(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

Hi Belle, here's my answer:

1) Are you taking anti-ms pill?
A: I have very bad vomiting.. i throw up practically everytime i eat. Doc prescribed me anti nausea pill but i read that it might be harmful to BB so never take. So far only took the pill once. Will try and tahan and see if the vomiting will pass when i get to my 2nd triester.

2) If you are not what do you do to prevent morning sickness?
A: nothing. I just throw up if i need to cos i feel better after i expell the food from my stomach.

3) Is your appetite as good as before pregnant?
A: Not rally, because of the vomiting, i have been eating less.appetite not as good but i still do get hungry every 3 hrs. I go for smaller meals more often in the day.

4) Are you able to drink as much fluid as before you are pregnant?
A: yes, i realised that i am more thirsty now. I dunno if its the throwing up that is causing me to be mroe thirsty. BUt i try not to drink so much water cos too much liquid with my food will cause me to throw up as well.

5) Do you have poor digestion?
A: yes, the reason i am throwing up so badly is because my digestive system is not able to handle the amt of food that i am eating which is causing me to throw up. I have lots of gases as well.

has anyone developed any rashes on their tummy area? i am started to get rash and itch on my tummy since last week. I wonder if this is normal.

Pinkypink: I do get slight discharge as well. Been wearing a lining every day for almost a mth already. gynae say this is normal unless discharge iturns smelly or has a weird colour.

i think wearing lining make not allow proper air flow. for me if i wear lining, will make the discharge smelly.
Hi starfruit,
the area around my nipples are peeling a little and sometimes itch a bit.
i also feel very slight pulling cramps on my left obdomen. interesting thing is it happens usually after i eat.
sigh..i can't seem to eat anything today..feeling a little down. my MS always give me a break for 2 days and hit me again.
Dear Koalabear,
I went for the oscar test today. I am 12 weeks. The doctor will take into consideration 3 factors to add up to the probability results.

Fetal scan- Gynae will look out for 2 things, firstly, the nasal bone (nose area) and the neck skin. Probability will be very low if there is a presence of nasal bone and the neck skin is very thin.

Your age-Low risk if below 35 years old

Blood test to test for level of 2 particular types of hormones.

That's the OSCAR test...

Yep, one side of my buttocks hurts. It's like a particular vein that's thugging at the area.Ouch!

I have cramps on my left side too if I lift or carry things which are relatively light. Told my gynae today. Was told that it is common as uterus is expanding. He told me something interesting though, he said that I shouldn't strain, even when I have constipation. As this may lead to unnecessary pressure on our cervix.

Would anyone know if it is possible to feel fetal movement at this stage? I read that we can feel when we are 16 weeks....but I really can feel some actions..dun tink those are caused by wind.
Hi tricia pinkdaisy & pinkypinky, i also exp aching on my buttoks 3 wks bk. i like to sleep on my right (thou i kw we shld be sleeping on left). now i try to sleep more on left, pain reduces a little.

i ask my hubby to massage lightly for me a little.

btw, has anyone done thier prenatal massage? i seriously need that when i hit my 12th weeks soon.if u gals doing, do remind them u are preg and request pre natal. suppose 2 be very gentle w/o pressing hard on points. more on gentle stroking and releasing tension n stree 4 u
hey tricia
i realise that i feel very light pulling a few times at my buttock but didnt bother cos its not painful.we will easily get constipation soon, how not to strain?
wat kind of action do u feel?
hey kolar bear,
yeh i will like to have prenatal massage too. should start to pamper myself as i've been like a zombie since i got preggie due to MS.
Dear Pinkypinky
You are not constipated yet? So lucky..me oredi constipated for the past few weeks. He just said not to strain, think he means not to strain too much lor.

I feel light flutterings...will ask my gynae if it is possible to feel next visit which is 3 weeks down the road. Soooo long.

I would luv to have prenatal message too. Any recommendations?
Hi Tricia,

How do the gynae measure the fetal's neck? Is it thru' vaginal scanning? Will we know the results on the spot or got to wait for a few days? How long does your gynae take to do the test? Trying to find out more from you so as to prepare myself for the test next week.
**Belle...my answer to yr survey

1) Are you taking anti-ms pill? Nope, except for Vit B, Gynac said can help to curb ms (I am one of the slightly lucky one)

2) If you are not what do you do to prevent morning sickness? (NA)

3) Is your appetite as good as before pregnant?
(Get hungry eassily, I try to eat small portion of food. IF I get too full, vomit is unavoidable.)

