(2007/02) February

Your MIL took Ju away and sayang him while you were disciplining him?!
I think this is the worst scenario leh... while 1 parent is disciplining, the other cannot interfere... else the kid will always think there'll be someone to "save" him and question your authority!

OK, thanks

I just bought a pack of Nepia M today to try out, cos heard so many mummies using Nepia.
Take care!

That boi everyday walk around totally naked not cold huh?
Haha... he'll probably grow up to be very strong, no need Vicks and socks on his feet at night!

For insurance, I bought the hospitalisation & surgical insurance first. Better get this first since this kind no need to think so much and look at returns etc... it's just paying a sum each year with no returns, then if baby gets hospitalised, they reimburse part of your hospital bills.
If you're looking at the life insurance with returns or education plans kind, then can take a bit of time if lazy lah

"ding dong ding dong" meaning his private parts?!?!

Catz Catz!!!
I remember you mention you used stickers for Timo's potty training.
There's a BP on Potty Training stickers going on now... are these stickers in this BP useful?

Yesterday, my visitor from hell told me I can start potty-training Soph now, but a bit early right? She's now crawling so fast and wanting to stand and cruise all the time... I'm so tired out running after her every day... need time to adjust to this new phase before I got energy to attempt potty training man!
huskie, no lah, I just bought normal stickers from Popular. Cheap and good.. besides, Timo wanted to choose his own. Reward system only works for toddlers. For babies, nah... I think your visitor from hell meant that you can start teaching Sophie how to sit on the potty lah. I also cannot even begin to think about potty training Bethany.

Brought Beth to pd this morning.. she's phlegmy. Sigh.. my pd bills are way over $400!!!
Thanks for info on stickers
I thought of getting the stickers for toilet training Sophie when she is older.

Yeah, maybe my visitor from hell mean sitting Sophie on the potty and not wearing diapers anymore, but still siong leh, I don't have energy now lah.
I think she was taking him to my toilet to make him pee every 30mins or so..
Eh, actually that day I saw a piece of thing resembling poo on my kitchen floor when visitor from hell came with her kiddo. I highly suspected it could be the kid's poo, but really paiseh, dunno how to tell her, so I just threw it and mop up my floor with Dettol.

I cannot imagine if potty training Sophie means she will be doing this in someone else's house!

Poor Beth! I think you haven't started her on meat yet? If you have, you may want to consider stopping fish and chicken cos my doc and the Chinese physician both say these cause phlegm too.
huskie, wow, that woman is sure one piece of work.. that's totally AWFUL. why would your friend impose her awful friend on you????? :p Potty training shouldn't be so scary lah.. anyway, no need to rush

Beth ah, she's on chicken and fish but she's totally ravenous. I don't think I can take the protein out of her diet!
hi mummies

wow..today finally got time to post..cos my little terror took only 1 nap..totally forgo her morning and late afternoon nap. mum told me it has been ongoing for few days..she is not grouchy and does not show sign of tiredness.

a little little achievement today: i managed to take her out by bus alone and have a breakfast (abeit a rushing one) at mcdonalds.. but the journey is just a short distance. Gain a little confidence on bringing her out alone
Babies will definitely need their protein, but how about eating tofu and legumes protein like lentil for that few days that you don't feed meat?
Soph's phlegminess went away much faster this round when I took fish off her menu for a few days.

Cherish looks like she is crawling very well! She's also very lanky looking leh... can see from her legs.

