(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

hi ladies
mia for 2 days, down with a bit of flu and ms became more serious this week. feeling very helpless. thought the worse is over.
hi angelbee
usually sinseh ba mai and ask questions to diagnose your problem. your sinseh seems good.

hi Angelbee,
womb thing is after my D&C. Durin pregnancy, he help me pa mai to see baby, not womd. My sis went to him and he knew my sis menses was shorter, blah blah, quite accurate lor.

Hi pinkypink,
me down with flu and cough too....
ya doggymar
so angry with my colleague, she came to work even tho she's sick cos she has taken too many mc. a few of others were sick too.
btw for those under Dr Jocelyn Wong, is it possible to deliver in KKH instead of TMC? my MIL kept asking me to change to KKH because their facilities for complications are better.
hi all esp the new mummies!

pinky, mine also.... my ms is so bad now that yesterday morning i drank a packet of chocolate milk before lesson, then during lesson i went to puke again and i threw up the milk and realised it has turned sour!!! can imagine how much gastric juice i have!! was feeling so terrible yesterday that i asked hubby to get mc from my gynae. am given 3 days mc to rest for the week.... yeah... i tot by now 9 weeks, the worst should be over too... but doesnt seem so leh... shouldnt it be tapering ???!!!

pinky and doggy, you gals take care yeah.... will take some time to heal coz GP din give u strong med rite.... ni men xing ku le..
Edde, why don u take the anti-ms pills?
mine is also very serious. i already week 10
ValC.. yeah i think its 7th mth thats why Doc can take leave..

when will MS like puking sets in?
hi edde,
i think very pan tang one. i was just telling my hb my ms is better and the next moment, it starts again! Sian....

hi pinky,
i have some colls who are always on mc too...nothing to do, MC...every MOnday mc...sometime see liao, also fedup esp i'm loaded with more work! nvrmind, dun take it too hard....make ourselve angry oni...relax ya!

hi JL,
some said 8th week, most women suffer the most and by either 12th or 14th, we should feel better.
thanks for recommending. i juz made appt with Dr Caroline Khi on Fri as Dr Wong has not slot on that day.
i do have slight cramp on-off.. not that painful compare to menses. still bearable.. hope that helps
*BlurBelle - Yup, I am Hyperthryoid. I stop my med about 9 months ago. This time, the doc detected a increase in my TSH etc
How about you? Are you on med? What are the risk, any idea?

*AngelBee - You can approach the Chinese sinseh that Mar bride recommended. I also see him for my thryoid condition and he detected it. Quite good. Heard from my friends that he always "help" couple with TTC problems. But be prepared to join the long queue. My advise is to go there during weekday, working hours. Else you could be spending very long hours waiting to see him. You take good care and rest well ya.
* sharon chang - I experience that kind of pain that you described. My advise, go and see a doc quickly and immediately. Dun delay any further, ok?
hi edde
i thought so too...i kept vomitting nothing into the toilet bowl, sometimes until a bit cramp. after that drank milo also puked. im in 10 1/2 week already. feeling down cos can't join my girlfriends for birthday party. i forgot to for more anti ms tabs now left with 5 tabs. if it gets worse, i may go back and ask for stronger ones.
Hi Doggy,

I happened to saw ur msg on Ban Choon Chan, hence I kaipo ard here loh...hehhee...

I see him for normal illnes and pregnancy..to "tia" my body so that womb will be stronger and heathly. Ya, he told my sil to drink the chicken soup too....yummy.........he know us for 30yrs liao...so can u imagine how long he has been in the shop...

Btw, he is really good and a lot of koreans and Jack Neo also see him........he is beri nice guy
hi edde and pinky,

me not anywhere better also..... i was on mc for the last 2 days.... mine was night sickness rather than morning sickness, i get very very hungry at 10++ pm, and when i eat something. i become so bloated until i wanna puke... it was rather bad on sunday night, until i cannot sleep well. and had headache.... i felt that it's really unbearable loh..... very sian sometimes also.
* Mar Bride - Yup, I see him too for my thyroid problem. He treats lot of couples for TTC...hee..he always very happy to show me his 'baby achievements.' Nice doc and very patient.

