(2007/02) February

Morning mummies...

Baby YX kena spanked by me early this morning as crying non-stop while leaving her on my bed b4 we left house. So i spanked her hard hard and gave sign to her to stop crying or i won't carry her. If not becos i was in a hurry to leave home and my sis and housemate were sleeping, i wld leave her crying till she stop. This gal getting so cranky and a cry baby lately. Haiz...

Gak, hope ur boy will get well soon. Just monitor him closely.

Saw from newspaper this morning that Guardian is selling Pampers Active size L at less than $23! Gonna snatch a few packets.

Cherry, i dun mind organising one. But need to ensure they accept international cc and can use vpost as i only have vpost account.

my silly boy can recognise 1 and 2 kekeke.... i got 2 sets of bunnies soft toys - one set is 1 bunny, the other set is 2 bunnies sticking together.. so we practice counting 1 n 2 when the boy plays with them. yesterday the maid told me when the 1 bunny is in front of him, she asked him "where is 2 bunnies?".. the silly boy turns the head here n there to search for 2 bunnies!.. not that silly afterall hahahaha

i oso wanna birthday direct!!!! kekeke remmber to include me in hor! but but can i "read n copy" some of ur purchases? coz soooo many things there, dunno what to get.

hope that julian's surgery is a success today.

turninng nazi? did YX get a shock?
smurfy, I have been spanking YX so much recently that think she get immuned oredi. Among all the caretakers of her, I am the only one who spank her and scold her stern stern but she still sticky sticky and bully me. *HELP!!!*

I also no idea what's nice and worth to buy from bday direct. No time to go in the website and browse yet.
Hi good morn!

I oso wan to order from birthday direct too.. count me in!

jelly, YX is cranky perhaps for her new tooth?

my boy also have 1 and only tooth... I wonder where is all his teeth?

cherry, go for the shoot la... no harm trying and i guess no one will say yr son too la

I am going for one which is posted by EL earlier next week. I will just try lor...
last Mon i went to terminal 3 to see and someone also approached us for video shoot (will be shown in their own opening ceremony video clip) the lady ask the interviwer "wan to interview bb?" i find that nowadays with bb with us, our bb is getting the limelight lo. I feel getting exposed to ple will get my bb to be more sociable too lo. but I still will let him be wary of strangers too la.
Good morning!

Last night Soph also cranky - woke up at 4am with a horrifying cry, then no matter how I pacify her for 1 hours, still cannot sleep. I think it's her 6th tooth coming out. Put teething gel, she calmed down for 30mins, then cannot sleep again. I think today's GF schedule will be messed up!

For pasta, I saw the very small ABC pasta from Eden Organics before. Organic4Less may carry it... very cute and small.
Don't be intimadated by pasta dieshes - they're actually easier to cook compared to Chinese food!

Glad to know your boy's fever and fits are OK now! Kids are so fragile hor?

Maybe YX teething also lah...
Wow, Pampers Active so cheap? But not many Guardians sell Pampers right? I think the Bishan area one sure don't have

Hey, did you see the Pediped BP? Only $37! Are you gonna get a larger-sized pair since you sold off your previous pair?

Eh, I also want Birthday Direct stuff
Do you mean the brand Organic Baby or you mean we only just give organic food to baby and nothing else?
Or is it a new brand called Only Organic?

Paiseh, I'm a bit lost in your sentence
must be the lack of sleep from last night!
garfield... i also lost in ur sentence...

garfield and huskie, i thot of that too. Whether the crankiness is due to teething. But i think more got to do wif she start remember ppl and places. U know these few nites when it's the bedtime and I put her sleeping bag on the bed wanted to wear for her. She started screaming and struggling. She knows once she gets inside the sleeping bag, it's time for her to sleep and she cannot play oredi.

huskie... Ya, like not many guardian shops selling pampers hor. Will try my luck at the one near my place.

Saw the pediped BP too! But the size like quite small lei. Wanted to get XL but the designs i like all dun have XL. YX big feet lah so need to get bigger size for her. She oredi has 1 size L pediped and 2 size L Robeez, all brand new and not yet wear...

U gg to get a pair for Sophie?
good morning

saw the veggie pasta b4!
think mixed veggies..some hvn't intro my boy yet le..can give???

when come to pasta sauce, i'm totally at a lost! :p

Thanks for the well wishes huskie & jelly!
now very careful when he gets "heated" but no sign of fever...

if u toking abt ONLY Organic Baby food, it's from NZ
my boy loves it very much..
i hvn't seen in SIN yet though
u saw in today's papers??
where selling uh?
aiyo paiseh... this is what they wrote on the ad la... ;p

they say "Only Organic" is the brand la... think Gak got it right.

gak, the label abit greenish like tat rgt? they selling those jarred food and also pasta and smootie. it selling at carrefour now... so prob i buy 1 or 2 to try
great, so many mummies interested in birthday direct

Jelly, can use Vpost, Jan moms using VpostUSA!! So you will organise for us!!!!
yay, private spree for feb moms only! So where do we post our orders?

