(2007/02) February

Koh - otherwise, u can go buy the Patsie CHeong book tat time myself & another gal was talking abt. Cost ard $15+ only. It showed food during pregnancy & also confinement. Then last fw pgs show the kind of drinks u can take. It shows ingredients & steps. All the steps are very simple only, ard 4 - 5steps if I m nt wrong.

Gig - then will u b taking Neo? Bt if u take pork, then Neo or Natal also ok for u. For me, I'll prob stick w/ Natal. I intend to do a trial bt dunno when. Neo's I also 4got to try.
MIL said dunno which medical hall told her, after 8th mth no need to take birds' nests already.

I dun take as often also lah, some ppl really take 1 spoonful everyday. For me I finish 1 btl then I stop for a fw days b4 opening another btl. If I take it everyday I think I will go broke in no time.
JC - very informative! I also print out to kip in my bond book!
Ah Ger,
Thanks for info on EYS storewide discounts... may go check it out tonight.

You're not the only one who had to "expand" the pants elastic - I also did it with my PM bermudas... I asked my Mum to do it for me and she was shocked when I told her to expand to the "maximum"
Not fat lah... just more comfy

You are taking cordyceps now? EYS sells "loose/broken" ones at a cheaper price. These are the not so "pretty" ones - not like the whole ones that are wrapped in red strings and nicely packed in boxes which are good for gifts. But they are much cheaper, and the lady at Tangs EYS told me just as effective but because they are "broken pieces", cannot sell in boxes. She keeps them in a jar and sells them to regular customers only. Maybe you can ask them if you don't want to spend so much on your cordyceps?
Koh - tat time I buy was @ Orchard Emerald those books booth. Then the plastic bag I think was Big Bookshop. Bt u can go try Popular c hv or nt. If u can't find then ask the salesppl if they carry Patsie Cheong's confinement recipe book.
Hello gals!

Yesterday's check-up went well. Baby is very good, turned head down (so now I'm praying he won't turn up again - must do more squats). I only put on 300g since the last visit!! Amniotic fluid is good quantity. Sorry I can't update on wt of bb. My gynae also doesn't measure bb. He laughed when I told him I feel so big. He said that the bb will grow much bigger in the next few months. I groaned. He gave me a travel certificate for my Taipei trip next wk.

Your situation sounds so grim! I believe it is causing you a lot of unnecessary stress. I'm so sorry for your troubles. Really don't know what to suggest. Your financial situation is already tough, and your MIL and sils are not helping you. No wonder you cannot put on wt leh. But really, I also think your boy is needing you at this time. At a certain age, they know things. He probably knows he is having a sibling, and he wants his mummy to affirm him too. Haiz... no easy solution. A nanny would be good, or a maid at home. But then....

I saw the Patsie Cheong book at Popular 2 wks ago.
When are you gals going to try the confinement foods?

Can we start taking bird's nest yet? I have bought already. My MIL says to take it from 7 months onwards (next wk for me). Is that right?
cherryale, my hb paid $300 for abt 2+liang. Ya, pork liver will cause milk ss to decr, never touch it if you're bfg.

Ah ger, most prob I wont take Neo Gdn cos I cant take chix and egg during the 1st 2 weeks and they wont substitute with other food for me.

Re: Bird nest
I take once a week, think shd be fine.

koh, you can find those cf books from Popular, my sil bot it from there, I think.

PVL, you didnt put on more wt also hor? My bb's head turned down too but doesnt matter for me cos I'm gg thru c-section.
koh, i bought patsie cheong book from NTUC supermarket.

Sophie, I prefer to buy the nice and fat cordyceps cos my friend told me that in the past she tried to use the cheaper ones tied by red string, but she realised that there are some impurities inside so her advice is to go for the proper ones. I only take it once a week with black chicken, so 1 liang can last about 1 - 2 months. Then we are left with 3 more months, so I prob just need to buy one more time.
Even for the nice cordyceps, the quality can be very different. Those sold at EYS are more expensive but better than those at Fu Hua. So it is 'yi fen qian, yi fen huo'.

