(2007/02) February

ck, you like dogs? You really scared of having stretchmarks? Spend alot on the cream.

smurfy, so sad to hear such news abt umbilical cord strangulation.... but there's nothing we can do abt it. So dun worry too much abt your bb moving too vigorously in the tummy, at least he's moving and tell you that he's safe & sound inside.

when shld we start monitoring their movement ar? from 32 wks? 35 wks or 37 wks?

2nd time mums.
are bbs even more active in 30+ wks or more in the 20+ wks coz then got more area for them to move?
to mi is 20+ wk the baby more active... like dacing inside... now i am 28 liao, maybe 2 weeks later baby will move lesser, no more space liao...
Hi all

I'm still trying to finish marking my exam papers here. Arghh...

Smurfy: Tat sounds so scary... My lil boy also didn't move much last nite and even up to now. Donno whether ok or not. I'm now paranoid about this cos I don't go for any checks here. Have to wait till next month when I get back to be able to see the doctor. Any other signs to look out for ladies???

Aiyo, this piece of news has relived my fears again.
smurfy, bb shd be more active now ard 20+ weeks cos got more space to move. As they get bigger, they move lesser. But I think they shd still have abt 10 movements in a day.

mag, talk to bb and tell him to move to let you know that he's ok inside.
Maybe you too busy with marking papers so you didnt notice bb's movements lah.
i also wish i can continue my course, but let say i am not able to take a maid, then i think i will have to give up liao ... well, my family members all money-minded one, husband side one also like that.. its better to depend on myself than them lor...
it was the sideway movements that were vigorously for me last nite!

upgrading urself is very impt, especially if u seek for pay increment.
Ah ger, Koh, Smurfy: I was sleeping on my right side the whole nite cos very cramped on my bed. Practically no place to move at all. Shouldn't be a problem rite....

Koh: What course are you doing? I also agree it's better to depend on yourself. My family members also all think in terms of money, and look down on me because they think i earn so little and yet so many kids. Even my 13-YO cousin thinks this way. That's why i rarely contact them anymore.

Smurfy: Which thread did you read that piece of news from? I also wanna read it for my own...

Upgrading is important, i would agree, but do you noe what my family said? What's the point of having a master's degree when you only earn so little. Look at your cousin who only has an A'level and already earning this much....and got cpf somemore.

my bb also ..
this morning i sleep on the left side ..
he used his legs and hands .. kick me on the left and push me with hands on the right ..
can see my tummy moved ..
he he ..
so active ..

so sad rite .. hearing sad news on cord strangulation ..
i hope everything will go well for all of us ..

ah ger,
about the hot spring rite ..
they din bring us there le ..
cause other couples not interested ..
she was saying to the other 2 couples tat r with us ..
said tat guys and gals soak at different soak area .. and cannot wrap in towel as well .. need to be naked when soaking ..

ya .. i'm scared of stretch marks ..
at home now got 3 different ones ..

still waiting for elancyl for sale ..
then can stock up ..
every morning and nite after bath ..
sure apply ..
even more scared as i see my tummy expanding ..
he he ..

when r u buying the items ?
let me know okie .. i need some items ..
cause i'm sure i'll bath ..

u gotto consider v seriously before deciding ..
mag, i am taking accounting course.. don care bout wat others say, as long as u think is for ur own good can liao.. like my MIL ans SIL, once they heard that i am going for course, start to grumble liao, and even say so wat if i complete the course, i also get so little salary mah... they just don wan to see mi have free time lor.. nevermind, i tell myself that this is temp only, i believe if i work harder, one day they will have nothing to grumble...
Koh: Hang on in there...it's actually none of their business anyway. Don't bother about what they say la. I hardly give any notice to my hb's family. They are, as far as i'm concerned, non-existent in my life, and my children's.

Think about your own future and your children's future. I'm also always thinking of ways to make extra, and find a better chance at getting a career, which i want.
Hack care what they say to u lah.
Its your life u are living... tell them off if you think u got to.

Since they knowu are not well off they dun even lift a finger to help but criticise that you are getting nowhere. Anyway u paid for your own fees and u used your own $$ to upbring your children.

