(2007/02) February

Ah ger: Oh no... what am I to do then. My brother is so laid back i dunno what to do man.

Did you see the civic? You said the other time the 1.6 doesn't have alot which the 1.8 does? Jean said something about getting the car in dec/jan also. Will have to check with her again

Anyway, going home liao. The sky here is already turning dark. So early...

my pots & pans all bought/ given to us by mum & MIL. Then we bought our own plates & bowls bt MIL said she still hv to yi shi give some. End up, my plates/ bowls like feeding dunno hw many ppl in the family. Ha ha ha......
Mag - 1.8 I think the power is much better, then interms of the interior, 1.8 one is def much better. Then the diff is only a few $Ks leh.

U can refer to this list for a rough guide. Bt dunno hw cme they haven update the price leh cos it says till 8 Nov only.


I m off wk also lor........
Hi ladies,

Just saw a very sobering vid on youtube.. would advise you to watch this as parents/parents-to-be. It's a little lengthy but well worth it.

Charis, my heart really bleeds for ya. I mean, my in-laws, especially my MIL, drive me NUTS. If I had to stay with them for more than 4 hrs, I would prob turn mad too. So I really admire how many times you've turned your other cheek and lived out WWJD. Try to go back to your parents' place more lah.. already nearing 3rd trimester so baby needs a stressfree mommy to put on weight

One great weight off my shoulders.. we've managed to buy a new place already. We're moving out of our apartment in 2 weeks (ARRGGHH.. not packed yet!!!) and then we'll bunk at my sister's place for about 2.5 months then move into AMK around Feb.. if I pop early, then oh-oh.. if I pop on time, then can live in the new house for a few days first
wow, u all know so much about cooking! think me more like smurfy, go home dun feel like to do anything especially cooking which i have no interest. Everyday just eat out or ta pao. But now feel a bit guilty, later gg to ntuc to buy a loaf of bread for breakfast 2m.

Talking abt car, hubby just asked me to check on new toyota altis. anyone know launching of new altis? Called borneo motor just now but they are not aware lei. think really have to wait for him to come back then go showrooms and decide. altis 1600cc not very ex, abt $56k. think city also need $52-54k.

Catz, congrats on ur new house! It's an apartment? Any reno required?
Jas, hehe.. aiyah don't worry about not knowing how to cook lah. We're driving an Altis and it's an OK car lah.. not sexy, not fun but functional and the boot space is good, esp with a kid! Yah my new place is an EM.. definitely needs reno as it's practically all original 12-year old fittings. Stress.. got to look after reno and pray I don't go into early labour!
hello gals....

try to eat 2 slices of bread for breakfast....can put cheese or even fried egg in between.... then also drink a glass of fresh milk... if u like milk lar... this is wat i normally eat for breakfast.... sometimes if sick of eating bread, then wld eat cereals with milk....
when hubby ard, he wld make salad.... i alone, very lazy to make salad cos i find it ley chey.... our salad wld have butter lettuce, tomatoes, lots of cheese (shredded cheddar cheese), pc of kraft cheese broken up into bite pieces, & meiji biscuits.....
i'm a cheese & milk person.... so i like...kekeeke...
see if it suit ur tastebud

like what the others suggested, u can also cook sliced fish porridge, mee hoon or mee sua or even yee mee....then add lots of vege ..... can have minced pork instead of sliced fish also...
for cooking porridge, u can use dried scallops as the base also... dump in the rice, dried scallops....let it boil till porridge nua nua... then when ready, add in the fish & vege lor...
chicken porridge also can cook the same way, can add in mushrooms also....

jia you!! u & ur baby wld be fine!

oh my last appt, baby is 27 wks le.... but hor cos no scanning, so dunno the wt.... gotta wait for next appt on 1 dec then can get to see baby again ...
Catz..im doing ok lah..not to worry..i must endure a bit for GOD's sake n hubby's sake.
I want to go back more often but my MIL dont allow me to go out so often, cos according to her she say im preggie cannot travel her n there too much..haha..then my hb also say if i go out I have to spend money for transport so stay at home better..haha..how like that!

SO once a week its quite good already..sometimes I try to go on sundays.