4) Are you able to drink as much fluid as before you are pregnant? (Yes)

5) Do you have poor digestion? (Not really.)
Dear Pinkdaisy,

The gynae measure fetal's neck by ultrasound. Must keep your bladder full before the screening.

Whether you know the test on the spot depends on your hospital. Mine is KKH, after scan and blood test, I went home. The nurse will inform me within 3 days. Other hospitals according to my gynae will require you to go in the morning to do blood test, return in the evening for the scan (by this time blood test results available). Then they combine all test to tell you the final result on the same day...:)
This OSCAR test is rather recent. Only available last year in KKH.

Read about Wayan Retreat for prenatal massage from 2nd trimester onwards. Anyone knows if their services are good?
Dear Belle Pepper,

Actually I have read this thread from the very beginning but hesitated to join in as I had spotting and cramps earlier on. And paiseh, I join in this thread with a complaint..

I read from earlier postings that you are currently in Hong Kong? I used to go there rather frequently becos of my previous job. I kinda miss Hong Kong and dunno whether its funny cravings or not, I miss the smelly toufu there!

The air pollution is bad there, please take good care of urself and bb. One of my secondary school classmate who's also working there now told me that its difficult to get a nice gynae there. Bad service plus rude nurses.

My EDD is 12 March 07. My current gynae is Dr. KT Tan from KKH (The one that did the oscar test was another gynae whom I met for the very first time for the test) I am thinking of changing gynae coz I dun really like the services at KKH. But I am really comfortable with my gynae..dilemma.

don worry about it, different people have different cravings. But i wish i can change location with u ha ha. Ya the gynaes in HK are not as nice and detailed. So i got to travel back to singapore every month for checkup but i don mind because i cant wait to get out of here. The monthly trip is what keeps me going and sane.
The pollution is bad and the smell of all the exhausts from the food outlets are very bad. Because the buildings are crowded together, there isnt space for the smell to dissipate.

I am starting to get headaches too and constipation. But cannot strain then how to get the stools out hor? headache again.

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Baby Gender</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Hospital </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>VeryBerry</TD><TD>24-Feb</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mar_Bride</TD><TD>25-Feb</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Ho</TD><TD>Mt A </TD></TR><TR><TD>Autum</TD><TD>3-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Woo Bit Hwa</TD><TD>Northern Hope </TD></TR><TR><TD>Regina Peh</TD><TD>6-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Giolyn</TD><TD>7-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Prof Tay SK</TD><TD>SGH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Edde</TD><TD>9-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Tan Yew Ghee</TD><TD>Raffles Hospital </TD></TR><TR><TD>PinkyPink</TD><TD>10-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Blurbelle</TD><TD>11-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tricia</TD><TD>12-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>KT Tan </TD><TD>KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>QQ</TD><TD>15-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Paul Tseng</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bluesand</TD><TD>16-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pinkdaisy</TD><TD>17-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Chia</TD><TD>Mt E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mist</TD><TD>17-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Belle</TD><TD>18-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Caroline Khi</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cherylasu</TD><TD>19-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Ben Neo</TD><TD>Mt E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kola Bear</TD><TD>19-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Mary Yang</TD><TD>Glen E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Paulyn</TD><TD>20-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Mary Yang</TD><TD>Glen E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Heavengift</TD><TD>20-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Tan PK</TD><TD>SGH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kiddo</TD><TD>25-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>EveJosh</TD><TD>11-Apr</TD><TD></TD><TD>Gordon Tan</TD><TD>Glen E </TD></TR><TR><TD>ValC</TD><TD>18-Apr</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr WK Tan</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

can we not request for vaginal scan for the OSCAR because it is tough to drink so much water to make bladder full before the test. I cannot drink much water.

Heavengift: wah u are one of the super lucky few man i am so envious!!!!!
HI Tricia

I am into my 13 weeks and I do feel some movement in my baby. They are not kicking just shifting here and there. But the feeling is very obvious. So everytime I feel skeptical whether is that the fetal movement.