Bear with it i guess is the better way.
Got to ask hubby to be supportive in terms of emotional and also many other ways.

With 2 person i believe u can find the best way to bring up your child.
mag, shouldnt be a prob to sleep on right side. You can try moving your tummy and ask bb to move for you.
Think it's your own life so dun need to listen too much to what others say.

ck, I not so diligent with applying the stretchmark cream. Only apply when I rem... hehehe
Anyone started doing up baby's room.

wonder what's the best way to keep BB's clothes..
in those plastic drawers? Or should I get a proper cabinate for BB?.. I already have a built in wardrobe in the room but then there issnt much compartment for folded clothes..

Cos recently I just got 4 bags of clothes from my aunt and her friends... Headache cos lots of clothes now..
Anyone started doing up baby's room?

wonder what's the best way to keep BB's clothes..
in those plastic drawers? Or should I get a proper cabinate for BB?.. I already have a built in wardrobe in the room but then there issnt much compartment for folded clothes..

Cos recently I just got 4 bags of clothes from my aunt and her friends... Headache cos lots of clothes now..
sunsweet, I wont be having any bb's room. I got those Toyogo plastic cabinet to keep my gal's clothings. Most prob, My bb will share the cabinet with his sis. I got got 2 bags of clothings from my fren too. Haven unpack to see what she got for me yet.

mag, good idea... imagine seeing a gp of preg women together... hehehe
Ok ok ... let's plan this...

can go shopping together somemore. Just imagine a whole gp of mummies to be together in a store. That'll be quite a sight...

So exciting....
CK - no red dates taste leh......... or perhaps u can ask them if u can scoop up a portion then u boil & add in red dates urself? I wun go the xtra mile cos all these are meant to shorten the time & also ease burden of lazy ppl like me. Ha ha ha.......

CK - yeah hot spring is naked one. Even tat time when I was in Jpn, I wasn't used to sharing a public hot spring in the hotel itself hence I din go & soak. bt they say is very very shiok one & u feel very refresh.
Koh - upgrade is for our own gd leh, if nt 4ever stay stagnant meh??????? Dun care abt them, they r simply too naive & ignorant in their thoughts.

Sunsweet - my spare rm has wardrobe also bt then I dun think I will put bb clothes inside tare yet, maybe when he grows bigger. I m thinking of buying those Toyogo few tiers drawers (convenient & cheaper) then smaller & movable wooden cabinet.

Xmas gathering? When? Cos Dec I m pretty tied, esp w/ dinners & Co mtgs & Co's Xmas party.

Shopping? Ha ha ha......... we hv to shout for "Xcuse me!"

Gig/ PVL/ Cherry - Later in the afternoon, when I hv more time I will call New Baby & ask on their confienmemt food catering. Then I update u gals again. yest I ask hb a few qns, end up he dozed off! So angry! Din even pay abit of attn to wat I m saying. #$%^&*$%^&*(
Ah ger, which day you able to make it in Dec? Give us a few dates and we work out from there? Hahaha.. what qns did you ask hb that bored him to sleep? Good good... you're more detailed in asking qns. Thanks in advance.
Ah ger, which day you able to make it in Dec? Give us a few dates and we work out from there? Hahaha.. what qns did you ask hb that bored him to sleep? Good good... you're more detailed in asking qns. Thanks in advance.
going for masters is gd if u intend to stay in ur line.

if never upgrade urself, ur increment will be the yearly increment and new bosses will not increase ur pay a lot if u r stagnant for so many years. think long term. u need to continue working to support ur children.

giggler/ah ger,
me got a friend who tried natal essentials a few mths back. have not had the chance to meet up with her yet (she on holidays) but quite good feedbacks lor coz she recommend that company to me.
Wat a sad thing to hear. I also heard frm 1 of my gf abt the dead foetus b4.

I feel, so long as u can feel bb's movements, u shld start monitoring. Esp like if u know bb usually will move @ wat time (eg mine is morning 8+, then afternoon, evening 9+ 10+ 11+ to the ext if I dun slp he also doesn't slp).