What are the tonics that we need for confinement?
cherryale, Ah Ger,
I didn't know the "loose" cordyceps are not so good! Cos the lady at EYS told me they're the same, just broken... now I know... Thanks!
I've been controlling my diet quite strictly lately. Only eat the nutritious foods, take my supplements regularly. Eat little rice and starches. Cos I'm so fat already. Also, I cannot take in too much. My stomach got no space to expand liao. The whole pregnancy, I've put on about 8 kg so far.
PVL - hw many wks r u already? Hw cme bb so fast turned dwn already? bt I've heard of some whose bbs turn dwn very fast. Cos I read frm the internet think it's ard 30wks then bb will turn dwn right?

Strange hor - hw cme dun measure bb's wt already?

Wah u only put on 300g? So little?

PVL - infact frm 2nd tri can take already, MIL said the medical hall ppl say 8th mth onwards dun hv to take anymore cos enuff wor.......... bt I will still take, perhaps less frequent.

PVL - do u intend to do a trial to the confinement food? If so, perhaps, u, Gig, myself & Cherry (if all intend to take confinement food) to try out their menu on diff days, then we can comment on their food??? Wat do u all think?

Since Neo can't cater to my needs, I will prob just try Natal only, save costs also.
usually broken ones are like the remains after they chop off the better parts to sell. Also can take bt then maybe just nt as gd quality lor.
PVL - I also intend to put myself on stricter diet. I've already put on 10kg leh...........

Hmm........ lesser carbs & starches? So it's just like ordering Econ rice bt dun want rice, just eat the Liao?
PVL, ya so far i have not yet find a good solution for my son, i am now cauculating costs for maid and maybe would give up my evening course to take up part time job for extra income... guess this is the onli way liao.. infant and child care will not be a good choice for mi, as infant care would cost mi 450 and childcare bout 280, total will be bout cost for a maid..

baby head down - why u all so fast huh? the past two appt, my gynae says my baby is in sitting position, buttock down, but he says maybe by 34 weeks if still buttock down den must try to turn baby down..

ah ger - my fren wanted to buy birdnest, but she is lazy to cook.. is there any good recommendation for instant bird nest? she is now 6 months preggy i think..
Koh - right nw I've bn taking the EYS birds' nests lor. It's concentrated in a btl. then daily take 1 spoonful, finish the whole btl w/in 1 - 2wks. U can ask her go EYS GWC & chk out cos they hv opening sale, till Sun.
ah ger, ok thanx.. the bird nest u taking now cost how much? and how the packaging looks like or the product name? thanx
morning, mommies....

hi bitbit, we ve same EDD, same hospital.
wonder if we r nxt to ea other at the delivery suite.

Sunsweet, i got to knw my bb wt too. maybe u like to chk w yr gynae again on yr nxt visit?

Koh, cheese w egg is really gd. I like tht cos i don drink milk regularly. only a small pkt of vitasoya to start the day b4 bfast. Koh, u msian? Hb also msian. bt i really can't bear to leave my bb w mil. ve u tot of getting a nanny?

Ah ger & PVL, me also put 10kg liao...
Medical hall always tell u that, so that someone will buy it mah. They also told me that in long term, if u eat the loose birdnest vs the good quality ones, its the same effect. But the loose birdnest not as nice in terms of taste and same for the cordyceps, the fatter they are, the stronger the taste.

Ah ger, 8th mth onwards no need to take birdnest or cordyceps?
For concentrated ones, they come in 4 packaging:
1) Orange box ($88) - higher grade (think is Hua Yan w/ rock sugar)
2) Purple/ Blue/ Green ($69.50) - another grade (can't rem the name)

Blue - reduced sugar (nt too sweet, newly intro), green - sugar free (my gf say tasteless). Item 2 nw has promo 2 for $108, which means per btl is $54. Even if use the 20% is $55.6 per btl.

Diluted ones also come in those btl forms, think each btl is $45. Alternatively u can buy in 6 small btls in a box (like u c in Brands), nw promo is 2 boxes for $65.90, UP is 1 box $65.90.

Minus pt if u buy those big btl is - w.in 2wks (max) u hv to finish eating it. Daily is 1 spoonful. 6btl pk - u r nt restricted when u hv to finish the 6btls.

