(2007/02) February

huskie, yes I've got all the shots, too lazy to upload. Hehe.. will do in sometime this week.

Hmm rgd naps, I've been having the worst time ever since
a. they started sharing room
b. they started coughing.. 'cos one coughs and wakes up the other then both start playing

Naps generally start at around 12.30 - 1 but nowadays I have to go in and threaten rotan for Beth who will climb korkor's ladder and generally only falls asleep after a good spanking and sobbing :p ARGH. Headache.. same with bedtimes. Separate bedrooms were a whole lot easier but now that we've relocated the study to Beth's room, er.. aiyah, dunno la. Hope it gets better soon. I don't intend to let Timo drop his arvo nap.. in fact, after school, he knocks out really quickly! So nope, won't let him drop the nap until he hits pri school.

PVL, my two are ill again! Have made another appt with the paediatrician for Saturday morning.. that's twice this week!

cherry, aiyoiii, just tell Ashton that breasts are private things, just like he doesn't anyhow let people touch his bird right? Hope he can understand. Beth used to go and pull korkor's birdie until we told her it's private.

Catz, PVL, thanks for the reply. He has not done it since he told him last week, will monitor him. If he does it again, will tell him no and its private. Thanks!
Where do they catch all those germs? You poor thing. Going to donate more money to the Dr. Sarah still has fever, but is still jumping around.

Sarah quit having pm naps when she was 4 1/2. I used to cane her to nap until I got tired of caning her. Anyway, nowadays I homeschool her in the afternoons and then at night, she will be nice and tired and sleep at 9-ish.
I've dropped Ryan's naps already, unless we plan to go out that evening. I'm tired of scolding him when he refuses to sleep n jump around the bed in the afternoon. Now, he sleeps around 9pm. If he naps, he will only sleep at 11pm which is too late. He still wakes up at 7am regardless of what tim he sleeps.

Toilet training,
have been training ryan lately. He can finally tell us that he wants to pee and go potty. Still working on the shitting part which he just refuses to use the potty.

Problem for me now is Sarah. She is 5 weeks old now but she only sleeps at 11pm every night
Really difficult to put her to bed and wakes up often at night too. In the day, she sleeps so soundly. Dunno how to break the cycle
very tiring.... can't wait for the kids to grow up. She also likes to be carried to sleep and opens her eyes the moment i put her in the cot. I read up on the internet and they all say it's ok to carry them now in the newborn stage, can be corrected later... I can't remember how ryan was like last time already...
So, looks like I'm not the only one with the kiddos' nap problems *whew*

My philosophy is "Out of sight, out of mind"

That's also why I always didn't want to stay home when I had a maid... just don't want to come home to face a stranger... either I have a problem or my place is too small :p

Soph would cry if I put her down to nap at noon, so I'll try to read to her till 1pm (which means this poor pregger will be so hungry!) then put her to sleep. She'll sleep from 1pm to about 3pm, then at night sleep at 9pm.
This I find a nuisance cos I have lesser time to myself at night to catch up on housework.

After Sarah drops her nap, what time does she sleep till in the morning if she knocks out at 9ish?

Your kids sharing a room - is it cos maid took the room downstairs so you have to shift your study upstairs?
I am still wondering whether to let #2 share room with Soph, cos Soph is such a light sleeper.

And how long do your kids nap in the afternoon? Even with naps, they go to bed at 8pm at night?

I think the pooping part in toilet training may take awhile. Don't rush that - some of my friends tried to do it and the kid gets constipated.

Wow, your Sarah is really a night owl

Hope all the sick kids get well soon!
huskie, yeah we wanted to give her more space in the study, so we shifted our gigantic study desk into Beth's room (or ex-room..haha).. aiyah anyway Beth knocked out from 9am this morning while throwing a tantrum at the pd.. now still knocked out. Think she was playing punk the whole night when me and hubs went out to watch wolverine and our helper couldn't make her stop climbing Timo's bunk bed ladder. Nuisance girl.

Honestly my helper has not been any hindrance at all. I always thought we'd be tripping over each other but thank goodness for having split levels.

Sharing room, aiyah, pros and cons lah.. when it comes to holidays we won't have to make such a big adjustment but for now, they're both not getting enough rest. The kids nap anywhere btw 2-3 hours in the afternoons and still sleep at 8pm.. or well, they used to when they were in separate rooms :p

chocbabe, mine are opposite of yours - they prefer to poop on the toilet and peeing took a while for them to master.

