(2007/02) February

garfield, aiyah then how? Can your mum help out? Wah you v good, can do all the paperwork yourself.. next time if anything will check with you

garfield, aiyah then how? Can your mum help out? Wah you v good, can do all the paperwork yourself.. next time if anything will check with you
oPs. i tot urs is philiphinos... yah cebu is for philiphines.. sorry.. can u ask ur maid to change the dates of the home leave then?

lim ah pin road classes for 2010 oso full.. not opening to the public oredi. onli d-story club and siblings... the other time i submitted last yr.. told them i want QY to be in this year june.. oso no space.. must write to MCYS... me n hb tot over it.. QY sooo sticky now.. even if heng heng the McYs letter get approved... putting him there 1-2mths prior bb's arrival does not sounds good to this sticky boy boy now.. and so many of the mummies have mentioned the possibilitiy of spreading germs frm school to toddler to newborn... so most probably i will join the club and submit in for next yr intake.. crazy
hey girls,
I just came back from a trip to Desaru with my whole family... drove there in 5 cars... very fun. Soph was just asking to go to the beach the whole time... she's really a beach bum!

Your BIL and Sil are weird... rice cooked with pressure cooker taste better leh!

As for Kumon, I personally don't really like it. My hubby has a friend who is a Kumon instructor... after talking to him, we find that it's too structured for our liking. Their style is just constant drilling, not much creativity.

Hee, yes, the whistling noise and steam coming out of the pressure cooker valve scares me too, so I always get out of the kitchen once it starts cooking

Your maid is Indo? I always thought your maid was Filipino too!

Hope your mum can help out... otherwise, at worst, your MIL?
smurfy, OMG, lim ah pin so popular inspite of the fee increase? Waaaah anyway QY is a lucky boy to go to Pat's... I wish I had the dough to send my kids there. Thankfully I have Marymount lah, cheaper by half!

huskie, Desaru in 5 car convoy! OMG, what a logistic nightmare! So what happened to your maid during the weekend? We'll be going for church camp with my parents and my aunt and uncle from KL will meet us there at Palace of the Golden Horses.. bringing the maid along too. Luckily she's skinny so we can save the 3rd row for the monstrous amt of junk we'll be carting along. Haha. heard the hotel isn't v clean so we'll be bringing our own pillows and anti-dustmite mattress protectors and such :p BTW, want to ask you - do you go marketing at the wet market and if so, do you bring your maid along? Your hubby still thinking of sending her back?

Just heard from my hubby that Timo and Beth have been chosen as poster boy and girl for this year's NDP publicity campaign.. haha.. now I hope that the photoshoot will go well!
whahaha now u really become "xin ma"... this is soo different frm the media shoots lor.. doing a National service at such a tender age hahaha.

hey hey, u happy that sop likes the great outdoors like u?
hmm, how come our thread doesn't show up in the latest 3/12 hour search? :p The board was down for the whole weekend I think.

smurfy, haha.. yah lor.. honestly i was shocked Bethany got chosen lah.. 'cos she's not the smiliest girl around. But I'm not complaining.
I thought Palace was the poshest of all the hotels around MINES area? We used to hold all our conferences there... but yes, if you're talking about tip-top condition kind of cleanliness, then I think even Palace will not be able to live up to your expectations :p

Maid: I left her with my mum's maid in SG. Only the 2 of them at my mum's place, but it was OK cos my mum's maid has been with us for 6 yrs, so trustworthy lah.

Wet market marketing: yep, brought her there twice. What I do is when I come back, I show her the items and ask her to write in Bahasa... then I'll write the English translation in English next to it. Then next time round, I'll just write the items in Bahasa and ask her to go buy it.

Hee, more like my hubby is very happy that Soph loves the outdoors like him... always saying he'll take his new hot babe to wakeboard with him next time!
But me too lah...
What's up everyone? Why is the forum SOOO quiet today?

Wah, your kids are STARS!!!!

Hope Timo is better now.