HI Belle
Here is my contribution to ur survey:
1) Are you taking anti-ms pill? NO
2) If you are not what do you do to prevent morning sickness? Nothing
3) Is your appetite as good as before pregnant? I use to have great appetite in my early pregnancy. Imagine I get hungry every two hours. But now is more or less subsided. But appetite is still better than before pregnancy.
4) Are you able to drink as much fluid as before you are pregnant? yes but try to count during nite to avoid going toilet in the middle of the nite.
5) Do you have poor digestion? yes.

Hi Everyone
Since we are almost at the same pregnancy stage, wonder how many of you has start wearing maternity clothings. Try to put one on this morning but feels a bit weird and decided to change. Now is the stage where ppl think u r fat rather u are pregnant. Sighhh...
hi tricia
i've been eating fruits which help. sometimes i feel stretching after meals, imagine my bb stretching his legs after his/her meal :p
well belle pepper,
i've the same prob, thinking how to drink water before my oscar test next mon. maybe drink milo first.
hi pinky, i asked my friend who went for oscar scan, she said the doctor ask her to empty her bladder instead leh. anyway my gynae never instruct me to drink beforehand so i am not going to.
Hi all, I seldom check this thread (on and off), hence my response might be slow ya. I called this fetus assessment centre (just only) to verify if I need to keep my bladder full b4 Oscar. The answer is YES. so when u are in the clinic, ask before u go toilet, so that you dun need to wait until the bladder is full again. :p
Dear Belle pepper,Pinkdaisy and Pinky,

The OSCAR is not vaginal scan...its like your normal ultrasound scan.

Dear Giolyn
So it's really fetal movements right? I am getting excited.
Hi QQ and Tricia

thanks. Just to make sure i also call up the TMC fetal assessment centre and the staff said must be full bladder
sianz liao.
Belle: I cannot tahan not wearing a liner leh.. kinda messy..hehe. But now with ur advise, i am a bit worried. Think i will try and cut down on wearing a liner whenever i can. But recently, i realise that my discharge is getting a bit heavier? anyone experience it? It gave me a scare yesterday cos i tot my amniotic fluid was leaking.. but turned out it was just discharge.

Belle, Pls also add my details in the list. EDD: 3 Mar 07, Gynae Dr Chirs Chong, Hospital: undecided yet.

Pinkypink, Tricia: I have experience minor cramping, pulling (esp on my left side too - i wonder if the featus is implanted on my left side of the uterus), twiching on my lower abdomen since the day i tested positive. Gynae say i am one of the more senstive woman who can feel the uterus expanding. But so far, i dun think or maybe i am not aware that i have detected any fetal movement yet.

Everyone: I went for my gynae visit last night. He did a unltrasound to scan and measured the BB (i am now 13 weeks 5 days), also measured the fluid behind the BB's neck. I got a reading of 1.4 (apparently, if you get a reading of below 2, u r relatively low risk for down syndrome). Gynae never suggested for me go for oscar test, he ask me to go with the normal triple test instead in 4 weeks time ( which i think its cheaper than Oscar right? anyone has any idea how much the triple test cost?)I think maybe i belong to the low risk category, which is why he never suggested for me to go for Oscar.