Wah..u find a house quite fast. Good for u! But go easy on the packing ok..cos u need to rest also.

Koh..hehe..must be strict ok..for u n baby! My hb is super strict with me in terms of food since my pregnancy..everything in fact..so I tend to be very firm with myself also..haha.

Talk tmrw ladies..going off already!
Ah ger, does that mean we got new pic to see??? Heehee you checked with Neo Gdn and they dont cater to special rqt? My gynae will only see me bi-weekly during the 3rd trimester. I forgot to check with my gynae abt HL today. Nvm still got time to check.

koh, why is it that only 30% of having natural birth? Cos of your placenta? Think you shd rest more to help incr in wt leh. Why you only take biscuit for lunch? Dun think thats enuf leh.

Jas, ya hb got 6 sis and most of them really dote on him so they also shower their love on me and my gal lah.

mag, I got craving for instant noodles for this preg leh. Lucky now sian with instant noodles liao. Hahhaah

smufy, have u been taking your multi-vits? It seems that you keep falling sick recently hor?

sunsweet, youre really good in cooking

Catz, AMK got gd sch for your kids? How abt your furniture when you bunk with your sis?
Hi all, went to see gynae this afternoon. My bb is doing well, his head, thigh, feet, stomach, all good size.
But think he's not very heavy, only 836g at 25wks. I didnt gain much, only 1kg for this mth. Hehee... So far, total wt gain is 6kg. Too bad, bb didnt let me see his face at all cos he's too close to me. No wonder I feel pain cos he keep pressing his head on my organ and keep kicking me. LOL....
koh, must really take care of yourself yah? Biscuits for lunch definitely not good enuf. Why not get tingkat lunch? At least more nutritious lor.

Giggler, wah your baby is quite big right??
AMK OK lah the schools.. anyway, 'cos I'm Presbyterian, I will get Phase 2b for Kuo Chuan Presby which is in Bishan. Or St Nicholas for my girl which is just down the road.. haha.. that one is definitely 1km radius. My furniture will go into Shalom storage for $300 a month. No choice, gotta store for 2.5 months lor.

Charis, I'm already taking it very easy but hor, logistics and organising, I'm doing. Poor hubby.. this is the 2nd major move he's handling. Both moves were when I was pregnant!!
Gig - no lah, no new pics until I take pics a few wks dwn the road . Wah, kip showing pics, u think I m model for fat mama meh? ha ha ha....... Anyway I dun blow my hair (nt like frm salon), so nothing nice to c also.

yeah i asked Neo, they dun cater. Then I even asked if I dun want pork, can they give me more of another dish or substitute? They say dun leh. Besides they say if I dun wan eg pork, I m left w/ limited dishes cos I think 1 meal is 2 or 3 dishes only, if take one out means I only hv 1 or 2 dishes.

Gig - 25wks 836g is gd enuff lor, mine 24wks is only 675 leh. Wah u only put on 6kg? Me arh, pig soon, close to 10kg lor. *FAINT*
hi gals

managed to seek in since i reach office so early.


try to eat more nutrition food, even if u got no choice but to take biscuit for lunch, go for those healthier biscuits like oatmeal or cereals.

i also cook for one person share dinner.steamed fish, tofu, veggie or pork porriagde, mostly one dish meal. for bb sake, we got to eat more.


hope u r feeling better after a night stay at mummy hse
Morning gals...

pop in before class...

Catz: Glad you found your home.

Ah ger: Worry not. I've for sure put on much more weight than you have. I almost fainted.
Good morning Gals,

Catz....congrats on getting ur new house. Take it easy on the packing & co-ordinating.

Koh....u really need to start eating more & also more nutrient food. Dun just survive on biscuit. Later nest time when old age will be very weak.

Ah ger...dun worry abt ur wt. So far i've gain abt 9kg liao.

Charis...enjoy ur stay in ur mom place. Maybe u shd try to go back more often....so u mom can also cook some good food for u.
Catz, it's really quite rush for u to finish reno b4 the arrival of the bb! Take it easy and leave most of the reno stuff to ur hubby. Shifting house is a tiring process. Get as much help as possible.