My 3 kids were ALL down with cough and cold last week. Even Gabriel. In the end, I had to bring him to the PD on Sat, early early in the am, cos my PD has no free slots for non-appts. Thank God I only had to wait 1 hour in the end. Poor little fellow was coughing, not feeding well, and spitting up phlegm and milk every now and then. I'm so tired, think I went through his entire set of clothes over the last 3 days. Had to do an extra load yesterday morning before church!. Used up so many cloth nappies (our protection) too.
He seems happier and better today. So I hope no more spitting up.
smurfy, hmmm... you mean her droopy eyes? Hehe..

huskie, Palace got horrendous reviews on so many traveller websites.. I'm sure I'm not the fussiest person around but if people complain of illness after a hotel stay, I think it's pretty serious. Anyway, will be bringing our bedding lah, clean or not, just to be safe. Don't want Timo to succumb to another round of bronchitis. I'm not a super clean freak but I'm ultra scared of poisonous mould spores and horrendous bed bug bites.

Erks, I still haven't brought my maid to the wet market 'cos erm, I'm personally not a fan.. I like my meats all packed up and no wet things dripping here and there. But eventually I think I'll ask my mom to train her up to buy stuff from the market. I'll go hang around the hawker centre area. Haha. Yes yes I am a xiao jie. :p Actually my fear of wet markets stems from childhood when I witnessed them beheading a chicken. And the stench.. errruuuuggghhhh...
Yah i agree that it's very structured. Nothing but drill and drill. Went for their franchise talk before.

I'm kinda desperate to look for a school for Ryan now. Not so much of childcare type. I've been with him at home, now that I'v moved back and realised that he isn't getting much stimulation and is getting bored after i pulled him out of his cc. I also observe that it's going to be really tiring for my MIL when i go back to work. She has to handle the 2 kids, cook, clean etc. which is really tiring, if i'm not ard to help her. I've called a chinese church kindy and may start the term in June. Still searching ard. As for these few months when i'm on ML, thinking of bringing him to some class like Little Neuro Tree etc.

Any tots doing away with their afternoon naps now? Thinking of doing away with Ryan's nap cos he really can't sleep in the afternoon and is an ordeal for me too. If he naps, nigh time he can't sleep till 11pm.
Huskie..Wah 5 cars! Must be fun..I like going there..cos of the short car trip..I dread going up to KL or further with an active tod..some friends urging us to join them in June to Genting..likely giving it a miss..firstly cos of the long trip n secondly, Yael is just not into kiddy rides which is a main part of Genting..haha.

True tat Kumon is a lot of drilling..I've known of smart kids who benefit from this kind of structure though. But also dont really like..cos nowadays all this big names are so commercialised n some are out to make big big profit only.

Catz..Congrats on the kiddos..yup they'll look back n feel proud to be part of NDP!

PVL..How u manage 3 sick kids lah?! U must be tip-top health leh.
I missed the part about you being xin ma, but wow, CONGRATS!
Remember to show us the pics!

Wet markets: I am not a big fan too, but I go there for my yong tau foo cos the NTUCs here do not stock yong tau foo. Sometimes can get fresher and more interesting veges too. And I can get the butcher to slice/de-skin up my meats whichever way I want it so that's really a bonus. For the butcher, I'll just write on a piece of paper what kind of meat and how much (in dollar terms) I want, then pass to maid to buy it.

Re. Palace: Hmm... I guess it was 5 yrs ago and pretty new when we went there quite often for our biz trips, so standards could have dropped a lot. But I don't really like the hotel cos it's too HUGE... I feel so tired walking from my room to the seminar room etc.

Yeah, it was really fun. And the hotel has a nice pool with slide, a kidz club room (which is pretty dusty eeeeks) and a decent beach.
Makan is also cheap cos we drove to the town to eat the Chinese food.
It was actually my dad's birthday on Sat, so we sort of celebrated with this trip

I heard a lot about Genting... my family went in Feb, but I didn't join them cos hubby could not take leave. Heard from my bro that it's fun for older tods who like the kiddy rides, but food is not cheap.

Woah, you must take care too.... with 3 sick kids! Guess you really cannot afford to fall sick too.
huskie, haha think it won't come out so soon, but yeah will share it if i can figure out how to work the macs :p Genting's nice but er.. a little tacky and I don't really like how long it takes to check into the hotels. Palace - yah think they never maintained their standards, typical M. Wet markets.. erks.. still gross me out! How to communicate to the butcher? In Mandarin? My chinese fail and plus I don't know the mandarin for most of the meats/cuts. Sure kena scolded.