All expiry dates if I m nt wrong are till 08 or 09, so can buy & kip lor.

Last option - think can try Hashima if ur gf find Birds' nests 2 exp. Bt can ask the aunties tare to cfm. Hashima (aka Xue Ge), 6btl pk is 2 boxes for $35, UP is $26.90/bx.

Wah, seems like I m advertising for EYS. *FAINT*

I bought a few btls of Orange boxes cos I find mid 2nd tri maybe wiser to take better ones, then slowly, take the concentrated ones bt then cheaper lah (purple or blue), then slowly will drink the 6btl pk lor.

Then abv $200 they do delivery, bt will b after 1wk. Abv $200 also can b their member le, so in future ur gf will b updated of new outlets opening or any promos.

My gf said another one is Horse brand which is also concentrated also gd, & is claimed to b better than EYS. I dunno lah, cos I din try, bt is more exp then EYS, think $100+ bah.

Hope this info helps.

Bt I watch frm tv once, they say Red birds' nests are the best wor........ I dunno lah, to me, so long as drinking birds' nests are already a luxury.

Ur gf can open up the box & c the diff in the birds' nests one (the concentrated btls)
Hi ladies!

Hehe..some of u asking about me already..thank u for yr concern..Im still surviving..haha.

My hb say i must learn to "wayang"..u all know the term? Its "pretend" good..hahaha..
So u see my MIL doesnt like me to use the net (but her daughters can), so I only use when she's not looking..(like now, she went to the market)...she dont like me to wake up late (is 9m-10am late?..well her daughter n herself can wake up at 12pm u know, no complains)..so wake up a bit earlier lor (she dont care that I have imsomnia during my pregnancy, my hb told her this some more)
She want me to be like a maid I think..cos she mentioned about a maid's duties..so I "wayang" sweep the floor n wipe the furniture everyday..then stay in the kitchen more often lor (like maid)..
Hhahaha..wat to do..im almost having a similar plight as cinderella..

Koh..Im really sorry for yr situation..if i can i offer to care for yr son..i really can nanny u know..
Anyway, my heart goes out to u..I think of how much u all miss each other..i also very sad..
But u hang on, hopefully things will change for u soon..
Rgd yr condition, r u taking multi-vits? I think u should take..I think yr weight loss is bcos of stress too..so take it easy ok..

Btw, u meantioned about printing out something? I dont eat pork..but I can subsitute with chicken or beef, fish.
Cherry - I find Natal's menu look like it's more nourishing/ tonic like, unlike Neo's seems more like tingkat cai fan. Ha ha ha......... I dunno lah, give me the kind of feeling. Do u think so?

Fatter/ stronger = more nutrients/ nourishments found in those bu stuff, which is y it's really yi fen qian yi fen huo. Vice versa the looser ones lor - all the necessary nutrients already chopped off, so def nt as gd as those 'juicy' ones.

Cherry - MIL told hb is 8th mth onwards no need to eat birds' nests liao leh........ I also dunno y. Something like enuff of these bu stuff. Bt I told hb I will still take bt less frequent, afterall, who says bb must bu, mama no need to bu? All think abt the bb only *hmmph*

So las wk was the las time she did the birds' nests for us to eat cos she finished already also. She cook arh like cooking concentrated ones like aatt. Me 1 dessert bowl (those disposable ones) is as gd as taking 1/2 btls of EYS concentrated ones, so u can imagine hw much she used each time, + nt just for me leh, for the 2 other DILs to bring hme also. So I actually benefitted everybody during my preg.

As for taking too much birds' nests will hv phlegm, I've nv heard of it b4.
Hehe..but i happy also lah..my hb bought me some maternity clothes..2 pieces of cotton ribbed top from Spring..good enough..but I told him I will still need 1-2 dress, u know those kind to wear for the last weeks of 3rd trimester..

Anyone knows how to get the kiddy palace member card? Any mininmum spending? Or can jus apply?
Im goin to buy stuff from there like baby socks..

Oh oh my MIL is back!