Ya, Altis is quite a common car here, guess more reliable also and space wise it's good. Will check it out see got new model of Altis or not.

Gig, ur bb's weight is heavier than my gal at 25 weeks. Mine only 764g and i consider that a good weight as last month she only 370g.
You must increase wt leh. Cannot afford to lose. Sometimes underwt mothers tend to have preemies. I guess your gynae is worried about that. Try to eat nutritious meals, even if not a lot. The health of you and your bb are impt. Eggs are a good source of nutrition and versatile if you have not much time to think about cooking elaborate meals. Mince meat is versatile too. Tofu, fish etc all have good stuff in them.

Ah ger,
Hahaha, you only put on 10 kg? I think by now, I must have put on about 12 already! We'll see. Going for checkup today.
Dunno it is just KKH or its just my gyne, I dun get to know the weight of my bb.

she only told me baby is med size.

And i think all the weight goes on me..
die dunno will turn into a fat pig or not..

I always say, me Mama Pig.. then give birth Baby Pig (born in year of pig) .. haha
gd morning to all! It's Wed!

Yest I called up the clinic & asked if my appt on thur is cfm, cos I need to apply for 1/2 day. Then they say they are still sorting out, will call me & tell me.
tot they say best is not to move place until after confinement? <-old wives tale again. but why in such a hurry to move out? anyway glad that u have managed to find the new place

shld be different practices by different gynaes. mine dun even do a scan the last time round. use measuring tape and measure my tummy. then tell me bb is growing well. -_-'

me took multivitamins oredi, just tat me weak physcially. slightest thing will make me unwell
. was finally recovering from last week's cold, but the cold drink yesterday immediately trigger another round of chills in my body. feel like taking mc and rest at home today. but too many days away from wrk since last week, must endure through the day. can u imagine i dun even have the energy to cough, can only give weak cough now...

haha we all very concerned and worried abt our weight gain hor. i keep having weird dreams that ppl ard me tell me i put on a lot of weight.

gynae say the 30% thingy cuz, my weight keep dropping lor.. maybe like wat PVL said underwt mother tend to have premmis.. moreover my placenta is low and have sign of early labour liao... so he dare not to give mi high hope...