PVL, oh dear me, all 3 sick? Hope your immunity is good 'cos taking care of 3 kids when you yourself are ill and nursing Gabriel is just INSANE!!! How many days of childcare leave can your hubby swing?

Charis, this year is a real NDP year. My BIL is flying in the Apache squadron for the airshow portion, my hubby is in NDP EXCO and the kids are on the posters.. haha..

chocbabe, hope you can find something good for Ryan that's nearby so that he can continue there after your ML ends. It will definitely help your MIL get a breather.. esp if you put him on the schoolbus I guess. Afternoon naps are still compulsory in my household.. in fact both of them look forward to their naps! And bedtime is still strictly before 8pm.
catz, wanted to reply last sun but i think forum is down...

congrats on yr kids! u become xinma liao

wow u be v bz during NDP... hahaha do u have special tickets to see?

anyway i have renew my maid insurance, will go on renew wp. guess i just try to apply for the leave. can't count on both mamas... especially mil as she can't even change my kids!

smurfy, huskie... haha i thot u all knew she indone... she make me mad this morn nia... so fed up... but i still wondering if i can cope during tat 2 and half wks! hahaha
Hee, I choose a very young butcher at my market... think he is probably younger than me! He speaks pretty good English, so no problem with language... I just tell him "slice" into stirfry size for me.

For chicken, I just tell uncle bu(1) yao(4) pi(2) i.e. de-skin, or qie(1) i.e.cut cos wo(3) yao(4) zu(3) curry, then he will cut into curry/stew sizes for me.

What did your maid do to anger you this morning?
I also feel more frustrated with all the constant nagging/reminding that I am 70% leaning towards not wanting maid.
Whole day have to nag at her to turn off kitchen lights when not in there, then she mix my whites and colour clothes together *sigh* so tiring that I feel it's bad vibes for me and unborn baby!
Now really thinking hard on how to cope without maid and when tummy gets big and cumbersome.
huskie, alamak, your maid still hasn't learned yet? How about really going through every little detail with her? For e.g. give her a WHITE basket to put the whites in? Or you sort the laundry for her? I am very fussed about laundry being done in a particular way and I'm glad I haven't had to scold my maid for anything major so far. Only that she hacked up my NYDC cheesecake this morning thinking I'd bought it for Bethany.. haha.. ArRGGHHHH.. but other than that, can't complain.. I've never had my bedlinen ironed before. My sis says I'm getting pampered.. so true, so true.

Er, what if I want the chicken to be deboned? Or if I want a particular cut that I dont know how to say? I have really zero mandarin when it comes to such things 'cos my mom doesn't speak mandarin and she has to look for butchers who speak either hokkien or english.

garfield, haha.. xinma not yet, let the photoshoot go well first then I will declare I am xinma. Teehee.. NDP tix ah, no. My hubby has released his tickets to the NS boys who don't have any. Typical of my hubby.. but I'm proud of him.. no worries, we can get rehearsal tickets since my BIL is flying.. maybe will book hotel room with my parents and sis since both macho men are not around.. and enjoy the fireworks in aircon comfort.
Actually I have 3 laundry baskets - 1 for whites, 1 for colours and 1 for hubby's workclothes.... all supposed to be washed separately. Me and hubby sort them by putting them in the correct basket when we change out of our clothes. And her timetable has a "Wash cloured clothes" today and "wash white clothes" today, with Bahasa translation! But she just went to mix the clothes together into one basket when she brings them to the washer *sigh*
Then last night wash the dishcloths, but left one hanging on the fridge... I asked her how come never wash that, she said tomorrow morning then change... but I told her even if morning change a new dry one, also must wash the old used one leh. Think she was trying to get away with this one.
And never wash the cat dishes at night, so I have a whole army of ants in my yard area *faintz*

Now I am 90% sure I don't want a maid, although lots of friends said a maid will be useful in walking Soph to school when my tummy gets too big. But seriously, if I don't trust her to bring Soph, I would still be walking Soph myself if I have maid. One of the grannies at Soph's school said she saw a maid put the kid on the ledge of the corridor... the part that if the child falls over, it'll be the parapet and then downstairs liao. She said she gave the maid (not her own maid hor) a scolding cos what if the child falls over? Sooooo scary! Not sure if I want to take the risk with maid sending Soph to school!