PVL, hope Sarah is OK now!

Just went to the paediatrician again for their night coughs. Timo's bill alone was $140 'cos of the Singulair!!! Maaad
catz, its my turn to stock up on singulair and zytec for Ashton soon, the PD is on holiday, only back next week. all these money, I rather spend on toys for them..sigh.

I intend to let Ashton and Ashley share a room end of the year. haha, actually they are already sharing a room, but its with me and hb. So hopefully it will not be too much an adjustment for them.

are u all going to stop bringing your kids out for fear of the flu virus? I find it really hard to stay at home with the kids esp with the hot weather. So much easier to pass time when we are out.
cherry, which pd are you seeing? Ya gotta stock up! I've got so much med in the house, really like pharmacy. Will try to keep the kids out of crowded areas for now since their immunity is so low. Def no swimming n playgrounds too, which has been the norm for the past 2 months. Just better to be safe even though it's so tempting to while away time at the mall with all the sales going on.
Sarah normally sleeps til about 8 am.
Ben naps at around 2+ til 4+ and then sleeps at night at 9+ too.

If your boy and girl share a room now, then next time when they're older how? Will you shift the study back downstairs?

Aiyoh, another $140, maybe you should get some TCM to strengthen the kids' immune system.

Sarah is OK. Thanks. No more fever. No other symptoms as yet. Her sore throat has not turned into a cough yet.

Sometimes I also have to cane Ben to nap, but mostly if I'm also in the room nursing Gabriel, for eg.
give ryan some time with regards to pooping into potty.. once they done it once.. they hate poos in their diapers oredi... QY even tell my mum he wants to go diaper-less during his afternoon naps these days... but me not consistent lar.. me lazy.. mon-fri.. my mum will let him go ard without diapers.. sat-sun when i take over.. i just let him wear diapeR.. :p..

ehhh agree with pvl.. maybe time for u to use TCM... on ur kids.. since u r spending lotsssssssss of $$ as well as time for the kids to recuperate.. time to search for alternative cures....

seems like our toddlers getting hard to handle now.. these 2 days finally, QY managed to nap in the afternoons while we r around...

this morning daddy brought QY for class (onli one parent allowed coz of precautionary measures against swine flu and hfmd... heard frm teacher QY cried throughout.. looking for me... help~ help~ i am going crazy soon... with an ever expanding tummy, a whiney boy and a useless maid..

hot weather.. flu alerts.. dunno where to bring Qy to as well.. he ends up mostly at my inlaws place in the wkends evening... that's the onli place where i can relax these days...no choice though as much as i dun like them.. :\
I'm not going to bring Lil J to her usual library trip these days either.. in case of catching any virus..

anyway i'm feeling tired and big too.. at 28th week.. i feel the kicks of the baby much more and its painful... many more weeks to survive thru..

This Lil BB in me is much more active then Lil J i think.. except Lil J hiccups more often then kick kick.. haha
PVL, eventually we'll separate them again when Timo hits P1. They need 'gender' separation by then. Hehe.

You're lucky that Sarah's OK now!

TCM ah, aiyah, you know my fear of allergies right? Will look at it when things are more settled. Honestly I do not believe in TCM's philosophy as it is at odds with my Christian belief.

Sunsweet, OK I'll let you know again how much to tf.

Beth knocked out from 9am to 1.30pm! Guess sharing a room makes her very exhausted esp when she spends 2.5 hours climbing korkor's ladder.
i just came back from the malls
now pumping milk and will go to my mum's plc for dinner. Not sure if I am correct but I seem to pump lesser milk on weekends than at work. Maybe drink lesser water? or more tired running after Ashton and carrying Ashley??

Catz his usual Pd is YY yip but he is fully fully booked for sat till end of May. Then the Pd near my plc is on holiday and lastly the AMK SBCC where inlaws will bring him there since nearer their plc.

