(2007/02) February

AH ger,,

u also tot of leaving ur present co? me too, but will they release us if we just come back form maternity leave?
hi JC, had called my gynae to verify. The DS test is called Oscars, consists of scan + blood test only sorry for the confusion.....
Ah ger, where is modern maternity? Tanjong pagar? That is the place you spent $200 is it? I am thinking of getting 1 casual capri pants for weekend or church plus 1 pair of pants for office and 1 skirt. Hopefully can find some stretchy tops from normal shops. I think I will only buy more after my blood test on week 15. You quite on, still can meet ex-coll at somerset? that is quite far from your office right?
Hi ah ger..

I also put on about 2 kg..my gynae told me I must put on enough weight start from 1st trimester..cos my 1st pregnancy my BMI was on the low side..so no good..this time Im at better weight.

I also been reading pregnancy nutrition books..they recommend preggies (who are already at ideal weight) to start putting on weight from 1st trimester..but gradually..research has shown that mothers who put on healthy weight during pregnancy (but not up to obesity) have lower incidence of stillborns n premature babies..
Hi Stella & Ah ger....actually very "bo liao" right after 3 mth come back -- tender -- work 1 mth then can go....me cfm leaving after birth. I thought of nego with my boss see can dun come back after ML....i think best time to do so is after 2nd mth of ML...

Hi Rae...tks for clarification.....
The aircon doesn't point towards the bed at all. It's just that if the air is a little cool and dry, my nose will block up. Yesterday in church also like that. Haiz. Last time when I was preggy in the US, same case. In the end we bought a humidifier. Helped a little but it was very noisy.

Ah ger,
I doubt you are the heaviest here. I think I probably am. Was never ever thin. After going abroad to study, my wt jumped up about 5 kg. After working a few years, jumped up another 3 kg. After having 1st baby, jumped up another 5 kg. After coming back to SG I think it has gone up another 2 kg. I'm just a big blob now. And being older doesn't help. Very hard to lose wt. Exercise, diet all don't work so easily anymore. *sigh*
Hi JC,
not sure if your company HR policy allows you to serve notice during maternity leave. Better to check first, in case they ask you to pay in lieu of notice. I am in HR.
hi ladies,

I went for lunch and pass by a shop called mama chic just now. Its in orchard. I dont know the exact building name but its opposite the S11 food court. They are having promo. selling super cheap leh. Think i saw some t-shirt and white blouses that's selling at 9.90 only. Dresses are $20 and think bermudas is $14.90.

that shop is previously located at specialist centre cos i ever bought my maternity wear there during my 1st pregnancy.

So some of u gals who worked in town can go and check it out!

i am going for checkup tonite.... very excited.. hope everything goes well!!!

yah, yesterday got a bad dream..so i have to say it out there to "break the bad dream"... dreamt of seeing red on panties...choy choy..touch wood..
Oh dear, I think I may have urinal tract infection. Just now I went to the washroom and after urinating, there was a bit of pain. Anyone has the experience of getting UTI during pregnancy? What is the treatment for it?
Starlite, heard that you are down with cough? I really hope you are better!!

I am down with stomach flu spread from my son, to husband and now to me. I thok I would have die 2 days ago coz I was in very terrible state. I had weak legs cannot stand properly and had been vomiting and Lao sai (ls) non-stop with a very sharp contraction pain kind. In my case was suppose to sent hospital but hb also having fever and ls, and my son already recovered, was so actively running about outside, still duno his mother is like "ban tiao ming" left already.

My hb drove me to GP though after my mum rush down to my place, was still vomitting along the way and almost fainted. The doctor cannot help but to give me a jab immediately. Felt better only for another half to 45 min and my pain came back. Keep vomitting and ls again.

On Sun went KKH for emergency check, only said I had stomach flus and due to fact that I cannot eat plus preg, I kena gastric at the same time. I request for a scan to ensure my baby safety, that gynae juz told me, no need, you no bleeding juz come back for scan on your scheduled date 10 Aug.

I was really angry. In fact my aim to to go KKH to ensure myself as I had been taking ablot of medicines, the doctor juz ensure me those medicines are OK and tell me dun need to scan, really angry!

Got 3 days MC and so today I am on MC... Hum.. tomolo have to go back already coz office got new staff and quite hard, things piling out very urgent for shipment tommorrow and no one is handling as my coll left last week..

Really hope you all are well and take care about your health! After my severe condition happened on Sat, I realise how precious is a human life and how weak it could be..
oh my....bitbit...i hope u hv a speedy recovery. rest well dun worry so much on ur work cos ur body is more important & also your tiny baby inside. wow...the stomach flu is so dangerous..it actually spread from ur son to u.

from now to 10 Aug still got 2 wks+...why dun ur dtr just scan for u. At least listen to baby heart beat also good. Can feel at ease.