Will talk later..hehehe.
i've put on 10kg as well ..

can u update the table please ..
27 weeks 2 days .. bb is 1067 gm
sorry to hear about your MIL and SIL
haiz ...
RM1000 is very good budget for taking care of your son ..
why is she changing to cheaper milk powder ?
is her grandson too leh ..

can u e-mail me the link on the confinement products .. how many bottles of bathing foam r u taking ?

ah ger,
can u email me the eys mailer ?

ya .. my doc got give medical cert stating i'm fit to travel ..

and i'm back from taipei ..
i went to xi men ding, ziufen, 101, wu fen pu whosesale clothing market, 3 night markets .. one of them is shilin night market .. dan shui (fisherman's wharf), ferris wheel at miramar mall, CKS memorial hall, and also another place to watch the change of guard and the musuem to see all the treasures ..
stayed at cosmos hotel and santos ..
both also okie .. but i prefer santos ..
expenses wise .. 4D3N for 2 pax via CI for 4 star hotel = 568 per pax include taxes ..
and extension of 1 night on my own at cosmos hotel, i booked this separately via asiarooms.com
and spent about 400-450 SGD ..
is roughly about 2100 sgd for both for 5D4N at taipei ..
i din buy much though .. only bought 2 pairs of shoe .. few hair clips, some muah chee and mango jellies ...
tried their local food ..
walked lots ..

talking about sickly ..
smurfy .. i'm sick since last monday ...
after i came back from malaysia ..
i dunno if i've taken too much hashima in m'sia ...
cause 3 days morning and nite i had tat .. my mum cooked the whole pot ..
till today .. i'm still having slight flu and lots of phlegm ..

my mum said .. dun take too much bird nest now wor .. cause bb wil have phlegm ..
so i stopped last week ..
cherryale for me ..
also one week once i double boil bird nest ..
never tried the bird nest concentrate though ..

but she ask me to take hashima le ..
now fridge got 2 packs ... each pack can make 3-4 times ..
dunno if i should try taking this week ..
Charis - just bear w/ it lor, yeah sometimes just need to pretend awhile.......

Dun stay in the kitchen lah, u r nt maid leh. Esp nw, entering 3rd tri already (or soon), u need to raise ur feet up more, to prevent water retention/ swollen feet. I read tat, hv to drink more water, can help to reduce.

Koh meant the menu/ recipes on the links JC gave, slightly abv.
CK - emailed u liao.

Hashima - I think Horse also sells the pkt, bt then I hv to self-cook, so suan le, less the trouble I bought the box one frm EYS.

CK - u went F&E right? Is it easy to walk ard in Taipei?
oh my dear Charis....i dun expect that in this century there is still this type of in law.
I hope u can quickly moved out ....free from this type of life.
DUn be so submissive too...u hv to be stand by your principle & dignity.

Dun stay in the kitchen....u r not a maid. u r her daughter-in-law. just like her daughter.
She need to treat u with respect too..........
Just do ur role as a DIL.
Try to go out more often & or go back to ur mum place to hide once or twice a week.
If she question why always go out....telll her doctor say must walk more cannot always shut at home...
ah ger,
the one i bought 2 packs .. gotto self boil leh .. ha ha ..
won't take too much time also ..
i was thinking of getting some bird nest ..
i prefer self boil cause i can add more water .. and i like to drink it cold ..

ya ya .. is f&e
but the f&e package got include 1 day tour .. which covers the hot spring, cks memorial hall, shilin night market, ziu fen ..
it is easy to walk around ..
must choose the hotel near the mrt .. then is easy to move around ..
the transport also quite cheap ..
almost the same as in singapore ..
3-4 stops cost 20TWD
which is about 90 cents - 1 dollar ..
temperature there is not tat cold ..
is about 19-27
in the day is about 25-27
nite time is about 19-20
wear a cardigan will do ..
Ck - the concentrated ones, once open must b refridgerated, then nx time u eat is cold lor. Then if u still find it 2 sweet, can add water itself.