Anyone doing triple test instead of Oscar?
qq: how did u find Dr Paul Tseng so far? i had wanted to go with him.. cos a lot of friends highly recommended for me to go look for him.. but in the end, i went back to my own gynae instead.
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Baby Gender</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Hospital </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>VeryBerry</TD><TD>24-Feb</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mar_Bride</TD><TD>25-Feb</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Ho</TD><TD>Mt A </TD></TR><TR><TD>Autum</TD><TD>3-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Woo Bit Hwa</TD><TD>Northern Hope </TD></TR><TR><TD>Starfruit</TD><TD>3-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Chris Chong</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Regina Peh</TD><TD>6-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Giolyn</TD><TD>7-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Prof Tay SK</TD><TD>SGH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Edde</TD><TD>9-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Tan Yew Ghee</TD><TD>Raffles Hospital </TD></TR><TR><TD>PinkyPink</TD><TD>10-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Blurbelle</TD><TD>11-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tricia</TD><TD>12-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>KT Tan</TD><TD>KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>QQ</TD><TD>15-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Paul Tseng</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bluesand</TD><TD>16-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pinkdaisy</TD><TD>17-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Chia</TD><TD>Mt E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mist</TD><TD>17-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Belle</TD><TD>18-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Caroline Khi</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cherylasu</TD><TD>19-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Ben Neo</TD><TD>Mt E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kola Bear</TD><TD>19-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Mary Yang</TD><TD>Glen E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Paulyn</TD><TD>20-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Mary Yang</TD><TD>Glen E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Heavengift</TD><TD>20-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Tan PK</TD><TD>SGH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kiddo</TD><TD>25-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>EveJosh</TD><TD>11-Apr</TD><TD></TD><TD>Gordon Tan</TD><TD>Glen E </TD></TR><TR><TD>ValC</TD><TD>18-Apr</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr WK Tan</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
*Tricia - just drink lots of liquids (water, fruit juices), and eat fruits. really help. now i consciously do and the constipation has not returned. =p

*Starfruit, belle - lining very comfortable wat. for me, i hate the "wet" feeling so lining really helps. personal preference i guees.

*pinky - you're peeling around your nipples? rashes on tummy? maybe your skin's getting too dry? remember to moisturize! very impt! didnt Joycelyn give you the cream to apply? i've been religiously applying for the last mth... everynite after bath.
Paul Tseng is okay. I find him better than the one that i went very first time (in clementi). Paul Tseng is gentle and quite okay when i asked stupid questions leh. He is okay, but I don't know what is good, what is not. Anyway, I prefer to go to him because he has a clinic in woodlands for mon &amp; wed night. I can go there for routine checks. since hubby works in overseas, its better to travel less for me.
And, normally the queue is not very long also. Maybe its at woodlands..
hi starfruit,
during my scan 2.5 weeks ago, my bb's head was on the right and legs on the left. so when i feel stretching, i will imagine my bb stretching his/her legs..imaginative mummy :p
Hi veryberry
mine is around the nipples only, i have it for quite a while already. realise that my skin is drier, even my legs. i bought palmer stretchmark cream myself.
pinky, at this point, lots of space in the womb for baby to move around still. i was just at the clinic on monday, as joycelyn was scanning him/her, bb started off head on left, facing down... at the end of the scan, bb had "swirled" around, and he was still head on the left but facing UP! haha. so bb's just moving around as and when he/she likes!

cos i'm alr in 14 weeks, Doc also tried to hunt for his little bird bird to see if boy. althou not clear yet (also cos bb refused to cooperate), doc said she's quite sure she saw a little bird. us too. but we've decided to keep it from our parents until it's FOR SURE at the next visit in 3 weeks' time. hee. :> (if really boy, cannot buy all kinds of cute dresses, and ribbons and accessories already...!?)

somehow my appetite is getting worse. in fact, i havent put on any weight for the last one month... why huh? 14 weeks already leh... so upset... i look at food at the dinner table, i just dont feel like eating anything.... arent we supposed to feel better?? boo hoo...
i thought most ms subside around week 14...pls..pls..im still thinking whether to go down to get stronger anti-ms pills. Dr wong gave me vitB6 and not as strong anti-ms pills first, but i cant seem to keep my food down these 2 days. wow..hubby and i will like to see the little birdie next week. i mean i have no preference but hubby will love a boy to 'play' with him.
why don you just get some stronger anti-ms pill as stand by.my appetite is still like a bird, can only nimble a bit. You are a or two week earlier than me, so hope ur condition improves soon

the bonus of the bird diet is that my fats on the thighs are less. So slim down already. Aiya but i hope to recover to my good old days when i can eat a proper main course and still down my dessert. Nowadays eating is such a chore. Dunno what to eat and cannot eat much. Sianz isnt it.
veryberry, pinkypink: ya my appetite also seem to be getting worst.I really dread having lunch, cos most of the time, i just throw it up aftre i eat. In fact, I was having dinner with hubby last night and i chocked on some chillie, as a result, i went to the toilet and throw up everything that I have eaten that day.I think its quite easy for me to throw my food nowadays. I tot it was suppose to get better, i am like in my 13th week now...and going to 14 week, but i dun seem to be improving too.I THink we all in the same boat lah, the more "Jialat" case..hehe. Me also no weight gain as of this week. So scared that BB not getting enuff nutrients with all my puking.
But all my friends has been telling me that its good i am throwing up, this shows that the BB is growing well
, so mummys, dun worry ok, ur BB will be well

pinkypink: My gynae told me the earliest he ever see a birdie was at week 11. So i think by your next visit, high chance can see already. As for me, i am hoping for a girl.. hehe.