* AngelBee - I dun think that he accepts appointment if I remembered correctly.
Hi AngelBee,
just go within the time given above,....

hi ladies,
down with flu last few days and now, i'm feeling soooo sleepy and cant even work properly. Fell like taking leave and sleep
Hi Ladies, haven't login a few days coz really busy with work.

AngelBee & Apex, I'm so sorry to read about your cases. Both of you are so brave, especially Apex. I truly admire your brave and determined spirit.

Apex, it's good that you can move on quickly. I was very badly shaken and I couldn't accept my fate so quickly when I found out my baby had fetal anomalies at 5 months and had to be terminated (last year). I am glad that you are so strong.

Just hope that the rest of us here will have a good and safe preg. AngelBee and Apex, I wish you well after you recover and try again.

I am going to see my gynae next monday (12 week). A bit worried that things will not be fine. Being pregnant is so full of worries.. sigh....
Hi Autumn
it must have been hard for you. Im also very worried - getting my oscar test in the next appt. was yours detected during the detailed scan in 20th week? i cannot imagine going thru all the serious ms and things turn out otherwise. but i keep telling myself that this time, it must be a gift from God.

thanks for ur concern...

had my D&C at Mt E yesterday. everything went smoothly. now i'm resting at my mum's place and try to recuperate. was given 9 days leave n will visit Gynae in 2 weeks' time.

Autum, u r also courageous in moving on n had conceived. i believe this is not an easy path but u dun worry too much okie. really hope all of MTBs here will have a smooth pregnancy!

Gynae said 2 months is enough for resting b4 TTC again. i hope i'll have a speedy recovery! n be ready for a fresh new start!
Hi APex,
rest well ok? yes, we will see you again somewhere in this forum waiting for you to share good news with us again. since you are given so many days MC must rest well and dun think too much
Hi Pinkypink, yeah, it's tough and worrying, but I guess the only thing we got to do is stay positive.

Hi Apex, thanks. Actually when I first know I was preg this time round, I was crying everyday for 1 week. The depression just hits me and all the old fears, worries, hurt and memories just come flooding back. After some time, then i push myself to be positive for the sake of my current baby. If I am depressed and crying all the time, I think the baby will know and will not be a happy baby too.. so I told myself to think of the future.

Apex, after some time, when you preg, do come back to tell us okie.
HI autumn,
same here man! when i was vomiting, i was crying too...thinking of my 1st bb. U know after my D&C, i was sleeping at night and i dreamt abt a phoenix coming to look at me when i was sleeping and it flies away after seeing me sleeping "peacefully". I cried when i wake up...so sad
Hi Ladies, anybody can advise me on this? During 20th wk there is this test for FOETAL ABNOMALITY..is this test compulsory for all preggy ladies ? From wat i gathered it is compulsory. But my colleague said otherwise..just wanna cfm. Is there any difference from the Down's syndrome test called OSCAR? Tks!
Hi Pinkypink, Autum, doggy,

Thank you for all the encouragement! am very touched...
i will move on n hope to share good news with all of u in the near future.

really, no matter wat the future lies, staying positive is very crucial. maybe "living by today" philisophy will work n be happy everyday. dun speculate or be too paranoid. i will try to adopt this mentality for my next pregnancy. and hope u all will be optimistic for ur pregnancies okie!

in the meantime, pls do take great care of urselves! will be back to join u all in motherhood!
Hi doggy, i just cried while trying to picture your phoenix in my mind... i guess in a way it's a kind of closure for u. I don't know when will I ever reach closure. It's still very tough for me because I actually "gave birth" to my baby at 5 months but I didn't have the courage to look at her. My hubby and mom all told me not to see or I will keep thinking about her and have that image in my mind.

