(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

got very small scratch at the lid.
wait for her to wake up and see later. Oh ya, y i bfing, y will come menses?

yvonne, eye swollen?

eh, SUAY la. ppl bfg no menses but i have after 2nd month. it is just suay, and waste $$ on roti only. you also same as me?

linda, RL again? no sales, dun buy la! recession coming.

star, dun bother la, if its not on the way.
instead of nanny, you can be childcare teacher! and put bel and sam in the same centre! hah. kill 2 birds with 1 stone. u can watch over them and other kids and earn an income!
kekekek...can anot?
I lauf when i read tat "waste $$ on roti"..
U so frank n funny!

Perhaps not as jialuck as u thought..surface injury probably.
Later test test her eyeballs movement by using some rattle.
i think all my friends and relative will laugh at me lor, don know how to study, always like to fool around, end up teaching or babysiting babies. Me already cannot accept the fact of going back to study. Cos i don like to study la. this course should be interesting? cos all about development and teaching children. I hope i wont waste nick money if i start this plan. Still thinking hard.
Star, if CO goes to GGB, she will miss school.

What time is GGB tomorrow?

Thanks Mummies for your wishes. Me happy too.
hi yvonne,
read your summary. glad that at least there's some comms betw u and nick. though it's not the ideal now, at least he knows your priority and hopefully he can work within your priority.

regarding study, my personal view, if wanna earn more in singapore, it's either u hv lots of money, and luck. else the next best thing will be cert. At least childhood studies is something very close to u and u will find interest in studying. I think it's not that u don't like studying lah, u jus hates the exams right??? hehehe....
Re: Coffeebean cakes @ 50%
Can I ask..is this only apply to certain branches & only for Mon-Fri?
How come i dont see any discount at Orchard branch last nite?
reading archives

scissors i jus put in those plastic bags which i buy fr skp.. no need ziplock.
olio jus opp GGB..
thks for helping me get the LF shoes.. will trf later.
great to hear that ur HCG is back to normal levels. now u must build up ur health before trying #2

my period came back, though i was pumping / bfg my kids..
pls chk

To Account POSB Savings
Amount S$15.00
Transaction Reference 1951971207

at least u and nick have reached some u/standing.
good news and not so good news.

regarding the study, yvonne. moe is now raising the standard so by dunno which year, 2010 or 2011, all teachers will need to have diploma and above's education level.
you still young, can start somewhere, with a cert and slowly got to diploma.

My friend said N level is not applicable for taking cert now, but of course can still go private school and ask about it cause they might still open it to N level holders at the moment.
if drags for too long, then next time need to have more qualification to take cert/diplome liao.
can start hunting now, if you are really serious in this route.
I do not know how updated this information, do check this out.

so the good news is, the teachers will be more qualified few years later.
hooray! its your final round..gan ban tei!

long time no see your post. how was everything? cannot say too much if not your identity will be revealed rite?
angel: ya coffeebean 50% only at selective loctaion. The one at International Plaza do offer. I think its mainly Biz district CB that has this discount cos they wantto clear the cakes.

Yvonne: My period came back when rae turned 6 mths exactly.

ya michelle: how as japan.. we all miss u leh.
just came back from Vivo. feeling bluesy..

i didn't buy the thermos (again).. cos hb said very exp. think we buy fridge better. cos fridge everyday must use.

re: toy cars
I went to toysrus and bought 6 Hot Wheels toy cars for EJ. quite good deal.. now is buy 2 get 1 free.. each car is $3.50. SO now is $7 for 3 cars. For those of u interested, maybe can go see.
I AM SO TIRED! cant wait for 6pm to come.

sorry din help you gals to get, thot can get fm LV from narita. had to pay for internet for my tokyo hotel, so din use at all

forgotten to brg the design as it was in the other coach wallet, last min change my mind and brot the brown one instead.
ws go siao. went disney, bought the miniature of the cars. then K went 2 diff days, kept pushing the stroller ard, costs 4k yen, so i din buy it!

so now thinking of buying one for her to push ard.
post pix!

i like the white shoes (the one on the left) from little feet. you have close up pix? kekkee..if you pass by again can help me buy?
I am very tired now.. Last night, some neighbours were quarrelling in the middle of the nite at 2am.. After a while, no noise liao, so i went back to sleep. Half n hour later, when i just fell sleep again, the same family quarrelled again.. Hiaz.. Just wondering how come they like to quarrel in the middle of the night wan.. I really pity those who r working today.. I am not working, already feel so tired..

Glad tat u 2 hv talked things out.. Being a babysitter n getting a preschool education cert is a good idea.. I almost enrolled myself in this line last time, but then i was pregnant liao, so i dropped the idea..

Good for u.. Really happy for u..

Take care of your back wor..
my neighbour now taking MMI early childhood course.
if you want i ask her to get some materials for you.
i think coz you still young, its a excellent idea for you to pursue it.
at least u have some interest in preparing for the future, i meant your life cant possibly be on bel and sam. U still have a long way to go in life.

hope i din offend you, coz i din really have the time to read back archive. think i wont liao.
i also have this neighbour upstairs who like to quarrel at night! so many times liao. they are old people.. and they talk so loudly.. it's the kind of loud arguments. haiz..
kekeke.... i am plotting liao. let u gals noe how tmr.
yalor, silly me came in to work today instead of resting at home today.
no wonder when i reached at 9.30, my office mgr so surprised to see me.
my boss leaving for the US for vacation tmr though.
Read tat u gals r looking for playgroup. Any particular playgroups r u gals looking for? The RC centre at my void deck here hv playgroup. but only 1.5hrs, $135/mth.. I went to check it out a few weeks ago. The teacher said tat the class is for 18mth to 4yo from 9-10.30am, but actual class is conducted at abt 9.45am.. The first 45 mins is for the kids to settle down. Can go there n see how they conduct teh class, but i hv not go yet..
How come accidentally? U apply leave for your trip, rite? By rite, when is the official day u report for work?

Ya lor.But last night is the first time, this family quarrel.
actually, i arrived early this morning. forgotten, i applied leave until tmr, coz initially wanted to extend. but instead, we went earlier. hence, my confusion.
slip a small note below their door "pls do not quarrel in the middle of the night and affect others who want to sleep."

wow so many pple going GGB...so tempted.
went to see gynae, kana jab again, the jab sooooo painful, surprise I lost 1.2kg in 1 week.
told gynae I suspect my ms is cos of the medicine (dupheston) I took so he change to another french medicine, wow is cost me $80+ for one mth supply.
Yesterday my mum ask me how are you, I was telling her you are fine and Bel like to pull meimei hair, hands and legs. My mum said is normal cos toddler tot it was a doll or something, luckily she din puke her eyes but lock in and saw you say she puke sam's eye liao.
pink: u asking about the white maryjane in the pic? or the sandals?

michelle: wha u so blur..so when can we see ur pics. hey i dun understand ur post to me referencing something brown u bought.
hi BBmarch: saw ur post...tot I paid liao, maybe slipped my mind. Go home and transfer. token not wif me now..sorry for the late payment huh...where is star staying? me SK wor..

any other pigheads for me?? pls PM me cos i seldom log in... Sorry if I'm late... pai seh...
