(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

I dun think my #2 has better motor skills, but are equally ok.
But I find #2 more independent, can play by himself and not so sticky to me.
Also the speech development will be faster than #1 bah. Dylan likes to follow what jiejie said.
Esther got angry sometimes cos he kept repeating all the things she said.

autum: mayb cos ur #1 is boy #2 is gal.. boy more daring ma.. hehe.. my #2 also slower.. bt once she start walking is not only 1 step.. is walk thru the hallway.. n her teeth grow in sets of 4!! haha.. she mch beta than her sista in motor skill only language.. slower..
each child is differnt, unique and special.
Their learning are influenced by the exposure/stimulating environment.

i am cham liao. tian said when she writes, mama must hold her hands otherwise she cannot write. i told her that she has to bring mama to school then, otherwise how? so dependent. and she took pen and ask papa to DRAW her name. not write, it is DRAW. maybe those chinese characters looks like drawing to her.
she doesn't have much confidence, which is not very good.

mejo, u very cham when young cause so many medical conditions le. then your hb worst la. as big as a palm. but seems like he is quite well fed la. your mil is steady woh. haha!!
I was as fit as a cow when young, but then when i am old, i am getting worst. so, i dun blame my mum never take care of me well cause i am not always at home. but hor, i did not know how to take care of myself, until now? hope it is not too late.
as u just post, each child is different and unique. Now our kids are all very young and they all have a long way to go. Even if they are smart/independent/healthy/pretty/handsome/etc etc.. NOW, doesn't mean they will be like that in future and vice versa.

So at the end of the day, we all be happy can liao. Happiness and health is most important!
Ya, every child is different.
Dylan cannot write just anyhow scribble. But he will tell he what he is drawing or writing.

Maybe Tian is perfectist, now she cannot write properly hence she wants you to help or guide her.
Maybe get those books with dotted lines A, B, C char to help her practise.
QQ; u mean tian tian keep writing at home ah.. ashlyn don't like to write leh.. prefers to draw.. i bot those dot books for ABC she will also ask me hold hand.. i realise she likes painting.. getting messy.. but don't like coloring pencils n pic! eheh
RR/QQ, now then I fully realise how bad Domie's jaundice was. just went to check his records and apparently, his was 347.
Pink: Hmm... I think a bit of both. I mean.. I believe one can observe and still fall off the bed when getting down. But I can't say for sure. Next time your #2, you tell me ok..

Huingee: Do you have to teach Dylan how to get down the bed or he observed from jiejie?

QQ: I also wish I have such a machine.. Wahahah!!!

Astro: Ayden's forehead was "cut". Erm.. Dunno how to describe it well. The gynae's tool (dunno what exactly cos I din see it) acually made a red slash marking across his forehead. The slash was no shorter than 3". It wasn't bleeding but it was clearly red. I got a shock when I saw it and questioned the gynae. The mark went off after abt a week or 2. So don't worry, as long as it's not a birthmark, it will go away.

Autum: Do you remember at what age EJ can do this? Yah, maybe the teachers were referring to this. I mean.. they've definitely seen and handled more children than we do for sure.
Actually whether our kids are smart/handsome/cute/fast etc or not, we'll be of course proud of them. And they'll be the best in our eyes. Don't you agree?

My MIL no time to do such things as take pics of her kids lar. She married into a big family and from day 1, she is expected to take care of her SIL and her whole family. She had to feed her kids, wash their clothes etc. that kind leh. Think her life back then was not very good.
QQ: At first I was thinking what machine you were talking abt. Cos I'm thinking of getting a SB machine at the moment.. Wahahah!!! When you mentioned it, that's the machine that came to my mind first. I was like, I haven't even bought, how come you already knew?!? Wahahha!!! So funny..

Oh YT always uses the word "xie" even when she wants me to draw or when she draws, haha. Think to them, taking the pen to do something is either to write or draw but they can't really differentiate between the two actions? But if she uses colour pencils, she will refer to it as colouring.