As for chikcen, if deboned, just tell uncle qu(4) gu(3). Qu(4) is like "go to school" that qu(4) sang(4) xue(2).
As for particular cut, depends on how you want it.... I come up with funny terms like "cut like mango" (tiny square cuts but not totally cut) to the butcher... he sort of understands

The uncles in Bishan are generally more tolerant with us "young aunties", and are quite patient with me hee.
Charis, Catz,
Yeah, all 3 sick. Gabriel is still uncomfy when his medication wears off. Fussy, crying loudly, sniffling and coughing. Poor thing.
I'm well, so far. Been downing lots of Vit C. Thanks for the concern

My hb has a total of 15 days childcare (Stat board). He took leave on Monday and again on Friday, so it was not so bad. Just that I didn't do the floors on Fri as I normally do, so my floors are so dusty! Anyway, my PT help is coming today.

Catz, Huskie,
I also am a Mandarin failure mah. But I manage to get around in the market. Like Huskie, just say simply what I want. Sometimes I tell the butcher what I want to cook and let him choose the cut for me
. Even the fishmonger - I ask about the fish, how best to cook etc. Once they know you as a regular customer, it becomes a lot easier.
Soph is still quite young, so even if you don't send her to school it's OK mah. When your tummy is big, don't go out so often
. In my case, Last 2 weeks, I stopped cooking dinners (too difficult to go marketing). My hb popped by the NTUC to get the essential stuff for me. I minimised the going out, just on Gym day. Take my time. We changed Sarah's chinese enrichment class to Sat so my hb could take her. I still did the housework, slooooooowwwwwwlllly. Sarah screened my phone calls so I didn't have to get up and answer the phone every time it rang
how abt the option of changing another maid before totally giving up on them? seems like ur current maid is bullying u.. and not doing thngs the way u wanna it to be.... 2nd time hirer are usually stricter to their new maids (good example me!!!). the first few weeks r the teething problems lar.. i oso got my fair share.. but things improved after some scoldings from my side... if i get too pissed off, i just get hb to talk to her.. at least though she is toopid.. she is more hardworking than the high classy lar..

3 kids sick.. u gotta hang on there.. and continue drowning urself with vit. c.. just hope that u and ur hb will be spared of the germs and can take care of the kids.
PVL, awww sayang.. 3 kids sick is just too horrendous to imagine, esp poor little Gabriel who's too young to be medicated! Do you have Sterimar saline wash for his nose? That's the only thing that the pd will give to ease the congestion and after shooting up saline into the nostrils, you can easily use the nose suction to suction out the mucus. Beth had a bad cold when she was 2 months old, that's how I know :p Thank goodness you have your PT cleaner to help out.. in the meantime, closing both eyes to the mess and dust is a good move
Hang in there! Your hubby has a lot of childcare leave!

huskie, oh dear me.. seems like your maid is quite lazy to follow instructions? I think you cannot hehe haha with your maid, better to just be quite authoritarian? Cos you look so willowy and bully-able, maybe that's why she's not following your instructions to the T. But honestly if you can train her up, she can be a big help esp when you have #2.

Mine did her first booboo yesterday.. she soaked Beth's red pumpkin patch dress and the red dye ran into the white flowers.. RUINED!! ARGGHHHH.. this morning she lagi scared of me, tiptoeing around like a mouse. I didn't scold, I just told her to please remember not to soak red things - just dip and rub a bit can already.. arrgghhhhhhhh.. I'm very fastidious about my laundry so I am pretty upset about it.
agreed with catz to be authorizative!. they r here to listen to instructions and work. and not work the way they wants it to be... if they want to work in their own way, they jolly well go back home and do it their own way..
catz, i be so sad too if she ruin our clothings by careless mistakes...

huskie, i was rushing for work as this week i m outstn n need to leave earlier. she keep getting on my nerve when I finding something. say how come i haven't bath yet when I m late liao... like my mum... then i told her to rem to put in 1 Avent cup in my bag while i bath. in the end, she didn't lor...

