(2007/02) February

JC - same lor........... it's bcos bb is growing bigger then also moving mah, sooner or later u will feel worse cos it goes up to ur ribs area.

Ah ger, so your sis didnt incr much in size when she preg?

JC, I got the feeling of tummy hardening and contracting. Do you think it's braxton hicks?
Giggler, I bought during Robinson's 20+5% off.
And I think the price has gone up since now it's the model with the advanced function.

PVL, yah it's true.. with the Avent, don't keep pumping after let down, if not sure kena nipple crack :p

Stressed booking our trip for Perth.. lots of hotels I want aren't available and it's not easy to travel with a toddler if we don't manage to get 1 bedroom apartment.

Charis, I don't even iron 'cos I always burn myself until my hubby freak out whenever I start to iron. Heh.
Gig - she grew, more on hips, then her stomach area bt mine was more on the chest area, hence her clothes were tight for me.
giggler....i think so.

oki doki.....going home soon ...will chat 2moro.

cannot tahan liao, buttock really hurts....can't sit for very long now....need a bed now to lie down flat ..........zzzzzzzzzz
hello gals,

went to 2nd opinion just now... baby weight 900g at 27 weeks, one bad news is, the chalky urine marks urinary track infection and my placenta low again, gynae says i have sign of early labour, but baby so small.. so now under medication to stop the sign of early labour .. need to go back nx week..

felt lucky that i went for a 2nd opinion..
Catz, PIS has incr'd price liao. Used to be $600+ if I didnt rem wrongly. Hahaha... my parents freaked out whenever I do housework cos I def got sick or hurt myself one.

Ah ger, oic...

koh, it's common to have UTI for us right? You better rest more so that bb can grow faster.
It's always better to seek 2nd opinion.

i think is common.. but still need to check the urine 'content'... if there is other virus, scared might affect baby...
actually i am not worry bout the UTI, i am worried bout the placenta... haiz...
koh, can you take beef cos that really helps to push up the weight of baby. But if its due to religion and you cant take beef,then got to see if other meat can help. dun worry, everything will be fine. Your baby will cooperate with you.
hi all I am "back" here again after along time of MIA.. Same reason, work work work so bz till no time to come in.

i really frustrated , angry and stress up, to think some lazy bum pretend to be sick or something on took Urgent leave and MIA every month end so that I m the only one left FORCED to do everything for her since she is not available, really want to scold !@$#%^&* word at her leh! This is already the 3rd time she play out every month end like that and I already feedback to boss also no action, really TL.. Wah all ppl take me for granted!

Sorry come in to vent anger...

Last Thur juz had my 24th week scan, baby is weighing about 500g only, but my weight jump 2KG within a month, gynae was shocked! Think he was trying to tell me, "Wah lao FAT u..." Bo bian last month eat so much, got wedding dinners lah, go cruise lah, of course put on weight... colleague aso say I quite "BIG" (Fat) liao !! Argh..

Koh, actually I had the chalky urine aso leh. However there is no pain when I pass urine so I didn't quite bothered about it, duno should I go to see doctor aso.

Now u r in your 27th week already ah? I am into 25th week only, baby is about 500g, as compare to yours, (27th to 900g), mine quite small leh, abit worried..

JC last week asked gynae whether will I go into labour early since my 1st one was C-sec, he said that if the first one didn;t come out early, probably the second one also late. Hopefully what he said will be true because I hope to have a pig yr baby, hehehe...

hey juz wanna ask u all for opinion one silly question. What do preggy in the olden time wears? Coz my this company having company dinner need to dress in "retro/oldies" theme..
Koh - UTI is rather common esp women. U can drink Cranberry juice or take yoghurt. I buy the OceanSpray (I think) from NTUC, per btl of 1+L is abt $5+. It helps.

In the meantime, drink more H2O also, tats the best, then try not to ctrl ur bladder too much, try to visit the toilet as often as possible. Anyway nwadays, most of us can't sit dwn for 2 long, so best to walk ard to exercise abit.

Who did you gt 2nd opinion from? Dun worry too much, my coll also low placenta, & she managed to stay put till about 36+wks. Bt she had early bed rest like for about 5wks. U can ask gynae to give u hospitalization leave for this, no need for early ML.

Another alternative other than beef will be broccoli, or duck meat w/o skin.

Bitbit, dun worry, bb grow very fast. Perhaps your bb is just petite??