gals, thanx for all the encouragement..
yesterday go back and cook pork minced meat porridge... haiz... water too less.. ended up don know look like wat.. my father ask mi wat am i cooking? porridge or rice? haa... must practise more...
talking about weird dreams, I had one last night. I dreamt that I was so clumsy, kept dropping this and that when I was in a hurry to go to work in the morning, couldnt wear my shoes, etc etc. Think I am really under a lot of work stress plus I dun like the current me, so fat and round. I am overall in a sad mood, hope I can perk up soon. My appt with gynae is this sat, maybe that will perk me up a little.
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>No #</TD><TD>Gender</TD><TD>Weeks</TD><TD>CRL(cm), wt(g)</TD><TD>Gynae</TD><TD>Hosp </TD></TR><TR><TD>(koh)liling</TD><TD>2-Feb-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>28weeks</TD><TD>962g</TD><TD>Dr S T Chan</TD><TD>MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Saphira</TD><TD>3-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>22 Weeks</TD><TD>388g</TD><TD>Dr Peter Chew</TD><TD>Gleneagles </TD></TR><TR><TD>nana</TD><TD>3-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>20 weeks</TD><TD>364g</TD><TD>Dr Yu Suling</TD><TD>SGH </TD></TR><TR><TD>fat_babe</TD><TD>4-Feb-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>22weeks</TD><TD>621g</TD><TD>Dr CH Koh</TD><TD>MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>mummy2b</TD><TD>5-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>20weeks</TD><TD>15.2/356g</TD><TD>Dr Tang</TD><TD>KL </TD></TR><TR><TD>chloe</TD><TD>5-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>2 Boys,1 Girl</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr L C Foong</TD><TD>Gleneagles </TD></TR><TR><TD>jojo</TD><TD>7-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD></TD><TD>500g</TD><TD>Dr Lawrence Ang</TD><TD>TMC/MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ah Ger</TD><TD>9-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>24w3d</TD><TD>675g</TD><TD>Dr Tham Kok Fun</TD><TD>Gleneagles </TD></TR><TR><TD>starlite</TD><TD>9-Feb-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>19w5d</TD><TD>320g</TD><TD>Dr Peter Chew</TD><TD>Gleneagles </TD></TR><TR><TD>vambbit</TD><TD>9-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>20weeks</TD><TD>14.8cm</TD><TD>Dr Yvonne Chan</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>ck</TD><TD>11-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>23w3d</TD><TD>586g</TD><TD>Dr Tham Kok Fun</TD><TD>Gleneagles </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jazzcy</TD><TD>11-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Mary Yang</TD><TD>Gleneagles </TD></TR><TR><TD>Stella</TD><TD>12-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>26weeks</TD><TD>850g</TD><TD>Dr Lawrence Ang</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>doggy</TD><TD>14-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Ho</TD><TD>MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>PVL</TD><TD>15-Feb-07</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr H.C. Han</TD><TD>KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>charis</TD><TD>16-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>26weeks</TD><TD>700g</TD><TD>Dr. Goh Y.C.</TD><TD>MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>Catz</TD><TD>18-Feb-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Yvonne Chan</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>octbride_78</TD><TD>19-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Ho</TD><TD>MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>cherryale</TD><TD>20-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>23weeks</TD><TD>759</TD><TD>Dr Tan Hang Yang</TD><TD>Gleneagles </TD></TR><TR><TD>Smurfy</TD><TD>21-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>19w3d</TD><TD>312g</TD><TD>Dr Phyllis Liew</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>natty</TD><TD>21-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>20 weeks</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Adrian Tan</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>thenuahcouple</TD><TD>21-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>20 weeks</TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Heng Tun Lan</TD><TD>ESH </TD></TR><TR><TD>bitbit</TD><TD>22-Feb-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>25 weeks</TD><TD>500g</TD><TD>Dr H.C. Han</TD><TD>KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>JC</TD><TD>22-Feb-07</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>20w5d</TD><TD>379g</TD><TD>Dr Lisa Chin</TD><TD>Gleneagles </TD></TR><TR><TD>leomom</TD><TD>22-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>24 weeks</TD><TD>700g++</TD><TD>Dr Ben Tham</TD><TD>KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>chea</TD><TD>22-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>18weeks</TD><TD>9cm</TD><TD>Dr Henry cheng</TD><TD>MAH </TD></TR><TR><TD>mag</TD><TD>23-Feb-07</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>19w1d</TD><TD>328g</TD><TD>Dr WK Tan</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Giggler</TD><TD>23-Feb-07</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>25weeks</TD><TD>836g</TD><TD>Dr K.H. Chan</TD><TD>Gleneagles </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sunsweet</TD><TD>26-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr Judy Wong</TD><TD>KKH </TD></TR><TR><TD>m&amp;m</TD><TD>26-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Dr C.H Koh</TD><TD>TMC </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jas</TD><TD>26-Feb-07</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>25weeks</TD><TD>764g</TD><TD>Dr Koh/Dr Chu</TD><TD>JB </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Princes</TD><TD>20</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Princesses</TD><TD>13</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Koh - when u cook porridge, can by all means add more water, nvm one. Cos porridge - the most u can drink the porridge water. Usually, if I m cooking porridge, I will fill the water to like 1/2 of my finger, depending hw much rice u pour into the cooker. Oh, I use rice cooker to cook one. Bt if u use pot then I think also abt the same estimation bah.
talking abt dream....ever since i was preggy has been dreaming evernite. Worst still not 1 dream...it can be many dreams...&amp; some dreams are so long. Also dun know why kept on dreaming.......so sian............
Catz, gynae measured and everything abt bb is the 'right' size lah. Poor hb cos you cant help much with actual move since you preg hor? I think it's good to take sch into consideration if you want to move lah. At least, you've settled both your kids' sch prob.

Ah ger, huh? Neo Gdn wont subsititute their dish? What if I cant take chix and egg cos I got c-section? Thot they're very flexible one. Ya, I myself also surprised that I only gain 6kg. Heng ah....
Why they cant cfm your appt till now? Can use rice cooker to cook porridge? I didnt know that leh. Very suaku me!