then I couldn't find my watch on table. she complain the table is too messy... hey! isn't she supose to clear? she 24 hrs at home whiel i need to work... soemmore the table is common. I quite fed up lor. as i rushing for time, i didn't pick up quarrel w her n dash off. u know she v like to put stuff suppose to be in kitchen onto this table cos she say my kitchen too small...

n she like to stuff food everywhere in fridge... v messy n she complain. once a while i still got to check wat funny stuff she stuff inside... no proper housekeeping...

then yesterday I bought a donut for zz. when i reach home, she didn't feed him cos I saw it still on table. then I thot msaybe later i eat. then when i come by, it's gone. so i ask her. she say she threw away!!! she say got ants liao... i told her y zz never eat... she say he dun wan. wau lau... nxt time i really dun buy liao... tat y i hate to go n buy 1 wk marketing... she like to keep food n throw away... say turn bad... so now i like to buy daily stuff. i wun forget n will remind her to cook the very nxt day. then i will scold her wat for she keep?
Catz..Wow really that's nice..But busy time for the men too then..haha! But that means your hubby will only be going overseas after August?

Huskie..Personally I feel if u can get a good helper then its really a blessing..if not..like your current one..jus add to stress right? So either u do away with the helper or u give her more time.

Like PVL said..u dont have to send Sop to school she's still young, children pick up very fast anyway so sending to school later is fine, take it from me, I've seen kids join in at K1 w/o prior schooling, they pick up to the same pace as their peers within 3 months..I have China kids coming in w/o knowing a single English word..n speak fluently within 6 months..there's how efficient kids are..haha..Its us parents who stress our kids and ourselves unnecessarily.
But if u still want her to go to school, then send her to school yourself now when u r preggy, next time bring the baby along, I've seen many mummies do that, just dont let other ppl carry the baby..1st few weeks during confinement yr hb will be around so not an issue right?

Get a PT helper..maybe twice a week..so the house will be cleaner. Or maybe can ask yr mum to stay with u for few weeks to help with cooking too..or something like tat.
Heee, your maid sounds like the employer leh, complain table too messy?! :p
Yeah, my maid also like to stuff everything anywhere... today open a new pack of rice and stuff until the rice bucket lid cannot close... sigh, defeats the purpose of having an airtight container to prevent those rice insects from getting in right?

Eh, did she really throw the donut away or did she eat it up herself? I noticed Indo maids love sweeeeet stuff!

Think your maid also quite serious in her problems... you still renewing her contract?

Yeah, I am also fastidious about my laundry - I won't even let my mum touch my laundry when young cos even she ruined my clothes by soaking!
I know it's a great help if I can train her up... actually she did pretty well in the first week - followed timetable to the dot, then 2nd week started to push her boundaries.
Halfway through cooking, she went to wash toilets (supposed to be at night after dinner ard 8pm)... so I asked her how is she going to serve us with her clothes all dirty after washing toilets? Told her I will serve the food myself that day and she just asked "Can I continue washing the toilet then?" SIgh, I know she just wants to finish everything early so she can go to sleep... but she generally have about 10hrs sleep every night leh.

Yeah lah, I do look bully-able, cos maybe so skinny and don't like to micro-manage... so everyday she just push her limits further.
Last night hubby said she didn't wash dishes clean... got food in the plates, so there were ants scouting around my dishrack!

Eh, Sterimar... isn't that quite painful for a small baby? My PD didn't wanna give that cos he says the spraying effect is painful, so gave the droplets type instead.

PVL, Charis,
Yeah, I think I will just follow what PVL said... move around more slowly, although I think Soph cannot help me screen calls yet... hee.
I'll try and go to my mum's for dinner twice a week, then cook 2 times a week and get hubby to buy back dinner once a week... may not be that bad.
As for walking Soph to school, yeah, if it gets that bad in the last tri, then I'll stop her school, but I do wish to continue, cos she is keen to go to school with all our neighbours' kids.

And maid adding to stress, yes, I am soooooo unhappy now

I live a more comfortable life, but I am really unhappy.
Think I will get a pt helper to come in twice and help out. if she can come in the afternoons, maybe I can ask her to help with dinner too.

My mum can't stay with me at all... she looks after my 30mth old nephew and another 14mth old nephew. And my bro has another baby boy joining the brood this Aug, so she will be more busy than me!