Kudos to you for daring to take the bus alone with baby! You used a carrier or just carried her in your arms?
Previously you gave Charis a website for babysigning?
Can you give it to me again?
I lost all my bookmarks after my computer crashed last month.
stella, Cherish look so 'guilty'.. she very guai. bethany will be stuffing it into her mouth already. yah i agree that cherish is very lanky. congrats on taking bus with her! yes, the first few times alone with baby is scary but YOU CAN DO IT!
the first time i brought timo out, i went to macdonalds also! got high chair and easy to eat with one hand. hahaha.. and if baby gets cranky, can quickly tar pau! funny hor?

naughty daughter - when we tell her 'no no' she will take her pointer finger and put it into her mouth, then flick it out at point at us. very rude :p my hubby so upset with her 'cos she die die doesn't want him to carry.. haha.. his precious princess rejecting him. but she's sick lah, very man jang.

huskie, today i gave her chicken stock with pasta and veg. chicken stock should be ok right? i thought fish was more 'ok' than chicken???? ok i'm very blur when it comes to chinese stuff.
Haha, your poor hubby must be soooooo heartbroken!
She's cute, flicking her fingers to do that

Hmm... for the fish as a no-no when got phlegm, it's the tui na Chinese doc who told my sis that (for my nephew), and also the Chinese physician which I brought Soph to see this time round for her cough/phlegm.
Hey, where's milkie ah???

huskie, yah my hubby was so heartbroken. Luckily she's making up for her bad behaviour today.. but hehe.. she's just vomitted on him :p So fish and chicken are out.. then how? Pork ah? Yeeeeark...
catz and huskie

she looks lanky in pics..but real person not very tall. I think she is only 70cm tall, average height.

speaking of bringing her out alone..i must have look very unglam and auntie-lish.
used a carrier when going out, cherish kept hugging me like a little koala along the way. with a bag and cherish, ordered mac hotcake meal..luckily the staff is kind enuff to help me to carry the food and high chair. she fussed a little while i put her on high chair..so gotta entertain her with the styrofoam box, and get a balloon for her...so basically i am a auntie who eats, feed her cranky daughter and distracting her at the same time. totally no table manners at all.

the best part is i forgot to put on the carrier before carrying her out of the high chair..so no choice, got to carry her home. If not i can stop ard at cold storage.

that sums up my little journey.
wow! u managed to bring stella out on ur own for another trip!... good good.. practice makes perfect..
kekeke cherish is finally sitting unassisted and can crawl oredi right?

busy busy.. office hours boss is in office.. after office hrs is busy with the new house reno n packing n getting stuffs..

quick one.. this QY hor.. totally "not shy oredi"... another bb came to his house, he is active, that i understand coz still in his own territory lor.. crawling here n there, snatching back his toys.. i tot he would tame down when he goes to other ppl's territory.. but no lor.. crawl here n there excitedly,... n snatch other bb's toys n books..behaves as though that is hisown place.. the owner bb however can sit down quietly playing his toys...

my milk supply reducing rapidly now
.. dunno whether i shld take fenugreek or let it die on its own.. thinking of using the frozen ebm (got about 60 bags now, just threw away 36-40 bags frm the in-laws place) for his soilds and the fresh ebm for his milk feeds... ohh oso realised QY does not hates my milk.. he hates the bottles onli.. dun like bottle teats, dun like sippy cups.. can onli spoon feed... nowadays we spoonfeed ths boy his milk.. (will try straw cup when i settle down in new place).. but maid comments is tat spoon feed is faster.. half hr compared to one hr bottle feed.
catz arr.
u knw i was initially very worried when the reno guy did not do any drawings n seems too busy n not coping very well.. but i dropped by the new place n saw the tiling works.. wow! the tilers did a very good job (very even tiling n the seams very closed to each other)... now my mind is at ease oredi.. so happy... thank q.. thankq...

btw how's the carpenters, as good as his tilers?
stella, rgd no table manners..hahaha.. I used to take a looooong time to eat my food.. then when I had my first baby, my eating time chopped by half.. now, 2nd baby, my eating time chopped by half again.. my husband is constantly SHOCKED at how quickly I eat these days. But yeah, I like Macs 'cos usually they will help you to carry the food to the table or bring high chair etc. Thumbs up for Macs!