Jelly, I cannot imagine u spanking YX leh, cos u look so sweet and gentle,demure

Garfield, i have heard horrifying stories of babies' pictures being scan and used in unauthorised areas after they appear in commercial or print ad and this person has been suing the groups of people for abusing his baby's picture. So, I kiasi

catz, u are fast!! its months before our babies bday and u ordered already!
fast spree-er indeed!

gak, sorry to hear about your baby, hope he is ok.

GOG, praying that Jul's op will be a succes, take care gal. We will see a healthy and strong Julian during our gathering

think my hb same like u lo... when i tell him i going for one audition next wk, he like give me those look but he still let me go lo.

wah it do sounds scary... hmm...
hi gals,

hows everyone?

Got spree huh?? birthday spree?? but wat??

oh ya, any idea how to celebrate our bb 1st birthday, my bb on JAN leh...

GOG, i will pray hard hard for your julian, be positive ok... be strong....

My bb still don wan porridge leh, how huh?? she only takes cereal... Headache....

Heres a update on Elva..

I oso got bad news
company did not perform this year.. So basically 0 bonus at all
not even 13th month, coz my package does not include 13th month) must keep reeaaalll quiet frm the hubby, otherwise must really budget for the new home. Ai yah.. like that now, how to get pretty pretty curtains
... super sianz oredi..
GOG..Will pray for yr son's healing..take care okie.

Cherry n garfield..I'm bringing Yael for the casting at Henderson..cos my hb n in-laws "pressured" me too..
My MIL already ask me how much is she going to get from the talent fee if Yael is selected for the advertisement.
I too feel uncomfortable when ppl comment TOO MUCH on my baby..esp physical appearance..I think a genuine comment short n sweet is ok..but I hav ppl who create a whole conversation..my own in laws esp my MIL does tat all the time..she will talk n talk about how cute Yael is..I think he is lah all mothers think their kids is right?!..but she goes around telling everyone how handsome he is etc etc..seriously haha..My parents also think its overdone. Anyway she has this tendency to comment on ppl's looks everywhere she goes.

Anyway, I just bring him for the casting for fun..get to see other babies too..

Koh..HOw are u yourself?
Elva looks good..cheerful and chubby.
I think just a cake, blow candles, food n some frens should do..cos our babies cant play any games yet right?
No clowns ok..cos from wat i know young babies n toddlers are afraid of clowns.
Hi mummies!

A quick update:

Operation is a success without any other complications.
Admitted 7am, put to sleep 8am, operation started 9am.
By 11.30am, received a call to say we can see him soon.
Was out of Operation Room at 12pm, transferred to ICU for observation and monitoring.
Lungs pressure is high still, will take a while to stablise
Julian will be asleep till tmr. God's peace is with him.

THANK YOU MUMMIES FOR ALL YOUR PRAYERS AND SUPPORT! INDEED, PRAYERS ARE POWERFUL. Do continue to pray for Julian's recovery and for us as we take care of him from tmr onwards.

Take care.
u going for the casting too? which date u going? yr MIL going? hehe alamak, think if she go i dun dare to meet her or else she got many comments for me n zz? I scare scare too.

koh, elva has many hair too envy... she looks liek toddler. me not yet think of the venue yet. keep thinkin until got white hair... but had to buy the decoration stuff first or else last min v gan jiong.
Re: Unpolished rice - no, I don't soak it. I just do everything at the same time. I also add in millets and/or dahl. I usually use a slow cooker. For 1 1/2 tbsp of rice + 1 tsp of millets and a few grains of dahl, I use about one finger joint of water first. Later, I will check and add water as necessary. Or sometimes I add a few tbsp of fish bone stock or chicken bone stock. I cook for about 2+ hours (at least).
How much does Sophie sleep these days? On good days, Ben will sleep 13.5 hrs total. On bad days, it can be as little as 11 hrs. But on average, it's 12.5 - 13 hrs. He has a bad habit of waking up about 45 mins into his morning nap and POOPING in his diaper!!! That marks the end of the nap cos he'll then be super happy to be awake and nothing I do can get him to sleep again. I try to get him to go in the toilet before the nap, but he adamantly refuses to do any poops into the toilet at that time.

