(2007/03) March 2007 MTBs

doggy march bride !
i hope my msg dun come too late. i might hv confused cloud 9 with 9 mths since u mentioned that cos both got 9 in it...its side by side to swell...i might have gave u wrong info. my apologies!

hi gals,

i just saw gynae yesterday, can hear heartbeat, very funny, sounds like sound in the swimming pool!!! oh, i went to buy 2 bottoms at Belly basic liao, really can't fit in my jeans liao.... now if you hv purchase $100 & above, can get their VIP and direct discount 10% from your purchase.

btw, does anyone know during this period, can we attend baby shower etc?? my mummy say cannot attend, must wait until 12 weeks later. true??

hi belle (pepper),
can help to update my EDD? my gynae it will be 17 Mar, but that day my GP say 18 Mar... hahaha...
hi ladies
i've went to this shop called tom and stephanie at tiong bahru laza 2nd level. lots of stuff for babies-clothes, bottles, prams, toys, detergent etc. there are also clothes for mummies, enlarged panties, breast-feeding bras - the lady asked me to buy in dec, less than $20 compared to other places selling at about $29. i bought 2 larger bras and 1 panty for only $19, cheap rite since these are only going to be temporary.
my tummy is getting bigger, gynae said most of it are gas since bb still small.
Hi All Mummies!

me went to see Gynae this morning...
but... sad to say, things r really not looking good for me

1st, he saw that my yolk sac is still very big which should shrink or disappear by now
2nd, baby only 30mm n seems to have stop growing
3rd, cant see baby heartbeat
4th, baby not moving leh...

Gynae said my body is okie but baby could be defective in some way so he refers me to another Prof from NUH to confirm. if confirm, like Angelbee, got to go for D&C... AngelBee, my heart goes to u too... u must also take care

funny thing is i'm still experiencing pregnancy symptoms like sore breasts, little bulge, no bleeding, no cramps, nausea, indigestion, frequent urination, fatigue...

for the rest of u, i really hope u all will take good care n have a healthy baby okie!
Hi Apex and Angelbee, i am so sorry to hear that your pregnancy has not been going smoothly. Take care ok!

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Baby Gender</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Hospital </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>VeryBerry</TD><TD>24-Feb</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mar_Bride</TD><TD>25-Feb</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Ho</TD><TD>Mt A </TD></TR><TR><TD>Apex</TD><TD>26-Feb</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr SC Chew</TD><TD>Mt E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Autum</TD><TD>3-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Woo Bit Hwa</TD><TD>Northern Hope </TD></TR><TR><TD>BBChew</TD><TD>4-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Prof Tay SK</TD><TD>SGH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Regina Peh</TD><TD>6-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Giolyn</TD><TD>7-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Prof Tay SK</TD><TD>SGH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Edde</TD><TD>9-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Tan Yew Ghee</TD><TD>Raffles Hospital </TD></TR><TR><TD>Carol</TD><TD>9-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>PinkyPink</TD><TD>10-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Blurbelle</TD><TD>11-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bluesand</TD><TD>16-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Joycelyn Wong</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pinkdaisy</TD><TD>17-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Chia</TD><TD>Mt E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mist</TD><TD>17-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Belle</TD><TD>18-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Caroline Khi</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cherylasu</TD><TD>19-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Ben Neo</TD><TD>Mt E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Paulyn</TD><TD>20-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Gordon Tan</TD><TD>Glen E </TD></TR><TR><TD>Heavengift</TD><TD>20-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Tan PK</TD><TD>SGH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kiddo</TD><TD>25-Mar</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>EveJosh</TD><TD>11-Apr</TD><TD></TD><TD>Gordon Tan</TD><TD>Glen E </TD></TR><TR><TD>ValC</TD><TD>18-Apr</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr WK Tan</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Hi Paulyn,
I am in my 5th week going to 6th week. Going for my sec scan on monday.Hope everything's fine since i am quite paranoid from the 1st preg.

Hi Apex,
I had the same experience as you last year. I suffered from a missed abortion. Didn't have any bleeding too but baby just stopped growing and no heartbeat. Subsequently went through a D&amp;C and sent the foetus for lab test. Apparently is an unhealthy baby.
thanks for sharing ur experience... so how did u cope with the loss? u must be very strong to have tried conceiving again.
apex, do seek a 2nd opinion... hope everything turns out well for u...

angelbee, apex.. *hugz* we are here with u...
thanks edde!

i'm seeing another Prof tomorrow at NUH. that will be confirmation for me.

i'm going strong and okie, hubby, family n frens r all very supportive
Hi Apex,
I looked on the bright side. Since I am still young and left it to nature to grant me another. I had my hubby's support and everyone's encouragement at home to see me through the ordeal. Imptly, you must maintain a positive attitude and stay healthy.
Thanks! I'm all right, cant wait to go back to work and start everything new.