smurfy, yes, the carpentry is good, don't worry
QY so funny.. hehe.. wah QY so picky about bottle ah? Which bottle are you using? Bethany is drinking very little from breast but she can take 9oz from bottle leh. Dunno how. pumping is sooooo tiring and bad for my wrists. Er.. spoon feeding milk at 10 months is not a good thing leh. Better to start him on a cup. Gotta try quite a few types of cup to see which one he likes.
i oso got no table manners. just think of eating real fast.. n getting on with the rest of the stuffs ..he's using avent.. he was alright with avent in the past leh? everything changed when we intro solids to him.. i tried avent magic cups.. pigeon mag mag sippy cup.. what other brands r there in the field..9 oz????? at one go, is a lot right??

good that QY is not shy already.. easier for u to bring him out. i look forward that day for cherish. till now she is still very very shy. yesterday my grps of friends came.. she is ok, but i must be with her all the time..but at least no crying.

last sat she gave me a plesant surprise.. my dad brought her to my great grandma hse ..and she was ok..happily playing which is rare!!!

she is crawling using the "Correct method" no more leopard crawl..now learning to stand..finally.

glad to know that ur reno is going well, soon ur cosy home will be ready for QY to mess..haha
me going kick QY to his own playroom.. dun let him invade the small iving room.. yah yah.. now ur mind oso at ease liao right? with cherish crawling n learning to stand... i think stranger anxiety is slowing moving away from our kids now... the silly boy still uses his hands to push his body forward..(like swimming style like that)... everyone who sees him in action.. kept lagffing at him.. even told us to record for memory sake or send to those "funniest video" type..-_-'.. but he just loves to do it this way.. coz he gets ard fastest this way...

gotta go to attend some training.. bubyee
70cm very good liao lah... heee, Soph hasn't even reached the "BIG 7", be it height or weight!

Hmm.. talk about table manners... nowadays I just gulp down my food too... not very good for the digestive system, but no choice lah.

Eh, your maid very solid lah... can spoonfeed milk? Neither Soph nor I don't have the patience leh!

i hope cherish dun follow my genes,, short and fat. i am only 1.52m tall but more than 50 kg. hb is avg height, ard 1.7m. there was once i played an online game, estimating the height of our children.. results came out that cherish estimated height is 1.51 m!!!!

regarding food, i always tell my hb not to order soupy stuff for me when we dine outside. cos he like bian mian...normally he will buy two bowls of bian mian. now for me it is either chicken rice or fried beehoon.
hi all,

wah have been MIA for pretty long. Just too busy 'celebrating' birthday. My friends have been accompanying me a lot last week so really had no time to log into the forum. Anywayz, i haven't got the time to look thru ALL the posts before. Too afraid there is too much...hee hee

But I did see a pic of Beth and she's not tiny at all lor Catz. She's humongous and she looks really cute and super mischievous. she got a real cheeky look. I think she'll be a terror in future. hahahahaha

anyhow, I'm sure Julian will be just fine Grace of God. Take care of yourself and do update us about his condition.

Ummm updates:

YR is starting to climb up and down my dressing table.

she's also been taking pasteurized milk and she's loving it. So every morning and night I'll give her about 160ml or so.

She can stand up without support for about 5 secs now before falling. But she's a chicken lah. She always only does no hands when she's on my bed or on the mat or sofa. On the floor, she damn kia SI. Always release for a while then quickly find support already. such a little chick. Think it will be a longg long while before I can see her WALK!!!!!

Oh ya, yday I was eating dim sum with hubby so I itchy finger, gave her some glutinous rice to try. She likes it so i gave her some more of the rice without the liao.

Then for her noon snack, i gave her some purple rice???? (from QQ rice ball thingy????) and she loves it too. Think she ok with rice texture now.
Hello mummies...

Milk milk, u are finally back! Wow, 1 week of bday celebration. U really keng!

Stella, other than no table manner when eating, nowadays, i dun have time to care about my dressing and skin care also. Really jialat! Cherish indeed looks lanky from the photos.

Smurfy, can imagine how busy u are now wif the reno and the moving stuff. U gg to move to ur parents' house soon?