Jas, thanks... think my bb is growing well then.
Too bad we didnt get to see his face at all, hopefully can see better next mth.

Sunsweet, did you ask your gynae abt bb's wt? I got to know bb's wt from my scan print.

smurfy, aiyo... you really sound weak leh. Maybe shd take some chix essense to 'bu' your body? My frens have been telling me that I put on lots of wt.

koh, hahaha... I didnt manage to cook rice for my 1st attempt, put too much water and turned out to be 'porridge'. Luckily my gal not picky and ok with it. Rem practise makes perfect! Thanks for updating the table...

cherryale, dun look in the mirror too often since you dun like the look of yourself? Hehehe... that's what I've been doing too. Then wont feel so down mah.

JC, it's norm for preg to have dreams and weird dreams mah.
Planning to bring your gals out during their sch holidays?
Giggler...me too using Rice Cooker to cook porridge.....so dun worry tt porridge will turn dry.

School holiday.....hvn't really plan yet. But most likely more outdoor activities cos my gals are very activity &amp; full of energy.
And since it's nearly christmas...all the shopping mall will hv lot's of show for kids.....
Gig - cos tat day cook wat then is tat dish liao. Tis is wat I know. Perhaps u can call them &amp; ask further. @ the same time u can also chk w/ Natal if they cater diff menu if u hv c-sect.

Actually they already cfm is 3.45pm, bt then sometimes they hv empty slots earlier then they will call &amp; ask if I can cme dwn earlier, or later &amp; etc. Since I m applying for 1/2 day, I dun wanna kip changing.

My rice cooker has the congee functiuon (the egg shell cooker), so no need to kip stirring it lor. Bt it takes abt 1 hr to cook rice or porridge (I just realised). Wat mum did w/ the unpolished rice was, she will throw the grains into a pot &amp; put to boil for abt 10mins (unpolished rice). then off the fire, then cover w/ lid &amp; let it cook by itself for abt another 1/2 hr. Then can eat liao. Oh, unpolished rice takes longer time to b ripe/ cooked cos they hv the shell outside.
Gig- I did ask but she says i'll do a growth scan on the 32 weeks.. so then will know the weight and all..

Got to wait till Jan to know weight.. sigh..


yah cook more often and we'll get better.

Got to learn to cook a little lah.. next time baby goes on solid we can feed BB with better homecooked food.
JC, do you have habit of bringing kids overseas during sch holidays?

Ah ger/JC, so we just put more water to the rice cooker to cook porridge?

Ah ger, my fren mentioned that Natal will meet our special rqt. But I'll call to confirm with both Natal and Neo Gdn. My cooker doesnt have congee function leh.

Sunsweet, that's what happened to me. Only learn how to cook recently cos got to cook for my gal during weekends.
I think some gynae doesnt scan every visit but have more detailed scans.
Giggler - yes, bt then I m nt sure if it's applicable to all cookers leh. Cos mine has the congee button, urs? If hv, then yes, usually for rice, we level the water w/ the grains bt porridge, we need to hv it higher then the grains level.

Bt anyway use pot also same mah, water level shld b higher than the grains if u r cooking porridge.

Yes - Natal, I watch the prog b4, they did mention, then I chk the web, I think I read it someware. So which is y I may consider them.
giggler...mine cooker has got the congee function too. so what i did was put more water &amp; press the button. Ya...it takes abt 1hr to cook.

If u want to use pot also the same thing put more water &amp; put to low fire.
Alternatively, u can use slow cooker to cook for ur gal too. Just put all the ingredient &amp; let it cook. It's easy &amp; it's very soft.....

