(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

hi edde, for snacks u may wanna try jacobs biscuits, it comes in one box inside small pkts so u can hv a few pcs when u are hungry..on the box is labelled high calcium i buy the spring onion flavour one quite nice ley..
or if u r afraid put on weight maybe snack on apples..or drink milk good for u n bb too. now i m forcing myself to drink my enfa mama cos i dun really like milk ley..

HI Doggy,

Getting better, hope to complete 2 cycles asap, then i can TTC again.

Hi edde,
what cant eat too much carbo? can explain i would like to know the reasons. Forgot to tell u all, try not to take to much papaya, carrot juice and another kind of fruit - i dont know how to spell in english, chinese is call 'shi4 zi3' english word starts with Pe...something, this will cause BB skin to be yellow.
Dear Belle Pepper,
thanks for the advice. He sprays at different times of the day as and when he feels like it...so difficult to catch leh. Gas I will have to close all windows whole day just to be very sure. Gonna buy another fan coz really warm when I do that...piang, can't wait to move...we wanted to shift but now all plans shelved as when women preggie, heard that we can't shift house right? What are the implications if we do?

Your dreams really fun. If you remember the numbers, share with us hor...hahaha. I also experienced buttocks pain. It's like a certain vein in my buttocks that aches when I turn my buttocks at certain angle when I sleep..you experience the same?

Hi Angelbee,
The shi4 zi3..you mean persimmons? Oh no..I have been taking persimmons(I love them) and papaya rather often. I better stop now.
Hi Tricia,

yes, yes, it's persimmons.
i likes to eat mango, they say also cant see to much, i see two examples. one of them is my auntie & the other one is ex-colig, they dont believe, have craving for mangoes when preggie, ate alot and her son comes out bad skin problem

During my first pregnancy I still ate pineapple (about once or twice a week coz it high fiber),papaya (3 to 4 times a week) BUT I avoid mangoes coz I heard mangoes is very poison as it will cause bb alergic in skin. I also heard don't drink too much barley. Carrot juice as it is contain high Vit A. Not very good for preggie to consume too much vit A during pregnancy. ( Can't really remember the reason) But as long as moderation I don't think it's really that bad.
Hi Tricia,

Think it is so tough for you that he spray at different times. GUess you have to close ur windows all the times, no choice. it is definitely no good to breathe in the pesticides. BUt i think shifting house if the pregnant woman is not there should be ok. I think it is to avoid the pregnant woman from straining herself doing the packing and shifting and tripping over stuff. So if u can get other people to help you to shift? Living with such a neighbour is a torture.Is there no way u can catch him spraying it? like install a video cam to mointor? but such inconsiderate neighbour may retailate and things may get worse.

CMY, wah mango is poisonous? Oh dear mango is one of my favourite. HOw about durian?
Hi belle,

Durian no problem. I ate durian once a week during my third trimester. Try not eat too much also lah coz durian very heaty.
Hi mummies-to-be,

Congrats!!! Popped in to check if anyone is interested in the prenatal heart listener. I've got a piece to sell. It's a gently used (used about 3-4 times for my first born) Bebsounds Prenatal Heart Listener which allows MTB to hear, record and email (the latter 2 as claimed from the box but I did not try. I only heard ) your baby's heartbeat.

Should be able to hear baby's heartbeat clearly from 20 weeks onwards.

You can find out more about the product here


I'm selling at $40. If I don't recall wrongly, I saw it selling at Kidsmall at about $60. Collection would be at Punggol.