Had a busy busy weekend handling my bao bei myself at my parents' house. My princess is sooo sticky to me nowadays until i have no time to go toilet even. Then sleeping time is like a fight between her and me. She simply refused to sleep without crying and crying. The moment i am out of sight, she will cry and cry until lost her voice. And last nite, i simply have to put her right beside me on my bed and HUG her b4 she finally slept.... after more than 1 hour of repeating putting her to bed and carrying her from bed. She has a bad habit of pulling my hair or bolster strings or any fine things she can get hold of at the stage of between sleeping and waking. Other than that, she still hates to be carried by male. Female are ok but the moment she saw me she will cry for me. So whenever my mum or sis or cousins are carrying her, i basically have to hide from her sight.

This little terror still dun crawl much, but rather stand and "walk"! She can stand without assisted for a few seconds. And from lying to sitting position herself, and from sitting to standing by holding on to something herself.

And oh, poor baby, over weekend kena mosquito bites on her hands and thighs at my parents' house. The red mosquito bite marks are so obvious on her fair skin. My mum so heartache to see the red marks on her thigh, kept applying Hazeline snow cream on her.
milkie, fwaaaaah, your birthday more grand than Agong birthday..hehe..
Glad you're back. YR is indeed VERY advanced leh. My Beth ah.. yah she eats porridge very well, thus I guess she GREW!!
Cheeky, yes and very very defiant. You should hear her scold her brother and protecting her territory!

jelly, aiyoh, you also have velcro baby hor? Poor you. Bethany is also very sticky with me and totally frightened of men, except for my dad.. even her own Papa she doesn't really want. Haha. Mozzie bites also plaguing my 2 precious ones. Sigh.. rainy weather

smurfy, yah my son has never ever drank 9oz in his whole life. 7oz for my son is the max and even then, he usually doesn't finish! As for sippy cups, I bought Nuby but quite hard to find leh. I bought during Taka baby fair, now cannot find :p
Hi mummies,
my family is sick
hb has been having running nose since last week, i am having sore throat, A started to ger running nose yesterday. I am bringing A to see PD later, aiyah, but so far away, I am so tired..can bring to GP or not??? Normally I wouldnt mind but with myself also sick, I cant imagine lugging A to the doc and wait for at least 1hr.

btw, where can I get baby vicks? Wanted to apply vicks for A last night but saw that it can only be used by 2 yrs old and above.

susu, wow, bday celebration, u must have many many friends leh
I also had a mini celebration on sat,counting down to my actual one

stella, congrats on having achieved another successful outing with cherish alone. U are v brave unlike me, I dun have guts. Even taking cab, I need to call a cab to ensure taht I dun get stranded somewhere. And, i still dun know how to open my big and heavy stroller. Told hb I want to buy a lightweight stroller, saw the aprica ones but hb said A will look like a gal in such a cutsy tiny stroller
So if I buy, I will tell him, its in advance for my #2 hehhee

Over the weekend, we also bought a new car seat for A, I wanted the maxicosi (natural progression from his current MC) but hb prefers the ferrari ones..of cos in the end, hb won cos its his car...

Smurfy, can send me the contact of your reno guy? I want to check if he is willing to do small reno job but so far, no one seems interested, even my previous contractor said v buzy during this period. thanks!

Update on A's development:
He is also crawling swimming style when he wants to get to an object/destination fast, other times he will use normal crawl. He is gradually releasing his hands from the support but can stand unsupported for a few secs before he falls on his bum. Hehe, he is also kiasi, will only do so on sofa and mat. I noticed something about A, he is not afraid of adults but babies!! He can let anyone carry him when we are at wedding dinner, and last sat, many of my friends carried him during the bbq and he was fine. BUT when its in places where there are a lot of other babies like swimming pools, TLG, he will cry?? I dun understand why he is like that??? Should I send him to more classes in this case then?
jelly and catz

i also got a velco baby cum koala baby.. cherish only can be carried by five persons: me/my hb/my parents/my bro.

if she needs comfort, it can only be me and me only.

