(2007/02) February

Thank you for the info. Do look out for the

Motherhood Exhibition '09
From Thursday, 4th Jun 2009 - Sunday, 7th Jun 2009

I'm sure they will have promotions (Cordlife)

Sap..I didnt really pump milk to store too..sorry can't answer all the questions..
But if I do store, I will only store bm in the fridge 24 hours..then will throw..I think 2 days is too long..no use putting into freezer..Best to put fresh pumped milk into freezer asap.
PVL..I'm looking for a suitable character education curriculum to start with Yael..Character First seems to be more for ages 4 onwards..What did u use for Sarah when she was 3 yo?
Motherhood promo was long over! Cordlife gave a $350 discount for that, but I missed it... I told the lady I had no energy to go chiong with the crowds and if she could give me the same promo, but she says it's over... cannot.
So now I am waiting for Sep promo to be out, see Aug $150off promo better or Sep one better, then sign up.
I have no choice, cos giving birth end Sep-early Oct
but you'll still have time to check out.
ya chilled n frozen milk smell funny... but surprisingly little G like it. she do not like to latch so i am lucky she took to express...

now she drinking same milk as zz... haha sometiems she dun finish, i give zz drink. anyway, their food now I can even interchange, or i just cook one dish and they share.
I am in Malaysia wor. Not sure how's the promo here's like. There was a promo last weekend at Parenthood Expo in Midvalley but hubby not keen so didn't sign up. Do u know if there is anyway I can find out promos in malaysia?
saph, i stored both #1 and #2 cordblood with stemcord. They store the cordblood in different vials compared to cordlife which is in a single vial. I am planning that technology in future will be more advancd such that they require lesser amt of cordblood so that storing in different vials will come in useful.
1. How long can we keep tawned, warmed up bmilk in room temperature?
Usually 1hr.. but if bb drinks tooo slow... sometimes extend a lil longer..

2. How long can we keep freshly expressed milk in room temperature? Can we keep it in the fridge or freezer after?
4hrs.. will not keep in fridge or freezer thereafter.. coz out in the open for too long

3. Is it okay to mix freshly expressed milk with refrigerated milk before freezing?
i dun usually mix fresh eBM with those in the fridge...if i happens to just pump before bb feeding time.. she will drink the fresh one...

4. Can we transfer refrigerated bmilk that are 2 or days old into the freezer?
i dun do that.. i try to plan in advance.. if i know the fridge's supply is increasing.. i would freeze the next pump
My Christ Centered Churriculum comes with a booklet called "teaching 3's". It has beginning phonics (vowels), activities for counting, and a LOT of character development activities and learning to follow instructions. I've tried some with Ben, but I think he's not so ready yet. Must try again in a month or two. He's not good with following instructions. You can also try Characgter Sketches, which I hear is very good, but a little dry. http://store.iblp.org/products/C123/
smurfy, catz and other mummies with maids, can share with me if you have manual for maids? I want to give the rules, procedures etc in a booklet for the new maid. initially wanted the current one to guide the new one for a while but the current one is super super CMI, so i think best is not to meet. I have tolerated with her for so long, its good that she is going back.
PVL..Thanks. Ive checked out both..the Character Sketches u r rite..a bit dry..mainly info and stories..similar to Character First..good for the character education part..but doesnt seem to supplement the educational part.
The CCC has phonics plus other stuff..
But not sure if too soon to intro to Y.
no schedule for maid.. ehh i used to think i tolerate high classy, but with the 2 toopid maids that came thereafter, i am missing high classy leh.. :x
smurfy, i wouldnt miss her, my gal has cuts on her cheeks twice already, my boi numerous times. And the entire day she only need to look after my gal, no need to do hsework, cook etc.
hi ladies, goodness I've really not logged in for a week! I think since I saw huskie near my sister's place last week

Saph, sorry can't help rgd EBM cos I only used to pump once a night for Beth and I would feed her directly after pumping (for her dream feed) and of course freeze up the rest. I really dislike keeping EBM for more than 24 hours, find it smells off :p But that's just me
I had oversupply.. hehe.

cherry, I did draw up a simple schedule for her to follow - mainly for her to do cleaning and noisy stuff when I'm away in the morning sending Timo to school lor. Then the rest is as and when. She has brains so I don't need to give her much instruction. Luckily she takes a lot of initiative too.