Anyway...dun worry ur baby & u will be fine.
take good care.........

Im feeling better today after taking GP's cough medication yesterday. I took one dosage and throat not itchy anymore so decide not to take. The medicine is call Dahsedyl.

How come your gynae like that. Shd have at least scan and make sure that bb is ok....u sign package with him already?


Have u PS already?
Bitbit, so sorry to hear that. You must be in great pain and worried. Hope you get well soon.

I was just complaining to hubby that I feel so sian that I keep getting sick, first was very bad cough, then food poisoning and now suspect urinal tract infection..really need to take care of our health now that we are pregnant. I will go and buy cranberry juice later. Can get from supermarket right?
Oh dear. Poor thing. Rest well. I know the LS with cramps is really frightening. And with being preggy, I think we are more suseptable to tummy infections (that's why we shouldn't eat those raw stuff).
Why don't you call TPS and make an appt with Dr Han earlier? It would put your mind at ease.
Most impt'ly, don't worry. Don't think that the stomach bug will affect baby lah. Just make sure you are drinking lots of water. Maybe you can buy those electrolyte powder solutions to help restore the mineral balance. Rest rest rest.
bac frm lunch. had wanton mee @ Somerset instead, sneaked out & took a bus dwn meet my ex-coll makan.

Stella - yes -I was actually scouting ard b4 I knew of my pregnancy. Then nw stop lor. No - during ML u can't tender. Tats wat my gf frm MOM told me. Thus, I hv to cme back then tender then give 1mth's notice.

Cheeryale - Moderm Maternity has 2 outlets - 1 @ The Arcade L3, the other @ The Amara. U can c some of their collection frm the website 1st incase u dun like. www.modern-maternity.com.

My capri I bought frm tare $69. Bt is 3/4 one - then very comfy, is V-shaped, so u can wear even as ur stomach gets bigger. try nt to get those horizontal ones cos as ur stomach stretches - u dun hv enuff room.

Starlite - opp S-11 is either Specialist Centre or else is Orchard Plaza lor (behind OG). I just came back frm tare leh. Do u still rem the shop name?

Charis - my BMI b4 preggie just brushed thru underweight. I think was abt 19 or 18+ only.

Cherryale - drink cranberry juice or buy yoghurt to eat. Tats wat I did when I went for my body chk up then they found dunno wat white cells in my urine & etc. So I took Carnberry juice & yoghurt.

Bitbit - hope u will feel better soon............ When u go back to wk, dun stress urself too much, health is more impt!
Cherryale - UTI is very common one esp among women - nt just during pregnancy.

yes - u can get frm any supermkt. If u want - can get the Ocean Cranberry Juice - big btl then can put in ur hme fridge - then pour a glass & drink as & when u like. Cos abt $6 during promo & $7+ w/o promo.

thats the problem with kkh...

i got one bad encounter from them also @ kkh 24hr clinic. i got bleeding and asked them to give me the jab and hormone pills. The doc told me no need cos my spotting is not alot... ask me to come back if i fill a pad ... needless to say, i din go back to them and head for TMC.
Hi bitbit..

Do take care. Try to rest as much sa possible..

Usually stomach flu shouldnt affect baby..if u have diarrhoea..n vomitting its probably a good sign that the body is expelling out all the bad 'stuff'..after that u should be fine. But make sure u keep yourself hydrated.
Ah ger,

Its behind OG one. There's one very popular yong tau hu stall there. Also can get 4D there.

The shop name is call Mama Chic.
ck, did your gynae give u any medications to stop vomitting?

choo, I feel that the material not very gd leh. Hb asked me to use softener to wash and see if it's better.

Ah ger, didnt know that Perfect Mum has branch in Suntec. They shd have ofc wear rite? Maybe not those very formal ones.

JC, I feel much better starting from last week. At least got energy to tend to my gal's demands.

PVL, I dun rem seeing dresses at the shop but they got quite wide selection of tops and bottoms. I tried till I so tired but the salesgal not pushy lah. I dun have blocked nose.

cherryale, how abt Thyme maternity? Take cranberry juice and yoghurt, maybe it helps with UTI.

Starlite, that sounds cheap leh... did they mention when the sale end?

bitbit, hope u feeling better liao. You're rite that life is very precious.
hi bitbit, sorry to hear what happen. pls take gd care of yrslf & rest ok? health is impt. rest well so tht u can recover fast. don thk so much, bb shd be fine. juz tht u need to eat well, rest well. hope u ve a speedy recovery.

You meant those maternity wear u bought at TPY not very good material is it?