wondering y babies got their own preference towards people. my cousin daughter is afraid of woman with long hair..while my cherish LOVES indians
My chloe is the opposite of cherish! She is afraid of Indians. Once when an india pizza hut guy made a delivery to our home, she got a fright and was on the verge of breaking out crying. Guess she just needs more exposure to other races. Maybe I shd bring her to little india for some cultural tour one of these days! Wahahaa..evil mom

We cld not find baby vicks, so instead we bought 'snuffle babe' vapour rub for chloe. similar to vicks for babies. i had the same problem as you on the stroller. had a hard time coping with the pegperego stroller when i brought chloe out the past few times on my own, so last week we invested in a one hand operation lightweight aprica. will be trying it out later. let u know how it goes.

chloe was also attacked by mozzies over 2 nights coz she was sleeping with the enemy! all the bites were concentrated on her face as that is the only part of her that is exposed. the mozzies even gave her one kiss on each eyelid, so now she has puff eyes...

i wish chloe is as adventurous as YR when it comes to food. she is one picky eater!

eating speed...
same same here. my mom nicknamed me 'mo jie' (slow-mo in cantonese) as i eat very slowly. i can be the first to start on a meal and the last to finish. but ever since my dear daughter came into my life, my training on gulping down food began. now whenever i want to enjoy a good leisurely paced meal with hubby, we will not bring chloe out with us.
The man my gal frightened the most is my housemate! *faint* To think that my housemate has been helping me taking care of YX before when i busy doing housework at home. But recently he too busy at work plus travelling so seldom at home. Last nite YX saw him and cried the moment she saw him. Only quiet down when i carried her. The rest of ppl she will not cry when she see them, only when they carry or try to carry her then she will make noise. Thank god she is fine wif my sisters, else i no need to do other things liao.

catz... Now i worry when my hubby came back from china this friday, YX wldn't want him oredi as he has been away for 2 weeks. It must be real cute to see Beth fighting for her territory wif her big brother.
Re: mosquitoes, YX seldom gets mosquieto bites in sg except when back to johor. Looks like gotta apply some insect appelant on her next time go back msia. Sigh...
cherry, yah you can use snufflebabe or what I use is Karvol. I break the contents of one Karvol capsule onto a velcro bib and wear it for Beth. 'Cos both my kids have sensitive skin.. I'd rather not rub it onto their skin and get rashes (for snuffle babe)

jelly, yah I think YX will take a while to adjust to her papa again right? Nevermind lah.. babies are like that.

Bethany very garang.. aiyoh..
Hi mummies..how's everyone?!

I MIA..cos whole family not well last week..include Yael had runny nose and cough..was quite bad but thankfully no fever..we brought him to doc n gave him 3 kinds of med..a lung tonic to prevent phlegm, runny nose med n a nasal spray for blocked nose.
According to GP, young babies should not take cough suppresant cos too strong..
Anyway I've been feeding him lots of water..n let him latch on more often cos of his crankiness esp at bedtime..i think the blocked nose is quite uncomfortable.
Anyway, he's much better now.

Jelly..Congrats to YX..once start standing..soon can walk! Haha.

Milkshake..Wah long celebration..good for u lah.

Huskie..Are u signing with Sophie?
I started with Yael at 6 months..but only now he seems more interested..cos we got some baby signing book from the library where they show the pics of animals for eg n the baby/kid signing it..n he will get very excited n squeal throwing his arms n hands up in the air.
I've been doing the milk sign during bf time..n once he even did the sign when he unlatched copying me..so amazed it works.
my mum called and said cherish temp is 37.4 degree.is it considered fever? i feel so guilty, cos yesterday i forgot to let her wear socks when i brought her out.
i tried spoonfeeding myself. not that bad lor.. i mean better than him being cranky and begging to escape right

yah yah.. no dressing or skincare oso.. haiz.. we r really unhealthy parents.. wow.. Yx can sit then stand.. no. me shifting to the new place on sat itself oredi..some things will not be ready in time lar.. no dinning table.. no curtains.. bathroom (masterbedroom) nodoors, kitchen no table top.