As for Hashima bottled ones - u can always put in the fridge b4 consuming mah. Me lazy to cook myself. Maybe lah someday I try. Cheaper though.......

so wat did u do when they go hot spring?
Ah ger,
I'm 27 wks today.
My gynae is quite relaxed. Just checks that I am well and bb is OK, and conditions for bb are well (enough fluid etc). I'm fine with it cos I'm used to the caregiver giving more attn to the mother rather than the bb. Last time with my Certified Nurse Midwife in the States also the same. As long as mummy is well, bb should be well too.

I'm glad that bb turned down. With Sarah, last time, at about 30+ wks, she was still head up. So I did exercises every day for 2 wks to make her turn. Put frozen peas on the top of my bump too! Thankfully, she did turn down eventually. Now I just have to ensure that bb stays down. Squats are the way to go!

re: Confinement food
Yes, maybe we could coordinate. Sounds like fun.

re: birdsnest
Wah, you all buy the expensive stuff ah? I bought from ZTP, not their best best quality one. I no money. The brand is 'Zheng', their house brand lah. I bought the $38 per bottle one.

Kiddy Palace card, you can just go and sign up. No purchase necessary. I think it's $10 (not too sure).

Welcome back! Take care of your flu.
You managed to do quite a bit in Taipei. I think I cannot do so much cos I have Sarah with me. She (and I) will need to go back to hotel to nap in the afternoons, and I cannot carry her so we will walk slowly. But maybe I'll ask my friend to bring us out on Fri when my hb is at his conference. On Sat, I'll be visiting 101 with the conference pple in the late afternoon. Morning, maybe I'll go to the shops or take in a museum or park.
We are at the Howard International HOuse. Our 1 nite extension will cost us about S$167. The rest is paid for by my hb's co.
PVL - did u feel it when ur bb turned down?

Bt then I dun think it's 100% leh. Like eg, the mother is growing healthily, bt tat doesn't mean bb is putting on wt also right? I've heard cases like mum's taking the wt then bb is underwt.

Gals, I also wana ask, hw do u differentiate hiccups vs moving/ kicking?

PVL - $38 per btl is concentrated or diluted ones? Like I mentioned if ask me buy birds' nests of cos must eat somehw slightly better ones (@ least for the start then slowly change). If nt ask me pay cheaper bt then nt so gd quality, I might as well dun eat cos dunno hw gd the nutrients are. I've nv done research on birds' nests outside b4 also, so I m nt so sure of the price. Bt I guess if comparing abt the same quality, the price shld nt vary too much bah.

Yes - Kiddy Palace card costs $10. Is the disc applicable to all items in the store?
ah ger,
thanx for the info on birdnest.. i told my gf liao.. she says she will buy one shot off for her whole preggy loh.. i intend to lobang her help mi buy the hashima since i cannot afford birdnest... maybe must reward baby then she will be guai and turn heads down.. haa...

my MIL says the milk powder that she change to can last longer, cuz my son is a big milk eater.. she says the milk powder i gave my son cannot make him feel full, so she change loh...

u r her DIL leh, not maid , even maid also need rest... must be firm ok.. but i know say is easier than done... just like me.. haa..
u scroll up and read JC posts, she got gave us a website, receipe for confinement food.. i print out liao... quite simple.. but i need to practice first before my confinement comes...
ah ger,
kiddy palace card only disc for regular priced item.. discounted item cannot use the card liao...
i thought today u have appt with gynae? change again?
Koh - u c when ur gf is gng dwn. Perhaps b4 tat, if u happen to go Horse or other medical hall, u can chk out those pkt form, then u cook urself.

Get those Hashima already plucked nicely & vacuum sealed up, then u can just add rock sugar & water to boil. Think tat will b cheaper in the long run bah & it's more concentrated. Dun get those raw ones, if nt u wil need alot of concentration plucking all the black thing inside. Bt more exp ones will b 'cleaner', hence less time consuming.

Koh - wat milk powder is ur son drinking b4 & nw? My gf has lobang leh, she said buy 3tins free 1 tin I think. If u r using tat maybe can consider. Bt again I dunno if M'sia sells milk powder cheaper than Sin though.
koh - I just mentioned yest late pm lor........ appt kena postponed again. Sobs............ I miss bb leh...... 1mth din c him already.

Haiz, I wonder when will my nx chk up ever b. Nw is said to b nx Mon lah, bt then dunno will las min change or nt.