The shop nvr mentioned when they will stop the sale leh.

Do u work near town? If so can go there and take a look.
I went to perfect muma at suntec, their pants are not bad but material a bit too light. My bum sticks out a little so when I wear those pants, it looked like I am wearing track pants. Maybe cos I am not wearing the longer maternity top so dun look right.

Ah ger, I just bought the cranberry juice and drinking now. a little sourish, no need to add water right?
afternoon gals.....
today i having bad ms......
vomitted out water when first woke up....since no food intake yet.... so end up just ate some biscuits with ovaltine.... totally no appetite now.... sighz...how how how

dun worry too much.... make sure u got lots of rest!! dun be overly stressed when back at work... wish u a speedy recovery!
Hi Ladies,
so sad to see so many of you sick over the weekend. As it is, putting up with the pregnancy symtoms already very xing ku... must be terrible to be sick too.

I have the same problem as you too. In fact, my tongues been feeling very sore the last few days too, like I scalded it or something. But I think it's because my mouth got so dry in the night, the tougue got stuck to the upper palate and got injured when I woke up and moved my tongue. Is that possible? Sounds quite funny hor? When I wake up to pee (which I do every night nowadays) I will gargle my mouth to moisten the lips and throat lor. In the morning, I always wake up with a very dry throat and a bit of sore throat. But after drinking water it's be fine a while later. Eh, I don't do this myself, but you might want to try it - when I fly long distances, I always end up with sore throats cause I will fall asleep and breathe through my mouth and you know how the air on the planes are very dry. So I will wet my mask and put it on before I go to sleep. You know, the cotton mouth coverings/ masks they sold during SARS? You might want to try that.
Starlite - I know ware liao.............. ok 2mr I ask my ex-coll if free help me to rackee.

Aiyah if u told me earlier I can go & c.......... cos I went S-11 eat wanton mee.

Giggler - I din notice Perfect mum's collection - all I saw were some dresses then tee-shirt material dresses, capris & etc. I wun buy those tee shirt material for bottoms cos makes my buttock even bigger esp when it goes sideways furthermore. Ha ha ha.........

Cherryale - yes it has abit of those siap siap taste one. Bt if u feel it's still abit sweet - u can add some water to dilute it cos afterall there is some sugar content.
Starlite, the material I got from TPY not very gd.

cherryale, think the tops from Perfect Mum is ok for ofc wear rite?

Ah ger, tee shirt material looks casual.
Oh ya, ladies, want to share a place I went to yesterday. It's a departmental store at Beauty World Plaza on level 3. Went to jalan jalan, not ecpecting to buy anything but saw that they have a maternity section so I took a closer look. Prices seems very good. Though I have no intention to buy my maternity clothes yet actually, I ended up buying a pair of denim pants and a dark brown dress pants for $30 each. For those of you who stay around the bukit timah, bukit panjang area, you might want to go take a look.

Hang in there... I know hoe depressing it is to vomit too
Especially when you haven't eaten much and you puke out clear liquid stuff... argh!! Taste is just so bitter and horrid
Sorry, no advice to offer you, just my sympathy cause I haven't found the cure for my own MS either

Cherryale, I know what you mean about how light material seem to make the bum stick out. When I tried on the few pants yesterday, I didn't like how they looked either. Especially those that has a flap made of different material across the tummy... looked so awkward to me, I just couldn't get used to it. And a lot of them looked like sweat pants. In the end, the dark brown pair I selected was a loose, straight-cut type made of a heavier, non-stretchy material. Hopefully, it wouldn't stick to be and emphasize all the less flattering curves and bumps...hehehe. Oh, both the jeans and pants I bought yesterday ended up being the low waist V-shape kind Cause I still cannot get use to the flap over the tummy leh. Any comments from the more experienced mums har? Are thos types actually more comfortable? It's worn across the tummy right? But the tops have to be long and reach over the hips right? Otherwise, will see that the flap is made of different material then quite odd right?
Giggler - my Co here - so long as u dun wear jeans on Mon - Fri, it's ok one.

Then I noticed the ppl here - when they r preggie - they dun very very nice one leh.......

Winnie - thks for the info - i I hv the chance I will go & take a look. actually - maternity clothes are plentifu - just dunno 1) nice or nt, 2) expensive or nt.