Been praying for you (both Sarah & I). Update when you're able, OK? Be strong.

How's your bb?
I also don't give Ben fruit every meal. I'm too lazy and busy. :p. But his porridge has 4 kinds of veges in it. So I think he's got plenty of roughage.
If you want to give him pasta, may I suggest alphabet pasta. They become really soft when cooked.
hey, you can't spank on the diaper. No effect. I spank on the thigh. Also, I do have to spank him repeatedly for the same offence. It takes quite a while and a few spankings and warnings for him to get the picture.

I bought Ben his hospitalisation insurance quite a long time ago. NTUC Incomeshield, off my CPF. Recently, we've bought him a Pru Headstart policy.

Congrats on YX's first tooth! They look really cute with the little teeth. Ben is cutting his 5th tooth, upper right incisor.

HI!! Long time. Elva looks so happy. Doesn't want porridge? Oh dear. How's everything with you?
Charis, I guess all parents and grandparents think their babies are the cutest
It shows that your mil really love Yael and is proud of him. Btw, tv commercials are very tiring to film, takes either 1 or 2 full days which is why most tv stars do NOT use their own kids for tv ads if they can.

Koh, hey gal, how are u?? Elva looks so grown up already
The spree is for this website called birthdaydirect where they sell party stuff.

smurfy, I also agree that for curtains must buy the best that u can afford as these can be used for a long time and u see it everyday. I can understnad the feeling of no bonus as my hb also getting v little bonus this time round as he changed job. So, I am buying him a BIG gift when I get my bonus
so sweet hor

GOG, thank God that the op is a success. Be strong, God will look after him and the family.

Garfield, I also havent decide on venue. Thinking of doing at a hotel then no need to do at home..For his full month, we invited so many people (mainly inlaws' relatives) so this time round I will keep it small.
hey gals,
pai seh , was busy this afternoon to log in again..

i guess i will just buy a cake and blow the candles with some frens, just like charis suggest. anyway, elva also don know its her birthdy too... hahah

GOG, thanks god, julian is fine.. pls take good care of urself too k...

garfield, wah, u so fast started buying decoration stuff ar... i too busy to buy .. think will just join u all if there is private spree here...

PVL, ya, elva still don wan porridge leh.. any idea how to 'bluff' her to eat huh????

Cherry, charis
i am fine but recently very busy wih anson appt with the specialist on his behaviour prob.. haiz.. this boy gives mi a very big headache...

as for my job, still slogging in the old co lo.. no choice, owe boss $$$$.. hahahah

tok bout bonus, think this yr is a very very bad yr for my family, as my hubby have been changing job, and now he is selling car, have been there for 3 mths but no sales yet, thus , only bring back 300 bucks everymth... pathetic hor... family burden still on mi loh.... haiz...

anyone wan buy car... support my hubby leh,... hee hee.. ask for quotation also ok mah......let him have things to do... hee.. bad wife

alright, shall stop here... take care gals..

cherish 8th tooth is the lower one.. the gum area is sore and protruding..have yet to see white edges, but can sense her crankiness..


nowadays our bb got temper liao hor.. cherish also..if dun give her the things she want, she can scream the whole hse down.
Hi mummies..looking for xmas gifts?
i buying in bulk for Limited Xmas Pooh Bear in red xmas hood costume. 11 inch (28cm) tall.. $19.90 each..
special request to add wine, bouquet, etc, pls indicate. delivery at additional $2.
Interested, kindly PM me asap.

I emailed Ryan's photo for the ad also. Did you receive any response from them? or just have to appear at Henderson for the casting?

kekeke...good to see elva sooo pretty n grown up...
haf to press on wif regards to financial situation one..there was once i was "jobless' for a year...becoz of that year...very very broke n burden as well...now still slogging hard..but i guess we haf to count our blessings dat at least we haf our kids wif us yah...

as wife..haf to "ren" one lor..i totally can understand...but selling car is a GOOD OPPORTUNITY...slowly sales will come in one..dun worry...


its a relief to know that julian's operation is a success...hope that he can recover very swiftly too...keep us updated and please please take good care of yourself..


actually i also "keen" on sending tyler for the casting..but i read...preferably wif big round eyes...tyler fail liao..wakakka...he sooo "mi mi yan" cannot make it..

but hope A gets it..then can bring you some PRIDE!!..kekke
GOG..Really glad his alright.

Garfield..I'm not sure when we are going..

Cos Yael not very well..diarrhoea n tummyache..he even pass out some blood..polyclinic doc said not serious..but GP is concerned it could be intussesuption..so must monitor him for now..but he looks alright..as active as before.