Think I won't bother to change to another maid - don't think I can take the stress. I don't like to scold pple too - makes me upset and really spoil my mood... not very good for unborn baby!
I will just live a happier life but with more dust and less comforts
i dun use to micro-manage. but some of them do requires that.. my previous high classy oso bullied me mah.. thinking back.. my quality of life becomes better now that she is gone and i am micro-managing.. but frm the way u posting..can feel that u are already tired out by these issues..but seriously speaking.. u do need standby help leh... especially when ur mum is not able to help at all... do consider changing another.

my high classy oso loves to tell me that my veges spoilt and htings expired oredi.. and throw them away.. hey, ain't it their job to help us manage? since then i learnt that these ppl needs micromanagement.. it's tiring for us.. but we have more controls on the things we buy and knows exactly what goes into our kiddos stomach.
smurfy, that exactly how i feel... when i buy something, it suppose to be eaten fast n not keep for some funny occasions... but she keep until spoilt. so now i buy daily lo.

huskie, the thing i dun wanna change maid is firstly i dun intend to have maid for long n just wish to keep till two kids can go kindergarden or earlier. secondly she rather trustworthy w $ n kids. tat is v impt. cos i dun stay at home n watch. if new maid, i scare they ill treat my kids or steal $...

so i not too particular on housework. but i v piss off when she complain. she shld count herself lucky tat I didn't ask her to do so many housework liao cos first priority is my kids.
Yeah, I've never felt so drained in my life before! The last time I felt so drained was when a staff I inherited in my team could not work at all and gave us more problems than help, so we fired her after many warning letters. Think the maid will end up with the same fate.

As for help, yeah, I think I do need the help... maybe in the worst case, I'll go hang out at my mum's place everyday in the last tri when I am too tired, then hubby comes and pick us up after work. At least I won't have to cook when I'm there, and my mum's and bro's maid can help with the kids.

Yeah, I guess we all have to give and take in some sense... as long as she is good to the kids, that's all that matters.
It's also good that you have some timeline, so you know how long you need to put up with her.
if you are doing the spree for u and huskie from the drugstore, can you include first teeth toothpaste for me too? Please get 5 tubes without brush. If you ordered already, then it's ok ...
Aiyah when will all these spammers stop spamming? :p

chocbabe, sure no problem.. I'll open up a new spree thread to collate more orders. Anybody else want anything? I have 20% off GNC if I place orders in the first week of May... if no GNC orders, then I'll just proceed to order the Desitin and First Teeth for huskie and chocbabe

huskie, so means your maid's head is on the chopping board already? I can understand how frustrating it must be that she is constantly pushing boundaries... goodness, isn't she afraid of getting the sack? I suggest that you tell her that although she is inexperienced, her mistakes are unacceptable as you have written down the timetable and instructions in bahasa for her to follow. Tell her that if she doesn't buck up in 2 weeks, you're sending her back. But honestly if she can buck up, please keep her.. having the second one is no joke esp if you'll be having another c-sect. Not easy to cart newborn and Soph over to your mom's house everyday for sanity reasons. I'm speaking from experience here.

garfield, wah your maid quite rude huh? Honestly I believe she ate up the donut for herself.. but I guess in your case, you just gotta take her word for it since you're not around, can't monitor her every movement.
At least she is taking good care of the kids lah.

Sterimar was really good for mechanically cleaning out the mucus leh.. the spray is v v gentle and because it's only saline, it's safe for newborns. Unlike otrivin or iliadin which have meds in them. ANyway just a little sterimar will help with the nose suction immensely! That Pigeon suction thingie with the mouthpiece is amazing.

i not too sure whether she eat... hmmm haha had to give her benefit of doubt. but she really rude at times. think maybe she think she old hand mah.
I think I'm fine with this, but never tried before so maybe reduce to 3 instead of 5. If you dun have enough orders, then can drop it...

thanks very much
Think I will drop the Orajel, cos a few tubes are for my neighbour, and Soph is recently starting to get attached to First Teeth, so think I will stick with First Teeth.
I'll just go with Desitin... thanks.