Hubby will be departing 12 Sept.. sigh.. and he's so busy so we won't be able to take a family holiday before he goes. Ah well. At least he gets to come back every 3 months or so.. at least I think so! I've been a little hmm.. busy ordering stuff which will arrive after he leaves so I can perk myself up, esp since he'll be missing my birthday for the first time

Home schooling, I can never ever do it.. but I do let the kids doodle and do puzzles etc. But I can't teach for nuts! Will leave it to the experts. Haha. PVL, you are like the most solid person ever lor. I just have no bandwidth to homeschool and of course, not for 3 kids!

OK going to go look at my poison now.. bag and diamond forums. Hehe.
paging for Catz, huskie, other mummies with little gals, where can i get nice tutu skirts? The last time I saw there was a spree for tutu which is extremely nice but i didnt add the link to my fav. Pls help! thanks.

catz, i remembered that u dressed Beth up with tutu and fairy wings for PS last time. Where to get fairy wings?

Thanks all for your help!

wat tutu? wow i also buy fairy wings for G for PS. I got them in HK tat time, find it cute so I buy. at first photographer didn't wanna use it but I wan .... buy from HK n dun let me use... cannot rgt...

but I saw some wings being sold in those party shops, cos tat time i sourcing for party items n saw they sell too. can't rem where... dunno is it at raffles city or great world city...

when u goin for PS? which one?
paiseh, i think i have not post my PS photos on FB hor... my co block FB so i hardly have time to post...

but i post them on my blog...
Anyone like to buy confinement herbal bath packets (8 pkts for $20) and homemade Rice wine (3 bottls for $30)

I have extra to let go....

PM me if you are interested.
yo mummies!

think you found a way to "fill in" hubby's absence!! bags and diamonds!! girls' best fren!!

you can ship directly from etsy... www.etsy.com if i am not wrong..all US sellers who made tutus...they may have fairy wings too...

me made 2 tutus for tyra..first one failed cos i used soft tulle...2nd one was quite successful!!...see if i can post a pic..to "showcase" my experiment...hahaha..
cherry, surf here and there.. cos thinking of getting from bluenile.com.. Hehe. Purse forums - The Purse Forum or The Fashion Spot but hor TFS is closed membership so you can only lurk :p

Sorry to miss out your question on tutus. All of Beth's tutus are from Etsy.com, her fairy wings also.. let me know if you need to know which sellers I've dealt with. Ordered 2-3 times.
Still eyeing pettiskirt but aiyah Diva is so rough.. she tore holes in her white tutu in one hour
cherry, oh tulle skirt! i didn't know tutus... haha ya G wore 1 for her PS. v flurry but v angelic... I got mine in Gymboree... I didn't get many la ... it too troublesome to carry her with tat... u can see my blog la.

Sap, ok I pm u my blog
catz, i wan pettiskirt! i saw a spree some time ago, that website was fantastic but i cant rem which one. Can spree??? Can sms me the seller?

yah, bags and diamonds, gal's bf. i shall go oggle at the websites too
i am clearing ML soon in sep, haha, only back to work in early Oct

garfield i saw in gemma's blog, nice! didnt know gymboree has, haha, but i ordered too much from gymboree already so not going to spree there for a while.

babe, tyra is so pretty, she can pose very well
wat do u mean first one failed? U mean got to DIY after getting the material??
cherry, mine is already made. there are different colours sold.

i think skinny babe DIY her own... I can never do that. I very bad at sewing...
skinny babe,
Your tutu is very nice!

FYI - Some update on the cordblood banking on my end:
- Cordlife called me finally regarding the Sep promo, saying that it's the same as Aug credit card promo i.e. max $200 off one-time processing fee = $1200
- I told them it's too exp, and that I'll just go back to Stemcord then, since my gynae said there's not much difference between the 2; then they tried to persuade me to go to their event on 19 Sep, be the first 50 customers to get some special discount and again I declined, saying I will be too big and tired
- they called again 5mins later and told me that "out of goodwill", they will extend that event promo to me if I sign a 10-yr package with them:
One time Fee: $800
10-yr storage with 1 yr free: $2500-$250 = $2250
Total: $3050