Speaking of birthmarks, everybody is forever asking me what happened to YT, did she knocked her head etc. cuz she got this cluster of very obvious veins in between her brows until now.

same lah... X also like that one, he wants me or my hubby to draw car, bus for him... we ask him to draw himself, he dun want... hold his hands to draw, he also dun want...

Anyway, i guess it's just his way of learning. Sometimes when he's in good mood, he will "draw" circles and tell me that it's bus.. hahaha

Actually when i first read QQ's post to you I also thought she is talking about the SB machine and I thought that you have finally bought it already! Then I scroll up and saw your post and realised that she is talking about a money printing machine, wahahaha.

The strange thing is, nowsaday, YT wants me to hold her hand to write things or colour things too but that is only if I give her those books with dotted lines. Last time she won't want me to hold her hands de. Even during LNT when I hold her hands, she will struggle and insist on doing on her own (which recently translate to anyhow draw :X). Actually I suspect that she is just trying to grab my attention? Cuz now I very busy studying and doing my thesis?
QQ, Mejo: It's a good thing they want you to hold their hands to write leh.. Anna refuses to let anyone hold her hand.. Of course if she can write properly, I won't mind.. But it's the contrary.. :p She likes to draw snake. Becos' any cuvry line is a snake to her and that's the only thing she can draw.. Wahahahha!!!

Mejo: How obvious is it? Have seen her pics but didn't notice anything. Yah lor.. I thot it was the SB machine.. Hahah.. So funny lah..

Pink: I think it's natural for meimei to want to follow jiejie..
Autum: Asked you a question at the SB thread. Have you used the zutter? How is it huh? I'm in the mood to make mini-albums and am also thinking if I shd buy a zutter. Hehe...

Hmm, it is quite difficult to see from pics though. More obvious in real person. Also depend on the temperature, it seemed to be more obvious when it is cold.
AAA, haha. i wasnt thinking anything about SB hor. i think of money la! haha!

mejo, then YT and tian cannot communicate cause they are forever talking foreign language to each others. one is write, one is draw.
i think huingee is right, tian is rather perfectionist. so.. i guess she wants evetrything to be nice nice.

kelley, i seldom ask tian to write or draw. but sometimes she will tell me that she wanna do homework. she wanna draw her name, she wanna draw something for teacher. sometimes she asked for papers sometimes get from the table herself.
so, i think it is always not fixed, her pattern. anyway, she write a bit then leave the table liao.
she likes cutting with scissors more.
and she likes to do project, tearing papers, pasting, etc etc.
but hor, she is not a messy person. she dun like messy painting, messy stuff.
i can be messy but not her.
yo yo yo!!! i am so excited.. :p and i feel good.. hhahaa.. coz the lactation consultant, Doris, came and answered all the questions which have been troubling me and now i feel light.. and more determined to continue breast feeding!

ok. pls bear with me as i regurgitate what i have learned.. which cost me $120.. hahaha..

1. how come i cannot pump?
doris herself can't pump also. she mentioned that there is a variey of factors for this.. some might be purely physchological --> so i am chanting to myself.. 'i love medela free style. i LOVE it!'

3. milk enhancers
- fenugreek --> depends on individuals. not proven true to help increase milk supply. and actually not recommended for premies or bbs under 2.5kg cause can cause wind and reflux (now i know it liao.. yu he tends to bring up feed coz i been taking fenugreek?! wahliew.. so stopping this)

- metroproclamide (dunno spelling)
someone asked abot it. this works on the bloodstream of the mother.. doris didn't elaborate but it doesn't sound good to me

-molitium (also known as 'domparadom' .. dunno the spelling.. just listent to pronunication)... preferred.. and helps to relieve wind in bbs. they actually adminsterted this to bbs who hae wind direct.. so very safe.. and this works for mothers who tend to be anxious because it relaxes and works by 'influencing' the brain to be relaxed. i have this! prescribed by my gyane. i love my gyane.. hahahah :p i shd take this now.. if it works on me.. 3 days.. i shd see 50% increase in milk supply. we shall see :p. .. and best of all it will sooths yu he's reguritation..

just now coz my schedle haywired.. doris came end p yu he also dunno latch how long. i was worried not enough to alst him till next feed.. gave him aother 80ml top up. end up . he brought up a lot.. and back of my mind.. i know. this boy needs to be breast fed..so that he can control his own amounts.. and dun bring up feeds

and the most exciting thing is.. i managed to learn to nurse.. LYING down!!!
doris guided me once.. then second tiem. yu he jst did it! third time also.. wow! smart boy! and i thought we can't do it. i must trust my boy more man coz i noticed these days when he unlatch.. he can latch back himself leh.. hahaha. i am so EXCITED now!