PVL, will TCm help since they

nope zz doesn't do this. but there was once he accidentally touch maid's and maid exclaim "dun touch my neh neh" OMG... nxt 2 wks he keep saying neh neh which we at first could not stop laughing but lately we firmly tell him not to say. cos it going to be a prob if it become habit. now he forgot liao.

he do touch my pump though at times and pt and say it milk for mei mei. guess u shld tell him firmly it not rgt to squeeze.

for pumping less milk, maybe u r physically tired as u say... so naturally will be lower. try to lengthen the pumping time if u can.

chocbabe, guess u must make her wake up more in the noon so that she can slowly adjust her timing. my gal is also a nite owl. even when zz sleeps liao, she still want to climb on my bed. so i switch off light and she no choice sleep lo. then nxt morn, she be the first to wake up while zz is still sleeping!

ya no matter wat time they sleep they will mostly wake up by 7 +

I trying TCM to see if zz appetite will improve. I feel so sad when I try making new receipe and also buy many stuff but he doesn't even want to try! had been throwing or eating ourselves...

it v depressing. I even borrow and buy cook books,. This evening try Gina Ford receipe but he cry and scream when I ask him to try...
garfield, which tcm did u go to? or can your dad help by concorting some herbs? My Ashton is v fussy with food too. He will spit out food that he is not familiar with, so each time we introduce new food, we had to encourage him to try and show him that its nice. How I envy kids who simply love to eat.

anyone to introduce me to good TCM practice? OR do u think i should go to RH TCM, at least there are doctors who can work with chinese physicians.
dear ladies

i am having issues with cherish naps and sleeping time at night.. she seems to be so energetic..on weekends, unless i bring her out in the morning or hang ard in the playground and let her exhaust all her energy..or else getting her to nap is like fighting a war..

today she nap from 3pm to 6pm...and she just turned in at 11 pm..


cherish appetite is also not v good.. the only way to make her eat more is to let her exhaust her energy..i noticed that her taste bud is more asian and she prefers soupy stuff..like you, i have been trying diff receipes, but end up i am the one eating.

so..now i just stick to her comfort food..which is those traditional 3 dish 1 soup style.
Huskie..Hey so u let yr maid go..dont feel too bad about it..im sure u n hb thought wisely n made a good decision..u can get another one later if u really need..The fermented oats..yucks!!

PVL..Maggots..gross! Think must be summer heat..if not NZ weather is so cool I think can keep stuff outside for ages right?
Ah..So far I only had mouldy stuff..n my hb thinks we hav a museum fridge..cos we find the occassionally mouldy apple or dehydrated carrot..haha.

Catz..Nice photo..Congrats! I notice Beth seldom smiles in photos..but looks like she had fun and the photographers did well to take a natural looking one!
Maybe u can consider giving the kids regularly cod liver oil and Vit. C..if u dont want to give them TCM..Im not for TCM too..unless its the protein, cooling soups stuff..but not really herbs.
cherry, stella, wow I didn't know u guys have a prob w food too... how i envy those kids who can eat. ya my dad make some soup pkts for me n zz like to drink. but he doesn't like to eat his meals like rice, pasta nowadays. i run out of ideas. he doesn't really eat vegi n meat too n I worry he lack of the iron and other vitamin needed for growth. my mum recommend me a physican in Chinatown and I going tomolo to try.
act I thinking of not giving him his milk so that he can eat his food but my hb think I cruel. cos the milk feed is taken during the act time he drink milk. so if I dun give, he might not eat the whole day liao cos he super stubborn too.

btw stella, today he woke up at 3 plus but he only slept at 11 p.m too! I dun know where he got the energy... at first he look tired by 9 plus but suddenly gain back energy to play w mei mei together on the bed...
nowadays they sleeping together so they play together too lor. so far they enjoy it but got to wait longer for them to sleep lor.

btw, how many times is yr toddler drinking milk now? zz is drinking 3 times a day. in the morn when he wake up, then afternoon time, then nite time...
garfield, if Ashton is not a fussy eater, he will not be so lightweight. Yesterday brought him to cut hair and even the stylist said he is small for his age. Plus he still have baby look while most tods look quite kiddish already.

hey, cannot stop giving him milk. Its good that he is still drinking milk. Ashton is drinking 4 times a day each time about 180ml. Morning, noon, afternoon and night. He loves to eat rice and meat, but not veg. He is v v selective with food.

can i check if you will put soy sauce and other seasoning for the kids' food? Ashton's food is still plain i.e porridge cooked with fish or chicken stock then the flavour comes from the natural ingredients like veg and meat.
fussy eaters,
After hearing from you ladies, I feel so relieve now. Ryan is a super fussy eater also. His rice cannot have any other things. He likes plain rice only. We have to mask his fish etc in his rice. Dunno where is he gonna get his protein. Doesn't eat meat, veg etc. He drinks milk 3 times a day. Like zz, morning, afternoon and nite.
Fussy eaters- Beth refuses to chew her food. Gotta blend it up for her
But she has no problem whacking nuggets and whatnot if it's not her proper meal. Give up.. she always pukes when we give her adult food for dinner.

cherry - I do not season my kids' food too but only very occasionally.

