passed by me.. coz of the stupid elepants'toes who i stepped on.that time well let it be. things which are 'tough' to do and adhoc.. then they remember me.. easy and more marketable (cum sustainable) things.. other pple do.. so i feel lousy. miser tells me.. be patient.. u always start from the lowest.. i dun feel happy because it is not because i am lousy but because i am genuine and cannot play politics and hence i am made to start 'low'? chey!
oh well.. we see how things turn out.. i count my blessings i seemed to have a new RO who bothers to fight for me these days.. more things coming my way.. but let's see how the whole thing plays out..

i think enya might have been used to the flow of the bottles hence she fusses at breast.. anyway. like u say.. and i have realised after receiving the good advice here.. no big deal. just offer as much as what we can give.. fm/bm. .. no diff at the end of the day..

and for miser. he is a director.. he worked till 4am plus for consecutively 2 days.. sleep till8am then go back to work next day.. he is possessed liao.. he has full control on how he wants to arrange his working hours.. but like i say and as we all know.. his arrangement never reflects the pirority of the family.. i tried to have ur compromise too but i realised ic annot simply because that is one thing i DUN want right from the v start.. so i am still fighting against it.. i'm silly.. i know..
the other one I got not functioning well, sometimes can move, sometimes cannot. This one I got can take 2 too!! Think better.
Ya, those grand piano, sit-to-stand giraffe, jumperoo, sit and learn chair, activity table all at 30%-50% of the retail price, very worth it. I hope their next warehouse can be somewhere nearer. :p

yes! We had buffet at Kushinbo (Jap food) just now, hahaha!!
i go an dpick teng up.. then buy him some good bread. then bring him to my cubicle. kekeke.. then i need to rinse the pump a bit. before bringing it home for ellie to wash else she freaks at the sight of the blood.. hahaha :p
i will text u if i happen to go TB...

i believe BM is hereditary.
u know wat massage lady told me? usually those with smaller breasts can produce more milk :p i dun know how true.
my girlfren said she pump and pump for 6mths regularly but she can only produce 100ml max per pump
yes, it's quite ulu, at those industrial area de. They are open from 11am to 5pm or 7pm (can't remember liao). The sale is on till 28th Mar.

with your appetite now think don't go for buffet 1st. Will be very xinku if overeat or indigestion. I think I didn't go for any buffet during the whole of my pregnancy too.
pink:hahha. that is so contary to what we perceived! but yalor. i got a fren. her kid milk monstoer.. she slim till bamboo like.. 39kg onli!.. hahah
she is a good cow. at oen time she pumps up to 200 plus per pump. in the bb early days somemore leh..
faint!! jap buffet.. then got chinese and western. haha!!

Astro, yes 2nd session slightly more exp, but ok la. cause we din even know if tian likes it. but they have singing, dancing, so quite ok with her bah. the pcf everyday sing the same song, tian said. so oni broght back 1 song and 1 national anthem last time. haha!!

as for miser, he employs a maid to assist, already a good move for him. he is trying his best to earn for the family.
at least $$ no problem.
RR: if u decide to go 2 second time. can sms me and let me know? so that i can request u to buy some for me lah. hahaha

QQ: earn for the family?ha.. the income is secondary to him lah. he is just over consumed by this self (or for that matter , wife and kids) consuming passion for his work. possessed lah as i said.

hahaha. so cute u say the pcf.. wah not exp? i find it v exp.. purple train was on par. and maybe more exp. but then again. the extra coz of food and i dun even know if got buffet quality for my teng or not if i put him in the 2nd session. then he sure go cranky for lack of sleep. so kinderland out for me then..
yes, yes, the other one I have can take adults too but don't move as fast as this new one. I just tried and it's very fun. :p
QQ: then u need to let me know in advance when u have time then i can take leave.. better hurry while still in hols.. ! ha.. ya. i shd just take the chance and keep lamenting i too eng.. once term starts. i will be occupied with doing 'second citizen' jobs again. chey.
astro, remind me again!!!

prob eng only on 22 march after 3.30pm.
see how.