I read frm the bk, frm wk 28 onwards, his kicks shld be @ least 10x a day. If u notice anything unusual then call ur gynae.

Sometimes when i m too bz I will overlook & monitor the movements, so I will 'shake' the bb (my tummy) a little then tell bb I din manage to feel him 2day cos I was too bz & etc. Try to make him respond.

My SIL, 1st boy had to c-sect bcos of the cord strangulation so was an emergency, think she din feel movement. 2nd boy, all the while was ok, then gynae asked her to choose natural or c-sect. Then she said she will take c-sect. So she was given 2 dates. She chose the 1st. heng she took the 1st date cos when they delivered the bb out, the same thing - cord strangulation. Wat a relief man!

Talking abt stretchmarks cream. My coll apply everyday bt eventually also spring attack on her. Came out on the 8th mth onwards. Her gynae also told her it's genetic, perhaps most of us will get, just a matter of whether alot or little/ dark or faded marks bah......

Mag - nwadays I make myself slp on the left cos left is for better digestion & I realised when I slp on the left, I can rest much better, slp thru'out the night. When I slept on my bac or right, I felt my stomach heavier, then also hb said I tend to get nose-block also.

Koh - very often, I bed dwn, squeezing my tummy against my upper thighs, I can feel bb retaliating. Ha ha ha...... so immediately I stood back up or sit upright.
Hi mommies

I am also worry abt the umbilical cord strangulation. My ex-coll also carry bb to almost full term thn accident happen.
so sad.

I ve bought Toyogo plastic cabinet for my bb clothes. cn grab frm careerfour. Cn i chk whn is the best times to wash bb clothes for standby? Cn we fix up the bb cot already? paisai, worry its pantang to set up early.

ya .. ignore them ..
sometimes have cert also must be given opportunity and luck as well ..
so must be firm with wat u want ..
discuss with your hubby and see wat he say ..
giving up the course is really not a wise option ..

ya .. sometimes i think ppl just say only .. never consider about our feelings ..
who dun want to have high pay rite ?
sigh ...

ah ger,
oh .. okie ..
he he ...
but i'm v lazy in doing house work..
cause i find doing housework meaningless
every few days .. the dust settle on top of cabinets.. so bored of wiping ..

hubby said .. wait 1-2 years then go japan ...
then can hot spring liao

i wonder r the hot springs tat causes japanese to have nice smooth skin ..
Gig - I din bore him leh! I was watching tv & flipping thru the 2 caterers menu in the hall when he said he will go into the bedrm & rest while I finish my prog. So I said ok lor.

Then after drinking a glass of milk, I was feeling warm, so i off the tv instead & went into the bedrm. He was still playing his Sodoku game leh. Then I said I dun wanna watch tv already, wanna cme in & chui aircon.

So I went to wash up Kaoz! I wanted to ask him, which caterer shld I get, which menu seems to b more nutritious. B4 I can ask him, he already in Dreamland!

Me nw can't think of any dates, yet to sort out. Bt it will b on a wkday after wk right???

I was flipping thru New Baby's pricing. They both hv lunch + dinner, dun hv pricing for either 1 meal. So Koh's $520 is dunno incl soup or wat, I need to ask properly.

Koh - u must make sure u hv some soup to nourish urself leh. Then hor, after calculating, I think if u r on a budget, u can try Natal's 1 meal cost or New Baby's.

Though u said u will cook simple dishes, bt dun 4get, prior to CNY, alot of food will incr price, so even if u buy in late Jan, the food costs will increase, so u might as well cater. If NewBaby has tat pricing for u (& I will ask if they hv soup), then it's better to order. Tis saves u time & perhaps $$ also, cos u hv variety of meals everyday. I wil also ask if they are able to give extra rice, so tat u can scoop some food & save for dinner. So in a way, $500+ for 2 meals is worth it!

Erm.......... 2day I m abit messy - u can understand wat I m trying to explain or nt??? If nt, does anybody understand & help me explain to Koh? Ha ha ha.......
Leomum, actually I think you can do up the rm already if u hv the time. Say early it's nt exactly early. Just tat if u set up so fast, u hv extra things to clean up for the nx 3mths b4 ur bb is out! Wahahahahaha...............