Retro/ Oldies arh? Wear those empire cut dresses bt then more retro prints lor like circles, or very colourful fabric. Then u wear those plastic big round earrings, I found my pair @ West Mall those kind of Aries shop $1 per pair. Then I also bought those colourful bangles $1 I think for a few.

most monitor the frequency of hardening and contracting.. thats wat my gynae told me. should not happen more than few times in a day. maybe my gynae is more kiasu cos some says it is harmless braxton hick contraction.
JC, giggler,
Sounds like Braxton Hicks. I think I also sometimes experience this. Yah, just monitor lah. Should not become regular in the course of the day.

Your bb sounds a little small, but don't worry. The weight is only a good guess. And if Dr Han doesn't say anything about the wt, then there should be nothing to worry about. Some bbs put on wt earlier, some later.

Retro theme - try getting those plain straight cut dresses, sleeveless (not speg strap), with large prints like checks or flowers or something on them. I've seen my mum's old preggy photos, and she used to wear like that.

Do take more rest. Will pray for you. Did the Dr do an internal exam to determine that you showed signs of early labour? Low placenta is not the same as placenta previa, so don't worry so much. The placenta can move up and down, so it will probably still be mobile. (Sonographer told me "placenta is a mobile structure")

Ah ger,
Thanks for sending the photos. You are a pretty mum to-be leh. And you are quite big for first time, huh? Hahahaha. I don't feel so big after all
. I'm about the same as you, or maybe just slightly larger. Try not to stand pushing out your tummy too much. Not good for your back. Try to tuck your buttock in. Your apt very tastefully furnished.
Koh, try ask ur gynae to give u MC to stay at home and rest. Please take care of urself and the bb...

ah ger, thanks for the photos! U look radiant and still as pretty! Hei, i saw the grey capris on u too.
Think by the time i reach 26 weeks, my tummy will be like u also. Should be proud of our big big tummy!
Hey gals

when i went to toilet just now.. i saw some fresh blood. so scared, dunno it is due to straining during poo poo or wat.
Good Morning ladies.....

Ah ger saw ur pics....tks. Ur really look great. Still as pretty as b4.

Stella....check see whether anymore later...or try inserting ur finger into ur V. check does the blood comes from there. Dun worry ......if still dun feel good go see ur gynae.

Koh......take more rest & drink plenty of water. Maybe dun walk too much.... let's see what the dtr say. Take care

Bitbit...ren ren....ren...we are all rening. +/- 3 more mths....we will be free from those bo liao office thing......
Oh yeah, forgot... sometimes Braxton Hicks can be triggered by dehydration. Drink more water.

OK. Me off to the zoo with Sarah now. Bye everyone! Enjoy your day! (Yeah yeah, I know, some of you have lousy jobs - just 'ren') Soon you'll be holding your precious little ones and enjoying maternity leave.
ren! ren! ren!

me just came back from 2 days mc (half real/half fake) but boss treat me as invisible oso.

shld rest more.
koh, if placenta too low, you may got to go thru c-section birth.

bitbit, aiyo... calm down... not good to feel so worked up leh, your bb can sense it one.
When's your EDD? Seems like most mummies here prefer piggy bb.

Ah ger, my co treat mc as ML if it's 2weeks before our EDD leh.

stella, I thot braxton hicks is harmless too. You gg to see doc abt the fresh blood?

PVL, what do you mean by regular? I got braxton hicks few times a day leh. You still got the energy to bring Sarah to zoo? Enjoy yourself!

smurfy, hahaha... you so cute leh, got half fake/half real one huh?
initial idea is to take mc to sleep / rest at home. then boyboy who is oredi sick really pass his virus to me....

how u all knw is braxton kicks? i have not "read" until so far of those pregnancy books :x
smurfy, I feel the tightening of my tummy like contraction certain time of the day lah. It's not painful but quite uncomfy. Guess it's braxton hicks.
Ah Ger: You have new pictures? Can i see them too? [email protected]

Koh: Don't worry too much. I had placenta previa too and i carried my son till 5 days short of edd. Was advised bedrest but didn't really follow. As for weight, the doctor told me to drink plenty of fresh milk. Try that...

Have you ladies measured your waist? My colleague measured for me yesterday. 38inches at barely 25wks. I think I'm gonna explode.