Interested MTBs, you may PM me.

my mil said eat everything im moderation should be fine, so that bb has a bit of everything. if not, its too difficult, so many things cannot eat, very confused.
Ya some of my friends who has gone through pregnancy also advise me to cut downon durian as i was also told that too much durian can cause gestational diabetes. BUt lucky, i dun seem to crave durian at all. I think durian is also very high in calories and chalestrol.
hi all, guess u are all going to be ard 12th preg soon. has anyone done the down syndrome test for ur BB? me at 10 weeks now and gynea ask me if i wana do a test in my 12th week.

she did mention there are 2 test, one done on 12th and another on 15th week but i forgotten on the cost.

if anyone has done, please share w me ur tots and cost
hi pinkypink,
i actually discovered the white or slight yellowish discharge since i'm pregnant. if its not too much, its ok. If not, pls consult your gynae as i was told to omcuh might be due to some infection...
hi angelbee, i heard tat too much carbo will lead to gestational diabetes as they turn into sugar. but i dunno how much is too much lah.. so i guess maybe not overeat..

blurbelle, the prob is biscuit and bread can never make me full!! haha!!! i am a rice and noodle person
anyway, i heard too much biscuit makes you heaty and leads to constipation!

very hungry now...
can i do a survey

1) Are you taking anti-ms pill?
2) If you are not what do you do to prevent morning sickness?
3) Is your appetite as good as before pregnant?
4) Are you able to drink as much fluid as before you are pregnant?
5) Do you have poor digestion?

Thanks in advance for participating in the survey
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Baby Gender</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Hospital</TD><TD>Week </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>VeryBerry</TD><TD>24-Feb</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>14/15 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mar_Bride</TD><TD>25-Feb</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Ho</TD><TD>Mt A</TD><TD>14/15 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Autum</TD><TD>3-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Woo Bit Hwa</TD><TD>Northern Hope</TD><TD>13/14 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Regina Peh</TD><TD>6-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>13/14 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Giolyn</TD><TD>7-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Prof Tay SK</TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD>12/13 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Edde</TD><TD>9-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Tan Yew Ghee</TD><TD>Raffles Hospital</TD><TD>12/13 </TD></TR><TR><TD>PinkyPink</TD><TD>10-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>12/13 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Blurbelle</TD><TD>11-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>12/13 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bluesand</TD><TD>16-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>11/12 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pinkdaisy</TD><TD>17-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Chia</TD><TD>Mt E</TD><TD>11/12 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mist</TD><TD>17-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>11/12 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Belle</TD><TD>18-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Caroline Khi</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>11/12 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cherylasu</TD><TD>19-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Ben Neo</TD><TD>Mt E</TD><TD>10/11 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kola Bear</TD><TD>19-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Mary Yang</TD><TD>Glen E</TD><TD>10/11 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Paulyn</TD><TD>20-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Mary Yang</TD><TD>Glen E</TD><TD>10/11 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Heavengift</TD><TD>20-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Tan PK</TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD>10/11 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kiddo</TD><TD>25-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>9/10 </TD></TR><TR><TD>EveJosh</TD><TD>11-Apr</TD><TD></TD><TD>Gordon Tan</TD><TD>Glen E</TD><TD>8/9 </TD></TR><TR><TD>ValC</TD><TD>18-Apr</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr WK Tan</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>7/8 </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

pls let me know if i didnt state your week correctly.
Hi Kolar Bear,.
Im paying $400 for the oscar test on 13th week - check on DS, and the detailed scan in 20th week.
Hey doggymar
the discharge is once in a long while, phew.
Hey belle pepper
1)I kinda of stop anti-ms pill.
2)now that it's getting slightly better,im still only able to eat very small portion of my meals, so once i detect im getting hungry, i take a few bits of bread.
5)YES but slightly improving now.
1) Are you taking anti-ms pill? No, but have some always on hand as stand-by.

2) If you are not what do you do to prevent morning sickness? I get night sickness close to dinner time, and motion sickness if I travel on car for long journey. I usually endure by doing nothing. Feel nausea, but never vommit..

3) Is your appetite as good as before pregnant? Depends.. more picky on food.. seemed to like unhealty food..