Gotta go.. hubby got missing socks :p
Drugstore - have placed orders!

<table border=1><tr><td>chocbabe</TD><TD>3 x orajel training toothpaste</TD><TD>10.92</TD><TD>17.25 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>huskie</TD><TD>4 x desitin creamy</TD><TD>23.96</TD><TD>37.86 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>cherryale</TD><TD>2 x orajel training toothpaste</TD><TD>7.28</TD><TD>106.32 </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>8 x desitin creamy</TD><TD>47.92</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>1 x cb calendula</TD><TD>12.09</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>sunsweet</TD><TD>3 x desitin creamy</TD><TD>17.97</TD><TD>28.39 </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
I too don't subscribe to the philosophy behind TCM, but some of the herbs recommended can help and are quite mild. I just go for those tonic types of things, not so much the 'cures'. I am hesitant to take any TCM that comes in a capsule or a form that I can't identify, and I don't use anything that is animal in nature. My mum in-law is a staunch TCM believer (though she IS Christian), and has cooked seahorse/fish gill soup for my kids and my hb's nephew, in an attempt to 'cure' their eczema. She tries all sorts, but I wouldn't.

Today, my hb is on leave to take over my job while I do some work for him for his dissertation
. Hope I can really do that work, it's been waiting very long. Let's see how he manages the kids. Hehehehe.
cherry, chocbabe, he use to eat plain rice only but now even refuse to eat. tat y I worry. but strangly he still pooing ;p

catz, yes he also lazy to chew food... I realise he swallow his food most of the time lol

cherry, sometimes we resort to tomato ketchup to his food. he eat adult food already so guess there some soya sauce in it liao.

last evening went to see the chinese physican and today drinking the herb. so see if his appetite improve.

sometimes he ask for food n when we gave him, he spit out or eat only 1 spoonful... so I still dun know wat happen lor. his fren parent also say he looks small for his age.
PVL, hehe.. are you his editor? I used to edit my hubby's writings till I felt like wringing his neck cos he's v careless with grammar and spelling EVEN with spellcheck. Good luck to you. But yeah, it's nice to have him swap out places with you for a while
TCM, yah lor. I like the taste of herbs but it's those play play soup type, not the potent tonics that I consume.

garfield, at least he can swallow. Beth will vomit out.. lazy pigy girl.
Hi mummies,
Need some advice
We are travelling to Australia soon. The last time My daughter uses her passport was in Febraruary. The picture in the passport was taken when she was just 1 month old. Wonder if we will have any problem with her baby picture in the passport.

About food:
Xinfaye is getting fussy with her food too. She doesn't like veges and carrots. Having a hard time making her eat them.

mildstone: Xinfaye is totally diaper free now. phew! No more washing
Before she sleeps, I will try to pee her first. And carry her to the toilet once more before I sleep at 11pm. If in the middle of the night she wants to pee she will let me know
Lil J also dislike veg these days..

How to get the kids to eat more veg??

There this dumex milk that has veg vit in them anyone let their kids try?

Lil J still drinking 3 times a day morning, Afternoon and night. 180ml per feed.. but she's still using bottle for milk cos she often drinks b4 sleeping.. wonder when will i need to change to cup for milk feed.

since i've introduce table food to Lil J i do not really resticts the seasonings used for the food she takes.. as long not too salty or sweet will do.. she will eat better with more flavourful food i.e. as what we adults take..
Re: diaperless

Lil J is diaperless in the day.. but have not try for the night.. but my gut feel is she is ok with it too.. as she often wakes up with a dry diaper.. excpet on some days she will laze in bed and thus pee in her diaper.. keke
Veg - my kids like only carrots.. which I restrict in case they go orangey. For the other veg, I chop it finely (for Beth). Timo has no issues with veg 'cos I told him if he doesn't eat veg, he can't poop or it will be v painful :p

Sunsweet - I never liked Dumex milk so I didn't try but there's a vit pill from Animal Parade which is veggie, you can try. I've ordered your Desitin for you liao. See above posts.. pls tf when you can yah?

can PM your account details?