Yet, even though it's been so long, I can still cry uncontrollably when something reminds me. I only hope that once I have my current baby smoothly, then I can have some form of closure.
Hi blurbelle, the 20th week detailed scan is supposed to be a compulsory thing in Singapore. Any gynae, hospital or polyclinic you go to for your antenatal visits will definitely have that as a complusory scan. But of course, if you insist on not doing that scan, I don't think any one will force you to.

The 20th week scan is to scan for any structural defects. Structural includes every physical aspect of your baby - such as whether got 10 toes 10 fingers, to all the internal organs, like heart, liver, kidney, brain etc. Whether they appear fine and working well. If any of this structure is not ok, it will be termed as defect or anomaly.

However, some anomaly could be relatively simple and easy to cure, such as a cleft lip. Baby can be operated on to correct the cleft lip easily. So no life-threatening issues. However, some anomalies, especially those that involve the brain, spine and heart are definitely alot more complicated. They often cause alot of other complications which may result in the baby dying in the womb, or not having quality of life if born. As such, docs may advise a termination.

As for OSCAR, it's a test for down syndrome, which is totally different from the detailed scan. Meaning, a well-structured baby with no anomalies, can be born down syndrome. But at the detailed scan, they may be able to pick out the thick neck and slit eyes often associated with Down Syndrome.

For OSCAR, they do a blood test, not a scan. So it's totally different. And OSCAR does not tell you whether your baby has Down Syndrome. It will only give you a risk assessment. ie, whether you are high-risk, low-risk etc. If the result is high-risk, then doc may advise a further test called aminocentesis. they draw fluid from the fetal sac for testing. I think that test is more diagnostic - ie. can tell if baby is DS or not.

However, a word of caution. Nothing is 100% accurate. There were cases where the test said baby is fine, but born with Down's... and vice versa. So, at the end of the day, everything is still pretty much left to God/fate.

I was not asked to do 20th week detail scan for my first pregnancy. Most of my ex-colleagues also didn't do it. However, we request for it. My gyane commented actually it is not a neccessary coz his machine is advance enough. Anwyay at that time we want to ensure that everything is ok that's why we request a referral letter to TMC.

You may want to refer to this link:
hey all
the only test that is 100% accurate is the amniotic test. its quite scary tho cos the rest of the tests only add up to 90% accurate.
hi autumm tk u for your detailed explanation..now i m thinkin to do both oscar & 20wk or just only do the 20wk scan. In quite a dilemma, though amniocentisis is 100% but it has a small %tage of miscarriage too if not done properly . Thinking of it the whole day in office..arrgh. At one point, i thought leave it to god's will n let fate decide or should i just go thru with it to have a peace of mind. Sigh...

Hi Taysatsuri,

i m hypothyroid & on medication. In fact my gp says i should still continue with my medication, if not bb wont get the necc hormones for his growth. I used to have hyper but it turned to hypo so i m on medication for life. I think as long as your thryoid level is level you should be fine. Do u mean u can stop ur medication now since u are preggy?
*apex, my strong gal, pls rest well, your body and mind. here's sending my bestest of regards.

*blurbelle - just to share, my hubby and i didnt hesitate to say yes to all the tests that my doc recommended. dont think too much ba. it's for peace of mind also. that way, you can feel more positive going forward ma. :>
remember i told you gals i'm getting into a new job? just signed. (yay!) now i'm trying to get gynae to write a letter so that i can avoid doing the std x-ray which is part of the std pre-employment medical checkup. even if the clinc at Raffles claim they hv "lead apron" ('tis what i read in all books), i really hope NOT to do it. will insist!! haha.

aiyoh, just went to the dentist today cos a chunk of filling from one of my molars dropped out 2 days back.... boo hoo hoo, dentist say i shld go for root canal treatment ASAP! now must go bother my gynae again to ask her if it's ok. (even thou the dentist assurd me that it's perfectly safe... and that i'm definitely not their 1st preggie patient?!)