Evejosh, after how many cycles then you try to concieve?

Be strong, let's hear what the Prof say, lets hope for the best
Hi Everyone,

chance upon this thread. I am newly pregnant as well and I hope to join u girls for furture discussion. My baby is due on 3rd Mar 07. I am now in the end of my 10th week.. going to 11th week on monday. Saw gynae twice. 1st visit on my 7th week and i could already see my baby's heartbeat. During my 2nd visit on my 9th week, i saw my baby's feet moving.. i was so amazed by it. Can't wait for its birth next yr
i am quite concious about my weight gain..hehe:p, I have done some research and this is what i have found. I have included it below for all you new mummies out there who are as conscious as me.


Weight Gain during Pregnancy

Weight gain is a normal and healthy part of pregnancy. Most women gain a normal amount of weight by eating well and staying active. The extra weight gain during pregnancy

comes from: approx weight
Weight of average baby 3.3 kg
Extra fat during pregnancy 2.5 kg
Increase in body fluid 2.6 kg
The muscle layer of the uterus (womb) grows dramatically 0.9 kg
The placenta (afterbirth), which keeps your baby nourished 0.6 kg
Increase in the breasts 0.4 kg
Increase in blood volume 1.2 kg
Total weight gain 11.5 kg

Generally, there is little weight gain during the first trimester (1-2 kg) because of morning sickness. The most weight is gained (about 5-7 kg) during the second trimester. In the third trimester, a woman gains about 4-5 kg. This is the average weight gain. Every woman's body is different, depending on body weight before conception. For normal healthy woman, the weight gain ranges from 11-16 kg. Women who are underweight prior to pregnancy usually would gain little more and overweight women, a little less.
Hi AngelBee,
Dun give up! I tried again after my menses resume. Be strong and take more tonic to build up your health to prepare for your next pregnancy.

Hi Apex,
thought everything is going fine for you and why suddenly detect this? Good to go for 2nd opinion and hope everything goes well for you...keep us posted.
hi doggy,
i'm seeing another Prof in NUH later this morning... will update u all. i'm prepared for the worst and i'm going strong

actually when i looked back, there could be some telltale signs which my Gynae didn't amplify to worry me unnecessarily.

i know my Gynae had been trying his best to support my baby with hormone jab n pills fr wk 6. cos HB was weak then although it grew stronger at wk 7.
at wk 6, sac shape (long kidney-shaped) worried my Gynae, saying baby was not producing enough fluid so was given 1 week MC.

well, everything looked good at wk 7, the size n HB good.
but after 4 wks, baby seemed to have stop growing... without my knowing haha! cos i'm feeling fine n pregnant. think this is called missed abortion...

after i made known situation, realised my hubby's 6 aunts all have had miscarriages b4! it's just we never hear them mention previously. so probably this is quite common lor.

i feel glad i find out this early than to have still birth or baby with defects after delivery. most likely this is due to some chromosome abnormalities.
i'm taking this in stride n will recuperate my health n be strong!
* AngelBee - **HUGZ** Very sad to hear that. You take good care of yourself.

* Apex - Ya, I thought everything is going fine for you too. Hope to hear good news from 2nd Gynac. Keep us poseted. *Praying*
Hi APex,
great to see that you are so strong....unlike me! when i knew that my 1st pregnancy wasnt well, i broke down in the clinic and cried so badly! Everyone was staring at me like mad...but i just couldnt controlled myself! keep us posted and praying for you....
hehe... i didn't break down at the clinic cos maybe still in a state of shock haha!
after that, i immediately called my mum, talk halfway also can't control my tears esp when i recalled baby's cute hands n feet n big head! after that i didn't cry liao...

my parents kept telling me not to take it too hard cos i'm still young n most imptly, must take care of my health rather...
to them, it is fate that determines when n who will be my child
* Apex - My heart goes all out for you. You are such a strong gal. I admire your positive attitude. I wish I have your strength.

I remembered that I was crying so badly in the clinic when I was told on the possibility of ectopic pregnancy and cried all the way to the hospital.

I didnt know or understand that pregnancy could be so tedious. Every moment of ups and downs are so unbearable. The emotional strain that we are going through, really needs alot of support from the family.