Stella: Do check where the blood is from. If you still feel worried, better go to the doctor just to make sure.

no more blood already..shld be straining from poo poo

i also tot braxton hicks contraction is harmless too.. but my gynae says most monitor leh..
hi ladies,
thanx for all the encouragement..
ah ger,
i went to S T chan at far east plaza for 2nd opinion.
ya gynae did a internl test for mi, first insert one steel thing inside then check, after that he insert his fnger in, then say there is sign of early labour... he wan mi to see him everyweek.. i think he wan to monitor ba... he ask mi whether i need MC, i say no, as i haven found a temp staff to replace mi yet, so no MC, no leave for mi now, u know my appt all i atten in afternoon leh, then after that rush back to office.. very tiring.. even i get MC, boss will be unhappy... so i never take MC loh...
he gave mi a pink pill to take three times a day to stop contractions...
he insist i rest more but no choice.. so he gave mi medicine and wan mi to see him once a week loh...
one more thing, he say my baby is sitting up position, but now is still too early , so maybe if baby turn in later stage, and placenta moves up, % of c-sect will be lower... i pay him the c-sect package , he says will refund mi if i normal delivery..

my hubby very angry with my previous gynae leh, why she never check my problem properly..and everytime i got contraction always say its ok one, nothing wrong and so on...so now my hubby wan to to change gynae ... quite late but at least we know whats happening inside mi..
Ah ger,
saw your pics thanks! You look very radiant, think its cos of your bright personality too..the shorts are from spring is it? I wear those at home too but I need to buy some preg T-shirts cos my normal t-shirts are too small now. Your tummy not very big leh, think depending on what you wear, some photos you still look very neat. But think your bust increased quite a lot right? U have given me inspirations to do the same...to photograph the tummy area only. Hb keeps saying that he will take preg photos of me every weekend but till now, still hasnt. THe last photos taken were more than a month ago.

finally mid week, two more days and its weekend again.

Stella, thank God its a false alarm. You must be very scared to see blood.

Gals, must be very careful..my colleague had bleeding in later stage of pregnancy and has been on bed rest as its too early for labour now. Think she has to take ventolin to prevent the contraction and this makes her heart beat very fast. Very poor thing.
good that u seek second opinion,at least now have a clearer view on what's going onz.

saw ur pregnancy pics, ur stomach very big liao. mine still like insignificant compared to urs. abt the same as my breasts (if looking from the side of mirror). but u still look so radiant.

so tightening of tummy is brixton contractions arr? oh i do not have that yet. i only got kicked in my tummy most of the time -_-'

For UTI,
try cranberry juice once /twice/thrice per week (a glass) as a preventive measure. me used to experienced that last time quite frequently after sexual intercourse. Thereafter, I always try to drink cranberry juice after making out. It helps lor
stella, maybe you can try prune juice? At least blood is from your poopoo...

koh, ya... at least you know what really happened now. Your gynae got different package for c-section and normal birth? How much is the package?

Ah ger, you busy at work? Your tummy quite big for first bb...
You so funny abt your comments on the pix you took yday.
Aiya... me still haven got time to download my pix yet.
Hey bit bit,
me in the same stage lah, doing 3 pple jobs now...thats the bad point of being preggy!!! employer know you wont leave now

When's your D&D? Ours coming too and heard Far East have a lot of retro clothes in babydoll style, you can try
Hi koh..

Do take care. Dont worry bout the UTI. Low placenta n early labour, can jus rest rest rest..the meds will help strengthen the womb n stop the early labour..I think doc gave u salbutamol?

Hi ah ger..

May I see yr photos too..pretty mum?
[email protected]
i got one empire cut dress, bright pink/red color? u wanna see/try? quite nice and can be worn for formal events.

oh, i oso got a question on dress code.
i got to attend my graduation convocation this saturday. was advised to wear a light colored (e.g. white) long sleeved shirt under the graduation gown, and with black pants. But WHERE to find long sleeved pregnant shirt!!!!! what other alternatives do i have at this moment?
Hi smurfy..I tried some at FlavaMama @ Suntec yesterday..But my hb didnt like them..say I young mum ask me to wear baby doll tops..also Im not working in office so dont need shirts.

I think u can find shirts at Thyme also..but kinda ex.

Or u can look at yr hb's shirts..he may have something u can fit.
Bitbit..wah hard to find for preggie..my girlfriend also had same theme..I went to Far East Plaza with her, n they had nice retro like clothes, but cant fit lah..so she jus wore a black maternity dress she had..n she bought a thick gold belt for the retro look n big hoop earrings.

If u willing to spend money u can buy at Maternity Exchange or rent one of their dresses..they hav nice D&D wear.
morning mummies,

ah ger, got new photos ah? I want to see also [email protected]

I also have some discharge throughout this pregnancy. Sometimes it's quite itchy and very annoying. But no murky urine, just sometimes some milky yellow discharge. Already mentioned to my gynae and she said it's quite normal for preggies to have heavier discharge and she ask me can endure or not the itchiness cos she prefers to treat it after the delivery.

Most of the time it's ok but there are times where it's very itchy and very uncomfy. Now I use those feminin wash every time i bath.
Mummy2b..I have heavier discharge too..but not really itchy...i wear panty liners to keep fresh, but sometimes i forget..