As for maid, sigh, I really don't like to constantly have those sit down sessions to negotiate with maid. I was thinking of asking you how you coped with 2 last time, esp since Timo was at that clingey toddler age... but seems like you have answered me!

I am still 80% sure I don't want maid, cos if I don't trust her to walk Soph to school, then why do I want a maid for? If it's just housekeeping and cooking, I can make do with a dustier flat and at most eat steamed food everyday. But yes, with a newborn, the beginning will be tough... just have to pray hard I can escape a C-sect, milk ss will be abundant and we will not fall sick!
huskie, ohhh when Beth was first born, the first year was an utter blur.. haha.. but my parents popped over whenever we SOS'ed to take Timo out for a little R&R. Honestly I don't even know how I survived but I only cooked for Timo and the rest was tingkat and tar pau.. cleaning was done by the PT helper, laundry still done by me. Yes but just pray hard things go well.. maybe you just sit down with her and tell her she will be sent home very soon if she doesn't buck up.

OK noted on the Orajel.. so just 4 x Desitin for you?
Yes, just 4x Desitin for me, thanks!

Oh dear, tingkat is no good for my rash... tar pau is good, but that means I will have to lug Soph and newborn along to tar pau my food, which can be a logistics nightmare, so I guess I will just have to eat simple stuff like easy-to-cook porridge or sandwiches... hope that won't do too much damage to my already miserable milk ss!

As for the sit-down talk, I have actually done it 2 times already. She's been with me for about 3 weeks now... first week she was great, then after that I had to sit down and talk with her twice, which means an average of 1 talk per week... and this did not include my mum's "talk" with her. Don't think I can do it anymore! But yes, maybe I will do it one more time with her and see how it goes.
btw, when would our kids graduate to the next level of leappad/leapfrog? Currently Soph is still happily playing with her baby one (can't remember what name, but the most most basic one).
If you're doing a spree for the more advanced one (with pen type?), can let me know?

It's no hurry, but will be nice to join a spree organised by a friend, esp. now that I know I won't have much time to log in without a maid soon :p
huskie, OMG, forgot about your tingkat allergies. Honestly, tarpau all the time is also no good and eating porridge and sandwiches just won't cut it cos not enough nourishment for you leh. Too bad your Mum is so tied up else you'd be a lot better off if she could 'cater' for you.. haha. Try to talk to your maid again and this time, say that there have been too many mistakes to ignore, things are not going well and that you and sir are thinking of returning her.

Oh yah, thank goodness my maid managed to salvage the dress.. *phew* It's not perfect but at least it's not all red anymore.
Yeah, I am thinking of tar pau with a big pot of homecooked soup for the additional nutrition. Or just freeze some pre-made stew over the weekend for my week's supply of food.

Wow, your helper must be so relieved that she managed to salvage the dress! Think the poor girl must be scared out of her wits. Did she use bleach?

I'm thinking of getting an electric steamer - anyone has recommendations?
I saw 2 Philips ones - without warmer is $79 and with warmer mode is $149! So much difference just for warmer function!
Actually, it's quite easy to do double boiled soups for yourself for lunches. Pre-pack the herbs into individual serve pkgs. Pork ribs also, can pack into single serves and freeze. I do black bean soups, huai shan soup, papaya soup, black chicken ginger wine etc. You can get the fish steaks instead of fish tail if that's too troublesome. My double boiler is enough for 2 servings, so I only boil once every 2 days, with a day's break, so 2x a week. Nutritious leh. Get the herbs ready before you deliver. Meat etc you can get someone to buy for you.
Get a confinement lady for the first month lah, if you can tahan that. I was on tingkat for the 2nd month, so I don't know what you might want to do. Maybe you could survive on tar pau at night, and just buy something extra that can keep til the next day for yours and sophie's lunch. After the 2nd month I found things much more manageable, and can even go marketing (which I'm supposed to go now, but lazy Sarah has JUST gotten out of bed).
Oh yes, and your pre-made dishes, frozen up will also help. I too pre-made some dishes, packed them in single serves and froze up. Very convenient. There are solution. Don't worry.