my tian got play then can dun sleep de. nowadays we very cincai liao. and tian can dun sleep until 9pm at night some days. terrible but i know it is not good. but nobody can force her to do so.
hmm..mr tan also worked like miser..worked till 4am or even next morning. its like that, the boss has to shoulder a lot of responsibilites. wives like us are sandwiched, dun know to be angry or to keep quiet so as not to further stress him. Does he dedicate his weekends to the family? if so, maybe compromise a bit. dun think he enjoys working till that late. thats y we are the women behind the successful or "trying to be successful' men, just make sure they dun end up like JN!
It's a good buy, nowadays they seldom ride their coupe. Only ride this swing car, think end of the year i will clear off the coupe car. Last year i clear off their tricycle.
Oh it's raining.. No wonder.. I thought how come the trees' rustling sound is so strong..

Astro, Pink: Apparently, pumping til bleed is not uncommon and it's not caused by pumping too long. It's cos the blood vessels burst. Why they burst, I dunno.. But this time round, I've yet to pump til bleed.

Astro: Feedback from users is that the PISA has a stronger suction than the FS leh. How come you say not strong enuf? And funnily enough, my new PISA seems to have a much stronger suction than the old one. For the old one, I could seitch the suction til max, but for this present now, I only turn it 1/3 cycle only and I already feel the pain. *dunno why*

RR: I forgot to go to the sale today.. Haha.. Maybe over the weekend bhah.. See how..

Pink, Astro: If it's hereditary, then we're back to the theory that with BM, it's not a case of SS = DD?

Pink: You said pple with small breasts have higher SS, and you have not-so-high ss, does this imply you have big breasts?? And then the good cow QQ has small breasts?? Wahahaha!!!
No lah, my breasts are quite small also (when non preggie), my SS is not high.
pink: last weekend. he got called back. and 'wishhhh...' like the breeze. he's back to work.. so..?
well. when he is not being called back.. he is with me and teng and yh though. i shd be contented?
well well well.. maybe i shd go slim down. doll myself up.. then i be the femine version of jack neo?! ha.. he is giving metoo much freedom wor.. ha! talking rot liao..

I sold off their coupe long ago le. Kent says it's taking up too much space since they are not playing with it.
hmm..mine not considered big breasts ba...wahaha. err above average? I'd seen a bit of QQ's...not that small too..wahahaa
btw thats the massage lady's theory. i feel its hereditary :p to console myself :p

hey good that he calls back...mine wont call back, work means work :p ttyl!
So sian!
Experimenting making a flower using my dies, the flower turns out quite ugly.

Astro: Would you rather he doesn't work and stays at home whole day?

Pink: Hahah!
I'm pumping less diligently this time round too. I'm really tired liao.. Have been pumping for on and off more than 1/3 of the time in the last 3 years for my 3 kids now.. :p
Mummy, had a busy morning today.
845am: Bring Clyde to take sch bus in the morning.
1030am: Go NTUC buy disp plates and forks, collect cake
1140am: reach sch and cake cutting for Clyde
12.20pm: bring excess cake and goodie bag home
12.40pm: Go back to sch for meet-the-parent session
1.15pm: rush back to work.


Pink/ Astro, Cedric also work late till early morning the next day. But i know he enjoy his work. My concern is his safety on the road with lack of rest. Can't be angry due to work rite. But I just hate it when he likes to do his work in the bedroom with the lights on and everyone is sleeping.

We are going to have a mini celebration for Clyde in Sol with my parents and in law. Apparently my maid (VG) is sharing the same bday with him also. *faint* Astro i should another Twin for you. hahah ~~~
the way u put it is sooo funny..babies are really adorable. Enya is becoming "talkative", she loves to ee ee and orh orh with us :p

cedric doesnt work in his study room?

'hullo yiyis!'
hahah. teng besie me eating his bread.. heh
cute lah this boy.. keep saying 'it's nice.. the bread'.. as he eats.. then he flirted with the kopitiam vendors and make them gush over him.. hahah