QQ: I heard Dr Tseng is not too bad.. in fact, 4 of my ex-colleage and 1 close girlfriend is his patient. I heard that he is very pro natural birthing and won;t do c-section unless is abosulutely necessary. However, the downside to him is that he dun do scanning at every visit. sometimes, he won;t scan u at all. And he is also quite quiet too. I have been with my gynae for a while, and he really makes me very comfortable. i also get lots of good feeback on the forum about my gynae as well.. so i decided not to change.
belle: Did you loose any weight so far? how much u lost? I think for me, sometimes, i lost about 1 kg, sometimes i am back to my normal weight.
I am taking your advise on eating more fruits. I also top that up with yoghurt..Seems to be working a little, at least I dun feel that constipated..hope it will improve more.
We also saw a little birdie but gynae said that he had been wrong before so must still wait for the 20th week detailed scan. Do you prefer girls?
I am a little under pressure about having a boy boy as my PIL and even my hb's great grand mother told me that they hope for boy boy..goshz..I dun understand why they still think this way. I just want my bb to be healthy and good.

PinkyPinky, Belle pepper
My close friend shared something with me today. She told me that her MIL took anti morning sickness pills right up to 6 months for 3 of her children (She had four). Dunno if it is due to the pills or just mere coincidence that these 3 children have got body odour whereas for the one that did not take din have. They cannot be sure. My appetite is not getting better either. In fact I just threw out my lunch not too long ago..after I hear this story, I thought I better tahan for a few more weeks..

dun worry about your weight, my gynae told me that it is perfectly normal to lose a little weight during first trimester. I read the Pregnancy Book and it said that the possible weight gain during first trimester is 2 kg. I am over..I put on 3.5 kg. If this goes on, I dunno how FAT I would eventually become. But I am oways hungry. Though sometimes I throw out everything, after a while, I still feel hungry so I would eat again...many small meals a day...

I'm also gaining weight, abt 2.5kg. I also feel hungry more often. I try veri hard to control but can't.. Cos if I don't eat, I'll feel my stomach growling &amp; nausea. I started wearing maternity skirt last wk alreadi.. since this is my 2nd pregnancy, gyne says its normal for my tummy to be showing sooner than 1st timers.. *sob* sob* consoling myself
hey starfruit
hopw u get better once you hit 14weeks, many seem to have ms subsided around then. ya sometimes i console myself that its a good sign for bb.
hey tricia
dun feel pressurize, its our hubby's sperm tat determine the gender, not us. girls are more filial most of the time, just tat they will shift out after they got married.
Tricia, u are such a great mother. for me i think the story of your MIL will not put me off from eating anti-ms pill if the situation calls for me. I am thinking i rather be in good health so that i can eat and nourish my baby then wait i become so frail because cannot eat, then faint, then how? To begin with the gynae already said i am slightly underweight. my BMI is 17plus so now i think i lost some weight, i am seriously worried whether i got enough reserve to nourish the baby. Every lunch and dinner i will feel vexed because i don't crave for food, although stomach growling a little, i feel i can eat bread and biscuit but these will make me constipated. One problem solved but another problem arises
never ending.

Starfruit: i didnt weigh myself so i cannot tell how much weight i lost. But i have a feeling that i did lose weight especially before pregnancy i am a super big eater lor. And now i am like eating less than a quarter of what u used to. So must lose weight i think.

Cherylasu: So your appetite is good right? That is good to hear. to be able to enjoy food is a blessing. Everytime i see people enjoying their food, i am like so envious, hoping i will one day be like them. This is my first pregnancy and i already started wearing maternity pants like from week 10! I can feel my uterus when i lie down on the bed. like quite big.