4) Are you able to drink as much fluid as before you are pregnant? Can't take plain water.. usually take fresh fruit juice or ribena

5) Do you have poor digestion? No constipation so far, but let go "gas" more often
1) Are you taking anti-ms pill?-No

2) If you are not what do you do to prevent morning sickness? - I eat more frequent but small meals coz so hungry all the times. The smell of citrus fruit such as lemon or lime is very soothing too. At 1 point, the only thing I crave for is actually kiddy food, one of those organic cereal puffs which I can eat without throwing out much and at the same time is nutritious.

3) Is your appetite as good as before pregnant?
Dunno if it can be considered better as I am eating much more than previously despite the nauseousness

4) Are you able to drink as much fluid as before you are pregnant?
Yes, in fact I drink more, dunno why always thirsty. I crave for citrus drinks too but understand that I can't take them.

5) Do you have poor digestion?
Yes, sometimes after a long time, I can still vomit things that I ate much earlier on.
Cherylasu and Tricia thanks for much for replying to my survey. Now i can gauge how other MTBs feel. my own answers are

1)Yes everyday except weekends. But regreted because then i will vomit and feel weak the next day. So now i promise to take it everyday then i can eat better and i got more strength.

2)Even with anti-ms pill i still vomit sometimes. So solution is to try to eat some sweets or biscuits.

3)Definitely no.

4)Definitely no. I hate plain water but feel thirsty after vomitting. So headache.

5)Yes very slow. So cannot eat big meals.
hi bellepepper...here it goes...

1) Are you taking anti-ms pill? no
2) If you are not what do you do to prevent morning sickness? cant prevent...keep vomiting still
3) Is your appetite as good as before pregnant? definitely not....i eat alot before pregnant and now, can hardly eat. only put on 1 kg so far
4) Are you able to drink as much fluid as before you are pregnant? no. i find drinking plain water makes me feel like vomitting
5) Do you have poor digestion? yes, most of the time
Cherylasu , Tricia and MarBride, how come you don;t take the anti-ms pill just in case? it is you are worried of the side effects to your baby? i think you ladies are realy great mothers.
veryberry, thanks. where is it reported? in Straits Times on Sun weekend?

Yeah i bought an air purifier but i doubt it actually do much help. especially since i got to commute to work and breathe all the foul air.
1) Are you taking anti-ms pill? No for me.
2) If you are not what do you do to prevent morning sickness? Eat sour plum, methods.
3) Is your appetite as good as before pregnant? Definitely not.
4) Are you able to drink as much fluid as before you are pregnant? Yes but now tends to like sweet drink more, so have been drinking lots of juices and ribena.
5) Do you have poor digestion? A little bit, at night let go a lot of gases...heehee
Hi Kolar Bear,

I will be doing the oscar test on my 12th week which is next Monday. My one cost about $320 which include blood test and the measuring of the fetal's neck. Will let you know how is it next week.
hi pinkypink,
i ate alot after vomitting out...coz most of the time, i feel hungry! force myself to eat at least i'm eating....u get wat i mean? think 1kg is really little at this stage...how abt you? did u lose alot of weight? gynae did explain 2nd trimestar must gain weight...so, i'm eating alot now tho i'm vomiting...
mar bride

i also find myself a little hungry afetr vomitting. but i cannot eat because whatever i eat i vomit out agian. so a waste of time. for u, after u vomit, u can eat and stop vomitting?
hi bellepepper,
u know, now, i can vomit and eat, vomit and eat coz i'm like vomitting everyday. so, like nothing to me now....but of course i must say i feel much better then 1st few weeks..dunno is it becoz i'm so used to the vomitting or my appetite is better...but definitely, i cant digest well coz i will vomit my dinner out most of the time.
mar bride

good to hear that u are getting better. Think soon u will feel much better because u already cross over to 2nd tri

ya 2nd tri has to try to put on more weight....
hi pinkpink, may i kw whats osca test? is it e ultrasccan to be done on 12th wk and a blood test on 15th wk?

hi pinkdaisy, i think as typical singaporeans, i will just do as well to minimise risk of BB.