CK - we also clean up the hse once a wk, either Sat or Sun. Bt nwadays I try to wash the laundry on Fri, so tat we wun get so tied up on wkends.

Hot Spring helps to kills germs/ bacterias. Then depending on wat time of hot spring, skin I dunno leh. I only know will kip a person very refreshing. There are some ppl who hv skin prob also go & soak. @ 1st we were worried if we will get infect w/ skin prob esp when it's an open pool, bt the tour guide said the water is so hot, any germs/ bactiera go in also will die. Which is true lah. ha ha ha
ah ger,
u so funni.. i understand wat u trying to say... but i am thinking that can save a little also good.. as u all know my situation now... health is important , but hor, money also important to mi now ... heehee... actually i was thinking that if i c-sect ( choy ) then maybe i will order tinkat lor... if natural then i cook myself loh...
tell u all one thing, i really very scared of c-sect leh.. cause go to sleep then don know wat will happen...i not scared of pain... i can handle pain very well.. so i always hope that i can give birth naturally just like the first one...very timid hor
Ah ger's recommendation might be cheaper. coz marketing is more expensive during CNY period and if u order just one meal (and eat them for 2 meals and cook extra rice n boil extra red dates drik).
Koh - I understand, bt like wat Smurfy said, CNY food all goes up, tat incls fish & chkn even if u plan to cook it urself. U cant b using just 2 slices of fish or 2 pcs of chkn for ur meal, like tat nutrients are nt enuff. Might as well spend $500+ then u get more balanced meal? U also save the hassle of cooking esp when u are on confinement.

Mee sua/ marcoroni/ veges/ fish/ chkn/ pork - all these will cost $$. & u know lah, veges u can't kip for 2 long, then who's gng to help u buy all these things?

U do tis simple calculation. $520/ 28 days (7 days a wk x 4wk)/ 2 meals per day = $9.30 for a balanced & nutritious meal.

If u cook/ buy the food urself - electricity bill also goes up, prep time also wasted.
Hv u all watched the videos frm babycentre.com? I wastched the natural delivery & also the c-sect. I think it's more yucky to do the c-sect.
All of you had your lunch? I just finished mine. Yum Yum...

Smurfy: I already have a Masters. Now i'm thinking of going for something else especially if I'm going to stay in this field. See what i can find.

Ah ger: dunno why but there is a very long lag when i watch those videos. In the end, i simply give up.
Mag - yeah lor, alot of like interruptions, those cuts, so watching a 7min video = watching a 15min video. Ha ha ha.........

I still watch, just tat slowly lor. Cos I wanna know the process mah.

I m gng to buy lunch nw. Cont later.

Sorry to ask a gross qn: Recently dunno hw cme I hv hard stools. I already drink alot of water leh. Then the stools are very dark in col, like almost black. I kena poison is it???????? Ha ha ha.......

I just called New Babay, will udpate everybody again when I cme back.
mag, I peifu you.. I am totally brain dead after doing my honours degree and hv no ambition to do any further studies.. so kudos to mummies who hv the drive to do further studies. My brain rotten liao.. heh.

True abt food prices shooting up during CNY. I remember my son's threadfin from $35/kg shot up to $60. Crazy..

koh, I am also ultra paranoid abt having to do c-section man.. not only is it more painful/longer to heal, it costs more!!
Ah ger: I also get dark and hard stools... Hee... maybe cos we have to pass out the stuff for bb as well? Hee, i dunno man

Catz: Last time younger got motivation, now also sian liao. Maybe do research phd or what. Aiya, now everything kids come first so must think in terms of cash...
those videos from BAbycentre can be downloaded???

i oso thinking if i settled down in this job next year (and boss dun act funny) after my ML, then perhaps i will consider masters at next yr end. no choice leh, higher education means higher starting pay, but i do understand ultimately is performance that counts lar (but that will takes a longer period to be equivalent to those with higher education).