Hope all MTBs will not have MS tomorrow
and start of a good appetite and digestion hurray!
hi bellepeper,

dun lose heart, i hope ur MS will improve as u are goin on to your next trimester. Take care ya!

hi pinkdaisy, i m the same like you, i feel sthing like a vein pulling on my buttock but mine on the right hand side, i ask my gynae she mentioned this cd be due to me walking to fast that pulled a nerve or sthing. normally it will disappear after pregnancy. yeah i feel it when i m turning on the bed or during some awkward position when standing up. my gynae says i can use salon pas if i want so far i just ask hubby to massage :p
ya, i hope we all get better as we approach our 14th week mark..heheh

Pinkypink: Thanks for your comforting words. But as i am in my 13th week already and i am still not getting any better, i am very scared that i will still be the same even when i hit 14th week. *sigh*

Belle: ya me was also good appetite and quite big eater before I was pregnant. I can truely understand when u say u r envious of the rest of the mummies that has good appetite. Now i am lucky if i can stomach half or quater of my usual portion. I think we very poor thing leh.. hungry but cannot eat..hehe. Guess i am still ok cos i have enuff reserve (fats) on me beforehand.. so now can afford to loose some weight now..heheh :p

Tricia: Its good to hear that u still manage to gain weight despite throwing up occasionally. Ya i always feel hungry quite soon after i throw up...but by then, i dread eating cos i scared i will throw up again *sigh*. 2kg for 1st trimester is not a lot right? so i guess i have to eat more during my 2nd trimester to catch up on my weight gain.

All: Can i check if anyone has started using Stretch mark cream?? Which one?

I started when i was in my 8th week. I am using the Body Shop Coco Stick...(all natural ingredient etc etc)...hehe. Anyone as KS as me and started using so early??? and anyone showing sign of any stretched skin yet? or still too early?
my hubby comes back every 3 months, or sometimes, slightly longer or shorter than 3 months. He is coming back next week to visit me and bb.
already 12 weeks pregnant. sigh!

And, Paul Tseng is okay to me. Actually, i also pro the idea of not scanning during every visit if possible since scanning might or might not be a good thing (still a big question mark!). I am a researcher myself, and I know that by going through ultrasonic scan, it is using a vibration to detect the acoustic signals from the womb walls, bb, etc etc. The energy might be extremely small, hence we can say its always safe for bb (dun worry, all mummies). However, if there is no need to scan, i dun mind having less scans for bb leh.

I did scans for my first few visits due to serious spotting etc etc, and gynae needs to see if i have serious internal bleeding.

Now, i admire u gals that u din gain much weight. Though i have ms, i still gain weight. 4kg already in 1st trimester. Over over already!

thanks for ur consolation. Ya i hope i will be all well when i reach 13-14 weeks. 2 more weeks to go!

i have not started using stretchmark cream. i don see any stretchmark. think the skin has not been pulled yet. also i feel so lathargic after reaching home and still got to drag myself to shower, so very lazy to even apply any additional cream except for legs and hands which gets dry afetr showering.

Can i ask you ladies whether you sleep on your left side deliberately because i read that left is better than right as sleeping on the right can press on the blood supply to the uterus. Aiyo i have to keep myself sleeping on the left most of the time, feel a bit restrictive but since good for the bb, i will have to tahan.
Wow, I'm so surprised that so many of you have gain weight during the 1st trimester. For me, I think the weight gain most for me is only a kg. Yup, is OK to lose weight during the 1st trimester since we dun hv very good appetite to eat but we will have to try to eat more during the 2nd trimester coz' this is the stage for bb to grow.

Hi Belle, your gynae said we can use salon pas for the pain? But safe for the bb or not? I dare not use leh although I have thot of it. I think endurance will be better, haha.
hi all, can you share what u gals been eating recently to 'enhance baby' immune system?

i have beenhearing lots of comments, i have not really been eating anything 'extra', except in moderate and avoid 'unhealthy' food, but sometimes chocates and crackers hard to resist

some friends tell me don 'over nutrients' BB as excess is no good... sigh... at a lost now
Hello ladies, I am back from my break! Wow, a few new comers in this thread.. haven't had the energy to read through all the postings for the past 10 days.. just hope that everyone here is fine and good!