YT on the other hand is horribly messy. Last time I give her scissors to cut papers. Then after that give her glue to do project. She pasted on both side of paper and then poured half the bottle on the glue all over the table and on the floor. :X

I think Tian won't be able to tahan her, haha, if they were to do something together.
Reyes will also ask me to hold her hand and write. Think they like it that way. Reyden more cham, I don't know how to hold his right hand to write so he can only wait till Daddy is around then can write.

we should be going for dinner after that, 2 is already a handful liao so I don't guarantee bringing Ashlyn back. :p

good question ... why Wed ah? Cos I can't make it on Mon and Tues, wahaha!! Wisdom tooth mc should be for 5 days, right? Thurs then you'll need to go back to work mah. hehe.

yeah, come, come. You've been wanting to go for so long liao. hehe.

Wah, Domi's jaundice was so high. Was there any concern at that time? Reyden's jaundice was above 350 but that was due to prematurity of the liver.

Hmm, the new Ms Singapore is not much better. She said the merlion went extinct in 1965... Aiyoh, they are exemplars of beauty and brain don't mix... sad. Actually I believe that one can be good looking, intelligent, knowledgeable at the same time. I know people like that.
i also know of ladies w beauty and intelligence BUT most r too smart n too bz making $$$ to join this kind of pagaent...
ON/Gap spree via Vpost

30% off (including sales items)
wanna close spree asap before item is OOS.

collection at punggol/woodlands/suntec(sat aft)/tanglin mall(sun aft)

i still hv US$100 left. anyone? fast fast!
We taught Dylan once and he gets it very fast. He didn't learn from jiejie cos by the time jiejie is around 4 years old. And jiejie is teaching him dangerous stunts leh coming down head down with her hand from bed rather than legs down.
Autum, AAA,
I also relate that to good motor skills rather than smart. Reyes started doing that at about 10mths old.
autum, yah. the last time was during sam's birthday bash right?

rr, what time are you all reaching there? he had to be re-hospitalised again. which was actually a surprise at that time because we had visited the doctor for another prob. didn't even realise his jaundice was so high.
we should be there at 3pm.

Or maybe the other problem was due to the jaundice? So he went thru phototherapy too? I remember Reyden wasn't feeding well and quite sleepy for the 1st week when his jaundice was high.
RR, we actually went to see the PD cuz he was vomiting blood. they had to call the PD back ($$ flying away) only to realise that the blood was because of my cracked nipples. =s then PD decided to check on his jaundice and that's when they discovered it was high. when he left the hospital, it was a little high but shot up when we were home. so he went through phototherapy too. as a first time mother, i really didn't know whether he was sleeping too much and honestly, i also don't know if i'll recognise it when the #2 comes around. think i'll play safe and just give the morning sun the next time round.
u preg? heeee..
i can't tell fr skin tones. but can see fr the eyes. the whites will be yellowish if jaundice is high.
I can't sleep.
Meimei is having a rock and roll concert again.

Pink, Mejo: I heard a very ugly thing abt her. That her price is $400. Ok, I don't know abt the market price for such, but isn't that a bit low?

RR, Autum: Yah, definitely need to have good motor skills.

Astro: Are you here? Maybe you're BF and reading now. You remember how I was complaining that the weather was so so hot just weeks ago? But I realise that since you delivered Yuhe, it's been raining and weather is cool..

HN: Oh yah, the age gap is wider. Funny to think abt this, but I don't know how anna gets down from the bed these days. Never really observed this anymore.