hey paulyn, we are from the same gynea Dr Mary Yang. are u also doing?
Hi belle

1) Are you taking anti-ms pill? NO

2) If you are not what do you do to prevent morning sickness? hard to prevent, frankly sometime i do appreciate the morning sickness. mks me feel my BB is adjusting to my lifestyle

3) Is your appetite as good as before pregnant?
mine is as good as b4, except certain food BB don like. eg coffee, 'chong' roti boy and liver, mac fillet o fish. BB seems to adapt my hubby appetitie. my hubby don like liver and mac FOF. also, hubby only like genuie 'roti boy' sometimes pregnancy is so miracle.. BB has its own chararcter

4) Are you able to drink as much fluid as before you are pregnant? basically i can but i do realise i tend to urine more than b4, but it norm during preg.

5) Do you have poor digestion?
digestion ok but i always have constipation. drink Yakult Ace everyday and can vist toilet almost everyday
aiya edde,

not full? hmm then eat biscuit + MILK lor. hee. my appetite very funny stimes crave for fruits, stimes crave for burger, stimes crave for meat, i duno really wat i like in particular. So i try to stock up light snacks if i can so i wont stay awake all night feeling hungry!
hi bellpepper my answer:

1) Are you taking anti-ms pill? no
2) If you are not what do you do to prevent morning sickness? when i feel the urge i try to swallow or get hold of a sweet or sthing it helps
3) Is your appetite as good as before pregnant?
yes good, i like everything though sthing taste abit different now then before pregnancy eg) ribena &amp; chinese tea
4) Are you able to drink as much fluid as before you are pregnant? i drink more definately cos feel more thirsty often
5) Do you have poor digestion? yes, my hubby says i fart when i m asleep! *BLUSH*
Thanks ladies for participating in the survey.

I think i am the only one taking anti-ms pill. i feel so lousy that i cannot tahan as well as all of you.

kolabear and blurbelle, you ladies are so lucky to have good appetite and still can drink as much fluid as before. Can tell that each individual react differently to the hormones. Hope the rest of us can be like both of u soon
I would like to know whether is anyone experiencing buttocks pain? My pain is on the left side only. It is rather ok during the day but at night, it became quite painful especially when turning on the bed. Anyone know what causes this? Can we apply any onitment or salonpas?
im really envious of those who have good appetite.
kolar bear,
oscar test is the NT scan to scan neck thickness plus blood test to test serum.
Pinkdaisy, i also experience buttock pains. I did not know why initially, now i read this thread and realised that its due to expansion. I guess its normal. I have it at both sides. I am not applying anything and pls dun apply TIE DA JIU (coz it contains something that is not good for pregnancy, i heard).
welcome QQ....

oh ya, i experienced buttock pain too...cant sit straight...and anyone experiencing those "pulling cramp" feeling at the stomach area?

hi bellepepper,
must endure and try to eat more ya.

wow, you are so slim....i nvr weigh 40+ before leh...haha
Welcome QQ.

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Baby Gender</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Hospital </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>VeryBerry</TD><TD>24-Feb</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mar_Bride</TD><TD>25-Feb</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Ho</TD><TD>Mt A </TD></TR><TR><TD>Autum</TD><TD>3-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Woo Bit Hwa</TD><TD>Northern Hope </TD></TR><TR><TD>Regina Peh</TD><TD>6-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Giolyn</TD><TD>7-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Prof Tay SK</TD><TD>SGH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Edde</TD><TD>9-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Tan Yew Ghee</TD><TD>Raffles Hospital </TD></TR><TR><TD>PinkyPink</TD><TD>10-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Blurbelle</TD><TD>11-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>QQ</TD><TD>15-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bluesand</TD><TD>16-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pinkdaisy</TD><TD>17-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Chia</TD><TD>Mt E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mist</TD><TD>17-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Belle</TD><TD>18-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Caroline Khi</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cherylasu</TD><TD>19-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Ben Neo</TD><TD>Mt E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kola Bear</TD><TD>19-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Mary Yang</TD><TD>Glen E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Paulyn</TD><TD>20-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Mary Yang</TD><TD>Glen E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Heavengift</TD><TD>20-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Tan PK</TD><TD>SGH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kiddo</TD><TD>25-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>EveJosh</TD><TD>11-Apr</TD><TD></TD><TD>Gordon Tan</TD><TD>Glen E </TD></TR><TR><TD>ValC</TD><TD>18-Apr</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr WK Tan</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Bellepepper, see my answers:
1) Are you taking anti-ms pill? no