I am now in my 13+ weeks. Still feeling nauseous (but no vomitting). Hope this nauseous feeling will pass soon.

For those who are shy to wear maternity clothes, can try to wear looser clothing, or buy those clothes that doesn't look very maternity-like. If you wear the skin-tight kind, then it will be obvious you are pregnant.

I am still kind of trying to hide my pregnancy. I am going to tell my boss later about my preg, but I think I will still feel paiseh to wear maternity clothes openly. Maybe until I am 4th month, when really can't hide liao... then wear maternity clothes. Haha, sometimes I think we MTBs can be so silly.. to worry about so many little little things...
Hi Kolabear, I think you don't have to eat anything special or extra to boost your baby's health. As long as you eat healtily, should be fine. Hmm, if you are still in your first trimester, then don't really have to bother because at that early stage, the baby can't absorb anything yet. If you want to, you can start to eat more "bu" during your 2nd trimester.

I heard some pple eat Royal Jelly (bee honey jelly). However, I heard the baby will become very big if you eat Royal Jelly. So, can only eat until 7th month, or else baby become too big, then very hard to deliver.

Some pple say eat bird's nest is good, but I heard contrary views that eat bird's nest will cause the baby to have a lot of phelgm. So, it's very hard to say what is good or no good. A lot also depends on the individual (mother's) body. ie. Whether your body can take the kind of nutrients and pass it to your baby. What is good for a pregnant lady, may not be good for another.
hi Autum,
how was ur break? Does it help u get better? I am worried of going on a holiday feeling nausea and then will be a waste of money as holiday usually should be able to enjoy the food.
Hi Bellepepper, i went to Taiwan and being chinese, the food there can match our tastes quite well. Of course, I am quite lucky as I didn't throw up although I feel nauseous now and then.

Hmm, I heard that the 2nd trimester is the best time to go for holiday as the preg is more stable and you won't be too tired (unlike 1st and 3rd trimester). So if you are thinking of going anywhere, you should just go ahead.

Perhaps you can ask your doc for anti-vomit pills. Or maybe just go for a short trip to nearby countries.
If you believe what I've heard.

For birdnest eater, pls note that I heard the same stories from different ppl. If you drink the birdness, pls make sure that it is clean because the feathers left inside the birdnest will cause bb to have phelgm next time. One of my hubby's aunties ate lots of birdnest last time, and all her children are still spending a lot of money for good doctors as they cough very frequently. The auntie did not clean the feathers thouroughly, i believe.

So, birdnest with no feathers (though its slightly processed) will be better and will not cause phelgm in bb.
Bear Belle pepper,
I understand why you want to be on the ms pills..if I am in your shoes, I'll probably think the same too. Are you very light? Wat's your weight and height? I am sure all our ms will pass by very soon. You can nourish baby more in 2nd trimester and 3 trimester. Are you able to eat slightly more now?

I just started on this organic stretchmark cream, Earth Mama body butter. Made of natural plants.Smells really great! I have been using it everyday and somehow the scent helps my morning sickness a little.

why do you want to hide your pregnancy from your boss? Your position will be affected? Must be rather hard on you right? That you dun feel well, yet gotta appear really fine?

I have just bought birdnest (bulk purchase thread) coz I thot would be good for my baby. Lady who organised bulk purchase told me that it's with no feathers..should be rather safe then?
Hi Tricia

I am 1.62m and 47kg like 5 weeks ago. So i am not sure whether i am like lighter now. Perhaps i am 45 kg now.

Tricia, I'm not an expert in this though.

Fyi, I also bought birdnest from eu yan seng some time ago. It has no feathers, and i think its okay for bb since my colig helped me to buy (she is more experience). my sister also bought some from sarawak for me, but i dare not drink that because i cannot remove all the feathers. however, for non-pregnant ppl are fine. A bit scared. So, i will drink the one without feathers. However, u need to pour away the water soaking the birdnest initially because it has some chemical content. after that, it should be fine.

Besides, i heard that hashima (suet kap) is better for mummies and babies. I don't know how true it is. I'm going to drink suet kap more instead of birdnest in order to keep my expenses lower. If buying suet kap, those with the vessels removed should be better coz they are cleaner and we don't need to clean them before boiling. I tried only once so far, the taste is quite good.