Giggler .......Me ...so far...i usually go during the non school holiday period cos they r still in pre-sch last yr.
This yr wanted plan to go in Dec to Korea to see snow but now preggy so can't go liao lah. Maybe gotta to wait till June nxt yr then be able to go holiay again.
my SIL starts to grumble liao.. she says my MIL got high blood pressure after i send my son back... wah, my son so naughty till like that.. she says their neigbour say my son " mei you jia jiao' and she everytime goes back home feels like slapping my son... and even describe to mi how they beat my son when he is naughty ( my hearts melt liao ).. she says my hubby very " bu siao " force my MIL to look after my son... ( my MIL volunteer ).. i kept quiet throughout the whole conversation.. she says the money we send back so little.. if she were to let my MIL look after her baby ( she is preggy now and due in APR07 ) , she wont gives so little.. ( we give 1000rm every month ) actually the amt we send back can pay a childcare here liao.. its already out of our budget... then keep saying, if one day my son got lost in the street, no one will wan him..blar blar blar...
after hearing all these thing, i tell my HB to bring son back after i gave birth and this second one also don send back ( MIL says if this one send back then son must bring back ) .. i don wan to separate both son and baby... HB says cannot .. he says i cannot manage two at one time ( as i have prob with spine ) ..

how? why suddenly got so many prob....
Koh, think its better to take your son back esp since there are so many complains back home. THink it is good for his development too when parents are around. RM1000 is quite a lot already considering the cost of living in M'sia is lower. Your SIL really shouldnt have said all these to you. Maybe her plan is to let your MIL look after her baby, that's why 'forcing' you to take your son back. Dun think so much, just bring son back first, chuan dao qiao tou zi ran zhi. i also havent settle on the infant care arrangement for my baby, dun know who will take care of baby but dun want to think about it till baby is borned.

its better if u bring ur son back..it is phycologically very unhealthy for ur son if ur sil says bad thing abt him. ( u wont know did she say those words in front of him or not). Try telling ur hb that bah.

1k RM is alot leh, u can pay for a nanny in sgd. but wat if u got evening class, can ur hb help u to look after?
koh....ya u shd consider taking him back. Maybe he misses u &amp; the daddy that's why he is acting naughty...cos he want to be with u. Kids r very clever now. They know their way to get thing around.
Rm1000....why dun u take this $$ &amp; put him in a childcare. Oh even can use this $$ to hire maid to look after ur son &amp; ur bb. Maid Levy is only $200 &amp; salary renage from $230-$280. So they r all within the RM1000 convert to sin is S$500.
Think about it....
ya i also think like u, maybe SIL wan to let her mum look after baby, so wan mi to bring mine back loh... i want to bring son back but HB don wan to bring him back leh... he says i cannot cope...we argue yesterday, i told him wat his sis says but he say i am trying to make their relationship bad.. wat can i say when he don trust mi.. i am preg now, if not i will fly back and bring him back myself
yes, the prob is at the evening class.. i think i am going to give up the course liao.. unless we get a maid lor.. hubby also wan to take evening class nx yr, so he says he cannot help mi, and he also hope i go for the course, so when his mum says bout bringing son back, he immediately rejected.. now his family says he very selfish and force his mum to look after son.. but HB says he is so firm to his mum cuz, initially was his mum the one who keep on asking us to send son back, then now we plan everything liao, suddenly change, thats y he so angry..
wat i was thinking was, since his mum health is not so good, then bring back lor, don wan HB to be scolded by siblings if something happen to MIL ( touch wood )...
u know wat, i actually wanted to bring him back after i send him back for a few weeks, cuz his mum change his milk powder to a cheaper one.. i so angry, but my HB says since MIL is looking after him, then suits her lor... then after that u know wat happen? she bring him to temple and ask 'god' why he so naughty, then the 'god' says his life cannot have parents before age 7, so his mum force son to call us auntie and uncle when we call back.. but my son insist on calling us papa and mama.. MIL just shout to him, say not papa mama, is 'yiyi' and 'susu'... i felt so sad ... i cried for whole nite, but after that, i tell myself that is just temp...

i think u have to "defy" ur hb this time liao..hmm if i were u, i will also think of sacrifricing the course. if not i cant concentrate well in terms of studies and work cos will be worrying abt the child.
Koh, maybe having a maid is a good solution can take care of son and the baby while your hb and u are at work. As for the course, dun think too much, settle the kids first. Sometimes kids are naughty cos parents are not around to guide them. For the sake of his future, you should bring him back.