hahaha beth sounds a feisty lil one.. so different frm the brother hor?

ehhh A sounds that he think he is the onli bb ard?? the reno guy is a contact from catz..

all ur babies advancing sooOOoOooO fast. that QY onli interested in rushing frm one point to another point..dun even bother to stand n try to walk liao.. (guess is too slow for him)..

the speed of eating again
i used to enjoy eating chilli crabs..but now i dun dare to eat.. why? i afraid i chew and swallow bites n pieces of the crabs shells when i eat too fast..

where r all the disciplinary mistresses
ask u all hor.. normally at my home, i let QY wander on his own.. n play on his own.. stop him when he is at some "off-the boundaries areas" n say a stern no... now the problem starts when i bring him to other ppl's houses.. he think it's his territory oso.. and start wandering here n there, rushing here n there, playing with everything... shld i let him be in this way, since he is like that at home??? or shld i hold him by my lap.. or let him sit in front of me onli.. and "restrain his movements?"
Oh dear... seems like lots of pple are sick. Take care!

When my hubby travels, I record his voice in my handphone and plays it to Soph... messages that he would say to her such as the Good mornings, Good nights, and Don't bite mommy's nip.... I also show her pictures of him and she smiles every time she sees the pictures. Then when he steps into the house from the airport, she'll squeal with delight when she sees him.

Yep, I'm trying to sign with Soph... but the only thing she does now is clap hands, bye bye and twinkle stars action... no real signing yet! But yes, babies are copycats
Soph copies me in swimming breaststroke, and she wants to brush my teeth for me and feed me!
What is the title and author of the book?

Are you signing up for TLG's classes next term? Which day are you signing up for? I'm still torn between the Thur 3pm or Sat 510pm class *sigh*

37.4 is what they call low-grade fever. The PD told me sometimes when teething, can also get low grade fever, so don't blame yourself!
My PD doesn't like to give medicine (even safe ones like Panadol) unless fever goes up real high.
Try asking your mum to sponge her with a wet hankie wringed dry with room temperature water? But of course make sure to sponge in a room where there is no draft/wind.
And of course pump her with fluids.

Welcome back! Woah, seems like YR also having a feast during your birthday... she must have grown more! Show us some pics!!!
Motherworks at GWC sells Nuby. I bought my Nuby straw cup there... think I remember seeing sippy cups too.

Woah, you're really patient

Do you think QY likes the novelty of spoon and sippy cups compared to bottle with teats?
For Soph, she's hates anything that resembles a teat, even the Magmag sippy cup cos it's a soft spout. So I trained her to drink from straw. Maybe you can try straw with QY?

Here's a pic of how small Soph looks in the car seat... actually got a lot of space left compared to QY in his!
huskie..I'm reading Baby Signs by Susan n Linda something..sorry not sure of surname..I got from Borders.
But those books I'm talking about are actually baby books..not for parents..very cute books of babies signing animals..so u can show the pic to baby n teach the sign as well.

I'm signing up for the mini-term next month..but i think only got 1 class..wed morn..cos Yael seems to skip his morning naps already..but after class sure pengsan..not sure if he can tahan until lunch..so maybe I'll push his lunch back if he sleeps after the class.
As for next year's term..I think I'll go for thur 3pm..cos I dont think I can make it for morning classes since I should be in Pasir Ris already.
kekeke here's 2 pics..

no leh.. i think he just dun like to suCk.. NIpples.. teats.. sippy cups... maybe i shld try to drown him with a real cup..
Mummies, i'm going to organise bulk purchase for Xmas Pooh Bear.. ideal for xmas present..u gals interested? let me know and i can send you more details..
Catz, garang good. Next time will not be bullied easily. YX very garang too! Always scratch and pull my face and my hair, and step on me. Sob sob...