cannot do without cash, and it is never enough lor

dark stools coz of slight changes in the diet issit?
My bb's room is very functional. Just the big cot, a set of plastic drawers and a wardrobe are the main furniture. Of course, now my girl is in a single bed, so there is her bed as well. And a bookshelf, and a towel rail. No fancy lighting, no fancy wallpaper etc. The cot will have a mobile. My girl survived on 2 plastic drawers for 1 year. Then we got the wardrobe to hang her dresses, and it has some drawers and shelves too. It's good to set up early, when you still have energy. Just that you have to keep the dust away.

mag, I also have a Masters, but now I earn $0! Worse, right? But it's not wasted. I feel the skills and knowledge gained are never wasted. Can apply to all sorts of situations. I don't think my MIL knows I have a Masters. Otherwise she sure grumble even more (Study so hard don't want to go and work) Hehehehe.

Ah ger,
Thanks for inquiring about the food caterers.
bac frm lunch. Had YTF. Nutritious & wide variety of choice!

Smurfy - I dun think can b dwnloaded, cos it's a link.

Smurfy - my diet din change leh, I m still taking the normal food b4 I was preg.

if the cot is mobile u mean u'll shift is ard?
What you gals think let bb sleep in MBR? or in BB own room and Mummy sleep at BB's room?
PVL: haha... that is called good life ah. If only i could afford to stay at home too. Now in a day, my 2 kids only get to see me awake for 2hrs a day. I'm always so exhausted by the time i get home i fall asleep so early. And i leave home b4 they are awake.
that's why me oso intending to do the program unless i intend to stay in this line. otherwise, spend another 10 to 20k and end up not ultilizing it. but i admire ur sacriface lor.

so long as the 2 hrs is quality time spent, dun feel so bad abt it. nothing much we can do.

ah ger,
haiz, that means me cannot watch, coz home got no computer, no internet, nothing hahahhahaa
My updates frm New Baby.

1) Packed - in tupperwares, so we can reheat in m/w. If heat in steamer, hv to trsf bowl.

2) Closure - Eve till Day 3 of CNY, reopen on Day 4

3) Delivery time - Lunch 11 - 1.30pm, Dinner 5 - 7.30pm

4) Flexibility - minor changes accepted eg substitute pork w/ other items. C-sect 1st wk no chkn/ eggs (same reason as Carol)

5) Portion - sufficient for 2. Johnny said hb actually can eat bt bcos they r cooked w/ ginger, sesame oil & vinegar, they can b very heaty, so hb has to drink lotsa of water after each meal. he laughed saying he also eat the leftover food @ times. Ha ha ha

6) Trial - $30 per meal, advisable to order wkend dinner bcos has the fried rice w/ ginger & egg & the dbl boiled soup, more value for $$ also.

7) Extra rice/ Red dates tea - no problem, can always ask them to bring, no extra charge. Bt he said infact 1 pkt of rice is alot already. (I told him abt the budget constraint & sharing of food)

8) Either 1 meal - 2 options we can choose.
Pkg A4: 2wks x 7 days = $730 (5% disc nt applc)
-> 2 dishes + 1 soup for L & D
--> Can ask them to split up into either Lunch or dinner, then we can have it for 4wks.

Pkg B3: 1wk x 7 days x 2wks = $600 (5% disc nt applc)
-> 2 dishes for lunch, 2 dishes + 1 soup for dinner
--> we can req all to be delivered as lunch or all as dinner
--> in short, it means we will hv 2wks w/o soup, 2wks w/ soup.

They are cooked in Cantonese style, so actually Cantonese are very focused on soup, soup, soup. Infact he said, so long as we have 1 soup per day is more than enuff. More essential ones are the dbl boiled soup.

9) Deposit/ Payment - $100 upon confirmation, 50% upon 1st delivery, balance @ 3rd wk.

Clear & detailed enuff?????

my tummy very very tight these 2days (Even belly button feels further popping), and bb's movements very vigorous. issit bb shiftin head down now? but i only 27wks now leh, too early right? or bb uncomfortable?

Smurfy - my tummy is also very tight & I realised bb likes to stretch alot.

My coll said it could b signs od stretchmarks comingout cos it's tight & need more space to expand.

Smurfy - some bbs turn dwn early like 20+wks.