I will be seeing my Gynac next time, dun know why I am so anxious, so stressful. Moreover with my thryoid condition, it makes me even more worried. Really cant wait for Mar 07 to come.

Meantime, you must take good care and do keep us posted.
hi apex,
actually ii cried even badly when i called my mum that day...the way she asked me not to take it too hard make me cry even more. ok, looking forward to your good news and be strong!
hey apex,
yes miscarriage in 1st trim is common, as hi as 30%, which is why my gynae said the safest is to announce after 1st trim. dun worry, if it doesnt work out this time, it will work out the second round in most cases. take good care.
Hi Starfruit
welcome, I've lost about 3.5kg....
We have similarity here... no MS. Most women have it but we dont. could this be a sign? Usually should have bad MS, of cos, there are some ppl without MS and also deliver a healthy baby.
Hi AngelBee,
my coll who is going very strong have no ms at all and she is giving birth soon. Dun worry abt such symptoms and do take care of your health now. Rest well
HI Ladies
Be strong ok? Take good care of yourself so that you will conceive healthily again. Be it for your sake or for your future bb.

HI Everyone
Anyone know whether does ultrasound scan harm the bb. I mean how frequent will a scanning means harmful to bb who are in the first trimester?
Hi AngelBee,
I am preg again after a year from last incident. Didn't really time it just came naturally.

Went for sec scan today and gynae mentioned that the baby is growing. A little relief but still a little paranoid.
hi giolyn,

i heard that throughout the pregnancy period, a baby shouldn't be ultrascanned for more than 30 minutes, that's why each time the doc do ultrascan very fast else might affect baby.
i guess basing on experiencing MS alone may not be a good indicator of a pregnancy success. for me, probably, it's hereditary cos my mum had no MS at all when she smoothly had her 4 children. I do feel nauseous but no vomitting. other symptoms were strong even to date...

well Mummies,
I'm back from the confirmation. Baby has stopped growing at wk 10. Prof did a tranvaginal scan which is more accurate. saw baby's front view this time. got its cute head, hands and legs. but no heartbeat, motionless...

anyway, had scheduled the D&amp;C by my Gynae this Wed... asked both Prof n Gynae abt the resting period b4 conceiving. Prof said 6 mths but Gynae said 2 mths... so inconsistent????? i'll wait at least 3 mths lor

my whole office all know abt my pregnancy without my announcing cos of my 2 wks MC. so this time, can't escape letting others know lor...
hi giolyn
i asked the gynae same question, she said they are using "sound wave" - hope i remember correctly, will not affect bb.
hey apex,
i started trying without protection 1 month after, and strike during the 3rd month. after d&amp;c, let the gynae check again, he/she will advise if you can go ahead to ttc again. dun worry about the rest, take good care and good rest, take more tonics to build up your health is more important now.
hi apex, admire you for your courage &amp; optimism. Pls rest well &amp; continue taking care for another shot at bb in future.

hi taysetsuri, u got thyroid condition too? i hv hypothyroidism...are u hyper or hypo?
hi apex,
be positive and be strong....me was like pinky, started trying after my menses resume buut strike only after 3months...be well and rest well now..
hi doggy n pinkypink,
i will be strong. life still goes on...

what kind of bu or tonic do we need after the D&amp;C? i know nuts abt such things. only bought birdnest which my SIL said is good.

also how do we know we r once again healthy n strong to conceive again? after 1 cycle is it too soon?

last qtn... what am i to expect right after D&amp;C? bleeding, spotting to continue? cramps? when will 1st menses come? will it be regular like before?
hi apex,
after D&amp;C, my mum make alot of herbal soup for me and cook dishes with ginger just like confinement except its a mini one. I drink alot of dom but if you are ttc, stop drinking then.

my gynae told me to try again once my menses resume. I tried right away after my menses resume and kanna only after the 3rd month.

After D&amp;C, you will expect some light brown discharge for abt 7-10 days. for me, i was lucky coz menses resume per normal. I am having my menses exactly 1 month after D&amp;C and the following one was on time as well. After 2nd one, i kanna this bb. But gynae do mentioned to me that menses will resume between 28-40 odd days.So, take it easy
actually 1 wk after D&amp;C, you need to go back to check and gynae will ensure everything is fine. Whether we are healthy again, well, i should say its mentally! If you are ready, just go! that time i still remember i was waiting for my menses to come, its like praying for it to come! Dont worry Apex, rest well and be ready for the next one
Hi Dogdy &amp; Pinkypink,

Are u given antibiotics after D&amp;C? Or a Jab to prevent infection? I was given antibiotics.There seems to have infection, itch there.