Just bought a new maternity top with sleeves so that I can wear my wireless support bra with it. Realised I had too many of those bustier types from PM and always have to wear strapless bra which is not as comfortable. But since going into 3rd tri already, I will prob get one more top and that's it. Also, realised that the pants dun fit very well now, getting tight at the tummy area so must really wear very low slung. You gals got the same problem?
i oso agree that bringing ur boy back is a better solution. kids grow better with the presence of their parents. and it is not good physcologically if ur mil or sil puts in negative words in front of him.

RM 1000 seems a lot to me with what both u and ur hb is earning. Is hiring a maid a better choice for u in this case? At least then someone will help u look after the children, cook and clean the house for u while u and ur hb can concentrate on the studiese and oso coach the children.

Anyway, all these are just our comments. The person handling the problem will be u and ur hb. Do talk to u more and understand his situations.
bac frm lunch. I went to GWC cos EYS new opening tare then storewide 20%. Then some items like the 6btl pack birds' nests are selling at 2 boxes for $65.90. Then the concentrated bottled ones (purple or the blue which is reduced sugar) are selling @ 2 for $108 (even if 20% off is abt $55.60 per btl). Then I also bought Hashima 6 btl pack in a box selling @ 2 boxes for $35. Then I bought a box of American Ginseng tea for hb to drink cos he always study late then need to drink all these to kip him in gd health.

Wah spent me $300! bt then can ask for delivery since abv $200. Ask to deliver to ofc since I can't carry, 2 much. Then frm ofc I will slowly bring bit by bit hme lor.

ya maybe hiring a maid will better.. but anyone knows how much we have to pay upfront for hiring a maid? have to prepare... HB says from worst to worst have to take up loan from ez cash... that will be the last way liao, if still can afford, i wont wan to add another debt to our debt list...
Koh - I feel if these things cont on, u &amp; hb will nt hv peace.

U can try bringing them back bt then u ought to get a maid. Get Indo maid lor, cheaper + since u can speak Malay.

As for hb's course - wat course is he thinking of doing? Erm, nan dao, course is more impt than his kids? Or can he ask for SDF grant thru the Co? Is he eligible for tat?

Just wanna highlight to u, getting a maid is also nt cheap, it may come up to close to $1k cos of the salary, then levy per mth, then since maid + kids are ard, ur mktg costs may increase, then u also need to pay for her daily necessitites, maybe say $2 - 30 per mth? Maid alone may cost abt $500+ (300 + 200 + 30) So u hv to do ur sums correctly &amp; carefully b4 deciding.
Ah ger, not all gynaes will scan every visit leh, esp those in KKH. I dun have the congee button on my rice cooker. I always forget to monitor the fire and water always got spilled out using pot. Sigh... Natal did mentioned on their website that they cater to special rqt. EYS only have the 20% for today?

JC, aiya... think I better not try cooking porridge with rice cooker cos I dun have that button.

koh, I really pity your son leh. Poor boy...... Maybe your hb just finding excuse to avoid solving the prob, not that he doesnt trust you. Since your mil asked the god and the god said your son cant acknowledge both of you, why still ask you to bring him back??? They really contradicting leh. Maybe it's just all your sil's doings. Think got to pay 1st mth maid's salary, agency fee, levy, abt $1k outfront when get the maid. Indo maid's salary is abt $280-300 per mth, levy is $250 (cant rem), agency fee ($188-388?). You got to consider the maid's daily neccessities too leh, you must think that you got one more mouth to feed lor.

cherryale, if you feel tight, you can loosen the strap?

Koh....most of the agency require u to pay a upfront fees (or rather maid's salary)in advance for 6-7 mths. Which comes up to be 1k - 1.6k.
Agency fees range from $88 - $188.
So total u will need to pay abt maybe at most $2k
Thereafter, u will pay salary directly to ur maid..
As what i know....experience Indo maid is $280
non-experience is $230.

Dun worry expense will not cost up to $1k per mth. As for necessities ....only provide shampoo &amp; bath &amp; toothpaste. Other personal beauty item if she need she has to get for herself. Just give her basic item.

food wise....as per my experience. if u r not eating out very often. It shd not cost that much extra. A week marketing for a family abt $200-300.

I hope all this can help u in ur calcaulation.

Dun worry ...everything will go in place in no time.