Winnie - as I mentioned earlier - buy those V-shape ones will b better cos as ur tummy grows bigger those across ones (like normal pants horizontal) may nt b able to accomodate ur tummy. Anyway as ur tummy grows, ur tops also will b those longer ones....... so can cover the V-shape. I find it more comfy.
Both my 3/4s & my skirt all V-shape ones.

the medicine is for stopping vomitting ?
or relieving vomitting ?
i'm a bit confused ..
i have the pill from gynae, yellow colour one .. looks like flu pill..

just now i went to buy lunch ..
ended up going toilet vomit milo out ..
i had that before i went downstairs ...
i bought porridge with mixed vege ...


take good rest ..
maybe the doc is sure that your bb is okie ..
so tat's why said no need to scan ..
dun worry too much ...
in a way he's correct .. no bleeding means bb is doing okie ..


enjoy your scan tonite ..


hhmnn .. maybe u can put a bowl of water near the aircond ..
so won't be so dry ..
air cond is suppose to dehumidify the place .. when u put humidifier .. the aircond will gotto work harder rite ?
ck - try something light for nw - cos sometimes bb doesn't accept wat we take in. Take more vege/ fruits - more nutritious & small portions - it may help.

The anti-nausea pill is supp to stop u frm vomitting. The nurse @ my gynae's clinic say - eat b4 u think u r gng to throw up alot cos sometimes the pill tend to b thrown out as well. So if I feel really really bad I will pop the pill.
ah ger,

i'm eating kind of lesser now leh ..
imagine morning vomitting nothing ..
u can feel your stomache squeezed ...

now not so bad ..
dun have such feeling at the moment ..
but a bit bloated ... and burping a little ..

ic ic ...
i will evaluate condition .. and eat the pill accordingly ..

there's a few times i had the obimin pill.. and the moment i eat only .. all came out ..
Hi gals....we are almost reaching our 12 weeks soon. Let's just keep our finger cross & hope tt all of us will be out of all these MS real soon when we reach 12 wks..........some might be earlier some might be later....Endure ......

I'm only coming to the end of my 9th week leh... ARGH!!!!! Still so much more to go compared to the rest of you...
When you girls are happily preparing for the baby I'll still be enduring my MS
Hang in there, nearly end of 1st trimester already. Just a couple of weeks to go. People say that if you put a cream cracker or some simple biscuit next to your bedside, and just munch on it as soon as you wake up, you are less likely to feel sick.

You are right. I don't want to make the room any more humid. Last time was in the US when I used the humidifier. It was mainly in winter, with central heating. Very dry in winter. Even in Summer, it was dry. We had central aircon in the house and I ran the humidifier only at night.

You injured your tongue trying to unstick it? Oh dear. That does sound funny, but I can understand. I have water by my bedside and take sips from it everytime I wake up. I don't think a mask would work for me in bed cos my pillow would end up getting wet.
Hi Winnie...dun worry i am almost the same as u. I will be 10wks on Wed....still long way to go also lah...but some morale booster for all the mum......
ck - as u throw more then u wil get scared like whether will u throw out wat u hv just eaten. So gradually u will cut dwn on alot of things. Then slowly - if u experiment a few times & it got better then ur appetite will b bac to normal.

actually when I eat all my pills - I also feel like puking out. Then I drink more water then take abit of sour plumes to curb it. then dun think abt it then try to let it pass.

Winnie - dun worry - everybody will pass thru tis. If u say tat, ha ha ha, the Mar gals will b thinking "they still hv a long way to go." so on & so forth.

Me 12wks on Fri! So happy - hope when I get up on Sat to prep to g c my gyane - everything looks nicer. ha ha ha...........
Hi Giggler, I didnt really notice the tops as I wanted to get pants but the salegirl did show me a white halter top which is quite nice.

Hi Winnie, I thot the low waist V-shaped type is better? That's what the sales gal told me. btw, how is the cutting for maternity jeans? you know
like normal jeans we have straight cut or boot cut etc.

HI PVL, when I was coughing and nose was totally blocked, the doctor advised me NOT to use aircon as it dry the air and caused it to be worse. One way is to cool the room first with the aircon at least 15 mins before bedtime, then use a fan after that. But if you cannot sleep without aircon like me, then, there is no way out except to use dehumidifier but I read that dehumidifier can breed germs and not good for health.
i'm 11 wks now, cant wait to go for my next gyne appt nxt week. so anxious to see hw is my bb developing. do u all realise you hv more discharge now?
JC, we are about the same, I should be 10 weeks already but will know the exact when I go for the scan tomorrow. This is the first time I look forward to national day cos that will be the week I complete 12 weeks.

cherryale - jeans cutting my gf said 9 mois one is so much like Levis. I've seen the jeans - quite gd material. Bt it costs $129 lah........ I m still looking ard - bt I saw the 3/4s frm Modern Maternity - $69 only, then it's almost to my ankle liao - if the stock comes in then i buy then I prob wun get jeans - cos weather is so hot......... so wear something clingly to the legs - mah very uncomfy.......

Pekochan - yes - I noticed tat. Bt no worr - I put pantyliner everyday also........