I thoght bird nest is to nourish the lungs? You can ask the medical shop

After D&amp;C some women will bleeding for 1 to 7 days.

After bleedings stops then u can start to 'bu'. I have black chicken with tang gui, drink DOM every nite. You can brew red dates+ wolfberries + dried longan. Eat more pork liver.
I went to see Chinese Sinseh to 'tiao' my body. He say my body very weak.

I will try again after 3 cycles. I think 1 cycle is too short, body not strong enough. I will continue to take for till 3 cycles
Hi AngelBee,
I was given iron pills instead, no antibiotic. after that, i went to see TCM and he told me i'm still strong, womb still strong too. If you are weak, rest for a little longer before you try again, will be better for your next pregnancy too...I start eating bu after my D&amp;C....
thanks for ur prompt response. is there a need to go to Chinese Physician? any good one to recommend? is it they "ba mai" then know our womb health???

for me, like AngelBee, maybe wait till 3 cycles better. also will ask my Gynae to check my health.

SIL just say birdnest also very bu, good for our health also... anyway, to me, it's dessert!
hi apex,
ya, they actually ba mai and give me some herb to bu my womb! i went to 1 near Parkway parkway..some of my frens are seeing him for fertility prob too....
hi AngelBee,
He is located at

Ban Choon Chan
Blk 81 #01-636
Marine Parade Central
Mon, Wed-Fri 8.30am to 5pm
Tue and Sat 8.30am to 3pm
Sun 8.30am to 12noon
Closed on PH.
Tel: 63446718
Hi doggy,

u went to Ban Choon Chan....we went there too and I know him since bb...hehehe...not kidding....our family member know him beri well......whether for fertility prob or normal illnes...he is really gd.........

Those who wanna see him be prepare for super long queeue especially on weekends............
Hi MTBs..
i juz tested +ve from a Watson's kit. ermm, i hv doubts and unsure of this pregnancy as we been TTC-ing for 3yrs as hubby do not have healthy sperm. So i m still in a shock.
My only symptons are:
1. menses is 2weeks late
2. My breast feel sore when i touch them..
3. i seem to have internal nose bleed when i clean them. (sorry to sound gross)

other then this, i really do not have any symptons.. is this normal? am worried. btw, when will spotting appear? will every preggie have spotting?

will be seeing my gynae this fri.. hopefully this is real

I do not have preg symptoms too (about 7 weeks now) . If your menses is 2 weeks late than you should be around 6 weeks pregnant (counting from last day of menses)...congratulation! you should see bb heart beat through vaginal scan.
thanks for your assurance stileto..
btw, when is your EDD?
sorry but i still hv doubts over my cheapo Watson's kit
may have to buy clearblue kit to have a confirmed answer

I do not have preg symptoms too (about 7 weeks now) . If your menses is 2 weeks late than you should be around 6 weeks pregnant (counting from last day of menses)...congratulation! you should see bb heart beat through vaginal scan.

My pregancy was confirmed by gynae last fri...bb EDD is 03/04/07...my first pregnancy, excited and nervous!
Hey nuahcouple,
how come you are here too? Oh ya, that mr chan is really good....did you go to him for your pregnancy? he is the one teaches me to drinkthe essence of chicken...
I juz bot a clearblue kit and its +ve. *phew* now more assured oredi..
am a 1st-timer too. but now still in a confused and denial state
guess my EDD shd be a week after you.

now another sympton i hv is that i got very hungry in the morning as i am not a breakfast person.. so no choice gotta go BK to grab a burger.. so hungy that i feel like puking

Did u go and see him during your pregnancy? How can he detect that your womb is healthy - by bah mai? the tcm sinseh say that i hav to go back to see him even i get preggie later, cos my body too weak....
Hi all..
i called up a few gynae, unfortunately they are on leave. Arrgh.. perhaps they are using 7th mth to take a break

So hubby and i decided to go KKH to confirm.. thus can anyone tell me which clinic shd i go? or go to their A&amp;E? not so familar with KKH

Hi JL, can try the popular Jocelyn Wong in TMC. I am with Caroline Khi also in the same clinic with Jocelyn wong. She is a very nice lady. Their unit is #03-03 and tel:63532033. I think u can do the pregnancy test with any GP, but if u want to do a scan of course got to a gynae

