(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

finished cooking dinner liao.. it's sitting in my no-name thermal cooker. potato-carrot soup, rice and "steamed" egg... hope still warm when we come home later..

logging off liao.. c ya gals at GGB later.. TATA!

i also fell asleep after posting the pix.
we only brot 1 pair of the GEOX shoes that i boought just b4 i left, just many pairs of socks,

weather was good except the raining part, not too cold. think it was mostly 17-20degrees. in fact K loves the weather so much, she doesnt even need to wear her jacket. i just let her wear long sleeves.

bags - 2 hard luggage and 1 backpack and 1 stroller.

the 2nd pic is cute, right ?
u not working today? so nice

i will try to mail out today, sorry.
Mummies, Me still waiting. Think yesterday suppose to be TAy edd. Same as Tay, mine also so far comfortably inside thou there are times where i thot want to pop liao cos move vigorously.

QQ, you super manz. can rem everyone status. scary monster.

Am not working from home cos dun want to have drama in office. i scared to embarrassed myself with water bag burst or show or watever drama lah. Yesterday my cousin called and ask me does it mean that 1 nov i will need to go hospital cos he is treating us to Red Star cos his mom bday. *faint* I told him it is just a expected due date, not must go hospital. faint. Then he asked me whether will I be able to go for the dinner on 1 nov. *faint* Told him if i havent pop i will go lah. If pop lioa how to go. *faint* wait till his wife get preg. I will be the one to irritate him manz.
good to hear you are recovering well. hope to see u later this afternoon.

u poor thing, so painful har? never mind, hope you dun need the shots soon.

so, what did i miss?
hahah Kaexin, not yet, thou gal gal inside moving happily inside the whole nite. there is some moment i will touch myself before see whether got water bag leak or not. Occasionally go toilet to see got show or not. ALl dun have leh. sighh.. Clyde was one week late. So gynae say normally follow the first one trend. Just that labour is shorter only.
K is so cute, esp the last pic.
Did she pose herself or u have to tell her wat to do?
V. kawaii!

Think u din get my msg on the Agnes B bag..it's ok, save money hahaha...
michelle, i am very sure ws din regret bringing kiera along rite? heehee.. u guys looked like u were enjoying yrself lots!!!! can see all 3 of u were very happy. gd bonding huh
hey u joining us at GGB today?? come lah, miss u gals leh...

Sorry for the late transfer, been very lazy recently. :p

To Account DBS Savings Plus
118-9-006171 pinkpink
Amount S$15.37
Transaction Reference 1953341806
Mummies and babies,

Have fun at GGB later! I wish I could join you all but I need to do assessment in school (boring....)
huajing, yes going.. due in 1 mths time.. dats why feel that i shld spend more time with anthea now.. *guilty* u not going rite?? confined to bed..
hi pax!

yeah! due soon... now in my 36 week. very heavy n feeling sleepy most of the time. a bit worry managing 2 young children... how u did it man? peifu!
exited for you.
ya can't go. tot bring my mum and Elisha go but yesterday see gynae and he said better dun go out till after 1st tri **faint** now hb confine me at home, can't even go knitting.
viv, our EDD is very very close! mine is 27 nov.. am approaching my 36 wks..

huajing, better rest lah.. baby more impt.. watch tv lor.. rent those HK/korean drama..
din get your sms, you know i forgotten to activate my AR too until i reached kansai.
she pose herself one. diff to get her to smile at the camera leh. only when she in VERY good MOOD then she will pose

yup, its lots of fun. will reach there ard 3pm at GGB. see u later
K looks sooooo cute besides the kimono shop! I can see that WS is a very good photographer. well-captured smiles.

you are having a gal rite? naming her Charlize?

re: GGB outing
leia having running nose and light fever so definitely cannot go liao.

<font size="+2">OLD NAVY 12 items are here</font>
Mejo, Autum, Babygirl, SWmom, Starfruit, Blurbelle, Michelle, Kelley, SQ

u wana collect from me direct? :p can distribute to those in GGB today.