- So I asked her if it's $3050 nett and she said yes, but have to pay GST that's all... I agreed and she was supposed to come to my place tonight to sign the contract
- But... I ended up asking her to leave my home without signing the contract because she suddenly told me there's another $200 to pay because of the Sepax tech which harvests more cells than normal tech. I argued that I approached Cordlife because of the Sepax tech and she was selling that to me over the phone when convincing me to sign up with them, and now she tells me I have to pay extra for it. I find that they really do not have much integrity in their sales technique, so I gave her an earful and asked her to leave.
To think that I waited till Sep for some special promo and then they tried not to give me the promo by telling me it's the same as Aug, then now try to pull this fast one on me. It's like if they can makan me that few hundred dollars, they'd do it... really upset me till my hubby was afraid I'll go into early labour! :p

I'll be going with Stemcord:
For returning customers:
- One-time processing fee $850
- Yearly storage $250 starting from 2nd yr onwards (first year is free)
- 2nd yr for my #2 storage fee will have a $50 disc as Soph "referred" #2
- Soph will also get a $50 discount off her next year's storage for referring #2
- Very straightforward; no other hidden costs
Thank you huskie for sharing. Good to hear that u are not getting from Cordlife. Don't like people like that too. It's good that u are getting the same company as Soph. More benefits. In the future if the blood is matching can mix somemore.

I signed up with Stemlife in Malaysia. Cost is RM1350 (if want Sepax tech, add RM200), yearly is RM250.
Your package looks good! Seems like cordblood banking in Malaysia is very affordable!
You should go for Sepax since it's just RM200 more - I wanted Cordlife initially cos of Sepax, but now that they're so unscrupulous in their sales tactics, I have no choice but to go to Stemcord.
It's a issue of principles.
Aiyoh, you're earning RM, but also spending RM mah... can't be that bad? I believe everything just evens out, unless one is so lucky to be earning SGD and spending RM everyday!

How's your pregnancy coming along?

I'm getting more and more tired by the day - at 36th week now. After baby is born, around the 3rd month, I'll be moving nearer to my MIL so I can hopefully get some family support. Don't know how I will get through the 2nd month though - hope if the cf lady is good and suitable, I can extend ehr for one more month.

do u know there r many ple now who live in Jb but work in sg? they go back home everyday... never rent house in sg... they save alot...
Ya, in the end what u are paying and what I am paying is almost the same because of the the earnings.

I am at my 29 weeks now. I think I've put on around 12kg so far. A bit too fast. Need to control diet already.

Yes, hope that our confinement ladies are good
It'll be good to have her for another 1 month. For mine, my confinement lady is fully booked every month. How much is your confinement lady? Mine is RM3k excluding angpau. Wonder how much should I give for angpau?

Wish u a smooth and quick delivery. Remember to tell us your birth story and post picture of your little darling ya? So excited for u.

I miss working in Singapore. Saving money is also faster when I was there. Well, at least I am closer to my family here
Are there really pple who travel to and fro JB everyday?
I only know of students who do that, but usually my Malaysian friends would rent a place in Singapore cos it's not safe for them to travel back to JB if they work very late, esp. if they don't drive.
But yes, my Malaysian friends all tell me it's easier to save money when they work and live in SG.

I've also put on about 15kg to 16kg so far, all on my upper thighs and buttocks cos when I went for my maternity shots, I couldn't pull my pre-pregnancy jeans past my thighs! In the end, have to borrow my sis' jeans!
Think if today log another 1kg from last gynae appt 2 weeks ago, sure kenna scolding by nurse, although my gynae doesn't bother about weight

I am paying my cf lady S$2k for 28days. Not sure how much angbao to give her when she arrives and leaves too... experienced mommies with cf ladies, what's the market rate?

Yes, I wish us both plus Charis and gak a smooth and quick delivery. Will surely try and log on if I can
huskie, i gave the CL $28 angpow when she left. Thnk when she came i gave $12. Not sure wat is the market rate.

hope all the mummies will have smooth delivery and fast recovery. Actually for me #2 was really v easy and recovered v fast and well.
ya cherry, i recover better for no2 luckily...

huskie, yes there r ple i know who travel to and fro to sg for work everyday from JB. they might drive within Jb, but they take public transport in Sg...