Cos lately alot of ops & deliveries lor, so no time for me.
I still kept telling bb our nx appt is Thus, must b gd & coop w/ gynae. Then nw change. Haiz....

Koh - bt most items @ Kiddy are regular or discounted items?
Hehe..Im back..

I cut 2 bundles of veg liao..
Ok lah..I wont stay in kitchen so long..I hope my MIL understand..

So can chit chat a while.

Hey..despite the "stressful" vibes at in laws' place..at home my mum gave me some hope..she asked if im going to be full time mother..I told her of cos yes..I said how to work cos my MIL dont want to help take care of baby..Then she ask me why my MIL so bad..my mum say she loves babies..n she so wish she not working can help me take care of baby..then she say if i need she'll help babysit during weekends, she say even my dad can help babysit for a few hours during weekdays..she say even my grandma is willing..

Wah..solve my babysitting problems already if i want to work part-time..

I look at baby stuff at kiddy palace the other day..so excited to buy stuff leh..my hb also..he suddenly want to buy this n that..haha..so much for being thrifty!
Charis - tats gd, @ least when u hear comforting words frm ur mum, u wun feel so sad already.

Ha ha ha, ur hb wana save & spend the $$ on his bb mah.......
ah ger,
How to tell if it is concentrated or diluted? My MIl said this time boy, no need to take birds nest lah. So I just take for fun

I find the Kiddy Palace card quite worth it. I buy birthday gifts for my nieces/nephews from there, also sometimes when Sarah needs shoes/clothes/other stuff, I don't have to hunt so much. Either get the discount from the card or the store discount lah.
PVL - concentrated are those u c the whole btl is filled w/ those birds' nests, almost can c the whole pc inside. Diluted ones are usually those 6btl pk kind, more water than the birds' nests. Get it? Then when u eat, u almost can't eat as much birds' nest other than the water.

Huh? Y boy no need to take? Birds' nests nt only for bb bt also for mama mah......... mummy also need nourishing leh.

Oh, cos I hv the OG & Metro card, also 10% off. Then I hv Toys' R Us card, can chalk pts. Bt maybe I will get the Kiddy card also, shall c. Immediately we will get the card is it?
ah ger,
previously i gave my son mamil gold step 3 which is $21.50/tin at NTUC.. then in malaysia is 33.60rm.. i bought 2 tins for MIL to bring back.. then 2 tins finish liao she change to another brand, i don know wat brand.. she says one big packet ( not tin somemore ), cost only 14++rm.. then can last longer also.. u know when my son was baby, she came to singapore to visit us that time, she bought 2 packet of dumex for my son, then he drink once only got diarroea liao, doctor says is becuz of the packet one sometimes tend to be cut by sales person when trying to take out form box to put on shelf.. so bacteria wents in.. thats why we have to be very careful when buying refill pack milk powder.. i prefer tin one lor.. but MIL says is the same la... then u know hor, if always use back the same tin to refill, the tin will get rusty when time goes by.. MIL say wont one la... haiz.. i also don wan to argue with her..

kiddy palace - i see that bout 20% of their item are discounted price... if u wan to buy big item like playpen, bouncer, bottles etc.. of course sign up will be better lor.. 2 yrs back i sign up got a free umbrealla.. now i don know they still give umbralla or not..
Wat age can kids start to drink Nespray? Tats an old time brand lor, tat one quiet cheap also right?

Oh pkt form arh, yeah, abit unsafe leh........ Esp for young kids when they dunno hw to explain their pains @ times.

I've once seen their appln form, like nv state for free gift leh. Umbrella? I hv plenty @ hme. Ha ha ha, las time always buy Gio umbrellas cos hb & I collect the cols. Subsequently stopped cos 2 pax in the hse dun need so many umbrellas. ha ha ha....

ah ger,
i think from i think is from 6 yrs bah.. not sure.. but i ever got a 400g sample Neslac for 1 yr old above.. i thing nespray is for older kids bah...
ya the application like never state the free gift thingy.. i think is while stock last bah.. i sign up at toa payoh one 2 yrs back.. is a small blue unbrella.. can only cover 1 pax... haa