Charis, u teach yael baby signing? It really works? Got baby signing asking them not to cry and sit properly waiting for mummy? My YX an impatient gal!!!

stella, i also guilty, as yday can't wait for my water to heat up and let YX bathed in cold water. The rest of the evening her feet and hands were cold....

smurfy, that's fast! The other time u said ur house will not be in time for u to move in. Now can move in this sat oredi! There will be some inconveniency for sure, but better than move here and there lah.

huskie, my YX will want to snatch my hp whenever she sees it. Haiyo... All these while she has been quite alrite wif daddy every time he came back from his trip. But this time i scared... as she is getting ultra sticky to me and her stranger anxiety is getting very strong these two weeks, so i worry...

Sophie looks so tiny on the car seat! U mentioned b4 she is wearing Huggies Ultra size L? YX also wear size L now, but she is so much bigger than Sophie...

u so funny abt the signing!! if can i also want cherish to learn that.

i really hope the fever is due to teething loh.. thinking back, she did wake up several times last night, but i din notice she was unwell. i tot she is just being cranky.

cherish still wearing mamypoko M size. the cutting is ok, but it seems that the diaper gets heavy very fast
jelly, garang no good leh. i don't want to be the mother of a bully!
timo is the kind who will end up being bullied. Hee...

huskie, Sophie's front facing already? We've just put Beth front facing 'cos she's not 8.2kg even though officially should be 9kg. My Dad not happy :p But yeah, QY looks so much more substantial in the seat hor? No worries about Soph, she's just petite like you!
wat pooh bear? got pictures or not?

haiz.. i oso got an impatient boy with me.. cannot wait...

yah yah.. sop looks looonnnggggg.. IN Fact most of our babies in this thread r long n lanky...
Hi mommies,

Hows everyone? So many babies are sick. Norelle too. Having cough and cold. Slight feverish too. We brought her for a swim for the 1st time on Sat and maybe she caught the cold. And I also noticed a whitish spot on her lower gum. Finally she is teething!!! So maybe its a combination from the swim plus shes teething. Wellanother week of sleepless nite for us.

Norelle can also stand unsupported now. But she doesnt know how to make her first move. So now she is just plainly standing up without doing anything and shes been doing it the whole time. The she will flashes you her widest grin when she stands up.

Re: baby signs
Jelly, the book mentioned by Charis should be Baby Signs: How to Talk to Your Baby Before Your Baby Can Talk by Drs. Linda Acredolo and Susan Goodwyn. I have the book and its really good. Im doing baby signs with Norelle too. I started signing to her since she was 4 months old. I incorporate the signs in our daily routine like bath, milk, eat, no more, fan, fish, sleep, no, yes, many more. One day, Norelle just started doing the sign for fan when I switched on the fan in our room. Im so amazed! She actually was trying to tell me that the fan is on.

A pic of Norelle in her float.


Sophie looks too small for the car seat. Is she of the allowed weight for the seat? Ben is still in his capsule seat. Haven't graduated him even to front facing yet because I'm too busy/lazy to move the car seat base to front-facing. Also, if he graduates to the bigger type of seat, my car backseat will be SOOOO cramped due to having Sarah also in a big carseat. She's not heavy enough for a booster yet. Can't wait though. Maybe I should go and weigh my 2 kids soon and decide what to do. Anyway, with Ben rear-facing, and Sarah next to him, front-facing, they can see each other and they have a roaring good time playing together during car rides.

Sophie can 'swim' already? Wah, that's advanced. I think Ben is a bit 'slow' in some things. Probably because I ignore him a lot.
. Think I'd better start paying him more attention. hehe

Hahaha! Signing is for the Baby, not for you! Baby can't talk yet, so the signs are to help YX communicate with YOU, not the other way around.

The boundaries I set for Ben at home would be the same as in other people's homes. Only at home, sometimes I lose sight of him for a while. But when visiting others, he is usually held close to me, allowed to stand near me, or even crawl nearby, provided there is nothing off-limits around. And I never let him out of my sight at other people's homes. I would restrain him if I needed to. Give him a toy or something and let him play at your feet, or else hold him.