ALAMAK! My dwadler Sarah! Now Gabriel has fallen asleep in his bouncy net where he was waiting for Sarah to get ready. How to go? Don't want to disturb him. *sigh*
sarah gets out of the bed only now?? so envious.. QY wakes up at 630am this morning. bet he's doing this, so that he could see me before i goes off to work... i seriously need some breathing space now..

yesterday it was 90%, today it reads 80%.. hopes the percentage goes down as days passes... good to get ideas on how to cope.... yah as pvl suggested, get a CL for the first month.. extend her services into ther 2nd month if u think u are still not able to cope.. then how abt advertise for those "part time aunties" in ur areas to help out in ths SMH forum.. catz got her transfer maid through this forum righ?

u r just soo lazy to get a good maid the first time round.. now really can be tai-tai liao
Yep, I also have an electric double boiler which I mostly use as a steamer. Think I can use that to cook the double-boiled soups.
What kind of wine do you use for the black chicken ginger wine soup? Rice wine or DOM?

Yes, there are solutions
I told hubby about how you manage and he agreed we could give it a try. I also just read this mom's blog - she's a mother of 7 or 8 kids, no maid and she even managed to homeschool her kids too. And her fridge management tips, like your idea of individual portions, are really useful:

As for cf lady, yep, I got one for my 1st month. Hee, crazy me is actually quite excited about eating proper confinement food, cos I never did a proper confinement the last time

Today 80% cos I spent most of yesterday afternoon at my neighbour's place, so never see her much.
My hubby says over the weekend, he is 80% wanting to send her back, but on weekdays when he goes to work and doesn't see the ants/dirty dishes/sloppy work, he is back to only 60% sending her back.

Yep, def getting CL this time. Wanted to get your CL contact the last time, but luckily got one from a Mar mommy.

PT aunties - yep, I'm trying to see if my friend's pt helper wants to come in more often in Nov from 4pm-8pm... that will be a good time to cook dinner and do the washing up plus a bit of light housework.
huskie, ohh you've got CL, then should be a lot better lah.

7-8 kids, homeschooled?? WAH LAU EH.

PVL, thanks for the multitude of good tips! Honestly you are one very very capable woman. Hope the kids are better today? Sarah must be so tired from the bug huh?

electric steamer, DO NOT GET ANYTHING FROM PHILIPS! They make the crappiest things ever. Had quite a lot of stuff from Philips which conked out very quickly. Phone lah, toaster, vacuum, you name it.. LOUSY. Steamer can go for Tefal, they seem to be the best established for steamers.

smurfy, yah I'm blessed
She's happy 'cos I give her time to do her bible reading and to go off on Sundays to help out at her Indonesian fellowship to lead in songs and bible study.. so I guess we work well together lah.

As for tf maid from the forum, do beware.. the lady who tf to me was dishonest about her reasons lah. That's all I'll say about that.. found out through the maid agent and the maid herself that she was telling tall tales. But thank God the maid is OK. So far.

I'm doing Amazon spree, anybody?

Huskie, oh it'll take quite a while before they can go onto the Tag system, so no hurry
Now you're using the baby leappad with the cushion on the bottom right? Yah that will last a pretty long time. Think they only appreciate the Leap pad and Tag at 4 years old.
Ok, thanks for the advice on the leapfrog

Yep, now using Leappad... thought that since it says up to 36mths, I'll better get the next step ready... kiasu hor?

Tefal - ok. I quite like Tefal too, not that expensive as well.

All my friends kept telling me that I should get the agency to talk i.e. scold the maid about the things that she is not following, cos they said maid not scared of me *sigh* And of course they feel that I wasted my agency fees too. But seriously, I feel sooooo tired already... felt like I aged so much over these last 3 weeks!
But last night felt baby's first stretch in my tummy, so I'm in a happier mood today
huskie, yah Tefal is a brand I trust. philips ah, spend so much on advertising and road shows etc but their products suck. Sure, they look good and have more features etc.. but when it comes to the crunch, they barely last 3 months! Blacklist Philips!

Yah get your agent to intervene.. scare her a bit more then you don't have to stress so much lah. I think I've lost weight from how happy I am after Sherly (my helper) came.. less stress-bingeing.. haha.

OOh, baby stretching in tummy.. so exciting!

You're happy and you lose weight?
My friend saw me the other day and said I looked pale and skinny! Guess I probably have no appetite after all the frustration with maid!