Autumn, you are right leh... pregnant is sooo full of worries.... :<

boo hoo hoo... scarred scarred of dental op. this sat must go for OSACAR blood test some more... urgh! more needles!
*bluebelle - I stopped my medication 9 months back. When I found out that I am pregnant, doc did a test and found that my level went up again. Gynac said it is normal cos bb needs this hormones for growth. But I am going back to see my endro doc again for my condition, she says need to monitor my condition very closely. Hmm...how come from Hyper can change to Hypo? Any side effects on the bb when on med?

*Apex, AngelBee - Rest well and take good care. And do come into this thread to keep us updated on your condition. Wish both of you well and healthy soon.

*Gals - Yes, I also agreed that pregnancy comes with lots of worries. I am on mc for 4 days already becos of staining. So bored staying at home
but for the sake of the little one, this is the best I can do for him/her.

I wish and pray that all of us will have a safe and healthy baby. Take good care, gals.
*Mar bride, Autum - As I read your posting, I am so sad. Dun know why, the pain seems to inflict on me too. I guess becos we are all mum to be...and we understand one another very well. Both of you must take extra care, ok. Take good care
Hi Autumn,
dun worry, i'm very sure we will have a smooth pregnancy this time round
be more cheerful and positive ok?

Hi Heavengift,
Dun get too affected by our cases...yes, being a mum to be is definitly not easy. At least for now, i learn to appreciate my parents more
You too &amp; the rest of the mummies here, must take care too
hi veryberry, congrats on your new job. Hmm, i really think u should consult your gynae first whether u can do the dental treatment. cos my girlfriend also had some problem with her dental when she was preg, and she was advised not to do anything.. i think she bore with the pain throughout her pregnancy. Maybe just to be on the safe side, u check with your gynae lor..
hi blurbelle, are you more than 30yrs old? Cos doc usually won't recommend OSCAR unless you are more than 30yrs. Hmm, I am actually 31yrs old this year and my gynae didn't really think it's necessary for me to do test for Down Syndrome. Perhaps you check with your gynae?

Hi Tay, pls don't get affected by our stories. Life is full of sad stories, but also alot of happy stories too. Don't let us affect your moods ok. We must all be positive.
Hi, pls exclude me from the list as I have lost the bb. it have stop growing and the heartbeat is gone.
went to wash it away on last monday. now resting at home.
thank for all your advise and hope to see u all again.
hi Autumn - i'm 31 too. my doc left it to us to decide but she encouraged. she gave us a brochure: age 30-35, risk is 1 in 880, she said since i'm 31, it's abt 1 in 600. my reaction at the clinic was, "wow, so high uh." She said different people interprete it differently. Some would read 1 in 600 as low. so it really depends on individual. Do what you're most comfortable with ba. :>

Carol - be strong, k... you hv our best wishes. recuperate and you'll be fine again soon. take good care.
Does anyone of you experience the following sensation at 6-7 weeks:
In the evening after a small meal, the heart beat very fast and the stomache feels like bursting and pushing downwards?
I have a BRAND NEW Tiny Love Symphony-in-Motion Mobile which was purchased recently for sale. I realised that the mobile does not fit my playpen. It suits a cot better. The box has been open. Other than that, everything is left intact. My friend said the musical mobile has helped her child to sleep. It's definitely a good purchase!

I am selling the mobile for $90 (a discount of $9). Please email me at [email protected]. Self-collection at Hougang Street 51.

hey pinkypink

Try to avoid eating canned food. I remember reading this somewhere. Well, do take good care of your health now. REmember, yoiur bb gets all her nutrients from you. I havent been that careful in taking care of myself when I was pregnant and thus my baby was born small. It's definitely something I would like to avoid for the next pregnancy.