I have a cleaner here who say she came from JB everyday. I saw her brought packet lunch n she say she bought it in JB at 4a.m!! she say there lots of ple buy at the time cos they rush to SG to work. guess they save alot like tat. they say sg rent is high n furthermore, they wan to be close to family. anyway, they argue tat woodlands is just as far. just alittle bit more can reach JB. then they migth walk across causeway if really Jam n the car is park near the other side so once reach JB, drive...
Thanks for the input on angbao amt - at least that gives me some idea of how much to give.

Wow, I didn't know so many pple actually travel to and fro from JB to SG to work everyday! Sometimes I really peifu the Malaysians - they really have the determination!
Hi ladies, yah I think there's a lot of cross-border traffic. My ex-JC classmate also used to drive in and out of JB to NJC everyday. His parents own the Bamboo restaurant in Tmn Sentosa.

Hey where's Jelly? Hope she hasn't disappeared to China yet.

Sorry not much time to post - hubby is flying off on Tues and we've barely spent much time together. HOpe all is well and if I'm not in time to congratulate all the MTBs who pop in my absence, congrats in advance!
Hi Mummies,
I am wondering how do we train sleep our toddler to sleep on their own? Very taxing to wait for at least 1 hour for my daughter to sleep every night
Huskie..U putting on good weight hehe..hopefully baby comes out a good weight too..easier to take care!

My gynae's clinic assistant called up and said my red blood cells count is on low..again..like the 1st pregnancy..have to take iron pills..and another blood test in next visit..I hate needles!

Saphira..Y used to take about 1hr to sleep..but we tried jus staying with him for half hour the most, n leaving the room when he's "drowsy"..slowly reduce the timing..u can try that too.

Catz..Hopefully u get all the chance these few days! Be strong..and keep busy!
How come you need to wait 1 hour for her to sleep? Isn't that sleeping on her own? What's your situation?
I think at this stage, they can understand you, you can firmly tell her to sleep on her own, no crying etc etc. I did that with my girl last time, when she was about 18 months old. Otherwise, I used to have to pat her backside for her to sleep.
My 2 boys were much easier. They are the throw in bed to sleep kind, even little Gabriel is pretty good at putting himself to sleep without too much fussing.
Remind me again why you are in JB
. Paiseh. :p

My ex BF used to live in JB and work in SG. Drove in and out every day.

I'll be praying for you. Very traumatic. Even when my hb had to go overseas for work, I already felt separation anxiety.
Charis, Pvl,
My girl is very alert one. I didn't train her from the start to sleep on her own. She don't get drowsy before she doze off. She will know if i leave the room. I'll have to lie down next to her till she doze off. At times have to wait more than one hour for her to doze off!

I tried to talk her into sleeping on her own but she doesn't want. She will cry if I were to leave her
If I let her cry, afraid she will have phobia sleeping.

I am not in JB. I am now working and staying in KL
Charis, Pvl,
Yesterday night tried asking her to sleep on her own. Told her mummy will be around, mummy need to do something. Also told her mummy will leave the door open so no need to be afraid. She was so afraid, she said she wants to go out too. Was crying. In the end, she wanted to sleep with grandma

I am in the same situation as you. Everyday I need to lie beside Xi until both gals sleep then i quietly leave the room. Most of the time by the time I leave the room will be past 11pm oredi then only I have some free time to do laundry or making puree food for Ru. I treat it as bonding time cos before she sleeps, we will talk and play a bit. I am looking forward to Ru big enuf so that both gals can sleep side by side together. Think Xi too is looking forward for Ru to grow up soon to play and sleep with her cos everyday she will say "Wait till meimei grows up..."
Hi jelly,
Thank you for sharing. Happy to know that 2 of your princesses are coming along well. Did you sleep with Xi when you were going your confinement? I wonder how Xinfaye can sleep with me without fan or air-corn. How do u cope with a new born and Xi together at bed times? Do share your experience. I am worried about Xinfaye getting jealous if I were to make any changes after bb comes.

Sap..What time is yr gal's naptime, and what time does she go to bed at nite? Maybe she's jus not tired/sleepy enough..mayb u could delay the lights off so she'll fall asleep faster?

Its usual if they cry at first..my boy also cried and got upset, but I assured him that I'm jus outside, and that I wil come in to check on him in 5 mins, n I make sure I do..he still cry, but I jus keep assuring him and come in every 5 min, So after a few days, he got less "worried"..n then now he sleeps on his own..though sometimes i jus hang around n rest in his room until he falls asleep.