Cherryale..Yup I know she loves him..no doubt..but I dont like why she has to be so supercifial..n she really gives me n my hb a hard time..which I guess makes me doubt her. SO difficult lah..I think when we move out our relationship will improve..cos she'll let us live our own lives..less room to clash.
Morning all!!!

garfield, oic... The brand is "Only Organic". Now recalled Mag told me b4 on this brand. She said carrefour at JB got sell. Cheap and in big jar.

Cherry and all, i can help to organise for bday direct spree, but u all gotta help me k?

Website to shop: www.birthdaydirect.com

Payment details
- Exchange rate: Based on actual rate charged to my credit card
- Spree will close once it hits US$200 to avoid GST. If exceed US$200, maybe another mummy can help to order.

Shipping Details:
- Via Vpost USA
- Shipping charges to be shared by the value of item purchased
- Bulky items will be x 2

U can either post ur order here or email to me at [email protected] (u all know which email address rite?) or [email protected].

Order format:
1) Item Name:
Price (US$)
Alternate is oos (please provide item name and link):
Hi Koh! Elva has such a lovely smile! She is so pretty!!! Ya, agree wif charis, a small bday cake wif the family around will be nice oredi.
Re ur job, do drop me a sms if u are ready to switch. U know wat i mean rite? ;)

smurfy, ask ur hubby to sponsor lah! Nice curtains will change the look of a house! House reno is really no joke! U will see money spent like water flowing away.

GOG, glad to know Julian's operation a success! U must take care too ya...

Pvl, thanks! Ya... I hope to see more of her teeth soon! Just hope she will not get too cranky during these teething period.
u can get cheap and good curtains from malaysia... i got mine from there and I rather satisfied. Must create yr house nice n cosy so that when u come back home, got the home feeling. u goin to live there for a while u knoe
save on other things lo.

Koh, ya u can join us as we doin a private spree. but if budget is on yr side for party, then it good also to conduct a small gathering at yr own home. spend within yr means. dun work so hard ok?

chocbabe, i email zz photo and they replied me for the casting. when you send?

charis, hope yael is well... it sounds he had hard stools tat y bleeds?? or he v heaty? drink lots of water

fat_babe, go join la... u come on wed lo cos i going on wed

thanks alot babe for the help to host the spree... let me take a look and see.
good morning all...

jelly , yap, will sms u when i am ready.. thanks so much.and thanks so much for organising the spree as well...

garfiled, congrats on ur boy casting... hope he got it.... ya, i am now calculating my budget, see if i can join u all in the spree...

go see see the webbie now...
thanks Koh.

me also lookin at the web now... but like many things like tat spoilt for choices....

jelly, when the dateline? can i let u know on Mon or Tues?
graceofgod, happy to hear that Julian op went very well. Trust that God is with him and your family during this time and soon, Julian will be happily active again just like the other babies :)

garfield et al, i also sent Timothy's pic for the casting. I just sent last night but no response yet. Anyway, I just wanted to let Timothy have more exposure to strangers as he can be too shy and too much a cry baby in unfamiliar surrondings.

jelly, i also want to buy from birthday direct. Will let u know, ok?
Hi GOG, thank God that little Julian is fine and well. Wishing him a fantastically speedy recovery! You'd better rest well yeah?

Is the photoshoot by Motherhood mag? Timothy went for casting call before but disaster happened on the way there - my sister swung him into the edge of the car and he ended up with a HUGE balaku and he cried so hard until all bongka. Needless to say, no call back. Haha

Aiyah I wanna complain about my girl.. she's so bad tempered! Can die.. if she doesn't get her way, she will throw tantrum and GROWL at you. Buay tahan. I'm praying to God to give me the strength to love her 'cos she's so different from her brother. Sigh...

Koh, glad to see you posting here. What kind of car does your hubby sell? Hope his biz will pick up soon.. think COE prices are up therefore ppl are staying away from the showrooms. Elva is so gorgeous! Agree she looks kinda like Bethany

OK gotta run.. princess calling for boobies.
i am going on Tues or Wed but have not fixed the time. wat time u going?

catz, the casting is for some milk powder ad. no other details leh.

the way u describe beth...so funny.."growl" cherish also very bad temper..when things dont get into her way, she will throw temper like those "da xiao jie"

beth growls, cherish whines.. i call her little ms whinny

u can check this nick EP... think she provide details last Mon or tues onli... u send to her email and she provide u details.


wed late noon time after his nap lo....
Yeah, I wanted to buy the Pedipeds but the BP just closed!