By the way, who are going GGB today?
alamak pink, i have ON with u? what isit har? i cannot remember leh. i tot i only have with QQ>
can u pass my stuff to SQ at GGB today. i meet her every sun. thanks.
<font size="+2">JE551 Spree</font>
Angel, Irin, Mist, Huignee, QQ, Kelley

ok i need to pass stuff to the above + ON12 mummies...
looking for buses :p
which brand of carrier were u using in kyoto? i dun dare to carry leia using carrier anymore, thought she might be too big or heavy for it.
star, this sunday, pink is going to meet us at food court.
cause her GUG is at 11.30am.

and i am so tired. i took leave, and went scouting around. when i reach home, boss call. and now just finished preparing a document for him. deadline is today.

later if tian nap enough at nanny's place, i will brign her to GGB. but i dun cook dinner today. so? how?
and prob not driving, cause i am tired... maybe take train, go somewhere nearby then take a cab over to GGB?
michelle, K is so kawaii..

giolyn.. so should I chose a date that you will pop??? 2 november? huh?

tay pop liao boh? haha!

and edde, yes u so terrible. registered liao?
i went civic centre, a bit dissappointed leh. kinderland playgroup for 18 months and above only weekends. weekdays dun have. then this purple train got 3 hours playgroup, montessori, but $550 per month. kill me pls.
and no choices for me liao.
the only one that i can walk to is the block next to mine. this place dun look appetizing.
edde, hey...our edd are really close! how are u feeling now? i walk like a hippo... i was never so heavy even when i was 38 weeks with ethan. you are teaching PT now?

pink, Hmm...how did you know abt her name? heee...we haven't really confirm the name. hubby likes the name but we feel its abit too hollywood. if by the time she arrives n there is no other names, we may just name her charlize.
i think timing today not good. i can only leave my house close to 3pm so may not have enough time to detour to your side. Perhaps after GGB i can go collect, but timing also tight. I think probably not today.

u should drive to GGB.. free parking le. U go tumpang one of the woodlands mummy la.. then u have someone sit behind to jargar Tian while u drive. Idea?

u must be very happy that u gonna have a girl! Congrats!
me still thinking. haha! thinking hard.
thinking if nanny's dotter or son not going school or wat then i bring her alone. haha!
i dun want to get stress because of driving. long distance sia.
if its short distance then i dun mind.

if i drive woodlands mummy, i scare it get worst le. she might scream scream scream then i am driving, how? stress another mummy. haha! if mrt, full of distractions, for me and for her. haha!
viv, u got anyone to help u take care of charlize after she is born? If yes, y worry about taking care of 2kids. Seriously, if no one help u take care, very stress. Cos both very small.
hahaha star
i changed mine to 1130am teacher zee cos we didnt like the teachers in the 4pm class...shannie switched to 2pm slot. wanted to try 930am but no slots.
haa..yvonne's idea is great! hee... sam very easy to drive around wan.. qq can consider! ;p

i m a coffee addict! when i was preggy i drank 1 cup everyday. the max was 2 cups n i try not to drink 2 unless desperate. dat time need to work so bo bian. but i drank those cafe21 not so potent kind. dun take strong espresso shd be ok la.
yvonne, haha! jialat la.
like that i lagi stress. haha! haha! i bring sam take mrt? hee
i might still drive, i need to ask tian later. if she dun cooperate, then maybe i dun go. let her sit there and rot. lets see.
i wish i can drive, cause its convenient. but i am tired, i d un want to stress myself for nothing. i dunno how i drove her to kalland by mysefl last time. so steady.
now maybe i need to have a series of biscuits to distract her.
let me go get honey star.
qq, or i go sit in your car, nick just drive the 2gals. I help u play with tian? Or i drive your car, u sit behind and play with tian? Idea? Today i also never cook dinner. Joelle said the macaroni there is nice. Kids meal. So will order there la. Lazy to cook.
when someone posted comments in facebook, i can see! i saw someone posting about you getting excited about CHarlize, so i assume its your dear dotter.

ok u let me know.

if anybody can come by before GGB, let me know, i can pass the stuff to be distributed.
yvonne. haha!!
then very funny leh. GOODIDEAD! then i got a driver for myself. haha!
ok ok.. let me try to drive her one way, then if she is not ok on the way back, i scream for help? wait till she sleep then go home. haha!

today she very hambao leh. this morning hambao. last night also hambao. dunno wat happen. once i am out of her sight, she hambao again. maybe got nightmare.
aiyo i may get hum tum by mummies here. but i m very tempted to do it sometimes. if worse come to worse, drive her with car seat in the front. the main reason for not doing it is the air bag. u just be really careful to drive safely n in accident u throw urself against her to prevent the bag hitting her. the risk is better than a screaming bb at the back who will distract u. seriously... take public transport oso have risks of falling n all ma. :/

joelle. ya man. i ever told hb before.
eh why dun we just diable the airbag (he said cannot) or should not buy a car with two airbags leh. haha!!!! then put tian in front. next time he sit at the back (downgrade him).
if she is in front it is so much easier for me. u know? pass her things also dun kelam kabut.

yvonne wat time u going? i haven't finish my tasks at home
and tian is at nanny's place. dunno wat time is ok to go later.
if she wakes up early then i go early.