U can use feminine wash but careful not to douch the area.
koh, I supposed the package is inclusive of delivery charge? Can you get refund from your prev gynae's package?

doggy, you also suffering in your workplace? That's the typical mentality of bosses now hor? So sad....

smurfy, maybe you can get larger size of long-sleeve shirt? Congrats on your graduation!!!

mummy2b, I also leh, got the itch and very uncomfy freq. Now using those feminine wash too but like not much help.

Charis, what do you mean by 'douch'?
Douch means flushing/forcing water and/or soap into the vagina..its very bad, cos it washes off the good bacteria..which will then increase chances of getting UTI, vaginal bacterial infections..jus gentle rinsing of the area is good enough..n wipe dry!
charis, I use panty liners too everyday. Used to it since young but just that when the itchiness occurs, it's very annoying loh. Is it really harmful to treat during pregnancy? Cos i read in another thread, some mummies also experienced the same thing and their gynaes gave them some tablets to insert for a few days.
Mum2b..make sure u change at least twice a day..n wipe area dry if u wash..Itch is usually its an infection..could be yeast..it will go away dont worry..

Sometimes, its the pubic hair that irritates the area leh..hahaha..at least for me..
Hi mommies

Did u all engage confinement lady? Mine requested for a deposit of $300. Can anyone enlighten me on the procedures? Need to copy ic no.? The actual person cnt come dwn to spore. The lady who recommend her r another confinement lady. bt she seem popular & helpful in the forum.
Gals, paiseh, I used Nana's compiled list then I tot I sent to all, will try to send again 29.

PVL - yeah lah, tats y I told u I m very big size liao. Haiz........ If I tuck my buttock in, I get backache leh, so sometimes I will just do stretching. bt then hor, those tummy pics hor, I din stick out much leh........ dunno hw cme it looks as if I stretch out alot. I just try to stand normally, if nt will b very slouchy.

Doggy - no Huang Yu Ling lah.......... I m nt pretty, so ugly already.

JC - thks, bt then no lor, I dun think I still look pretty. Yest night just realised my forehead is breaking out again! Sobs......

Mag/ other gals - I will send u 29 lah, nw can't access.

Gig - yes, my Co also, which is y if really wanna take HL, must b @ least 1mth b4 EDD. Otherwise it's considered either MC or ML.

Koh - since u took 2nd opinion, then hw abt ur current gynae? Ur current gynae is the one ur hb is angry w/ is it? Then hw? Live w/ it?

Cherry - I look radiant meh? I tot I look like a hag though. Ha ha ha....... All those pics I took were all taken after wk & ard 8+ 9+ leh. Ha ha ha....... B4 hb came bac frm class, I was bz DIY-ing taking those pics in the hall, in the room. Ha ha ha...........

Yeah, the shorts r frm Spring, after 10% is abt $23+. I got a black & blue lor. They hv pink, yellow, sky blue, white. Bt I dun like cos 2 light then like slpwear. I m still wearing slping dress to slp, then when I go dwnstairs, my tees were just abit tight for me nw, bt bear w/ it lor. Otherwise, longer tees will cover my shorts then ppl think I bottomless.

Mum also said my bust increased alot. Bt actually nt alot lah, maybe my body has widen greatly tats y look like bust increased alot?

I told myself to take those 1/2 naked pics for future's memory sake. I even took front view bt looked ugly. U know I always complain rib cage pain right? Then yest when I took the pics, just below the bust tare like loopsided, then my stomach looks like a square. So ugly, hence I din upload into the album. I store all my pics in my PC, so after delivery, I will trsf them into a CD & kip 2gether w/ the album which I will kip my scans also. I also took full view of myself w/ 1/2 naked bt of cos can't post on the web lah. *LOL*

Smurfy - yeah lor, bt then wear dress hor, look extremely big one leh, when I wear pants all these w/ tops, I dun look tat pregnant. Strange....

Gig - yeah tis morning very bz......... even nw still trying to stl dwn bt I know u all sure will talk abt my pics. So I zoomed in & kpo 1st lor. Ha ha ha......

Charis - I din send to u also arh? I tot I did.

I also hv those discharge then I find it yucky. Bt no choice leh, they say sure hv one. I've bn wearing pantyliners all the while so no diff to me lor, except changing more regularly.

Dun use normal soap/ foam to wash the vaginal area - use Lactacyd or some other brands which is strictly meant for feminine hygiene wash. If nt u will b prone to vaginal infection.

Leomum - can't help u since most of the MTBs here are gng to DIY + w/ hb's help. Confinement lady is way too exp during CNY period.

Hi Leomum, oh, lucky u, tat u got one @ 2.2k. bt anyway even if it's 2.2K I also wun engage cos still hv to take into consideration of the food expenses.