I just placed my order but don't know if firststeps will still take in my order.
You're not buying any larger size for YX?

Thanks for info on unpolished rice
I'll try it this weekend.
Can you teach me how to make fishbone stock?
- What kind of fish bones to buy?
- Got fishy smell? need to cook with ginger or fry fishbone first?
- Do you freeze the stock for the week's usage?
I'm afraid it'll stink leh, cos the threadfin fishbone papaya soup I make for my milk ss really stinks!

As for sleep, Soph is the same as Ben.. on good days, about 13hrs in total... on bad ones, woah, I don't even have time to cook my meals cos her 1 or 2 naps are also 40mins each only! So afraid she'll get dark circles leh!

Glad to know Julian's op went well. WIll continue to pray for a quick recovery for him and for you to stay strong!

Hei, u like the giselle brown polka dots as well? When the BP just started i want to order this but the website state size L oos... And there is no size XL. Her feet is almost 12cm now, and size L is 13.4cm. Afraid she will outgrow the shoes fast. Anyway, she oredi has a pair of size L pediped. Hope she still can wear when she is 1 year old. I am actually consider another BP on Pedoodles shoes as got bigger size. Bo pian, my gal big feet like me.
The website no L?

Hope firststeps can take in my order and hope she'll be able to get L.
Soph's feet is 10.5cm now, and I thought she's got big feet like me! *shhhhh* I'm a size 7 for my size!

Ah, YX already has a pair of L Pedipeds, then no need to get another so soon!

As for Pedoodles, I don't like the designs cos they seem to be cover the ankle. I read that baby's first shoes should not have ankle support cos that will give artificial support to the ankles and the ankles won't be able to develop well in its own way.

Heee... looking at the Birthday Direct website now... will email you soon!

Your hubby back yet?
Looking thru the previous postings...

I agree that Elva has the Bethany kind of cheeky smile!

As for porridge, do you think it's cos the cereals you feed her are pre-sweetened that's why she doesn't wanna take plain old porridge now?
If so, maybe can add in a bit of porridge into her cereal to start off first? Heee, I know it sounds disgusting -> porridge and cereal... but no choice lah. Then slowly reduce the cereal portion and increase the porridge portion.

Hope Yael is OK!
I agree that some pple can be quite superficial lah... just ignore them!

Yes, JB furnishings quite cheap leh!
My bro just did up his place and he went into JB to get his furnishings for his contractor to fix. A bit more leychey but worth the savings!
For his walk-in wardrobe, he got a very cool hidden pull-out tie rack for abt S$15 in JB... the same one costs $37 in SG. He also got some very nice stuff, like a "waterfall flow" kind of tap... much cheaper in JB than at Sim Siang Choon.
Use distraction. For chloe normally we use tissue box or the packet of wetwipes to distract her. At this moment, she still has interest in these 2 items, so we quickly change her before she loses interest in them. There were a couple of times I was very frustrated, lost my temper and I gave her a tight slap on her thigh and of course she wailed, but just for a while. Now she has been behaving herself with me coz I no longer need to spank her

Or u might want to start on pull-up pants. We used that for a period of time when she realized she can flip, she kept on turning her body and wanting to get up. Might be easier for babies on the go.

Good to hear that the operation is a success! Do remember to take care of yourself too while caring for Julian.

Gak n PVL,
Ok, will go look into the ins stuff soonest. Thanks PVL for the recommendation, will do some research on them. Gak, hope your son is feeling better now.

Love Evas smile
she must have enjoyed her gai-gai session out!

Hey mommies, sorry, we will not be attending the December Christmas gathering as we are going on a cruise! Hooray! Our first overseas travel as a family. So excited!!! HeheeAnyways, enjoy your gathering. Hope to be able to join you gals the next time round.

I use Threadfin bones, bought from the market. About half a medium sized fish, boiled with a slice of ginger and a pinch of salt (optional). I use a medium sized Corning Ware saucepan full of water, boiled down to half the saucepan. Takes about 1 hr+. It does smell a little fishy, though not extremely so. Must make sure your fish is fresh. Strain before storage. The residual fish meat can be used for porridge too, but must be careful of bones and scales when peeling off the bones. Don't waste. I store in jars, some in the freezer and currently in-use one in the fridge. The stock should turn into jelly in the fridge due to the rich gelatin from the bones. I use a tbsp or 2 of the jelly in each porridge meal.

I boil the chicken bones the same way too, though the last time I did it, I added some chinese herbs into the stock to make it sweeter. Added dried longans too, since I have so much of it left over from confinement days.