QQ: Anna is super funny today. I have a parcel to be sent out and the person's name starts with an "A". When anna saw it, she said the parcel is hers. I told her it's "mama de". Then she said it's got a "A" for annabelle, so it's hers.. :p Wahahaha!!!

Autum: I thot you would have opened ceremony on the zutter since you're quite a handicraft person. Christmas is round the corner. You can make zuttered-up mini notebooks as christmas presents.

Moogen: Agree with Pax. The eye whites will be yellowish is the bb's jaundice is high. I learned it the hard way with Ayden too. His was high and needed to be hospitalised too.

SQ: You said there's a pasar malam at your place? Hubby and I saw one while we were driving aimlessly last weekend. There's a small cafe that sells very yummy chicken pie isit?

Kelly: You're going Spain? Hey, you can buy Zara and Mango stuff there. Dirt cheap.
Good morning Mummies.

Well, since there are so much discussion about jaundice, i got something to share.

I was one baby whose jaundice was so high that i needed blood transfusion.

Remember, i got molar pregnancy last year, which my gynae said i am just unlucky. When i did my follow up in china, the doctor said it was common in china. She said one of the reason is blood disorder at birth. Me just content myself, maybe this is it : )

BTW, i watched this is it yesterday. Ha ha, though i am not a MJ fan, but i find that he is really a legend.

Yeah, TGIF.
Ck, wow... thanks for sharing. so maybe its due to foreign blood running in your body. my brother got more than 70 over ppl's blood running in his body. so he said the feeling is not good as he has skin problems now. quite serious. he got little skin cycst on and off.

edde, u looking for me? i was at warehousesales. then i went home liao.
u call me la, if urgent ok?

by the way, got tefal rowenta warehousesales at techcomm buiulding, alexandra..

until today. i just got a message yesterday and I went down around 5pm. so i have to start working early today. otherwise my work cannot finish la. alamak.

AAA, haha!! so everything also anna's?? tell her that macdonald, KFC also anna's. they have the GRADE A signage there!!
too bad that there is no more A & W. otherwise this is also hers.
by the way, Burger king is MINE. ok!
moogen. i will call u if i go over. otherwise it will be next week.

no worry.. i will sms or call u de.
i know where u stay liao.
QQ: i see.. mayb cos i always paint outside on my house wall, than they will wash the wall for me than shower.. so fun for them ba..
now u give me an idea to start ashlyn writing her name.

RR: ok.. thanks.. jst dump her there.. hehe

AAA: ya.. but doubt my HB will let me go shopping.. i already didn’t shop at paris the last time.. sad rite?

micK: when K wear pinafor to sch hor.. she mst wear white shoes ah.. is it? ashlyn sch wrote a list of things to bring. slippers is one of them.. than i tot.. hhmm.. i tot she wear slippers to sch leh
her school din give us a list of item to bring but i usually let keira wear her geox to school, so that she can walk home comfortably. the kids can wear whatever shoes/sandals/slippers to school. din state it a must. anyway, i dont think necessary white socks right ? today K wanted to wear her pink sandals to school.

u mean the school get the kids to wear slippers in class ? when u went to view the place did you notice that ? or the slippers when they go outdoors ?
kaexin: haha.. when i went there.. was jst nice parent meeting session.. so no class conducted.. than jst now.. i kaypo go call PAP, which is a slight distance from my house.. is so mch cheaper only $170 a month n full day..

My nose is so congested now and I have a sore throat. :p Ayden has passed his virus to me. Am wondering if I shd continue sleeping. Go see how Ayden is today first..

QQ: No lah. She can recognise McDonalds a mile away. She knows "M" too. She'll always ask for french fries, and I thot she likes fillet-o-fish.. She said it's hers cos the person's name begins with "A" lah. Somehow, she can recognise the capital letters better than the lower cases ones. English very bo-liao hor? Got big and small alphabets. My best friend told me her boy was very confused over them even at the age of 4.

Kelley: Huh? Cannot shop? Then what's the purpose of going there?

CK: It's such a pity he died so young. *sigh* You watching 2012? I've been waiting for it.