I'll collect via postage.. thus please advise total amt to be paid in the mail


Congrats to GOG!!!

Sap, better go update Xinfaye's passport photo with her recent ones. Can be done on the same day and no extra charge. We updated Xi's photo when she was 15 months, after repeated warning by the custom officers at the checkpoints.
Sunsweet, Pm'ed you.. will only know intl shipping and postage later on

jelly, issit?? I never got any warning but I know gotta update at 18 months or something like that.
Thanks Jelly for the info.

Congrats GOG! Do post your birth story here soon.

By the way, I am also having a hard time making her drink plain water
At first I wasn't too sure about not letting her wear diapers at night too. What I did is i just wear the diaper over her pajamas after she is asleep. Can reuse and also let her know how uncomfortable it is too pee in bed. Ha ha!
Congrats GOG!!!

Wow, your todds are all off diapers already ah? My Ben only knows how to poo in the toilet. Pee is still.... ahem.... Doesn't want to tell us at all.
Hey Catz,

Transfer for desitin done... catch up on other postings tomorrow! Just paiseh to owe you money

04 May 2009 10:50 PM Singapore
Amount S$37.86
Transaction Reference 2241345066
Congrats GOG!!!

Me at home today cos of stiff neck, finally can post liao.

Sherwin also fussy eater nowadays, just changed his pattern, only want rice with soup or stimes only want milk, that's it. I dun force him to eat though, just let him be for the moment.

He's diaperless in the day and the maid is training him to go diaperless in the nite. So far so gd.
Giggler, alamak, MC 'cos of stiff neck? Poor you! Whiplash or just wrong sleeping position? Wow, Sher diaperless in the day? So clever!!

Er.. I a bit stressed now but anyway will only start potty training (for pee) in earnest come Sept so Beth will be ready for kindy. Haha. Or earlier lah if I think she can. Poos are no problem, thank goodness 'cos a poopy diaper is just soooooo disgusting.

huskie, no need to pai say lah, I know where you live in any case. Kakakakaka... thanks!

Saph, you really did a good job potty training XF! Then now you will have an easier time when your #2 arrives. Only one kid in diapers. Cheaper too
Catz, wrong sleeping position lah! So painful leh. And got worse cos still need to bf bb. Sigh... We managed to get Sher out of his diaper within a week lah. He easy to train. Btw, where did you go for your photoshoot? Me looking for one to take pic of bb.
all our toddlers seems to be going thr this phase together.. QY oso... all thes while i tot is my porride combination. until i read it here.. thanks gers.
HI Catz,

To Account POSB Savings

Amount S$106.32
Transaction Reference 2241878269


looks like only Ashton is still wearing diapers..too bad, no time to train him. He was actually diaperless at 18mths, then we sent him to cc and with meimei now, no one has time to train him. He always ask us to carry him to the toilet but sometimes I am so tired that I ask him to poo in diaper..haha bad mummy.
Gig, poor thing. Ya it sucks to have stiff neck. Is your #3 another good eater? Must post pix of your gang of 3 lei! This photo was taken by the ndp photographer. Prev when Beth was ugly, we did with Benjamin from fotou.

Cherry, thanks!
Congrats on all yr kids goin diaperless! I really envy u gals... save on the diapers... my zz still refuse to tell when he wans to poo or pee. he only tells when he done with it in the diaper!

he has prob eating as well as potty training... well in my ears i hear my family members telling me not to compare... ye ye hard not to comapre as he is reaching 2 and half yrs liao.

just got to be patience. was telling my maid not to scold him or say the poo is dirty to discourage him from telling nxt time. it really diff to train him too esp when I not at home to guide him... only can on the wkends but mostly we are out

gog, congrats!


what herbal soup you made?

EYS recommended me to brew Lui Wei Tang or Shi shen..

Lil J caught cough, runny nose dunno from where.. taking medication at home.. hope she recovers soon else got to bring her to clinic .. which i'm heasitant to go during this swine flu period..