Are the kids better today?

To all the sick babies... GET WELL SOON!!
yah.. i was oso thinking of keeping him close to me when visiting others... dun wanan them to think i got a wild boy wandering ard their whole living room (though he is still within sight and is in safe boundary).kekeke go go spend more time on ben n less on sarah.. :pPp

mummy zeen
norelle is sooo pretty n grown up.. another fortunate bb whose mummy loves to doll her up. i am just a lazy mummy who is glad to have a boy n just let him wear rompers to show off his sexy legs..

dun u find that as our bbs gets longer now, their legs look so long n sexy wearing rompers? issit time to let them wear proper shirt n shorts? but but rompersss so convenient.. :p
Soph is actually wearing M, but I cannot stand the sight of Huggies sitting my cupboard, so I just try to finish up the L and not ever buy it again

Catz, PVL,
Yeah, I think Soph is underweight for the front-facing car seat, but she is too big for the infant back-facing car seat that I used to put her in. And when I put her rear facing in a similar car seat to this Maxi Cosi one, she screamed her head off... maybe cos she cannot see me driving in front.

Thanks for the signing website again

Eh, Sophie's "swimming" is with Daddy's one palm holding her belly underneath, and her just kicknig and imitating me swimming alongside her... is this "swimming"?

Thanks for info on baby signing book! I'll try to find it

I didn't there's such a thing as "mini term"?
But mornings no good leh, cos Soph really needs her morning nap *sigh*
I think I'll sign up for the minimum 7 classes for Sat 520pm class. I really need a break during weekends and have my hubby take care of her during the class.
huskie, i think my A is also a little small for the front facing but he is too BIG for the small rear facing maxi cosi and his legs kept hitting the leather seat. So, I have no choice.

pumpkinni/catz, babesnuffle/karvol can be bought from any guardian pharmacy? Or specific ones?

pumpkinni, that's right, mine is also peg perago, my god its the heaviest thing I have been pushing around man! Which aprica stroller did u get? Its really cute, I love the aprica strollers, all look so soft and cute.

jelly, u bathed YX in cold water!! U toughening her up for army is it?? Esp with the rainy weather...*shake head*

Smurfy, so the contractor is from Catz..so many people used, must be good. can give me the contact number? I want to call and ask if he is willing to do small job.

And I think u are right, A may think that he is the only baby in this world cos in our families there are no other baby around.

Anyway, I asked the PD just now about his behaviour towards adults and kids. She said A could be carried by stranger adults cos they are gentle on him etc, so not frightened. But with kids eg. noisy kids at swimming pools, he may be scared of them and hence cry even though there is little or no contact. I like this PD, so patient and answered all my questions unlike YY Yip, wait for 2 hours but only gets 5 mins of his time.

huskie, there is a mini term, its the dec term..think there is no sat class for mini term.


So many babies are sick now, get well soon!

I tried out sweet pepper on the Son this morning and it caused him to gag so badly that he threw up half of his breakfast. *&^(!#$^& I threw out the rest of the sweet pepper that I had pureed, he is definitely not ready for the strong taste of it yet.

Not to scare anyone about front facing car seats, but do watch this video on why you should NOT front face the car seat yet:
No matter how many times I watch this video, it always brings tears to my eyes.

More about the little boy here: http://www.kyledavidmiller.memory-of.com/

A common misunderstanding is that babies can be turned to face forward when they turn 1 or hit 10kg. Their neck and spines are still developing and in a collision, they risk severe spinal injuries: 9r5v%2C00.html,http://parenting.ivillage.com/baby/bsafety/0,,9r5v,00.html
I have no idea why this thing 9r5v%2C00.html, keeps appearing in front of the link above. Please remove it manually to read about the article from ivillage.com.

I know that I won't be turning the Son's seat to the front till he is much older. Right now, he will just have to contend with looking at the front from a mirror attached to the headrest of the seat he faces.