2) If you are not what do you do to prevent morning sickness? I eat, or drink ginger tea. anyway, i still vomit. I eat 500g, vomit 100g, it should be okay, i think.

3) Is your appetite as good as before pregnant?
appetite not as good as before, but i still can eat. I prefer variety of food instead of the same food everyday.

4) Are you able to drink as much fluid as before you are pregnant? i cannot leh, i cannot take plain water. I vomit water!! so, now i take fruit juice and ribena everyday.*running out of fruitjuice ideas since i cannot drink most of them*

5) Do you have poor digestion? yes, very bad. i feel very bloated everyday with constipation. i also let go lots of gas everyday. Hubby is not around, nobody hears me.
For those who never take anti-ms pill, is it because you are worried of the side effects on the baby? Because vomitting and nausea are very disgusting feelings don't you think and want to avoid?

seems like a lot of you have a lot of flatulence issue. And because water intake is less, so get constipation. It is also caused by the slower digestion so more gas is produced.

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Baby Gender</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Hospital </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>VeryBerry</TD><TD>24-Feb</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mar_Bride</TD><TD>25-Feb</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Ho</TD><TD>Mt A </TD></TR><TR><TD>Autum</TD><TD>3-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Woo Bit Hwa</TD><TD>Northern Hope </TD></TR><TR><TD>Regina Peh</TD><TD>6-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Giolyn</TD><TD>7-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Prof Tay SK</TD><TD>SGH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Edde</TD><TD>9-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Tan Yew Ghee</TD><TD>Raffles Hospital </TD></TR><TR><TD>PinkyPink</TD><TD>10-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Blurbelle</TD><TD>11-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>QQ</TD><TD>15-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Paul Tseng</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bluesand</TD><TD>16-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pinkdaisy</TD><TD>17-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Chia</TD><TD>Mt E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mist</TD><TD>17-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Belle</TD><TD>18-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Caroline Khi</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cherylasu</TD><TD>19-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Ben Neo</TD><TD>Mt E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kola Bear</TD><TD>19-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Mary Yang</TD><TD>Glen E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Paulyn</TD><TD>20-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Mary Yang</TD><TD>Glen E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Heavengift</TD><TD>20-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Tan PK</TD><TD>SGH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kiddo</TD><TD>25-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>EveJosh</TD><TD>11-Apr</TD><TD></TD><TD>Gordon Tan</TD><TD>Glen E </TD></TR><TR><TD>ValC</TD><TD>18-Apr</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr WK Tan</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Hm. actually i wanted to take anti-ms pills, but when i asked my gynae, he said I don't need to take since the frequency is not as serious. I never pursue further and i thought its for very serious ppl, hence i feel better that i am not that serious. Psychological comfort only, i think. I think its still manageable, i am not sure if there is any side effect.

Welcome to this forum, QQ, and am glad that somebody is experiencing the same buttocks pain as I do. Do you think this could be due to the expansion of our pelvic bones? Think I will ask gynae on my next visit. And don't worry, I also dare not apply any Tie Da Jiu, also worry whether will it be harmful to the baby. I have mosquitoe bite also dare not apply the mobiko...heehee

Hi doggy, i also do experience some pulling cramp in the stomach area and it is always on my right side. Gynae said is probably due to the big intestines, don't need to worry. Now I have lesser pulling cramps but increased buttocks pain...sigh, don't know what kind of pain we may experience in the time to come.
